

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 835187

MMD counts as /3/ content right?

Anonymous No. 835188

I hate MMD, it tends to occlude XNALara models when I looking for it on DeviantArt

Anonymous No. 835191

>XNALara boomers and MMD zooms getting uppity on /3/
as if the daz general wasn't enough

Anonymous No. 835301

Sure, do you animate with mmd? What are you making?

Anonymous No. 835309

what do you do with MMD?

Anonymous No. 835311

I downloaded some MMD characters and imported them into blender

Anonymous No. 835470

no it doesn't, kys and ngmi

Anonymous No. 835474

e d g y

Anonymous No. 835485

back to twitter zoomzoom faggot



Anonymous No. 835934



Anonymous No. 836182

does no one know how do use mmd or why do they look so bad?

Anonymous No. 836745

I wonder why most people (especially Japs) use MMD for animating. Its multiple time worse than SFM for god sake.

Anonymous No. 836774

MMD softbody sims, flaky and shaky as always.


Koro; Armageddon.jpg

Anonymous No. 836784

It's bad with soft bodies like hair or clothes
It's not bad for animations outside of that but ti does have it's problems so I use it mostly as image poser

Anonymous No. 837007

The soft bodies aren't even that bad. It looks bad because they are combining soft body sims with 10 year old canned animations that look like ass.

Also, MDD ray traced rendering looks nothing like this. I'm pretty sure this was done in blender.

Anonymous No. 837596

I kinda like the jankiness of mmd

Anonymous No. 837611

Go to /e/ or /h/



Anonymous No. 837724

OP is a faggot

Anonymous No. 839248

>Also, MDD ray traced rendering looks nothing like this. I'm pretty sure this was done in blender.
I just used the ray plugin, messed with light values and location of the sun
Then I had to stick red rectangle of light over the alert once I realized it was dark
If you want I can post links to all four things I used for this

Anonymous No. 839256

Too smooth for MMD. That has to be mocapped.



Anonymous No. 839329

mocap is a tool that can be used in MMD, the GOAT of all times animation software.

Anonymous No. 839334

How do I make an anime avatar you faggot?



Anonymous No. 839378

ANy guide on transferring mocap files to mmd?