

🧵 /sqt/

Anonymous No. 850379

Stupid question thread that didn't deserves it's own thread.
Stop bumping off good thread with your repetitive garbage.

Anonymous No. 850429

Hobbyist here
Is it fun working in 3D? What fields?

Anonymous No. 850431

whats cool design in 3d rn???

Anonymous No. 850434

as a hobby yes.
if you have spare time

Anonymous No. 850436

You are 15 years too late.

Anonymous No. 850446

this is the same as saying you can't have fun drawing anymore. not everyone is looking to get hooked up on muh industry



Anonymous No. 850449

blender is fun



Anonymous No. 850458


I personally enjoy it. It augments my coomer instincts to the max. I also have a deeper appreciation of what goes into vidya and anime.



Anonymous No. 850481




Anonymous No. 850487

I have allot to learn tho, i wish the render was the same as i see it in the viewport

Anonymous No. 850589

Anyone know if I can change the 3ds max default start up layout? I'm just trying to get it to open with one viewport.

Anonymous No. 850592


Also is there a way to get my viewport to snap to a perspective view from an orthoview? thx

Anonymous No. 850638

I want to get into character modelling, should i start by making something specific or is a generic guy like picrel the better starting point?



Anonymous No. 850640

I realized image didn't post and then i noticed i can't post pictures from phone, went and turned on pc, this was picrel

Anonymous No. 850652

do something you are excited about to be motivated, but know it will be shit the first time around.



Anonymous No. 850798

is it supposed to look like this when i shade smooth or not
it looks weird

Anonymous No. 850814

editmode>mesh>normals>average face area

Anonymous No. 850817

its not the normals
but shading flat the flat parts fixed it

Anonymous No. 850831

maybe try marking the edges as sharp instead?



Anonymous No. 850896

Can you post your geometry? If it looks like the red lines then the stredched faces cause shading issues.
"Smooth" normals are averaged between all adjacent vertices, which leads to issues if they're not supposed to be a single smooth surface. Try shading the default cube smooth and you'll see the issue.

You could add a bevel modifier to give the edges some definition or set the automsooth to something less than 90°,
but the right thing would be improving the topology by limiting the stretch and creating edge loops (green)

Anonymous No. 850899

>"Smooth" normals are averaged between all adjacent vertices
oh thats why
yeah my vertices are like the red
i get why its fucked up now



Anonymous No. 850909

Is there really NO way to hide the transpose line while using it in Zbrush!?! I'm gong crazy, it's blocking my view while I'm using it. What schizo morons designed this program?

Anonymous No. 850911

Maybe you should have stuck with Blender, Pablo.

Anonymous No. 850979

Do you have hard normals turned on?

Anonymous No. 850985

Check the manual I'm sure there's some Alt+RCtrl+Shift+R+Tab+5 combination for that

Anonymous No. 851007

How could you use something that's hidden.

Anonymous No. 851020

so i made my characters clothing and armour with the subdivision modifier on. am i supposed to apply it before i unwrap and texture? and would that be too high poly for animation? this is in blender if that matters

also should everything be one object with connected geometry or is joining them with ctrl j fine?

is the character

Anonymous No. 851023


You can make anime but can't troubleshoot. Is that model even yours schizo?

Anonymous No. 851042

Can you make a high poly mesh from a low poly one + normal map?
Get a ripped model from a game (low poly + normal) and somehow use that as an input in zbrush or blender and get a high poly with detail from the normal map and work from there.

Anonymous No. 851045

You can convert an normal map into an height map and then apply it to your mesh, you would get a fairly dense mesh with a lot more detail, but I am not sure how well these conversions work and if the result is good enough. Might work well for small surface level details, but probably not for every mesh.
Just try it out - its fairly easy to do.

Anonymous No. 851046

Thanks, I'll try that out

Anonymous No. 851051

>so i made my characters clothing and armour with the subdivision modifier on. am i supposed to apply it before i unwrap and texture?
if you don't it won't show up, so you would need to apply it at some point yes

although from the look of the character, you should be able to get a good result with more basic shapes shaded smooth, so you might not need the subdivision

>and would that be too high poly for animation? this is in blender if that matters
how many polys is it? it really depends on how your computer is

> also should everything be one object with connected geometry or is joining them with ctrl j fine?
just ctrl j is fine

Anonymous No. 851083

the normal will be compressed for game use and will create a blocky displacement map.



Anonymous No. 851103

Yep, I'm learning from pic related. I can share the book if people stop attacking me.

I mean when you're actually using it. After you draw the line you don't need to see it while you're moving the mesh around, it just blocks your view.

I swear tried everything.

I kneel RMS-sama

Anonymous No. 851160

does anyone know anywere were i can get some good 4k footage for compositing?

Anonymous No. 851385

i'm trying to make a texture in substance designer, but the normal maps keep coming out totally flat.

i pressed bake, but again, it's just produced a flat purple thing.



Anonymous No. 851423

how do i merge these UVs and make them occupy the same exact place

Anonymous No. 851430

if i wanna model mechs, should i work in zbrush to sculpt it or use some other modeling tool? currently i only have experience with solidworks and maya, though not a lot in maya and honestly not much in soldiworks now that i think about it. i learned solidworks for a mechanical engineering class i took, i've also seen someone model a gundam foot in it. anyways the point is, what software is good for modeling mechs?

Anonymous No. 851432

ah also, i'd eventually like to make resin prints of the mechs, if that affects anything

Anonymous No. 851510

turn on snap and drag them works i think
or uv packmaster has an align option

you might be better off box modelling instead of sculpting if you're making blocky stuff like that



Anonymous No. 851515

the unfortunate answer is that all 3 options are a great way to do mechs for 3d printing (I wouldn't poly model a mech in maya though, use 3dsmax or blender, something with great bool support and modifiers, you don't need good topology or UVs)

fusion 360 is the most common tool used for CAD style hard surface in the industry like pic related, Zbrush is also great, partically if you want to incorporate more flowing sweeping designs and the speed of detailing in zbrush with imms and alphas is easily the fastest of all the options.

Unfortunately the answer comes down to which way you personally like working.


zbrush has been going nuts with the hard surface tools lately though I'm almost tempted to say fuck it and tell you learn zbrush

Anonymous No. 851586

I understand that quads are ideal for deformation and such, but if I'm making a static and non-deformable environment for a video game, is there any other reason why I can't use ngons?

Anonymous No. 851587

remember it will all be triangulated by the engine to appear in a game, which works best with quads

Anonymous No. 851595

as long as you triangulate before bake and export.

You can get away with a lot topology wise when it doesn't need to deform, most people just decimate the high poly and clean it a little to get the rock low poly etc.

Anonymous No. 851603

yeah that's kinda what i thought but i've also been hearing a bit about what the other anon was saying. thanks
huh, zbrush is way more capable than i thought. i did plan on learning zbrush anyways for character sculpting, since i plan on at least trying to go in depth with zbrush, do you think i should just stick with that instead of trying to juggle multiple pieces of software?

Anonymous No. 851606

It's very detailed but... What even is that?
A claw? A hand? A seat? Couldn't they go with a more simplistic design?

Anonymous No. 851608

looks like a foot to me i think
square on the right side is the heel and the claw looking things are supports that act like toes? that is if it's supposed to be that and not some real mechanical device i never want to see again in my life



Anonymous No. 851620

yeah I'd say so

do learn poly modeling too though it helps in zbrush as well

Anonymous No. 851622

what's the point of smoothing groups? why wouldn't I just have 1 smoothing group for everything that needs to be smoothed.

also how are angles calculated?

Anonymous No. 851708

will do, thanks anon



Anonymous No. 851871

can a texture map cover multiple objects or does each one need its own texture? i need to keep some objects separate for animation



Anonymous No. 851872

will i die for making this kinda topology

Anonymous No. 851879

Yeah, just pick the same material for all objects and move around the UV islands to fit the parts you need



Anonymous No. 851880

I have "Algorithmic Design with Houdini" in a word doc but it's with scanned images and in japanese.

Is there a site where I can upload and it translates the whole document?

Yandex only accepts 10mb limit and this bitch is 230mb big

Anonymous No. 851881


Anonymous No. 851886

oke thank you

Anonymous No. 851890

what's the best zbrush hard modeling course?

Anonymous No. 851904

Can you copy segments into new docs, save them as seperate files, and upload them individually?



Anonymous No. 851912

is this bad

Anonymous No. 851914


Anonymous No. 851915

meant for



Anonymous No. 851920

I don't think you need one with so many good free info out there


and of course all of pavlovich's videos on zmodeler etc.

if you absolutely need a course, maybe cane T's? Haven't seen the tutorial but his work is technically excellent.




Anonymous No. 852392

Does knowing how to create art in 2d help you with creating in 3d?



Anonymous No. 852400

How do you remove the colors from here and properly make it transparent? When I make it transparent, it just tints the whole area darker than its supposed to be. Not sure if this question belongs in 3d


1632340353668 copy.png

Anonymous No. 852427

Try this

Anonymous No. 852429

what's the best tablet under $100?

Anonymous No. 852508

Small Wacom.

Anonymous No. 852513

Thank you, anon.

Anonymous No. 852579

Whats the best way to design fingernails? Do i create them as a seperate mesh and stick them in or model them as part of the main body? Is there a way to texture them in? I dont have the model right now but its pretty low poly

Anonymous No. 852611

I am just starting with 3D (strictly hobby) and want to ask if anyone can point to a full character wofkflow (animation ready), using Zbrush and Blender (I can pick up something like substance painter for texturing). Bonus points for stylised characters (that's what I both want and think is doable). Something like this but much more in-depth

Anonymous No. 852862

>Use Boolean in Eevee
>Looks fine, can clearly see where it was used
>Switch to Cycles
>Hard to discern what's been done with the boolean
>The only part you can see any change is all fucked up

I don't know how to explain this without pics (which I can't currently post), it's not the mesh that's fucked up, I think it must be something to do with the material or textures.
You know when a displacement map is set too high and everything ends up with more crevices than a 130 year old woman's face while she's sucking a lemon? It almost looks like that except I'm not using a displacement map or anything that would do that to it. It's like you need to zoom right in to see the change in Cycles, but in Eevee you can see it from 500 yards away (which is what I want).

I don't expect much help owing to my retarded description and lack of image.

Anonymous No. 852873

cycles just goes wack when rendering low poly meshes,

I have tried everything to fix it. It just sucks at it, you will see faceting.

Anonymous No. 852876

Fuck sake, is there nothing I can do about it? Will smooth shading fix it or will it fuck up everything else and I'm being naive?
Thanks for the reply though.

Anonymous No. 852879

smooth shaded low poly models will display faceting in shadows and sometimes in highlights in cycles in my experience.

I just moved to doing all my rendering in unreal anyway so I don't deal with it these days (also fast).

Anonymous No. 852881


actually wait, this video must have come out after I gave up on cycles

Anonymous No. 852885

Thanks dude I'll try that out when I get home.
I might look into Unreal to try some other stuff though to see how it is.

Anonymous No. 853027

No, totally different skills

Anonymous No. 853093

yes, design will carry over to anything creative you make, and you need anatomy for sculpting. or you could just make other peoples concepts.

Anonymous No. 853184

I just realized i don't like 3D modelling but i already poured too much time into it, should i force myself to keep going? My only other option is to be a wagie which i wouldn't like either

Anonymous No. 853204


maybe you can specialize in texturing or something else you like and have modeling as a backup plan.



Anonymous No. 853208

What is a good 3D model viewer software? I only use models for visual reference, so I'm really keen on smooth and simple rotating cameras, without a convoluted interface. I really like the sketchfab viewer for example, and the 3D viewer from windows would be perfect if the lighting wasn't so bad and muted.

I don't have much knowledge of 3D, but I really like the matcap setting sketchfab has, just shows the forms really well. Would there be an equivalent, that is also relatively low use in performance?

Anonymous No. 853217

is it a good idea to keep two part of an object sepret but intersecting becasue i dont want to bother with booleans??

Anonymous No. 853220

blender then turn on matcap under the 2nd viewport bubble.

Anonymous No. 853237

I know blender is free and supposed to be easy to use but that's already too convoluted for me.

Isn't there an absolutely basic program to open a random .obj and just rotate, and maybe change the lighting a little bit at best? thank you for the answer though anon.

Anonymous No. 853239

Microsoft once had a model viewer that could read fbx and obj on their marketplace (whatever its called).

Anonymous No. 853240

How do I make textures like in the new arcane show?
Do I have to actually use the painting part of substance?

Anonymous No. 853243

Basically yes, you need to have actual artistic skills to make something like that (talking not only about textures).
It's made by this studio -

Anonymous No. 853248

In addition to the obvious handmade stuff many artists create a hand-painted look with procedural tools, especially for (non-hero) assets and stuff in the background. Both Painter and Designer can be used for that, the latter obviously allows for more depth.
The reason why you want to do that is obvious - you can build a library of procedural materials that you can combine and refine endlessly, either as base to further paint on or as they are which increases your productivity and efficiency dramatically.

Anonymous No. 853296

Anyone here familiar with a USD pipeline? Studio head for a small student animation team is pushing us to migrate to USD and I'm trying to figure out how to instruct all the artists to use it.

Anonymous No. 853300

it's kinda like picking the lesser of two evils i would assume. try to find something you enjoy about 3d modeling since i doubt being a wagie would be very fun
alternatively try to find some facet of 3d modeling that will net you lots of cash, it may not be fulfilling but i'm in basically the same boat. i'm in college for computer engineering and i can't stand 90% of it, but i'm still here because i've already done 3 years, might as well finish and then get a hopefully big salary at whatever job i take

i have something on my computer named 3d viewer, that might be what you're looking for

Anonymous No. 853395

I am a 3d animations student and I've always been too afraid to ask my teachers why 3D porn is not a viable option? Or maybe it is and it'd be wierd to bring it up? If you go into that field are you shunned? I just wish I could ask these questions to someone to actually make them.



Anonymous No. 853720

Fellow coomer here. Years ago messed around with Source Filmmaker mostly for animating short coomer content for fun, wanted to try my hand at it again. What do coomer-content creators these days normally use? Is Blender a good choice in terms of ease of use, free community models/rigs available etc.? It's free and seems pretty popular, was wondering if it's the right tool for the job for a hobbyist.

Anonymous No. 853841

Should i solidify clothing or keep them as 1 sided planes?

Anonymous No. 853845

I want to make relatively simple animations out of my sculpts. Something like this, typical NFT loops: https://twitter.com/markinducil/status/1443129387541360641
I'm sculpting in ZBrush and will texture in substance painter.

I haven't used either Blender nor Maya yet and would learn either from scratch. Money is no object, just ease and more so quality of results. Blender or Maya?

Anonymous No. 853866

has anybody the download for Ninja Ripper ver 2 ? Thanks

Anonymous No. 853874

> Is Blender a good choice in terms of ease of use, free community models/rigs available etc.?

There are many good blender models/rigs on smutbase.
My big gripe with blender is that viewport performance still hasn't caught up to where it was in 2.79 (I am serious) and can sometimes be utter dogshit even with grossly oversimplified proxy meshes.

Anonymous No. 853883

Am trying to learn animation. Is it a bad habit to import a video into blender as like, a plane and just copy the movement? It's nothing crazy, just simple dances. I tried to do it by minimising keyframes, but movement seems, i dunoe, kinda mediocre/fake?

Also, is there a way to have the default camera setting in blender to be locked to view port?

Anonymous No. 853895

>There are many good blender models/rigs on smutbase
Good to know. Are they free? I don't see myself buying models for my mediocre coomer fantasies. However, is Blender the best tool for this purpose?

Anonymous No. 853899

Depends on what you are doing.

Anonymous No. 853999

When am i supposed to use either method?



Anonymous No. 854050

Be real with me. If I'm just starting is blender fine to sculpt in our should I just get zbrush or something else?

Anonymous No. 854082

I started sculpting in blender before transitioning to zbrush and I just wish I'd done it sooner or even started in zbrush. Zbrush has better learning resources and skillbase to draw from too, pixologic get real pros on their channel sharing advice for free, if you're serious you will swap eventually so why not get it done now?

The one thing I will say is you should still learn traditional poly modeling too because knowledge of topology, UV etc. will all help when sculpting.

Anonymous No. 854083

oh and forgot to mention, don't buy it. Pirate zbrush to try it out, remember to block it in the firewall and it won't crash.

Anonymous No. 854089

How the fuck do i texture human characters and why is it so hard to find tutorials for it?

Anonymous No. 854104


Anonymous No. 854122

here is rip from cgpeers
anonfiles / JbueP5Kau1 / Algorithmic_Design_Workbook_With_Houdini_zip
: = )

Anonymous No. 854142

I don't know if this is a /3/ specific issue but I just can't stand trying to work alongside YouTube tutorials anymore. 20 minute videos explaining something that should only take a minute narrated by some happy go lucky asshole who couldn't be any less interesting. Am I just looking at the wrong shit or are there actually some decent Blender tutorials out there that get to the point and explain exactly what it is they're doing?

Anonymous No. 854191

>narrated by some happy go lucky asshole
I fucking hate those people in any technical guide I'm watching. They all read the same guide on how to be presentable and keep their viewers' attention and the first rule in the book was "everything's great and life is fantastic" and the second was "your viewers are 80 years old so go slow". I just want them to be authentic and get to the fucking point.

Anonymous No. 854192

don't look at blender resources, they're made for no hopers and people who will never make anything and just want entertainment.

Look up maya, 3dsmax or zbrush resources.

Anonymous No. 854193

with that being said let me know what kind of models you're interested in making and I can direct you to some smaller channels that are 100% quality.


go on.jpg

Anonymous No. 854221

Only have one question, it's about acceptable polycount for games. I compiled the following list with what should be the right parameters, I only ask if somebody could confirm this please:

IMPORTANT: for game optimization it's the TRIANGLE count that matters
Minor assets / props / static meshes: 500-3000 triangles
Characters: 10k-30k triangles
Critical game defining pieces: 100k triangles [unclear what the person providing this information meant by "critical game defining piece"]
Maximum scene triangle count: 2 million [meant for Unreal Engine; this number differs on an engine to engine basis, some engines can handle higher tri counts than others]

Source: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/how-many-polygons-should-i-be-using-for-minor-objects/91581/2


Quad Mesh Simplif....png

Anonymous No. 854228

depends way too much on many factors, here's my protip, get umodel, find unreal engine games in the style you're interested in and just study the actual model themselves, why get 2nd hand info when the answer you seek is right in front of you?

other things to, keep in mind:

-Lod0 is only half the story
-materials and texel density are huge, unwrap it right and 2k maps will look better than 4k maps, don't waste VRAM.
-Polys are not equal in performance, that's why you can display hundreds of instanced meshes with one material without any trouble

Anonymous No. 854296

Too low for current gen. Some Fortnite models are 70-100k and that's an online game. By the end of this gen we will have 500k poly characters.

Anonymous No. 854318


any of those videos start something from scratch?

I want something that I can follow step by step but so far I haven't found anything

Anonymous No. 854338

which ones? I've ripped a lot of FN models and never seen a 70k one

look harder it's stupid questions not lazy questions

Anonymous No. 854341

Chun li and a lot of the special guest stuff.

Anonymous No. 854348

Nope, Triangle count does not matter. 90% of the performance cost is shaders and animations.
You can easily render 5 000 000 tris static character on a smartphone at 60 fps, yet at the same time a 100 000 tris character with few bones will drop your frames, and a 10 000tris character with 200 bones will have same impact as the 5 million one.
Draw calls, shader complexity, transparencies making you render each pixel multiple times, render resolution etc, thats where you optimize your game. Polycounts are only important if you have a lot of per vertex shader solutions rather than texture and screen space ones.

Anyway if you wanna hear some polycounts for characters sine this is what i do.
RE8 character models are 100 -400k tris, MK 11 250k tris, Spiderman ps4 100-200k tris, Spiderman ps5 100-500k tris, god of war ps4, 70-250k tris, new cod 100-300k tris, Far Cry 5, 50-80k tris, DMC5, 100-200 tris.
I download a lot of game models to keep up with the industry standards for out game.

Props, as much as you want as long as you dont break your frame budget, so up to 1 or 2 million, ideally you want as low as possible, so your technical director will want you to cut to 1 triangle or 0, so there is no prop, then there will be no need for optimization.
As for how many tris per frame? up to 5milion, as for entire scene? As much as you can fit in the gpu memory, so probably around 100mln, culling and streaming exists for a reason.

Anonymous No. 854370

It’s ok , but I never worked in any other jobs, so I don’t have any reference point

Anonymous No. 854371

I would do isolated generic anatomy parts first

Anonymous No. 854373

See if the stack similar option works in maya, if not that there is a stack option in the maya uv editor

Anonymous No. 854374

I would go for a combination of both,

Anonymous No. 854376

You can use 1 texture for 99999 objects or 99999 textures for one object , you can do both and it depends in what you want to do

Anonymous No. 854377


Anonymous No. 854378

Get into 3d printing and shit, there are so many periferals to 3D

Anonymous No. 854380

I am compelled to tell you to go for maya and zbrush

Anonymous No. 854382

Most people use skin scans and project it over a very well baked hp model that, then you use different textures from the bake for the sss , m

Anonymous No. 854387

How do games like ArcSys makes achieve their 'smearing' effect? They mentioned having hundreds of bones, but I'm unclear on whether that's used for distorting the model in that particular way - as I understood it it was for squash, stretch, and bending limbs.
I noticed Breath of the Wild has something like it, too, when you swing a sword - is this simpler motion blur, or is every weapon modeled that way?
Some examples I see of it are obviously pre-drawn particle effects, I think.
I'm also trying to think of a sort of 'animation smear' shader, but the more I think about it, the harder it gets. Per-object motion blur records the velocity of each pixel, but not the arc it's taking; if, for example, you just use two key-frames, or even three frames, there might not be enough information to produce the requisite 'smear', let alone the proper arc of motion.


Screenshot 2021-1....png

Anonymous No. 854426

I recently downloaded a 3d model ripped from the game but I can't figure out how to open it. Does anyone know which program is needed? I have zbrush and blender.

Pic related is what was inside the zip

Anonymous No. 854428

Mesh file isnt an universal format
Try importing it as fbx or obj, and if it fails try finding some third party importer for popular mesh exports

Anonymous No. 854432

Where the fuck do people find anime/game models? Especially the porn ones?

Anonymous No. 854445

xna lara.

Anonymous No. 854490

maybe they swap in a different model during the smear frame? they swap models a lot in ArcSys games it looks like, no idea what Breath of the Wild does

Anonymous No. 854516

Is there a good place to get topology guides for the human body? Mainly for stuff like the butt, shoulders and joint areas like knees and elbows.

Anonymous No. 854546

the sticky thread has some



Anonymous No. 854547



Just go study production basemeshes for offline stuff, for game stuff go rip the models themselves or look for "Retopology" on artstation and study what da pros are doin there.

Anonymous No. 854559

Is Doughnut and Coffee really good way to start learning Blender or it got popular only because it’s on popular website(Youtube)?

Anonymous No. 854570

it's a good way to learn the buttons on the software he goes very slow so you can't get lost, what it will not do is teach you the actual fundamentals of 3d, following somebody not the same as learning what normals, mips, UV, proper topology etc. are.

I'd say do the donut then immediately look for better resources on your given field, don't be afraid to pay for (or pirate) premium courses, they are where the best info is. Once you're comfortable with the buttons on blender then also start breaking out into looking at 3dsmax, maya, modo, zbrush maybe tutorials too. They tend to be less clickbaity and harder on information (also from actual pros not youtube loser), all the concepts will translate with some googling.

Anonymous No. 854573

for a model made from scratch to use in vrchat do I need a jaw bone weighted to the mesh or can I exclusively use blendshapes?

Anonymous No. 854576

use one or the other, if you have a jaw bone on your rig then disable it when using blendshapes because it'll mess it up.

Anonymous No. 854581

Redpill me on Zbrush exporting and bakes. It’s always so fucking buggy for me.
>want to export my highpoly to bake it
>use the export button, file exports without errors
>load up baking app (painter), add both meshes and press bake
>bake is completely blank
>try playing with ray distance
>same results
>try xNormal
>same result
>load up xnormal viewer to see if the scale isn’t messed up for one of the meshes
>meshes are scaled properly, BUT the high poly is saved as a different blend shape than it should, even though the zbr project file was cleaned up from any layers and saved some time ago, so that information should not be even there.
>fuckit, use GoZ and endure the wait to load up the mesh in blender
>mesh looks fine (the shape is right)
>export as obj
>try to bake
>blank result again
I had to leave and will play with it a bit more, but ffs I shouldnt be forced to export my meshes through another software. Am I doing something wrong or is this process always this fucked up? I never had any problems like this with any other software.

Anonymous No. 854585

I have no clue what you're fucking up but always use decimation master on your high poly before exporting it for bake, you will not miss at least 75% of those triangles, they won't show up in the bake.

Anonymous No. 854586

also you'll want to export it to an intermediate software anyway because that's where you'll set up your high and low bake groups (body_high, body_low, clothes_high clothes_low etc.) , substnce can do this with the bake by filename option (or whatever it's called) but I use marmoset for this.

Anonymous No. 854587

I know all of that. I didn’t bother decimating because it’s only 5mil polys. I didn’t want to bother with an intermediate soft, because I only need a map for one specific mesh. It baffles me how fucky this process is.

Anonymous No. 854651

obj models are 100x larger than fbx, zbrush export window sets scale randomly to fuck with you, each sub tool has its own scale settings
there, solved you problem

also this guy is right >>854585, you never, ever export directly from zbrush, decimate the model, export to what ever you made retopo in and makes sure your origin point and scale is right
then make 100% sure you export in the same format from both zbrush and lets say blender

my first bake where is set ray distance and stuff is on a very decimated low poly mesh, then i export the main one and bake it fully

Anonymous No. 854667

Gottem. I forgot I had UDIMs on the model. I was the dumbass after all.

Anonymous No. 854668


>obj models are 100x larger than fbx


Anonymous No. 854673

I never mess with ray distance or cages. I just make sure the lowpoly conforms as much as possible to the high.

Anonymous No. 854716

Default unit of scale for fbx is meters, default for obj is cm, meaning that if you import into substance painter for instance an 1x1 meter object as obj and fbx into subsatnce painter one will be 100x larger.
You would think software devs would make meter as a default, but nope, since most devs are retarded Americans who count in burgers and elbows i have yet to see a software that dosnt fuck up fbx vs obj importing and exporting, you always manually have to correct it during import if there is such an option, or scale it up.



Anonymous No. 854723

Stop gatekeeping, you negroid. It's a slow board anyways

Anonymous No. 854940

>remember to block it in the firewall and it won't crash.
wait is that the solution? what antivirus do you use?

Anonymous No. 854941

it's to feed the athalogithm

Royal Skies has 2 minute videos if you make mid poly animu shit

what game is it? see if they have a modding scene


heavy think.png

Anonymous No. 855019

Bro what the FUCK is even the difference between Bump and Cavity Maps? They literally do the same thing i.e. providing information regarding the presence of crevices and other small imperfections. I don't get it chief, I really don't

Anonymous No. 855052

let's talk about upscalers bros
I have a lot of old cool textures in 512k and 1k on my drive and I want them at least 2x, be it final or at least produce a base to work on later.
is the technology there yet?
I tried waifu2x some time ago. results were shit.
(only plan to upscale diffuses)

Anonymous No. 855053

Is there a good introduction video for making vfx for games?

Anonymous No. 855054


uses cascade not niagara but broadly applicable.

Anonymous No. 855059

Literally takes 10 seconds of google search you halfwit

Anonymous No. 855076

Eat a dick nigger, I looked it up on Google and all the results I got were "Bumps and Normal Maps, here's the difference", I got fuck all regarding Bump-Cavity comparisons, otherwise I wouldn't be fucking asking

Anonymous No. 855090

unsure if people other than quixel use it for other things, but



Bump represents height differences in a surface. Bump maps generally encode finer / higher frequency detail, and should be used to enhance the look of high resolution models.

Workflow: Metalness / Specular
Context: Offline
Characteristics: White = 0.25 cm, Gray = 0 cm, Black = -0.25 cm


Cavity represent specular light occlusion and is used to weaken the specular reflection in tightly occluded cavities and steep areas. This is so that materials shall not exhibit unrealistically intense specular reflections where light would get trapped. This map is primarily used in a real-time context.

Workflow: Metalness
Context: Real-time
Characteristics: White = No cavities, Black = Cavities



Anonymous No. 855094

No. You are a nigger and should kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 855097

BASED we need more frog threads

Anonymous No. 855133

How do I stop procrastinating and actually start doing stuff?

Anonymous No. 855134

>I can share the book
do it

Anonymous No. 855137

>be in computer graphics programming class
>finishing 3d modeler software to implement triangle meshes and shit
>last part of current assignment is to model something in our shitty self-made modeler
how did i not see this coming? also what should i model? i was thinking i should model jack-o or something since the handins are graded based on which ones are the best but i have basically 0 modeling experience (and the software uses box modeling)

Anonymous No. 855158

Just like entropy, frogposters will prevail eventually. Unfortunately. An unstoppable tide of green shit

Anonymous No. 855164

Can you import stuff. Import a model slighly change it.



Anonymous No. 855180

nah i need to create a model "from scratch by applying the operations implemented as part of the assignment to a primitive shape"
i guess i also shouldn't be too worried tho, one of the best models from previous years that i found was this low-poly starmie



Anonymous No. 855181

Can somedy help me? The viewport render doesnt work for me. When I hit the render viewport shading, it keep displaying the normal viewport.

Anonymous No. 855183

saw this a while ago,the first 15mins might be what your looking for, the tech was "vertex animation" and "blend shapes" or something

Anonymous No. 855184


Anonymous No. 855189

Can I make fibermesh curves from a mesh (frame mesh?) or am I going to just have to groom it manually? Trying to export to Maya for xgen.

Anonymous No. 855197


Anonymous No. 855208

Animating vertexes to get stylized motion 'blur' as a real 2D artist would do seems like something you'd only normally do in a fighting game as ArcSys does, considering the huge number of vertices; what you linked is more a cheap way to render large amounts of fauna, but I get the idea of not using bones for those particular frames
Studying videos of the games frame-by-frame I can see they're also spawning particles/billboards with the required image sometimes, rather than distorting/replacing the mesh
This appears to be total mesh replacement here, and other examples use extra bones to stretch in certain ways, which answers part of my question
I wonder what Breath of the Wild does, then

Anonymous No. 855210

why not just do that bit in maya? make your shapes in zbrush then do guides from geo in maya

Anonymous No. 855212

after some more looking it seems like breath of the wild uses some kind of curved triangular particle trail, so more a programming thing

Anonymous No. 855228

It's already starting to make more sense, thank you kind anon

Anonymous No. 855240

so is there a way to use the new vray cosmos model library when i have pirated version of vray? its asking for login info, how do i go around it?



Anonymous No. 855274

I'm on the verge of learning scultping (never did, the little amount of 3D character stuff I did was always made by polymodeling).
Is it worth it if I'm never going to go for characters that are more detailed than pic related? Or should I keep with polymodeling my characters ?

Anonymous No. 855287

can i make money off this nerd shit? not a coomer so unfortunately I dont have any desire to work on porn which i assume severely limits cash flow.

Anonymous No. 855291

You can always sell tank models to Polish boomers, but that'll only make a fraction of the profit. Building a portfolio, becoming a freelancer and taking on contract work as an animator/rigger/character/prop designer/whatever is probably your best bet.



Anonymous No. 855296

wireframe complexity has no relation to whether or not a character should be sculpted. People sometimes even sculpt for models that will end out being unlit via bakes like so.


a better question is what style of character model you want to hit.

Anonymous No. 855301

Anybody knows where can I find the latest issue of a 3D World magazine? I don't have access to CGPersia, so I wonder if it's uploaded there? It isn't yet on CGPeers and idk where else to look at.

Anonymous No. 855309

I' shamelessly going for animae style models but with slightly more details than the usual stuff you see everyweher. Much like that Jojo model I posted. I ripped some models from a Jojo PS3 games and loved how simple they were yet so detailed (with textures but I'm a 2D fag so it doesn't scare me).
I feel like sculpting that kind of models is overkill. Taking a basemesh and working it sounds better but I'm a noob when it comes to character modeling so I really have no clue what suits me the best

Anonymous No. 855325

Sculpting can help you get the shape but the main advantage of getting to direct the normals is pointless because anime models need edited normals

Anonymous No. 855337

>15k tris
I'll never reach this level of optimization

Anonymous No. 855339

>almost every detail is painted on
>no normal mapping of any kind
>handpainted shading

He went for the average MOBA look
Still better than anything i could make...

Anonymous No. 855365

how do I make the purple bit adhere to both the white & green bits & not dislodge or is it an impossilbe problem since all objects are rigid?
I thought of introducing a median object between the purple & white bits.

Anonymous No. 855366


Anonymous No. 855378

yeah that's runescape's art style now

Anonymous No. 855403

I don't get it. Wich methods gives you the advantage of editing the normals while doing it ?



Anonymous No. 855409

Am I having a stroke here or is there in blender really no way to limit the rotation of the last bone in an ik chain? The IK constraints are being ignored and I've got no idea why. I am 100% sure there was a simple way to do it.

Anonymous No. 855410

anime models, to achieve the correct shading, basically have a much smoother, rounder model's normals applied

Anonymous No. 855426

Can someone explain how dynmesh and subdivision work?
So I get that dynmesh is a way you can attach geometry onto your model without breaking topology, but when it gets mixed into the whole subdivision shit i dont start buzzing out.
what the fuck, so do i use both or one or the other? do you start with dynmesh then add subdivisoins after? can you add dynmesh to a subdivisioned sculpt?

can someone just like give me a green arrow workflow on this

Anonymous No. 855455

dynamesh = destroys topology, makes new topology quickly in the same shape, super useful for blocking out/early stages and also hard surface.

Subdivisions = having a low poly mesh you subdivide up, better for working on characters as you can make changes at low and high subdivisions, this allows you to do things like modify poses or make big changes to silhouette on the lowest subdivision, which will translate smoothly up to your highest subdivision containing your skin detail etc.

Basic workflow assuming you're making a character entirely from scratch.

>block out with dynamesh
>once you're happy with shape, duplicate and zremesh it to get subdivision topology
>subdivide zremeshed version a few times and use projectall to get dynameshed details back
>continue working from there on zremeshed version with subdivisions.

Anonymous No. 855489


Ive had a similiar situation recently. I think I added another bone at the end of the arm so I could limit the rotation

Anonymous No. 855490

Alright, seems a computerlet like me have found the correct thread.

Im looking for sites/people/programs/anything who can do 3d animations of (radio)wave propagation and make the picture compatible with PP.
I´ve been looking all over google but cant seem to find exactly what im looking for.
Any help is most welcome.

Anonymous No. 855493

sounds like a procedural animation you could put together in blender, if you have the time to learn it



Anonymous No. 855501

I'm gonna make it

Anonymous No. 855503

I see, thanks, will check it out later!

Anonymous No. 855506

Should i focus on how to modeling first or learn new thing like UV mapping/rigging

Anonymous No. 855514

UV is just part of modeling.

Rigging can wait, it's a field unto itself.

Anonymous No. 855523

Is there a service where I can use someone computer to make my render on unreal ? like a render farm or something ? My pc can't handle more that medium lighting build. I'd like to put everything on max to render a few screenshots. I'm ok with paying of course. Ideally a computer that I can use from a distance so I can set up a few things before and make sure everything is alright

Anonymous No. 855525

Don't know if there's anything out there for Unreal specifically, but you could always just rent a generic cloud computer and install whatever you want on it.


Anonymous No. 855547

why the hell are you still using 2.7

Anonymous No. 855562

Is there anyway to make normal maps look more "deep"? I know using a displacement I can change the depth til my heart is content, but I don't really want to add anymore geometry to what I already have. Particularly because the map is for a repeating pattern so it'll go way over the top with each pattern I add.
Or am I being retarded?


split edge diagramm.jpg

Anonymous No. 855564

Is there a Blender operation that lets you split an edge/face into two edges/faces parallel to the original? Pic related, sorry for shit drawing skills

Anonymous No. 855565

Couldn't you just
>Loop cut
>Select one of the faces
>Separate by selection
>Now you have two separate planes that are equal size and parallel to each other
Or have I got it arse about face and you mean something completely different?

Anonymous No. 855566

Thx fren

Anonymous No. 855570

cut in half and mirror maybe?

Anonymous No. 855617

is there an archive of this board i can search?

Anonymous No. 855621

It's pretty bad

Anonymous No. 855622

Select b c e f, duplicate, seperate, delete original

Anonymous No. 855669

So I managed to solve this issue (turned out I was being retarded), but now I have this situation where the normal maps I've made have really jagged outlines to them, like you can see the aliasing. But in the image I used there nowhere near as prominent and are much cleaner like they've been anti-aliased.
How do I fix this?



Anonymous No. 855727

Can you educate me on blender and xnalara?
How many hours do you need in those apps to create something like pic related? How difficult is working with models? When people write "Posed in xnalara, rendered in blender cycles" what do they mean?

Anonymous No. 855733

apps lol

Anonymous No. 855734

programs, apps, who cares.

Anonymous No. 855808

blender problem:

there's a patch of polygon on my model that's reflecting light differently.
i think it must have something to do with the normals, but i manually flipped the offending ones and it looks the same even though they all face the right way.

when i recalucate outside, it unflips them back around for some reason

what should i try next?

Anonymous No. 855810

>How many hours do you need in those apps to create something like pic related?
It's not about the programs or the time, the deciding factor is your artistic and technical ability - if you have to ask such a stupid question, then its probably impossible for you.

Anonymous No. 855834

Check for double faces by selecting one of the offending faces and deleting it. Try selecting all and merging by distance to remove double vertices. If all else fails, delete that patch of faces one by one, and replace with a new face in the same spot.



Anonymous No. 855844

I'll preface this with you'll have to forgive my shitty drawing.
I have an object like the one in the pic. Whenever I add loopcuts (the red lines in the pic) they kind of flare out where the object is wider and bunch together at the top where it's narrower, as you can see on the left. What I want to do is have them like it is on the right where they're all the same width apart regardless of how narrow or wide the part of the object is.
They're all the same width apart, which is what I want, but they kind of angle away from each other if that makes sense whereas I want them to be straight up and down.
Is this possible? Please advise.

Anonymous No. 855845

I forgot to say, in Blender.

Anonymous No. 855852

Never mind I worked it out.

Anonymous No. 855853

select the edge and Rip



Anonymous No. 855888

this is good advice but unfortunately i tried and doesn't seem to be those ones.

here's a picture if it helps.
the bottom side are shiny like the top is

Anonymous No. 855932

Uhhh so no answer? Why did you reply to me

Anonymous No. 855934

I gave you a very clear answer by telling you that there is no clear answer.
The amount of time needed is dependent on your skill/knowledge.
But I guess i only answered half of your question.
>How difficult is working with models?
Easy if you know what you are doing, impossible if you don't.
>When people write "Posed in xnalara, rendered in blender cycles" what do they mean?
Exactly what the words describe. Xnalara is a program where you pose characters and Cycles is Blenders Renderer.

Anonymous No. 855935

There are only certain things that could create this effect.
Flipped normals, fucked up smoothing, doubled vertices or floating (non-connected) faces.
I'd suggest you simply delete the faces and create them new - its the fastest way to fix that shit without thinking to much about it.

Anonymous No. 855954

This is the kind of question someone who has never in his life learned anything asks.



Anonymous No. 855982

Should I add Zbrush in my workflow when I already do everything in Blender (Polymodeling, rigging, animating, etc, ...)
I'm just getting into sculpting and was wondering how far was Zbrush compared to the competition?

Anonymous No. 855985

thanks but holy shit that search function is awful

Anonymous No. 855986

Why does Blender 2.9+ make my blood boil so much.

Anonymous No. 855990

trust me it wasnt those
it is a zbrush export so I think that might be why it's fucked. i'm going to try deleting them and just using the original faces

because it feels annoying being bad at things

Anonymous No. 855991

sorry, for >>855935



Anonymous No. 855992

>Should I add Zbrush in my workflow
If you take it (sculpting) seriously, then you absolutely should.
Even if you don't and you just do it for fun...why wouldn't you want to know and be able to use the best tool, rather than an average tool?
Despite what people say about the UI and the learning curve, getting into Zbrush is comparably easy, you can ignore 90% of what is there and still profit from the advantages it provides, while investing relatively little time and effort.
Try it out at least and see for yourself.
I would always advice to artists to learn and play around with more than one tool, putting all your eggs into one basket is never a solid winning strategy.
Its like learning martial arts, if you only know one style/type, you'll get outperformed easily by mixed martial artists.

Anonymous No. 856077

Does anyone here actually pay for 3d modeling programs or are they like photoshop where only professionals legally own it and hobbyists all pirate and Adobe knows this and doesn’t bother going after pirates?

Anonymous No. 856080

blender's good enough that hobbyists all use that, unlike krita or gimp

Anonymous No. 856095

I pirated substance suite and marmoset, currently pirating ZBrush too but I think I'll actually buy that

Anonymous No. 856136

>and hobbyists all pirate
not all, but tons of em
>unlike krita

Anonymous No. 856140

krita slow

Anonymous No. 856180

I finally finished that donut tutorial, it looks like shit but somehow better than expected but what now?
Should I continue watching tutorials, or maybe start some personal projects and build a portfolio, or both?

Anonymous No. 856184

You made one donut and you think you're going to make a portfolio? come back in 6-12 months and maybe just maybe you should start thinking about what you might put in a portfolio.



Anonymous No. 856185

>you think you're going to make a portfolio
Obviously not now, I meant maybe in a year or two but that's thinking in the long term.
The main question is whether I should continue following tutorials or do some projects that interest me.
For example should I move on to blender guru's anvil tutorial or maybe try and make something myself, like a bust of Hammerstein from ABC Warriors? Or both even?

Anonymous No. 856232

krita's still buggy as fuck and has an unusable text tool
also absolute garbage for pixel art

Anonymous No. 856233

Well if you're that new I'd stick with tutorials for now until you get a better understanding of the tools and techniques you can use. You still don't even know the fundamentals of 3d yet and going it alone is just going to end up frustrating you.

Anonymous No. 856251

imagine going throiugh someone's portfolio and theres a fucking donut there

Anonymous No. 856253




Anonymous No. 856261

brainlet here, is there any difference if you use photoshop for texturing and using 3D paint tool?

Anonymous No. 856262

a donut is expected now. If you cant render a good looking donut in your DCC of choice why should you be trusted with commercial work?

Anonymous No. 856266

Well, yeah. If you have to model a truck with hundreds of complex interlocking pieces, do you do it by drawing an origami blueprint and HOPING that eventually it all folds together correctly, or do you just model it in 3D? Same goes for painting textures.

If you're doing minor touchups of existing textures (like cutting out patches of skin from photos, stretching them onto your image and shifting the hue to blend them together) or texturing flat objects like a billboard/label, you'll be fine doing it in Photoshop. If you're modeling/sculpting a complex object from scratch however and you find yourself tearing your hair out because of the distortions and UV seams, then you should probably use Mari/Substance/ZBrush/Quixel/Blender/whatever.

Anonymous No. 856267

are you actually recommending blender or zbrush for texturing? How new are you?

Anonymous No. 856268

If it's what you have access to and you don't want to learn/use/pirate any of the four other tools I listed, then yes. How illiterate are you?

Anonymous No. 856269

mate, blender and zbrush have absolute SHIT texturing. How desperate are you to argue?

Anonymous No. 856270

What's that Blender tool that allows you to move multiples vertices at once ?

Anonymous No. 856271

Are they better than doing it in 2D in certain circumstances? Yes. Is that the only point I was making? Yes.

Also how FUCKING dare you, Blender is as good as industry standard software at everything and it will BTFO Houdini and Substance and AutoCAD and the entire Adobe suite, /3/ told me so.

Anonymous No. 856272

no, they arent better then doing it in 2d because they dont even have layer systems you absolute clown!

Anonymous No. 856273

>Blender doesn't have ...
You should already know by now that the answer is "um but actually there's an addon???"


Anonymous No. 856275

layerpainter is garbage and we are talking about vanilla you troll

Anonymous No. 856276

It's a free addon, and even without it you can conceive of at least one scenario where using a layer-less 3D texturing tool is more convenient for that specific project than Photoshop.

Anyways, I have no idea why you're so hung up about this and there's shit I need to do instead of arguing with you, so you win.

Anonymous No. 856277

no, layer-less texturing is completely useless in 2021

Anonymous No. 856284

its crazy man you got one level-headed anon who gives his two cents -then you have the unbalanced anon who wants to die before giving into his stubborn view. take a moment and reflect on your head- examine your pipeline, your personal workflows, and try to imagine a world which this is only 1 of 1 million ways to complete a task - this is the reality, so you should not fight others on it. Leads to a narrow view of 'right ' and 'wrong' ,, will cause stagnation in your work by being boxed in your own rigid shell

Anonymous No. 856297

curved surfaces act differently to flat ones
you can do it but you'll need to correct a shit ton.

they are better than 2d. literally anything is better than doing it in 2d.

i didnt know that was free. nice

Anonymous No. 856306

How do I add a normal map on top of another normal map other than mixing them?
For instance, say I have a piece of wood and I used a normal map to give it a wood texture. However I also want to add some engraving on the wood using a different normal map. How do I achieve this?
I don't want to use a displacement because I have too much geometry as it is. The only other way I know to do it is to use a boolean but that's going to add even more geometry.
I've tried a few different ways and while it almost looks right using a mix RGB it's too subtle to really be worth doing. I also hate using the mapping node to rotate things and such, it's much easier in the UV editor but I can't seem to do that if I used the mix RGB.

Anonymous No. 856307

>How do I add a normal map on top of another normal map other than mixing them?
adding is a MIX operation !!!!!!

Anonymous No. 856308

But it comes out shit and barely noticeable.

Anonymous No. 856309

what software are u using

Anonymous No. 856310


Anonymous No. 856311

use adobe substance 3d painter and you will be able to solve your own problem in a short period of time i guarantee it

Anonymous No. 856312

I'll look into it if that's going to be end up my only option. Thanks anyway.

Anonymous No. 856406

why are all these award winning animated shorts all about sad shit like addiction, dementia and funerals and shit?

Anonymous No. 856407

When animating, how do you make it so certain bones animate based on physics? Like for example, a dress that's been rigged, or long hair. Surely you're not meant to animate the gravitational bounces by hand?

Anonymous No. 856411

there's probably some way to tie physics to the mesh in blender, and if you're doing it for a game that part depends on the game engine (but you'd rig bones to be manipulated by any available physics/faked physics)

Anonymous No. 856412

also dresses would be represented by separate soft bodies

Anonymous No. 856413

>there's probably some way to tie physics to the mesh in blender
The thing is, I was asking because I was playing around with some pre-made models, and the clothing + hair was rigged.

Do other software have built in physics simulation for rigged clothing/hair?

Anonymous No. 856414

that or it's faked with cleverish programming

Anonymous No. 856415

beats me- i think it sucks too

Anonymous No. 856417

you can simulate physics with bone chains

Anonymous No. 856418

Too clunky and heavy. You can use any image editor including mspaint and overlay your uvs on textures.

Anonymous No. 856420

>you can simulate physics with bone chains
Is there a tutorial for this?

Anonymous No. 856421

this is how it was done for years, even at the dawn of the PBR era most games were probably being textured like this, you can bake a specular pass to give you the forms in photoshop to paint on (or just your actual baked AO/curvature maps etc.) and it's really not bad at all.

Hell I know of games considered to have superlative graphics released as late as 2019 that had props and characters mostly textured in PS.

Anonymous No. 856430

Any good rigging resources for blender? I've got a character modeled and textured for a coomer game, but don't know anything except for the basics when it comes to rigging. Will be using it in Unity, if it matters. Also, if anyone also knows anything about how to properly rig a model for dynamic in engine animation, for basic jiggle physics and the like, I'd appreciate some info in regards to that as well.

Anonymous No. 856440

How much GPU memory do you need to render 4k images with cycles + optix? Currently I can only do very small scenes with minimal textures before crashing on regular cycles

Anonymous No. 856453

>i can share the book
Please do



Anonymous No. 856464

At 0:10, how do you do that ? Influence the vertices that are next to the ones you're moving ?


Anonymous No. 856467

Proportional Editing

Anonymous No. 856478

are the meshes in animated movies triangulated or is that games only?

its not just animated, they do that with everything. happy movies dont win oscars

Anonymous No. 856479

not that guy, that book is on zlib and libgen, search for "ZBrushフィギュア制作の教科書"

Anonymous No. 856481

Any guides on how to model an ass? All the character modeling guides I find tend to skip those bits. Blender, if possible, please.

Anonymous No. 856502

Study anatomy. If you don't understand the form, you'll never be able to recreate it in a satisfying way.

Anonymous No. 856585

>are the meshes in animated movies triangulated

Anonymous No. 856647

huh neat. thanks

Anonymous No. 856648

they're rendered in much the same way as games, just with shit that they can get away with since they're not rendered in real time
like raytracing and having 50 billion polygons and extremely detailed physics simulations

Anonymous No. 856649

big brain: a movie is just a really long cutscene

that demystifies it a bit though.

Anonymous No. 856650

you can see it the other way around, cutscenes are shorts made on game engines, or mimicking the real-time rendering look with offline (non real-time) engines

Anonymous No. 856665

you can find a bunch of VFX-related channels on youtube to demystify things further if you want



Anonymous No. 856809

long shot but can anyone tell if the communication towers in the background of this image is from a 3d model (perhaps one based off a real tower) or a masked image. im trying to source the towers if anyone here happens to be a comms tower specialist...

Anonymous No. 856811

the fence is drawn
the towers look like 3D models based on shit you'd find in Russia



Anonymous No. 856819

What was the name of that female nude torso that was really poplar as a 3D printing benchmark/first print? I tried searching for it, but it just comes up with a million different nudes, and none of them the one I'm thinking of.

Anonymous No. 856822

Do you need a good grasp of art fundamentals before getting into this? Drawing, painting etc?

I want to make famous car animations and model those cars etc.

Anonymous No. 856823

no, just start doing it

Anonymous No. 856826

Yes, if you can't make 2d look good then you have no chance with 3d.

Anonymous No. 856846

how easy is it to model one of these towers?

Anonymous No. 856851

No, it helps to have them before, but if you don't have them, you'd just waste time doing other things.

Arguably, photography helps learn lighting and composition, but I don't completely agree, because you can learn the theory of those things in your 3D software while learning to actually set it up. You can use the same learning materials, just don't expect a book for photographers to teach you how to actually set up the lights in your software, although they'll probably teach you how to position them, etc. If you're a visual learner, maybe a cheap camera might help you, idk. This all depends on you, really.

There's an anon here who swears by it, though, maybe if he's still here he'll give his opinion.



Anonymous No. 856864

Meme question but what am I gaining from going from Blender to Zrbush in terms of sculpting, especially when I use Blender for pretty much everything?
I just installed it right now and I'm following a tutorial but that UI. Shame on the people responsible for it and their descendants. But am I going to see improvments to my workflow in the long run?

Anonymous No. 856867

If you need million poly sculpts with no lag.

Anonymous No. 856869

I don't. My style if pretty simple, far from realistic

Anonymous No. 856894

>But am I going to see improvments to my workflow in the long run?
That depends on your work, but i would wager yes, you will.
Simply because of the fact that Zbrush is as deep as an ocean, there are a fuckton of tools and possible ways to do stuff that can make your life easier and your workflow faster. That might turn out as an small advantage in speed or an jump of several hours, same applies to complexity and subsequently quality.
But to be abundantly honest it can also amount to nothing really, and this is entirely dependent on your work.
If you so will, post work that exemplifies your average work, featuring the highest amount of complexity you do and I (and others) can make an more accurate judgement.

Anonymous No. 856922

probably not that hard especially with procedural geometry but the fact you had to ask tells me you have no idea about 3d modeling in the first place

Anonymous No. 856924

yes, zbrush isn't just high poly performance and you'll find as you come to learn it that it's probably the thing you love the least about transferring from blender to sculpting in it.

here's a fun one, how long does it take you to bake an alpha for sculpting in blender, I mean who knows because you've probably never actually done it because it's such a pain in the arse.


meanwhile here's how long it takes in zbrush to make a VDM, you will find many things that are like that in terms of blender v zbrush sculpting, you didn't even know they were a problem because you didn't know how good the other side had it



Anonymous No. 857009

How to do version control with 3D ?



Anonymous No. 857033

why does this happen ?, from frame 60 to rame 0 my objects gradualy start getting fucky like this.

Anonymous No. 857086

if my friend uses pirated plugins on his reel and he gets hired for remote work and continues to use these plugs, will he get fired? Is he taking a risk?

Anonymous No. 857113

Autistic non-answers. No wonder you have no friends.

Anonymous No. 857136

you could make a lot of that out of textured transparent planes if it's just going to be used as a reference image

Anonymous No. 857140

he will go to jail

Anonymous No. 857143

he will die in there



Anonymous No. 857157

What objects/character/stuff can I sculpt to get better at it? I'm not ready for humans yet

Anonymous No. 857158




Anonymous No. 857172

I can't into 3D modeling, but I can install Blender and import an object I downloaded from the internet.

But how do I make that object rotate 360 degrees while exporting an image every 10 degrees?

I need it to make this https://scaleflex.github.io/js-cloudimage-360-view/



Anonymous No. 857173

fuk u

Anonymous No. 857175

it can help to import in a ready made model and just poke at it. less of a blank canvas that way



Anonymous No. 857176

Best way to go about modeling/shading an object like this? Where there is a smooth, hard plastic outer, a "support" plastic layer beneath, with supporting edges and plastic pins- With the internals closely hugging the inside of the container- Its like 1 layer of plastic- small air pocket- another layer of plastic- small air pocker- and then internals. The translucency and refraction properties, I am stumbling ahead in my brain to think through it. This is for real-time, also. With that consideration, would you guys just fake it? I think I can fake it- I wish I knew a better way to solve it



Anonymous No. 857203

How are you guys making your normal maps? I see a lot of really good photorealistic ones -- take carpeting for example. I doubt they modeled it and baked it out because it looks too real. I think it must come from a photograph, but the way I know to do that, by converting to grayscale and using Photoshop's Normal Map filter, is basically a glorified bump map and I've never gotten GREAT results that way (plus, Photoshop is deprecating the Normal Map filter so I need to find a better way).

I've read about lighting from different directions, taking several photos, combining them into different channels, etc. Is that really how people commonly do this?

Or are you cheating and downloading premade textures and eventually nobody will know how to make an original normal map

Pic unrelated.

Anonymous No. 857212

Substance designer

Anonymous No. 857236

So literally everybody is pirating it? And again, what about photographs?

Anonymous No. 857253

normalise is free

Anonymous No. 857285

If I have something like a cube and want to cut a shape out of it and want to show it has some thickness to it, am I better off cutting the shape out first and then using a solidify mod, or using the solidify mod first and then cutting out the shape?

Anonymous No. 857456

is subdivision modeling the same as box modeling? also if it is, what's a good way to model a 2d character in 3d? do i just need a side profile + mugshot, then basically fit the shapes to the form?

Anonymous No. 857656

cut de shape out first

Anonymous No. 857847

I have an old PC and trying to run substance designer and it just freezes to a halt. Memory consumption ramps up like crazy right before it just stops working, I can't diagnose further.
I have a shitty gpu and 8gb of ram.
Question: will getting more ram be enough, or do I need a modern gpu too? Because I can't afford the later.
Maybe I should ask: the memory Substance Designer uses, is it mainly from the gpu?

Anonymous No. 857876

I have 8 gigs of ram too and it works fine on my machine

Anonymous No. 857996

Could it be the gpu then?
I have a gtx 750 ti

Anonymous No. 857999

You need a lot more ram, or faster ram

Anonymous No. 858004

Any good tutorial for hand painted texture like those japs do?

Anonymous No. 858183

Blender BTW. How can I get a custom UI for a model to show up in a scene to which I have appended the model? Just appending the collection currently.

Anonymous No. 858344

I have no idea, I'm using an r9 290, 8 gigs of ram and some old i5
I can have substance, zbrush and blender open at the same time

Anonymous No. 858431

idk about substance, but when i downloaded painter, the website told me i needed to manually edit some part of my computer so it could allot more power to it. i did and it works fine. i forget exactly what but i'm sure you can find it on their website somewhere.

Anonymous No. 858457

When you commission something from a 3d artist do you get the legal rights to it?
does anyone know how that works?



Anonymous No. 858458

I'm a noob, I don't understand the terms.
I want to make some texturing job for a freelance site. can you guys explain to me what are these requirements:

1-"UV Set"
I open the Uv map and I texture it, I don't know what "UV SET" is.

2-"it must be done in CMS as maximum limit"
centimeters? what does it mean? as maximum limit??


Anonymous No. 858466

I assume you want something free? Because google will point you to different paid for sites.
there's professional footage in pexels.com but not everything is in 4k

unironically paint 3d.
it comes free with windows, it's light and intuitive

it's not a bad habit at all, anything that can help you figure out how things move its great! because if the arm of the character got obstructed by something, you can figure it out how the arm would behave by looking at the other arm or the path the arm crossed

years ago, I had an idea of "funny tutorials", I would set up a very difficult task and crack jokes during the long time it took me to finish the project, because at least it wouldn't be a burden to watch. but it was too hard to do.

for the mesh, I would try
the rest are textures.

after all this years, I still don't know the answer.
I would tell you to look up to people/art who you admire, it usually inspires me.
or set up mini goals. instead of thinking "I have all this work to do" think like: "today, I will do something simple...like a ball bouncing"

this sounds like an after effects thing.
you can also try learning particles in 3d and after, learn coding to set the particles to the radio waves, but after effects it's more simple.

what software you use? can you post the model/render? I would tell you to fix the texture instead of the bump map. put some shading in the area you want to be dark. it's better to take a look at your model first.

it's called soft selection

you screwed the animation.
look for hidden keyframes.

you have to learn 3d, these are basic questions you made. learn the rotate tool, basic of animating and the basic of rendering

you could paid somebody else to do it.
some people would accept even 20 bucks.



Anonymous No. 858903

"guys i don't feel too good..."

Anonymous No. 859154

I don't like rigging, but I don't trust people on fiverr with my models. Is there some way to give a textureless, lower res version of my model and have them rig that, then use it as some sort of proxy mesh to deform my real model? I'm not sure how proxy rigs work, would they need the high res? Is there a way to just transfer the lowpoly rig to the hi res one, even if it had different topo but same shape? Is there some other option I'm missing?



Anonymous No. 859283

What is the real way of joining two meshes in Blender? Boolean craps up the entire thing, CTRL doesn't actually join any vertices....
Is the only way to fucking model the second object all over again on the primary mesh?