

🧵 How many years for one to reach this caliber?

Anonymous No. 847704

Just found Blender yesterday, barely knows how to move around and make basic shapes. Half the words on here sounds like moonrunes and i speak nip, can any anon here understand the crafts and breaks down pic related? (I think this one really stands out but idk why, lightings? textures? Which engine do you think this was rendered from?)

Anonymous No. 847706

lesson #1 do your own research

Anonymous No. 847708

lesson 2 stop making stupid fucking thread

10 years +++ give up



Anonymous No. 847711

it's called sculpting. if you aren't naturally gifted at drawing, you won't be good at this, either. you'll need a graphics tablet (doesn't have to be expensive), and a software called zbrush. going to need access to a private tracker (cgpeers, gfxpeers, cgpersia) to torrent that safely.

watch someone with the skillset you want on youtube sculpt in real time and try to replicate it. repetition is key, most people fail because they are unwilling to repeat very basic shapes until they can get them to look solid spontaneously and repeatedly. chances of you actually reaching the level you posted are ridiculously low, probably around 1-5% - keep that in mind before spending too much on a tablet that you'll probably only be using for an hour before it collects dust.

Anonymous No. 847713

i have tried my hands at sculpting in Blender, wasn't too bad imo. Thanks anon, always thought you guys just make up individual shapes and fit them together like Lego or something

Anonymous No. 847737


Sorry, you cant make that in your first 100 models plus you can't make that in blender, sorry give up. Also I have complete access to that workshop in CGpeers. Too bad, I'm not sharing it so give up.

Anonymous No. 847754

Some anon posted a WIP of that a while ago, so best ask him



Anonymous No. 847758

>that neck
>that face



Anonymous No. 847776

For me? it's about 6-9 years, plus be born with some kind of creative art talent or calling

Anonymous No. 847783


Anonymous No. 847785

Well first don't make such ugly fat shit.
She isn't a fat pig like this.

Anonymous No. 848494

the neck is too long and the head is too small
making it the typical kook mistake of thinking that all women are just a kids

Anonymous No. 848497

I'll give you the most important tip. The image you posted was made using ZBrush, not Blender.
Of course, you can still eat spaghettis using your hands, but the proper way is using a fork.

So, start learning the software. Then think about if you still want to do it.



Anonymous No. 848498

>Fat pig

Are you ill or something anon? Its thats not the case you have to be 18+ to post here.

Anonymous No. 848499

Tbh this model is not detailed enough to be that painful to sculpt in blunder as your post suggests



Anonymous No. 848502

that anon is correct, though. the major obstacle to getting good results is the willingness to push through the "everything i do looks like garbage"-phase and endlessly repeat basic shapes until your hand-/eye-coordination has been trained sufficiently. this can be done in shit software (blender) or state-of-the-art software (zbrush), so it would be pretty fucking dumb to try and build a skill in a shit environment that is bound to hold you back in the long run.
if OP doesn't make it, the experience in either blender or zbrush will be pretty much identical. if he does make it, he will want to switch to zbrush, anyway.
"but it's free, though". so is AIDS.

tl;dr : fuck blender



Anonymous No. 848503

>westernized jappo art

Anonymous No. 848545

what's a private tracker?

Anonymous No. 848549

She's not that curvy in the anime. The head looks nothing like her either, it's just generic jap doll head.

Anonymous No. 849409

step 1: search 'sculpting blender tutorial' on youtube
step 2:develop initative, or perhaps give up

you can do it

ok fat anon

Anonymous No. 849555

1 if you avoid art schools and spend at least 8 hours per day training your fundamentals and sculpting skills, if you have the right tools (hardware)

Anonymous No. 849767

Depends how many hours per week you dedicate to actually making models, and how much artistic ability you already have.

I taught blender to a 2D artist who'd never touched 3D in her life last year, and I her making better sculpts than me in under a month, so prior art experience is a big help.

Anonymous No. 849784

Really? I know nothing about 3D modeling I’m just a tourist but that’s just a woman in a skin tight jump suit? That would be extremely easy to sculpt with Clay after maybe 1 or 2 years of practice

Anonymous No. 850354

>if you aren't naturally gifted at drawing.
Having a "gift" for drawing is just about how fast you learn and expand your visual library, even if you're shit at drawing the most basic stuff if you spend time practicing and studying you'll eventually be as good as a talented artist, drawing is the same as any other craft.
I know it's a generic thing to say but it's the truth, don't give up, keep learning with trial and error and you'll get there.



Anonymous No. 850390

It's taken me just under a year to get from 0 to being able to sculpt this, and that's just a head with shitty hair. So yea probably like 10 years. But I started organic sculpting about a month ago so it all depends on what you're looking to focus on. Having prior knowledge of anatomy and 2d drawing skills really helps. Getting to know blender/Maya/etc is just like learning any skill, daily practice is important.

Anonymous No. 850410

that head is nice enough, just replace the hair hemlet with some blender curves/planes

Anonymous No. 850411

lol a day if you found the tutorial
forever if you cant read the tutorial

but if yer gonna be regularly good yer gonna have to make your own tutorial regularly then

Mr.June No. 850428

thats very good, but this 3D paint dosen't have texture

Anonymous No. 850540

okay now animate it



Anonymous No. 850545

Thanks! And that's probably the way the to go on the hair for now, good idea! Trying to learn to sculpt hair but it's been the hard part of the head these past few days, grinding another head out today.

Anonymous No. 850708

what app is this?

Anonymous No. 850772

Nomad, it's like a simplified down zbrush for iOS or Android, pretty neat for on the go sculpting.

Anonymous No. 850774

neat, thanks friend

Anonymous No. 850776

does it save to an agnostic filetype?

Anonymous No. 850784

It can export to gITF, obj, and stl if that's one of them.

No problem anon

Anonymous No. 850845

Can't unsee

Anonymous No. 850892



Anonymous No. 851925


Anonymous No. 851927

>The image you posted was made using ZBrush, not Blender.

How can I know with which software something was made? For example how can you now tell that the image was 100% made with Zbrush? Thank you.

Anonymous No. 852093

You can check on the artstation page. Generally they put bellow the description of the art.

Anonymous No. 852250

ever heard of creativity and/or artistic vision?

Anonymous No. 852251

that's what Chinese people are for.

Anonymous No. 852341


Anonymous No. 853069

How many years?
With Zbrush, 10 years.
With Blender, 6 years.
With C4D, 4 years.
With Max, 2 years.
With Maya, 6 months.

Anonymous No. 853084

What kind of logic is that?

Anonymous No. 854036

4 years if you are not brown, if you are then 7 to 10

Anonymous No. 854056

Just some Maya fag showing his inferior IQ

Anonymous No. 854081

how the fuck are you gonna sculpt with maya? everyone knows Zbrush is the standard tool, nobody sculpts with maya or max. you're an actual retard

Anonymous No. 854112

Depends on your previous skills, how much you know how to use each tool and how much practice you put in. I don't think you'll have to spend 10 years as people says, specially if you're resourceful and know how to use the technology to your advantage.

Blender is a bit behind ZBrush in sculpting so getting to that result can be a bit slower unless they add better tools in future updates. You'll need to have some basic "drawing" abbilities (you don't need to be able draw in 2D well at all, but you'll need to learn anatomy, proportions and perspective), learning how to make base meshes and to use different softwares in unison to get the final result can help immensely too. I've been a full-time 3D art student for 4 years and although I'm not still at that level I can get good results already (specially since I've had a whole lot of classes that have nothing to do with 3D).

You can do it anon, just try to get good courses, tutorials or teachers and remember to always get feedback.

Anonymous No. 854313

What about mudbox, bro?

Anonymous No. 854319

Blender is not good for sculpting, and people still use it, so...

Anonymous No. 854388

i literally use 3 of those programs and definetly Maya is not the shortest route, might be one of the harder ones, specially since that stupid software cant handle much polygons and instantly crashes all the time even with a 5K rig.

Anonymous No. 854409

2 weeks if your iq has more than 2 digits.

Anonymous No. 854412

That's your big mistake: sculpting. There are smarter ways to do this. And they aren't polymodeling.

Anonymous No. 854413

Maya is the shortest route if you know how to take advantage of curves, surfaces, Nurbs, etc. Only then you touch polygons.

Anonymous No. 854646

Then how?

Anonymous No. 854647

This is actually a very good explanation! Thank you!