

🧵 CG Peers is ruining my life

Anonymous No. 840156

Whose dick am I supposed to suck to get a fucking invite? I am so done by this elitist club of coursefags circlejerking to their sacral knowledge and leaving us, poor peasants, just a few breadcrumbs in form of the most mainstream outdated shit tutorials surfacing on torrent trackers. I am ready to sell my asshole and assholes of my successors for 20 fucking generations, just give me an invite, pleaaaaaseee!!!!11!11!!!
Fuck CG Peers I want to be registered chad myself so bad! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Anonymous No. 840157


Anonymous No. 840160

Says invalid

Anonymous No. 840161

>just give me an invite

Anonymous No. 840166

I'm just downloading from cgpersia and rutracker

Anonymous No. 840167

Why doesn't cgpersia have torrent uploads

Anonymous No. 840168

probably someone redeemed it already. how do you redeem it btw?

Anonymous No. 840169

what's the difference from both? is cgpersia like worse or smth?

Anonymous No. 840170

cgpersia uploads to file sharing websites

Anonymous No. 840171


Anonymous No. 840193

it's a pain because they upload the files to garbage file sharing sites in 10-20 parts and they all take hours to download

Anonymous No. 840196

It's not a problem if you're willing to spend a little bit of money, you can make a huge list with all the shit you need then you can buy a membership for one of those websites like LinkSnappy that let you download at premium speed from every file host (LS is like 5 dollars for a week) and then you download everything you need in a day or two (I do this like every 6 months or so). Another protip: alfafile is considerably faster than the other filehosts they upload to (it takes me 20 minutes to download a 1gb file compared to rapishare's 3 hours) but it only lets you download about 5 (or 6) files per day, which isn't a problem because the limit can be circumvented by resetting your IP.

Anonymous No. 840197

Honestly a rapidgator account is only like 10 bucks for a terabyte or something right? Worth the investment.

Anonymous No. 840214

buying an invite is like 15-50$

Anonymous No. 840379

didn't even know I could invite people, but sites full apparently so they don't accept new invites.

Anonymous No. 840452


Anonymous No. 840455

literally just google "buy cgpeers invite" and you'll find like a dozen sites. *some* of them allegedly work and not just scam your money

Anonymous No. 840563

idk what to tell you
rtfm on search engines I guess
cgp isnt the one and only solution to all things /3/

Anonymous No. 840577

Why do you guys treat CGP as if it was such a big deal?


download (1).gif

Anonymous No. 840614

Fuck off we're full.

Anonymous No. 840695

>It's not a problem if you're willing to spend a little bit of money.
It is. Otherwise spend money on cg peers for an invite. Which is like... What the whole fucking thread is about.

Anonymous No. 840696

patience bro
usually they open invites twice a year, once during summer (northern hemisphere) and by the end of the year

Anonymous No. 840708

Seriously add me on discord and I’ll tell you how to get invite

Anonymous No. 840710

lololololol lmao

Anonymous No. 840714




Anonymous No. 840726

It feels so good.

Anonymous No. 840733

I'm really drunk so I'm willing to help out. I'm not sure how to private message you anon. I want to help out you and anyone else looking for cgpeers stuff. I honestly think I got insanely fucking lucky getting it before it closed registration but I want to help out.

Anonymous No. 840736

well, I guess you are not drunk already, but if the offer is open, we can get in contact. If you are doing cg stuff like 2d or 3d art, could be also cool to stay in contact and work on portfolio together! My only friends are cg art nolifers I met online

Anonymous No. 840745

i guess if you like miners / trojans

Anonymous No. 840753

how did you kn... oh, minErs. never mind

Anonymous No. 840784
