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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 844517

I want to make tutorials, I want them blender bucks, what would you guys like to see in tutorials, what format/style do you think works best? How do I get maximum profits without feeling like a Jew.

Anonymous No. 844520

>How do I get maximum profits
You need to focus your tuts on beginners with attention deficit who will NGMI in the first place, and make content like this, with zoomer personality and bad jokes:


You may or may not lose your soul in the process, depending how degenerate you are in the first place.

Anonymous No. 844522

make tutorial on how to get blener for windows 7 :(

Anonymous No. 844559

people eat the shit out of anime/ghibli style tutorials.

Anonymous No. 844582

I like long multipart tutorials the most, if you wanna hew your audience you should do selfcontained "absolute beginner" garbage tho

Anonymous No. 844585

Make sure your voice is also at least somewhat energetic, you could have a great tutorial but if you sound more like a teacher than a youtuber no one will listen

Anonymous No. 844597



Anonymous No. 844602


Anonymous No. 844655

3ds Max 2022 and Maya 2022.1 works in windows 7. Why that garbage cant?

Anonymous No. 844657

Because Autodesk stays adherent to the VFX Reference Platform model, while the BF doesn't give a shit.

Anonymous No. 844680

>VFX Reference Platform
>BF doesn't give a shit
maybe they do too much...?

VFX RP draft for 2022 selected Python 3.9.x which doesn't support Windows 7 thanks to
>PEP 11 -- Removing support for little used platforms
lol, "little used", only upwards of 100M computers still running it
(they say it's because of MS Visual Studio support for older versions of OS)

Since BF moved to LTS release schedule. Currently there are two active versions:
2.83 LTS (released June 2020, supported till June 2022) - legacy
2.93 LTS (released June 2021, supported till June 2023) - front page

2.93 uses python 3.9 internally which made BF drop win7 support. So if BF wants LTSs to keep up with
reference platform they need to switch to 3.9. Although they would do that anyway.

tl:dr just use 2.83 LTS if you are still on win7, blame Microsoft

Anonymous No. 844986

make NPR tutorials

Anonymous No. 845024

Which tuts will make sure I have at least a chance and the basis to make it?

Anonymous No. 845102

this but unironically
put it on pornhub

Anonymous No. 846405

Make coom tutorials

Anonymous No. 846643

>You need to focus your tuts on beginners with attention deficit who will NGMI in the first place, and make content like this, with zoomer personality and bad jokes

This. The most successful tutorial produce make absolute beginner shit. Don't waste your time going in-depth or covering anything complex, just give idiot-proof guides to doing various things in blender.

Don't teach sculpting, don't teach modelling a character that looks any better than Quake 2, if Quake 2's texture artists were 12 year olds.

Oh, and if you talk about rendering anything, make sure it's EEVEE becuause NGMI's have shitty computers and don't want to wait more than 5 minutes for a render.

Tell them how AMAZINGLY FAST this despite the fact that the same scene imported into Unreal Engine will render at 120fps.

Anonymous No. 846705

Not enough sculpt tutorials. Teach me how to sculpt coomer girls on blender.

Anonymous No. 846729

If you can't draw an attractive female in 2D, you won't be able to do it in 3D either.