

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 847770

It's over. Im too stupid.

Anonymous No. 847784

>It's over
It was never not over

Anonymous No. 848048

It has never began

Anonymous No. 849719

It's always never over


banana to cube.png

Anonymous No. 849799

Is this possible?

Anonymous No. 849827

no unless you have 15 phd in physics, graphics design and cooking

Anonymous No. 849828

its easier than the other one

Anonymous No. 849829


Anonymous No. 849898


Let's make this the most liked cube on youtube.

Anonymous No. 849977

Prove it

Anonymous No. 850002

Provide the banana model.



Anonymous No. 850012


Anonymous No. 850015

>You must be logged in to download
I'm not making an account for that

Anonymous No. 850039

Now post it in a non-retarded format.

Anonymous No. 850080

i felt the same way, anon, and what helped me is downloading a blender hotkey cheatsheet, writing down the hotkeys i knew i would use on a post-it and putting it on my monitor. i also have a rule where i will not watch any tutorial videos that take longer than 10 minutes. after using it for a few weeks, one section at a time, i have successfully learned modeling, uv mapping and animating. it still sucks though don't get me wrong. simple things should not take a million keystrokes to do

Anonymous No. 850085

what do you want?



Anonymous No. 850275

fuck this and fuck OP

Anonymous No. 852954

Instead of making a banana, do a big black cock, that'll make you much more popular

Anonymous No. 852967

Still waiting for this tutorial

Anonymous No. 852973

Yes, have you watched the basics of Blender posted by their channel? Start from the very basics of how the UI, viewport, the key shortcuts, where all the tools are. They literally walk you through everything. All you need to give in is your attention, time & energy to get better.



Anonymous No. 853371

Dang, this is not a good look for me, well, at least i'm not trans.

why do (you) not lose anything even when (you) win arguments No. 853374


why do (you) not lose anything even when (you) win arguments No. 853375

why anon if yer not trans tho



Anonymous No. 853376

Texture doesn't help too much.

Anonymous No. 853399

how did you do it

Anonymous No. 853407

>trim curve brush

Anonymous No. 853435

I don't practice enough either and am still shit, OP, but come on, following a tutorial shouldn't be that hard.
The part that takes determination is practicing shit on your own. If the banana is too far outside your comfort zone to do yourself, do something simple.
How about an apple? If shading is difficult and you want to focus on modelling for now, make a plastic prop apple. Or a spoon. Or a wrench. Something simple. Then try the banana again.

Anonymous No. 853437

blendshape conformed to the vertices of a cube

Anonymous No. 853438

too fat