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Anonymous No. 839771

How do you texture, light, and render properly when your monitors black isn't even close to black because you bought it in 2013 and its a TN?

Anonymous No. 839775

Dial it in so that you can see every part of the dynamic range as well as is possible on your device
Peridically sanity check your renders by comparing the histogram/levels of each channel in your rendering to see how they compare to professional images of your liking.

While it is a handicap to have a cheapo monitor it's not the end of the world, well composed images should look good on all devices including 2013 monitors.
Remember that people worked CGI on hardware way less impressive than what you have and back in the 90's even a budget monitor from the 2010's that would've been hot shit.


CC Grayscale Web.jpg

Anonymous No. 839777

>Dial it in so that you can see every part of the dynamic range as well as is possible on your device

This image can help you out to figure if you are off. If you can see the difference between all fields you're gold in terms of whitepoint/blackpoint even if your monitor is a bit washed out in true blacks. If not tinker with your settings til you can discern as much as possiblem.