

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 844701

>buy paper and pencil
>draw until good

>have high-end rig
>buy/pirate software worth thousands of dollars
>buy/pirate courses worth hundreds of dollars
>spend hundreds of hours troubleshooting software problems
>master at least 3 different areas (modelling, texturing, lighting) to produce anything decent looking

Anonymous No. 844706


Only thing you need is the drive to get better everyday. Doesnt matter if you are a hobbyist or professional regardless of how you acquired said software and tutorials. Its what seperates the faggots from the chads. What your pic tells me you are one of those faggots.

Anonymous No. 844707

>have high-end rig
Every 3D DCC works fine on anything that isn't a literal toaster
>buy/pirate software worth thousands of dollars
Blender, the free version of Zbrush, and the student licenses of Max and Maya exist
>buy/pirate courses worth hundreds of dollars
Free courses exist and aren't a hard requirement to begin with
>spend hundreds of hours troubleshooting software problems
The user being an idiot isn't a software problem
>master at least 3 different areas (modelling, texturing, lighting) to produce anything decent looking
You mean like you need to learn line flow, anatomy, color theory, and lighting theory in drawing?

Just admit that you're a defeatist little bitch NGMI instead of coming up with a strawman narrative about how totally unfair and steep the accessibility curve is for 3DCG that can be turned around on you just as easily, retard

Anonymous No. 844708

Well said anon, both 2d and 3d are difficult to master, and neither is worse than the other overall

Anonymous No. 845054

>use your gaming PC
>40$ tablet
this is all you need

Anonymous No. 845057

Coming from 2d, 3d has been way easier to learn so far. Learning a software is a bit tedious but straightforward, unlike anything in drawing. Drawing is one of the hardest things I've ever tried to learn, I'd say only getting a degree in pure maths was on par in difficulty.

Anonymous No. 845116

Noob here, what are tablets used for? Sculpting?

Anonymous No. 845118

>pure maths
Do you enjoy being impoverished or did you actually make it big in any of these?

Anonymous No. 845121

Primarily, yes.
But if you want the true self-sustaining artist experience, you can learn 2d, and then draw your own characters and reference images and make models from them

Anonymous No. 845126

tell that to notch lul

Anonymous No. 845180

sculpting but they also can be useful for texture painting too



Anonymous No. 846747

My pirated zbrush and blender runs on 2011 integrated intel graphics, celeron and 6 gigs of ddr3

Anonymous No. 846755

>>draw until good
yeah 90% never get really good, at least not good enough.
Also 3D>2D



Anonymous No. 847038

>drawing is eas-

Anonymous No. 847088

it's more like
>download latest zbrush
>watch one 10 minute UI-introduction-video
>draw until good

Anonymous No. 847096

2D is way harder, but yes a lot easier to get into.

Anonymous No. 847102

>model until good

>have many tools
>buy/pirate software worth thousands of dollars
>buy/pirate courses worth hundreds of dollars
>spend hundreds of hours troubleshooting software problems
>master at least 3 different areas (lineart, coloring, shading) to produce anything decent looking

OP, you can write like that about anything. It's a lot of information, but if you don't even start, you're not going to improve. You have to do the things you're not comfortable with to grow, doing the things you already know might make you never improve

Anonymous No. 847113

Back in my day we had to read the fucking manual and figure things out on our own. Fucking zoomers can't do anything without a tutorial.