

๐Ÿงต How long does it take to get to this level?

Anonymous No. 846857

Seriously, I just want to sculpt some fucking eyes and it ends up looking like wet clay crap.

Anonymous No. 846859

could take a year or so.

you need to know what brushes to use in which circumstance. certain techniques to achieve certain results. for the eyes for instance; you could box model it in zbrush or in maya/blender or use a boolean operation in zbrush....all these things take time to study and understand

Anonymous No. 846861

maybe less if studying under the careful guidance of someone who knows what they're doing

Anonymous No. 846863

it's just being good at looking at references and clever use of brushes. one week at most.

Anonymous No. 846865

Im not too interested in sculpting/realism myself. but if I had to make what op posted i would box model a good base in maya/max then use clay buildup, pinch, dam standard and smooth in zbrush to sculpt on top of said base

Anonymous No. 846874

Yup just one week plus a year of studying anatomy.

Anonymous No. 846875


Anonymous No. 846882

practice first with actual clay or something similar



Anonymous No. 846886



Anonymous No. 846887

About 2,5 hours and a graphic tablet

Anonymous No. 846906

>mfw good at anatomy but all my sculpts look like ass

so you're telling me there's a chance

Anonymous No. 846908

To do just an eye, at that level? 1 week tops.

Anonymous No. 846918

Never got this lets make the top eyelid sharp as fuck thing.

Anonymous No. 846919

start from simple models, learn all tools

Anonymous No. 846980

you need to know your muscles, veins, and bones by name, not just body proportions

Anonymous No. 846986

1 week but that's assuming you already have the fundamentals down like anatomy and drawing

Anonymous No. 846995

30 minutes

Anonymous No. 847000

no matter how many years you put in you will never get it soul 3d devil go model cars shoo shoo

Anonymous No. 847109

i know that too, zbrush just confuses the hell out of me. hopefully it gets easier the more you do it

Anonymous No. 847129

OP, here I've learned that there is theory & and then there's practice. No matter how much I try to learn from others, I feel like I have to just get there through raw trial & error. There seems to be that same experience and muscle memory & workflow that needs to be attained by just doing, similar to drawing or any other skill. Doesn't matter how much I know. I still have to just practice practice practice and nothing else will make me get better.

Zbrush is industry standard so I'm sure there's lots of materials to learn from online.

Anonymous No. 848830

Two weeks

Anonymous No. 848834

cmon now 3 seconds at most.

Anonymous No. 848854

Knowing anatomy, training an innate understanding of the forms ahd functions.
You should be able to mentally strip down a reference layer by layer, and form a strong conception of how it all builds up in your head.

Once you start really looking at reference sculpting becomes easier. Shapes and forms start making sense.

Anonymous No. 849258

a month.

t. 2 year zbrush sculptor

Anonymous No. 849867

If you can draw that then it will take about a week. If you can't draw that then idk how long, you should probably get better at drawing.