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Anonymous No. 808372

How can 1 person create this? How long would it take a beginner to hit this quality of modelling/animation?



The quality of Astartes animation are better than movies. His story telling is better than movies.

How can 1 person hit his quality, it like there is a team of people doing this.

Anonymous No. 808376

you will never reach his level



Anonymous No. 808377

Well, he mainly animates, that's his thing, the models are by other people and he only does some kitbashing minor modelling (not saying this in a condescending way).
He does a lot of motion capturing on his own, so weirdly enough one of his best skills that makes this feel so natural and good is his own body control - he really knows how to perfectly act like he's a two ton cryborg.
Btw, if you look at the bugbois in the video you posted you'll notice that the hormagaunts are pic related by Julio Nicoletti, pretty popular model with 3D printfags.

Anonymous No. 808378

10+ years of experience. But still, I feel like reeeing when I see how fast some people are, and on top of that how much time they spend daily working on their projects. I just can't physically pull off 10+ hour work days, fuck me. But that's what is expected of me in this industry. I bet I'll get roasted and get called weak for admitting this. I see asian 3D artists doing these gigantic scenes in a month and feel like crying.

Anonymous No. 808381

For starters, animating people in anatomically nonsensical power armor is a fuck ton easier than animating people in just about anything else. Not saying this guy isn't talented - he very clearly is - but no having to worry about getting muscles deforming right, not having to worry about sub-surface scattering on skin, not having to worry about facial expressions, and only having to be concerned about weight and momentum in regards to animating these guys is a huge time saver, as is the dark shadows, clouds of smoke, and flashes of light that eliminate virtually all need for detail in the cannon fodder.

Again, this guy is obviously really fucking good, but the real 'how' was in the planning

Anonymous No. 808383

You’re not gonna make it so you don’t need to worry about it. :)

Anonymous No. 808400

Workaholics are a plague to be honest.
Luckily i take 6months to make a model and I'm not changing my speed don't want to be someone that offs themselves at the computer like that super art guy did a few months ago.

Anonymous No. 808407

just stay away from blender and you'll get there eventually

Anonymous No. 808415

You are right, his real talent is not in the animating or other technicalities but the whole.
His style of direction, his framing/blocking, movement, editing, sound, the narrative, all these "little" things coming together as one - that's no small feat.
This dude is a true generalist who has a lot of knowledge and experience in many disciplines and he has mastered many.
What I absolutely adore is the focus and efficiency of it, there is not a single shot/detail shown in this work that is redundant, there is nothing that you can take away.

Anonymous No. 808425

>super art guy
Who was that?

Anonymous No. 808427

Michael Nash. https://www.artstation.com/mikeanash

I wouldn't put the blame on him, though. He seems to have been in an exploitative environment.

Anonymous No. 808431

yes that's what they do to workaholics they exploit them until they expire one way or another.
That also forces normal people into workaholism as well thinking they'll be fired.

Anonymous No. 808434

Skill, time, a clear vision for his project, and lots of patreon support.

You two are literal trash.

Anonymous No. 808436

There is a big difference between workaholics who invest hundreds of hours into their own passion projects like the guy in OP and those who just slave away for others.
I don't think Michael Nash had a lot of enjoyment for his work when making models, the Astartes guy has the time of his life turning his childhood autism hobby to life life.

Anonymous No. 808438

No problem for the astartes madman he's working for himself he can do what he pleases.
I'm specifically talking about working for companies.
Yeah clearly mike nash didn't enjoy it even though he was skilled enough to make his own company and attract people to him.

Anonymous No. 808464

>How can 1 person create this?
Through mastery of his art + by utilizing modern tools that make things easier.
Rest is just pure passion and attention to details.

Anonymous No. 808468

You’re not gonna make it lmao stop pretending you matter lol

Anonymous No. 808475

'nuff said

Anonymous No. 808496

videopix guy did it

Anonymous No. 808547

>better than movies
You haven't seen the output of top VFX houses in the last years then

Anonymous No. 808551

He knows the body, I liked the moment where marine puts down a gun and it felt that there was a lot of power to that gun. Because once it was placed it was more or less stationary and instead the body was doing adjustment movement to get a better look and body was compensating for a recoil, a fuckgueg body and relatively a small gun so to me this gun felt strong.

Anonymous No. 808571

this guy just got hired by Games Workshop

Anonymous No. 808574

Wut. Why would he choose that over making his own stuff, if he was getting paid well from his patrons?

Anonymous No. 808577

Cuz GW gave him an offer he cannot refuse.
Either accept or become a tranny.

Anonymous No. 808580

Because he's a fan? Hopefully he keeps creative control.

I don't know if GW is the type of company to make offers with a knife held behind their back. Given he's making lots of patreon money from their fandom and IP, refusing might invite a DMCA later on.

Anonymous No. 808583

>being a fan of a studio
>wanting to give up everything to work for your favorite bibeo gane producer
>become a slave
What's wrong with 3D artists and their unwillingness to become independent creators. To be their own boss and create unique personal artworks. One of the rare art fields where this is the case.

Anonymous No. 808585

Fan work of things your enjoy is fun to do and if you're getting official support and a job out of it, all the better. Making up your own 'original character do not steal' doesn't make you any more special.

Anonymous No. 808589

I'm pretty sure the money he got from GW was beyond enough to convince him.
He will probably get more of a creative director position by the looks of it, GW quite literally hired a studio and already produced a animated film which obviously emulates his style - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz8iJN9L5qA
They need him more than he needs them, he made the best advertisement for their company than they ever managed to do on their own.

Anonymous No. 808591

You're focusing on a wrong thing, I'm saying why would you prefer to work in a studio where you get little to no creative control, if you can create your own works. Ofc, IF you can earn money that way as well. Ok, maybe in his case he will retain some creative control, but generally speaking.

>Making up your own 'original character do not steal' doesn't make you any more special.
Imagine saying this to any musician, painter or a writer. Yeah sure, recreating other people's work is just as fun and fulfilling and should be treated the same as coming up with original work.

Anonymous No. 808594

>GW quite literally hired a studio and already produced a animated film which obviously emulates his style
I gotta correct my claim here, they're also an indie studio that made this as a fan film and GW hired them too.
All in all this might be a good thing, GW hiring nobodies who do it out of passion for their autism hobby instead of hiring a horde of Pajeets might actually mean they will be more open for the creatives and not cuck them.
I have some hope left.

Anonymous No. 808595

Well look at the guy who made the inquisitor short.
He then decided to make his own sci-fi universe and it's the most generic boring shit you can imagine. In fact it's so generic you haven't even heard of it.

Anonymous No. 808596


Anonymous No. 808607

... So? Just because it's hard to be original, it isn't worth trying? I respect his decision, even if the end product isn't that great. Where would we be if everyone thought like this...

Anonymous No. 808610

>Well look at the guy who made the inquisitor short.
The Inquisitor short was pretty shit tbqh.

Anonymous No. 808612

>Where would we be if everyone thought like this...
On Tumblr.

Anonymous No. 808619

Does nothing for me, but that's probably just because of Cringehammer.

Maybe you have to be 13 to enjoy this.



Anonymous No. 808632

Thanks for stopping by and posting your contrarian opinion that has nothing to do with the topic.

Anonymous No. 808635

>t. underage person

Anonymous No. 808643

Surfaces are a bit simplistic, no?

Anonymous No. 808650

Nobody normal cares about muh hyperrealism

Anonymous No. 808659

Instead of saying some empty words stolen from a motivational twitter post, go and look at his scifi creation then come back.

Anonymous No. 808662

All of the sudden? I thought normies love that shit.

Anonymous No. 808668

Origin Zero? I checked it out now. And you can continue thinking like a little 3d monkey cog replaceable production line artist, don't care. Playing it safe gud. Experimentation bad. Working for others gud. Creative freedom bad. Embrace corporate.

Anonymous No. 808674


Anonymous No. 808805

Well, now he is working for “Game’s Workshop”. They announced it today I think...

Anonymous No. 808912

He's gifted with the unique mindset of being able to dedicate to a project plus actually knowing the skills to do shit right