

๐Ÿงต anthro/furry 3D thread

Anonymous No. 846669

I am unfortunately making another one since the last one got archived.

Anonymous No. 846670




Anonymous No. 846867

Why does almost every furry model look so weird and soulless? I've seen a really few that dont look like pic related

Anonymous No. 846870

Because furries are degenerates anon.
And degenerates can't into creativity.

Anonymous No. 846877

Because the majority in the 2020s is only in for the money now and the well is already running dry


images - 2021-08-....jpg

Anonymous No. 846891

I mean, it depends.
If it's not for fetish purposes (which is what mostly motivates people to make 3d anthro art) it can actually be soulful.

It's just that porn is the main reason why people turn into furries.

Anonymous No. 846897

that would look 9001 times better in 2d

Anonymous No. 846902

Prove it anon.

Anonymous No. 846907

One word

Anonymous No. 846910

That doesn't prove anything.
Caricature can be done in 3D just as well as 2D.
Now post proof or get out.



Anonymous No. 846930




Anonymous No. 846937

well here we go

Anonymous No. 846940

who are your guys favorite 3d animators in the scene

i like ruaidri



Anonymous No. 846941

Coom can be beautiful, when it comes from the heart.


one character doi....png

Anonymous No. 846942

who are your guys favorite nsfw 3D animators

i like ruaidri



Anonymous No. 846947

I got this one done Im just waiting for the guy to rig it.I think it looks pretty good. Cant wait to animate with it

Anonymous No. 846951

>Because the majority in the 2020s is only in for the money now

Big truth.
Even mediocre artists have patreons at this point. Almost nothing is produced purely for the sake of enjoyment anymore.

On top of that, deviantart, furaffinity, and other big 2000's gallery sites are almost irrelevant now. Popularity is gained on twitter, and twitter is a numbers game that pushes everyone on it to act like like they have a 'brand' to maintain, lest they lose followers.

Anonymous No. 846952

Nice but if i was you i'd censor these tidbits out. Be careful to not get banned, furry stuff is OK here but not NSFW furry stuff.

Anonymous No. 846954

what the fuck? why aree there furries on this website? go back to plebbit or discord, you faggots. Unless you are here because you hate niggers and jews too, then you can stay.

Anonymous No. 846955

Oops I thought I posted the SFW version. Thanks

Anonymous No. 846958

Go back to your board and stay there

there is no furry specific 3d, you just suck at 3d.

Anonymous No. 846967

>deviantart, furaffinity, and other big 2000's gallery sites are almost irrelevant now. Popularity is gained on twitter
While this is true, I see more and more severely burned furries return to furaffinity after they got their dose of twatter bullshit.
Not only is it absolutely retarded to upload your artwork to a site that couldn't be any further from being a gallery, no, it's like fucking ASKING to get bombarded by absolutely inane comments on an hourly basis especially when you do mature oriented content on a site open to literally anyone.
Anyone who got burned there fucking deserved it. I guess it's also only a matter of time until Twatter pulls a Tumblr anways, kicking out all lewd content. Again, any artist going to that site for unloading their art shit is absolutely and utterly retarded and an attentionwhore.

Anonymous No. 846968

go away phoneposter, you don't even model



Anonymous No. 846972


of course i hate niggers and jews. this is still a pretty white subculture desu, increasingly less.

Anonymous No. 846982

She has sculpted fur, but it looks jarring because other parts look smooth. Our body and faces aren't without depth, there are subtle creases and bumps.

You either have to fully commit to detail if you want to do it.

Anonymous No. 846993

Its not that, it's just that the details look too over the top. It really looks like she's made of wood or something, it just doesn't fit or look nice.



Anonymous No. 847020



Anonymous No. 847034

Turns out the sfw version I have is still in T-pose. Either way im excited to model some clothes for her and mess around with it



Anonymous No. 847035

>""""""""and mess around with it"""""""""


reload (2).webm

Anonymous No. 847084

good to see this threads back again

Anonymous No. 847119


is this for a short film or a game.

Anonymous No. 847131

not coomershit? I approve.

Anonymous No. 847141

source mod
i'll probably never finish it though

Anonymous No. 847165


Anonymous No. 847173

she cute



Anonymous No. 847175

my sooless sculpt/rig

Anonymous No. 847186

... why are there protuding bones in the groin area?



Anonymous No. 847218


have you seen some of Whaleoil's stuff


Anonymous No. 847224

>that whole gallery

Anonymous No. 847227


his other gallery is better

Anonymous No. 847238

>obesity crap

Anonymous No. 847244

Wasted talent

Anonymous No. 847265

only talentless bitches give a shit about what others do with their talent

Anonymous No. 847271

pedo detected

Anonymous No. 847272

Not anymore. FA has a huge BLM movement in

Anonymous No. 847274

it's mostly white, it's just trendy for people to identify as BIPOC despite being pasty ass crackers

Anonymous No. 847338


please dont remind me

Anonymous No. 847354

I'm a classically trained painter, now working as matte artist. So much for your bickering.

Anonymous No. 847376

Post your work or piss off faggot.

Anonymous No. 847390

I don't think so young man.

Anonymous No. 847397

I invented the computer, 3D software AND pen and paper. Your argument is invalid.

Anonymous No. 847406

I'm legit disappointed cause I thought you'll actually post something impressive. Turns out you're actually just a faggot.

Anonymous No. 847409

I'm not revealing my identity here. Work on your manners.

Good day

Anonymous No. 847410

Work on your credibility.

Anonymous No. 847414

There's no need for homophobic slurs here.

Anonymous No. 847423

Why do you think that? you just prove there absolutely is.

Anonymous No. 847482

your ego is pretty frail tho and you seem to be a shitty person in general given the way you act here.


unknown (8).png

Anonymous No. 847488

alright probably my last post here
rig is trash, model is unfinished but i liked this screenshot for some reason

Anonymous No. 847533

Why anon?
Don't quit yet.

Anonymous No. 847542

You talk like a fag

Anonymous No. 847547

Your shit's all retarded

Anonymous No. 847554

Shut the fuck up faggot

Anonymous No. 847609

10/10 movie reference


0 effort.jpg

Anonymous No. 847634

Aren't most SFM animators just jacks who grab a bunch of different models made by other people, attach dicks or pussies into them, animate them fucking and call it a day?

Honestly im quite surprised anyone can even coom to these. It's pretty much porno asset flipping at this point.

Anonymous No. 847637

explain yourselves furfags
why does this second-life looking "game" get 18k/mo?

Anonymous No. 847638

If you're in the right spot at the right time doing the right thing you can make mad dosh.



Anonymous No. 847676

hes not the only one
quick, everybody jump on the furry patreon bandwagon and get paid!

Anonymous No. 847686

It might seem lazy, but it's really tough to do everything on your own initially. People use existing assets so they can head straight to animation instead of model+weight paint+retopo.

The reason why they use SFM instead of Blender is because it doesn't have low FPS when you play back animations, additionally it renders quickly.
It's not necessarily about having good models, it's about having models work well with your game.



Anonymous No. 847817


Anonymous No. 847820

Zorryn must have been cooming 24/7 since Cyberpunk came out

Anonymous No. 847852

why does it say "blue dragon" in moon runes?

Anonymous No. 847856

so that weaboos can meet each other under that sigil



Anonymous No. 849055

Here you go, anon. This is just the pre-vis sculpt. I'm retopologizing him atm so I can rig him.



Anonymous No. 849056

And here's some Zbrush pre-vis colors. He doesn't have any fur yet, but I think it looks pretty fancy currently.

i'd post uncropped stuff but I think it'd break some rules lmao

Anonymous No. 849113

he cute

Anonymous No. 849133

nice model

Anonymous No. 849219

I find Furries childish and silly, but why are they provoking such strong emotions in some people?

Anonymous No. 849224


Anonymous No. 849225

People absolutely LOVE getting polarized by absolutely everything

Anonymous No. 849246

Many furries actually want to fuck real animals and children.
Remember Kero the wolf?

Anonymous No. 849254

bait pt. 2

Anonymous No. 849259

thats awesome isnt it?

Anonymous No. 849397

Shut up furry fag

Anonymous No. 849399

where are the images? stop fighting with the morbidly obese faggots above