
Screenshot (312).png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 839221

Bruh why does Blender keep travelling to the multiverse when i go to move something

Anonymous No. 839223

Learn to use the program.

Anonymous No. 839278

What’s with all the shitters trying to edit someone else’s models these days



Anonymous No. 839282

>blender is just liie marvel!!!

Anonymous No. 839297

>move Selected items
well, hazard a guess.

Anonymous No. 839314

>gona go thanos on you ass!


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Anonymous No. 839316

(Forgot the stupid picture)

Anonymous No. 839625

That's all they can do. Why do you think you see so much trash tier mods and shitty model ports with the worst rigging known to man?
It was some retard like this who is incapable of basic communication without some sort of meme.

Anonymous No. 839627

its a blender shitter what else do they fuckin do

Anonymous No. 839628

I am a blender shitter myself, this has nothing to do with software and everything to do with lack of self awareness.

Anonymous No. 839665

god Enel is electricity dumbass, you're moving each electron