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Anonymous No. 851612

Redpill me on crocotile 3D.

Anonymous No. 851613

Use sprytile or gret (Material: Tile Paint) for blender instead since they're free:

Crocotile costs money and it requires you to learn a 3d app that won't be applicable to anything else

Anonymous No. 851615

>Crocotile costs money
No it doesn't. Purchase is optional, the creator also offers a free version.

Anonymous No. 851624

The free version is limited, you can use blender without any restrictions whatsoever and it will be more useful at the end.

Anonymous No. 851673

>The free version is limited
No it isn't. You can also build your own binaries.



Anonymous No. 851701

>No it isn't
on their website: http://crocotile3d.com/
>A registration code is necessary to activate saving and exporting in the Crocotile 3D program (unless you are using the Steam version). You are free to download and use the program without registering to evaluate the product and ensure it works on your system, however, you will not be able to save or export your work until you enter a valid code (or buy on Steam).
on itch: https://prominent.itch.io/crocotile3d
>Saving (over 100 tiles) and exporting is deactivated. To activate these, register a keycode at Crocotile3D.com

100 tiles is 200 polys and all of the examples on the crocotiles website have models done over 100 tiles, no need to pay $25 to have unlimited polys when you can install blender addons.
>You can also build your own binaries.
Just use blender instead of compiling it yourself lol. 100% free and easy to use a useful tool, as opposed to just spending $25. You have unlimited planes/tiles in blender. The shortcuts and modifiers are faster to use as well. You can just use the array modifier and sculpt your low object

Anonymous No. 851703

better yet, you can subdiv the planes that you've set up. Much more fast than setting them one by one

Anonymous No. 851710

cucked software for appeal nostalfags and retards with 2 digit IQ that think that lowres stuff looks good, which isn't

Anonymous No. 851711


Anonymous No. 851717


Anonymous No. 851720


It doesn't make any sense to learn sprytile when there's a free and vastly more flexible solution to be found in blender.

Anonymous No. 851792

What's that?

Anonymous No. 851986

Sorry, I wrote sprytile when I meant crocotile. I was agreeing with the guy that crocotile is superfluous and that any time spent learning how to use it would be better spent learning to do the same thing in blender.

Anonymous No. 852060

>Redpill me on crocotile 3D
it's shit

Anonymous No. 852168

No. Buy it yourself.

Anonymous No. 853712

bumping for some more low poly programs

Anonymous No. 853716

Trust me you don't need those, you can already make anything low poly in any software plus you'll have more control and options. But still let's have a bump and see what's in store for us

Anonymous No. 854343

Also going to suggest this. Learn blender and stop being a retard. Croctile is trash