

🧵 Why the hate for Blender

Anonymous No. 839761

I'm new here (been lurking for a few days) and every single time I'm here everyone hates on blender even though it's pretty good for beginner stuff and surprisingly powerful when used by pros

So why the hate?

Anonymous No. 839762


Anonymous No. 839763

You mean like beginners or just regular autists

Anonymous No. 839764

we hate on the annoying blender shills who pretend their hobbyist software is on par or better than programs used in the actual VFX industry
there is nothing wrong with the software itself, it's great when you need to learn the fundamentals of 3D

Anonymous No. 839765




Anonymous No. 839769

They are afraid it will take their jobs, and another thing is the sheer amount of low quality production just like pic related.

Everyone started somewhere.

Anonymous No. 839770

because blendlets are insecure garbage people who shit up any /3/ related content across the internet with dumb software wars.

Anonymous No. 839774

Imagine GIMP users incessantly insisting that it can do everything Photoshop can do and that there's no reason to use Photoshit, and repeatedly telling you to use GIMP, over and over again, and saying LOL IMAGINE PAYING A UTILITY BILL FOR PHOTOSHOP even though you've been using pirate copies your entire life.

Same thing.

Anonymous No. 839778

>low quality
That's just outsider kino

Anonymous No. 839779

What blender can't do that 3d max or maya can?

Anonymous No. 839796

You stupid idiot,
blender is used by the industry.

the new Evangelion movie was made in Bleder
suck dick

Anonymous No. 839797


It's not a matter of what it can't do. It's a matter of what it can do right. And it doesn't do much right outside of poly modeling.

Anonymous No. 839798

The board is filled to the brim with failed underachievers who in their bitterness get incredibly cranky about anything and anyone getting successful. Just ignore their incoherent rambling and move on.

Anonymous No. 839813

see, this is what I'm talking about.. blendlets pretending their hobby software is on par with industry standard while it was probably used by unpaid interns for UV unwrapping or some other primitive thing like that while 95% of the work was made in other software

Anonymous No. 839814


watch this, familiarize yourself with their portfolio and shut the fuck up forever

Anonymous No. 839815

2 types of people use Blender:

- Pro's who have decades of experience in other 3D software and are underwhelmed by Blender capacities.
- Noobs who spent zero hours in other 3D software and are completely blown away by Blender's capacities.

The Pro's then try to explain to the Noobs that Blender is not it's all cracked up to be.
The Noobs try to explain to the Pro's that Blender is the greatest 3D software on the planet.

It's unfair to call it a bad software because of course it can't compete with other 3D programs which have been around for decades and are worth billions. And it's unfair to call it the best software out there when people who say this have zero experience with the alternatives.

Anonymous No. 839846


you fags keep playing the industry LARP game, none of you actually have a job on the 3DCG industry. you're a just a bunch of apes shitting on eachother's software

t. board tourist


blendlets, get bent.jpg

Anonymous No. 839859

Blender is not the problem, your kind is.
Now fuck off back whence you came or apologize and learn Houdini.

Anonymous No. 839877

I have been using it to make models and animation for some modding and it works, great... maybe you have other expectations, for me it works just fine.

Anonymous No. 839900

Hello. /3/ shouldnt be used for serious inquiries. Check the wip threads and you'll see that no one here really knows what they are doing. This place is more for shitposting at the moment. A better question would be where you can get better answers for the question you asked.

Anonymous No. 839906

The problem is, this board UNIRONICALLY has an entire fucking brigade of absolute autists, who DONT EVEN 3D MODEL OR USE PROGRAMS who come here, just to spam about how good blender is, what blender can do, false flag blender attacks, and the like.

I seriously have no idea what the fuck these retards are doing with their time.

Blender's alright, I use it because I'm used to it. I used Maya at one point, but I just couldn't get the hang of it. I'm a hobbyist too, so yeah, whatever.

Anonymous No. 839909

that is the 2.79 and earlier cringe. Modern blender is better and on par with cringe like 3ds max.

Anonymous No. 839910

inb4 we find out OP is a Unity cultist too.

Anonymous No. 839936

>another of your favorite youtube channels moves to shoveling "Blender 2.9! How to do ANYTHING in Blender 2.9! Blender!! WOW" garbage content for the shekels
life is suffering

Anonymous No. 839939

The projection in that post is off the fucking scales.

Anonymous No. 839959


Blender is nowhere as good as Max.

Anonymous No. 839960

I just want see the day where blender makes some massive improvements.

Anonymous No. 839969

Next iconic horror game villain.

Anonymous No. 839970

You won't ever see that day simply because you don't want to see it.

Anonymous No. 839978

It's not Blender that most anon's hate. It's a vocal part of the Blender community that shits up every thread on /3/, every comment section on Youtube, and social media in general with absolute nonsense about the capabilities of Blender. A lot of the responsibility for this behavior comes from Ton and the persecution complex he has developed.

Anonymous No. 839986

it is always improving
but the devs are retarded in that they think the atrocious performance is not a issue.

Anonymous No. 840004

It's true and everyone here knows it.

Anonymous No. 840007

If you've used both then you would know. Industry software has better performance and compatibility with other software than blender.



Anonymous No. 840045

How i can fix this ???

Anonymous No. 840088

delete system 32

Anonymous No. 840116

can you upload this blend file?

Anonymous No. 840118

2.8 is for retards, use 2.79b



Anonymous No. 840126

people get mad when they paid for a 3d art degree and pay for a "industry" program and then someone dabs on them with free software

Anonymous No. 840137

alt f4 should do it

Anonymous No. 840140

Because people like you keep making shit threads about it instead of posting your work and discussing that

Anonymous No. 840209

Show me one great Blender artist that is doing that. IMHO it has nothing to do with that.
Yes most art schools are shit - tell me something new.
There are tons of self-learned artists that run circles around "trained" 3D artist, no matter the software.
There are also tons of artist with experience in the industry using "industry" programs that run circles around self-declared Blender-pros.
Actual great artists rarely play that stupid tribal software wars game - because they know what they are able to do and what role the tools plays.
No, Blender-hate comes 100% from interaction with shitty fanboys. The same source where hate for other software comes from. People hate on snobby assholes that pretend to be in some exclusive club/tribe that is better than your club/tribe.
Simple as that.

Anonymous No. 840222

>People hate on snobby assholes that pretend to be in some exclusive club/tribe that is better than your club/tribe.
Simple as that.

so contradictory and you don't even realize lol

Anonymous No. 840223

How is that contradictory? It cuts both ways.
I am a Blender user and I don't think Blender is shit nor is the hate for the software justifiable.
Do I hate fanboys in general - yes, absolutely. All of them.
I have also extensive knowledge of Maya and C4d. Autodesk and Maxon definitely deserve hate for their corporate overlord mentality, but those tools are not shit either.
All I am saying is don't fall into that stupid tribal mentality - its not useful in the long run.

Anonymous No. 840227

okay I actually agree with you anon, I just enjoy shitposting. I only use blender cause I'm a poorfag and it does what I need it to. It really is just a tool, same with all the other programs. people making cool stuff on cheap and expensive rigs and people making soulless shite on them as well.

people made good shit on lightwave 3d

cheers m8

Anonymous No. 841028

Blender is fine. Maya is worthless now since blender is better than it in almost every way and Zbrush is quickly losing ground against it. That's what makes people seethe the most, I think.

Anonymous No. 841029

you've literally never completed a single impressive asset

Anonymous No. 841030

I did the donut.

Anonymous No. 841052

In Blender?
So you did one ultra noob tutorial in Blender and nothing else but you think you have the experience and knowledge to judge Maya and ZBrush?

Anonymous No. 841054

i think it’s rather dumb to assume everyone here is some industry bigwig and i think for most hobbyists and people who aren’t working with a bajillion dollars budget for a movie i think it’s rather good. and all the new features make it substantially stand out from the other 3DCG programs imo
tl;dr we are very much all losers and if you are a beginner please try blender it’s good

Anonymous No. 841055


Blender is actually better than Maya for modeling and sculpting. It's UV workflow is better than Max's. It's a perfectly valid software for creating game assets.

Stop sucking industry standard cock. It doesn't mean shit in terms of quality, it just means it's more compatible with other industry standard software but that doesn't make the tools any better.

Anonymous No. 841056


The world's biggest corporations wouldn't fund it if it was just some hobby software. If you ever worked in a game company (protip: You never did that, you're using cracked autodesk software at home), you'd know that many many studios allow their 3d artists to make their assets in blender, and plenty of them do it because it's a much more pleasant software to use in that regard.

I used them all, Max, Maya, Softimage and Modo. And Blender in it's current state is just as valid as the rest.

Anonymous No. 841187

It's anime they use 3d for backgrounds blender being used in eva literally means some fucking buildings were painted over for backgrounds they it's fucking nothing it's background art



Anonymous No. 841202

> doesn't even have a drag n drop shader library window by default
> muh it's just as good, u just have to install 100 add-ons

go back

Anonymous No. 841203

How many threads like these have been opened on /3/? 1000? 10,000? All of you are NGMI if you continue focusing on software instead of skills.

Anonymous No. 841205

> muh it's just as good, u just have to install 100 add-ons

The absolute same applies to 3DS max. UV addons (because Max's uv tools are equally shit without addons, especially the unwrap algorithm), an addon to circularize components, an addon for better rigging tools because they suck, an addon for proper shrink wrap because the conform brush is shit and useless for anything complex.

You also need addons in Maya for even basic stuff such as selecting hard edges, weighted normals and less shitty modeling tools.

Every pro uses plugins with their software because it's going to be lacking for them in one way or another. I'm not using more plugins in Blender than I'm using in Max or Maya.

Anonymous No. 841211


Hi game dev from before blender release.

After all the most of here are idiots, who never worked realy with a outpout that can be selled.

Blender is just a false understanding of what you have to do. There are elemental diffrences on building up a model and blender uses a very simple kind of smooth so every idiot can make a smooth surface with simple clicks.

You simple cant compare it to other CAD or Modeling software that simple.
- Maya is most similar to blender because the "curving" is kinda NURBS-modelling too. For a good understanding try Rhino3D. In Maya and Rhino you can desolve the smoothing and know whats behind the surfacing. It is good for calculation for raytracing and animations like movies.
- Autodesk (besides Maya) try with diffrent kind, because to work on a interface to CAD and when you work only with Autodesk you can archieve great things. But this is a whole other level of design. You simple cant use blender like this, because there you have a whole physical calculation behind. Or you need to mill a form from a block. This cant be done with blender or Maya...
- If you want to learn a well working and animated design for video games, try to use Fragmotion. It is very old, but there you know realy how it works. The newer software, like with motion captures work very simular to this old things. But this is not like Maya because there is the thing to stretch surfaces and bend them, to make it look good. This works well on calculations direct on PC but not on serversided things

Anonymous No. 841230

If you want to get a job in the industry, what is best - blender or maya?

Anonymous No. 841233

Having good art to show off.

Anonymous No. 841237

but for example you cant *make* good sims in blender, it just wont work

Anonymous No. 841239

Reading this tread, I can't tell who is worse. Blenderhaters or Blenderfags. I think both are fucking retard brainlets



Anonymous No. 841360

>Blender is just a false understanding of what you have to do.

Anonymous No. 841403

>tribe tribe tribe
Jew detected.

Anonymous No. 843546

1 Blender is impossible to traverse. I have been a spoiled lightwave user since age 11 and yet I cannot stand this program. I hate stupid fucking blender. I just want to create numeric panels for a cube. I don't want to have to knife it or anything.
I can't even texture on anything.

2 Blender fans suck. I can't stand these people. They act like Blender is the most revolutionary thing ever when all it is is just is just free.

Anonymous No. 843551

You dont want to use the knife too there. You just have to get gud

Anonymous No. 843566

Tangent Animation


Stay mad.jpg

Anonymous No. 843678

>Show me one great Blender artist that is doing that

Anonymous No. 843730

I started using Blender to make animated shitposts with character models imported from other games, lmao.

Anonymous No. 843788

Ian Hubert and Gleb Alexandrov dance circles around 99.9% of artists in the industry. I GUARANTEE I could dance circles around ANY Maya artist on this board and I've done so at places I've worked at. That being said, I still think it's 30% the tools you use and 70% your artistic eye. A good artist will make something good with almost any tool

Anonymous No. 843790

Ian is a good artist and a good person, he would never shit-talk about another artist or another program or behave like an insufferable asshole like the fucking retarded piece of shit that this idiotic meme-phrase is from.
Try again retard.
Also if Ian would get his act together and would learn and use Houdini and Clarisse in combination with Blender, his work would immediately become much better in terms of quality and complexity.
He is constantly sidestepping around his own limitations as well as the limitations of Blender.
Its not overly obvious because he is dazzling the viewer with tons of details, but he is kinda squandering his full potential.

Anonymous No. 843793

so what have you actually made that anyone gives half a crap about mr "i dance circles around you"?

I'll wait

Anonymous No. 843794

>I GUARANTEE I could dance circles around ANY Maya artist on this board
Words are empty, nobody gives a shit about your assurance of quality, just show your work.



Anonymous No. 843795

Ask and you shall receive good sirs. I made this landscape here. not the best, but I've done my part now. I'd really like you to show me something you've made that's better

Anonymous No. 843797

>so what have you actually made that anyone gives half a crap about
>posts a procedural landscape without characters and can be made in 30 min with procedural multifractal displacement

Anonymous No. 843805

I am not really a Maya artist, I am only dabbling with the software for fun, I am actually mostly a Blender artist calling your bluff for shits and giggles.
But give me a moment and I maybe find something that I did in Maya a while back when I was using it more often, it'll take a while, I might have to render it out again.



Anonymous No. 843813



Anonymous No. 843814

Lmaooo characters are boring and I like making landscapes. 30 minutes you say? lets see you make something better in an hour. stay mad.
yeah I know you're calling my bluff. I aint bluffin tho. Here's another landscape. I love landscapes



Anonymous No. 843815

Ok, here you have it. A low effort, low sample rate WIP rendering without proper illumination, just using a blurry HDRI.

Anonymous No. 843816

>lazy procedural clouds, trees, sky CHECK
>lazy instancing of the main object (NO variation)



Anonymous No. 843817

And another one.
Not too shabby. But the composition is all over the place - wtf is that green thing in the background, a gigantic tree?



Anonymous No. 843818

Anonymous No. 843820

metal gear fan?

Anonymous No. 843829

I wouldn't call myself a fan, I enjoyed the games but also found a lot to criticise - does the design remind you of equipment from Metal Gear? Which one? The smaller spider like bots from MGS4?
If anything I am more inspired by the designs from Masamune Shirow, like Appleseed and the Ghost in the Shell universe.

Anonymous No. 843839

this is better than 99% of the stuff i see on this board lol how come you don't post here more often

Anonymous No. 843841

its poorly textured, anon.

Anonymous No. 843845

I post here very often, but i don't post my work that often because I don't want it to be associated with 4chan.
Yeah, I know, this might be a fucking paranoid way of thinking but this place has turned into a mental asylum and you never know what's gonna happen in 5-10 years. I don't want an angry twitter mob come down all over my social media accounts because I once posted shit on a "Nazi forum".
If you can be a little more specific, I might take your criticism seriously, or are you the guy who is supposed to be dancing around me but suddenly went silent? (I wonder why?)

Anonymous No. 843875

haha that guy criticizing it isnt me lmaoo you cant tell cuz we're all anonymous muaHAHAHAHHA. Nah I get it I mean this place was a mental asylum 5 years ago but I just post my work here cuz no one knows or cares who I am and IDGAF honestly. I HIGHLY doubt any angry twitter mob will go after me anytime soon lol




>so this is the power of blender

Anonymous No. 843879

I know a couple people who work with 3D design as a career. they love blender. Maybe people just hate on anything thats an easy target for being free or accessible.

Anonymous No. 843880

its not industry standard.

Anonymous No. 843881

blender may be free, but my time isn't. It feels like a fancy Italian sports car with square stone wheels.

Anonymous No. 843888

Yeah, its pure paranoia - because I don't even have social media accounts (at least none that are directly connected to my real name) So i should probably also DGAF.
Having an angry twitter mob going after you should be considered an honourable recognition of your state as human being, because these twitter birds are just retarded NPC's.

Anonymous No. 843972

File -> Preferences -> User Preferences -> Add-ons (Official) -> Rubber Wheels (click Round checkbox as well)

I don't know why the rubber wheels aren't on by default but they come shipped with the car.

Anonymous No. 843995

Free is irrelevant to us, everything is free if you don't use it commercially

Anonymous No. 843998

I am not home, what's this

Anonymous No. 844261

started with maya over 15 years ago. today i love blender. f maya.

Anonymous No. 844262

buh muh subscription fees reeeee

Anonymous No. 844424

Would you guys who hate Blender say it does game dev good enough at least? If not, what advantages would you get from another software?



Anonymous No. 844429

>Mic pics up every click of the tongue and separation of lips
>Computer keyboard clicks like a Sperm whale call
>Disgusting german/french accent
>”And to complete this, we’re going to have to enable the poop shit addon created by scrimblo bimblo, which you can find at cum road”

Anonymous No. 844482

Whats houdini actually for? I think it can do sfx well but thats all i know

Anonymous No. 844488

whats your use case?



Anonymous No. 844519

600+ Maya jobs

0 Blender Jobs

Anonymous No. 844524

where are you looking?

Anonymous No. 844549

you dont have a job

Anonymous No. 844644

t. faggot using the same software from 40 years ago with incremented version numbers while paying $10,000/month subscription. dont kid yourself.

Anonymous No. 844662

>while paying $10,000/month subscription. dont kid yourself.
says the retard that can't even properly copy and paste the factual correct number and needs a massive hyperbole and fallacies in order to make his argument look good, ignoring indie licenses and the fact that many people just fucking pirate the software.
If your ironic shitposting is meant to look Blender shills / fanboys look stupid, then you reached your goal.

Anonymous No. 844669

do any of you guys here actually use pirated software for commercial work?

Anonymous No. 844672

Noobs hate thinking.

Anonymous No. 844674

I did, but its not my problem if my boss doesn't pay for the tools and rather install pirated versions.
I also did a couple of times as a freelancer, but this was because of money and shedule problems, I did got a license immediately afterwards.
I wouldn't recommend it, unless you live in a 3rd world country where there are no serious consequences.

Anonymous No. 844675

It has the pitfalls of open source software with internal bullheaded politics. It took them fucking years to finally adopt the industry standard left click, right click workflow. Blender never seemed to actually care about being easy to adopt or learn. It could've been a streamlined Maya and beat Autodesk at their game but instead decided to go full autistic screeching whenever professionals complained about the workflow. Modern Blender is finally correcting some of these mistakes but fuck me if I wouldn't rather pay for the Maya Indie license and have a product that works.

Anonymous No. 844677

yea i was thinking of the same process too
pirate software now, earn money, then buy a license
i do live in 3rd world country, so guess i can do this with no serious consequence

Anonymous No. 844678

what are you pirating? Marvelous and zbrush?

Anonymous No. 844686

this post glows

Anonymous No. 844688

yes mr. fed, you'll not stop me from stealing shitty software hidden behind an elaborated scam scheme. now go back to your headquarters

Anonymous No. 846601

>adopt the industry standard left click, right click workflow

I still use right-click so go dilate.