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Anonymous No. 850057

pleb here, redpill me on making monumentally huge and detailed cyberpunk buildings for vidya.

why are they never to the scale of picrel and detailed at the same time?

Anonymous No. 850064

Well do whatever you want :). But do be aware that comically large huge and detailed scenes run very poorly on vydia unless you fully know what you're doing, also play cloud punk a beautiful game with the most shitty/boring storyline just to be grounded an remember that the environment is only a part of the puzzle

Anonymous No. 850065

> never to the scale of picrel and detailed at the same time?

Surely they are sometimes? Off the top of my head I remember the opening of Dredd having a lot of megabuildings imposed on Johannesburg during daylight scenes.

It's no particular reason other than cutting corners and saving time, if you can get the same visual impact with
a fraction of the effort it's tempting to do it on the cheap, such as depicting specs of light in the distance during some neon night scene focusing on elements in the foreground.

You can do something more on the cheap here you can burn your FX budget elsewhere where it has bigger impact.

Anonymous No. 850069

what if something like this was the full extent of the map, huge verticality, massive detail, but only what's in view was the full extent of environment? do you think that would surpress performance issues?



Anonymous No. 850070

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 850092

Requires some thought put into LOD to make it not perform like shit, but that's it.

Anonymous No. 850119

>he doesn't know what shaders and trim sheets are

Anonymous No. 850133

Modularity with a handful of simple base materials

Anonymous No. 850170

You can have a shit ton of geometry on screen these days, whether it will run smooth or not just depends on how smart you've optimized it.
Optimizing it means mainly how you've grouped and sorted your blocks of geometry so your engine don't waste a lot of work sorting what is to be drawn ontop of what.

A cleverly segmented game can have vast cityscapes run smooth on 10 year old hardware, think GTA etc, less clever implementations can make a tiny interior map
grind to a halt even on a monster PC. Because your machine is trying to do something that is inherently very broken several hundred times a second and even
if you achieve high framerates it ends up feeling choppy as the time delay between frames wont end up equal but all over the place.

60 frames evenly spaced ~16.6 milliseconds apart in time will feel super silky. same 60 frames where some frames come in 5ms others in 20ms etc wont feel smooth.

Clever shaders, clever trimsheets so large swats of your environment are a few mega objects with a single shader and it can fly thru your GPU.
If you know your tech and build meshes accordingly you can make extensive sprawling environments perform great on todays hardware.
But do it naively and break it up into lots of small elements with their own shaders and intersecting every which way you can create
situtation where even just a few tiny rooms filled with stuff can perform like absolute ass.

You've probably played a game where you look in certain directions and everything starts lagging about even tho you're looking at a flat wall.
That's the game not culling what's behind that wall correctly and wasting time on massive number of objects behind that wall.

Anonymous No. 850176

a good video about the topic for anyone curious


GPUs love to draw polygons, the difficulty is keeping them fed with enough information from the CPU, instanced meshes bypass that by just sending that info once.

Anonymous No. 850331

That's actually easy to do via procedurally generated displacement texture, in fact it's really old but I can't find the video so here's a random one using procedural nodes


Anonymous No. 852959
