

๐Ÿงต Redpill me on using "professional" software

Anonymous No. 836433

I use primarily blender for 90% of my work, mainly due to familiarity. What should I switch to/add, and what are the reasons to do so?

I've been considering Maya since it's more hireable, and I already started using ZBrush, but it's dogshit user interface makes learning it a chore.

Anonymous No. 836434

>but it's dogshit user interface makes learning it a chore.

Anonymous No. 836435

>Redpill me on using "professional" software

Anonymous No. 836436

you cannot convince me it doesn't have the most unintuitive UI out of any 3D program.

Anonymous No. 836443

It is what it is. Bitching about it won't change anything.

Anonymous No. 836451

First of all, it depends on what you are trying to achieve and second, I use blender at my work and have no complaints from higher ups and coworkers. As long as I'm exporting it in a format the others can use.

Anonymous No. 836464


Anonymous No. 836468

substance painter / designer / mari if you want to texture
cinema for advertising / mograph
houdini if you want to do houdini things

but y'know, pick something and focus

Anonymous No. 836472

if you faggots spent as much time working on CGI as you do on your dumb software war discussions here maybe you'd actually make it.
Everything is fucking pirateable, just grab something and start working.

Anonymous No. 836485

blender is totally fine, but a couple of years ago i tried to open skinned meshes inside of blender for some reason and they where all fucked up, but this was years ago, perhaps now its easyer to work with multiple programs with your peers. but if you are presenting a plain model or you are alrady exporting your rig , its perfectly fine



Anonymous No. 836505

app wars what a bore

Anonymous No. 836929

Professional technical artist here. The only reason crappy, bloated things like maya and max are still around is because the industry started with them, and made all their tools and pipelines accordingly. So now they can't switch to blender because thousands of scritpts they wrote for their maya/max workflow(for example auto rigging stuff, max to unreal exproters) will become useless.

Anonymous No. 836931


Anonymous No. 836933

that is the dumbest thing i've read today

Anonymous No. 836937

Sorry, I wasn't aware of this particular rule that said dumb things and truth are mutually exclusive.



Anonymous No. 836938

you're not speaking the truth. maya and max are hands down better software than fucking blender, and shitposting like you do won't change that.

Anonymous No. 836939

No you fuking morron, if you want to work (make money with a software) you HAVE to pay for it.

Anonymous No. 836940

Imagine getting mad at other people just because you're butthurt you paid for something while others can do the same thing for free.

Anonymous No. 836943

Open source exists



Anonymous No. 836944

i didn't pay for shit, i use pirated 3ds max - and it's a far greater experience than my ~1500 hours in blender before that. not a single bug to date (several in blender), performance is perfectly smooth (shit in blender) and the modifiers especially are way better than blenders. you're not a "professional technical artist", you have no idea what you're talking about and you will never amount to anything.

Anonymous No. 837037

>pirated autodesk software
So you don't work on the industry is just a retarded hobbyst

Anonymous No. 837040



Anonymous No. 837041

