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Anonymous No. 851662

My first serious attempt at trying to make a gun for a game. What makes it look so shit?




Anonymous No. 851664

the texturing is atrocious, these white spots make no sense, you can see the seams
otherwise, it depends on the style of the game, if the flat color, max roughness is what you're going for I think it's fine

Anonymous No. 851668

the bolt, trigger guard, and the stock need more wear and tear

Anonymous No. 851672

Reminds me of late 2000s videogame guns

Anonymous No. 851688

Throw that bitch into substance. Or if you are going for a stylized vibe just try adding a rap or something to the stock, just start adding a bunch of detail so you have something to keep your eyes occupied to not nitpick the gun.

Anonymous No. 851697

The model itself looks quite decent. Well done. The problem is the texturework. It looks like dogshit because you didn't use reference images.
The wood on the stock for example is oriented the wrong way. The scratches are too large.You should learn about the various texture maps like diffuse, bumpmaps, specular maps. You should be able to make something great only with those three.

Anonymous No. 851704

*specular/metallic maps
*bumps/normals/displacement maps

Anonymous No. 851713


Hey anon, a few things:

1. The axis of the bolt and the muzzle don't line up. In a Kar98k, there's a straight line (the path of the bullet) that goes from the front of the bolt to the muzzle. On yours, it's offset, so it looks off.

2. In front of the sight ladder, the top bit there should be wood (use the same brownish texture you have elsewhere, unless you're going for a bad repair look, which would be rare).

3. That wood piece from (2) should extend slightly past the metal ring in front of the sight ladder.

4. That wood piece from (2) should only begin its taper after about 1/2 its length.

5. You're missing a bolt under the breech (I think).

6. The trigger guard needs to be about half as thick as you have it.

7. The stock is missing the slot in front of that metal disk (which should have a hole in it too, iirc). The slot would be where a sling would go.

8. The butt of the rifle should be slightly concave, to fit the shooter's shoulder. It should also be more vertical than you have it.

9. The transition from the stock to the pistol-ish grip is not well-defined enough. Check some more reference pictures.

Anonymous No. 851714


A couple more things:

10. The trigger assembly should be moved back a little bit closer to the grip.

11. Starting out, for your textures, don't try to do any wear. Pretend it's just out of the factory. Then, look at some videos of operation and look for where metal moves together and where wear might actually occur. Like, there should be no real wear around the barrel (because anybody using that rifle is going to make sure not to bang it on things).


Good first serious attempt! It's just an example of how a bunch of little things can combine to make a solid effort feel "off".

Anonymous No. 851715

texturing is bad. Looks like ur uv are fucked up also

Anonymous No. 851716


13. Further looking in 3D...the whole body is too thick compared to the barrel, and the shape is wrong. See here for much better reference material:


Anonymous No. 851718


14. I *think* you might also have the overall length a touch too long. The k in 98k stands for "karabiner"...a shorter rifle.

15. You are missing the bolt release on the left side of the bolt holder. In operation, you pull that and work the bolt backwards to remove the bolt for cleaning.

Anonymous No. 851954

The texture looks like a turd instead of wood

Anonymous No. 852221

/k/ could probably help you,if they don't tear your ass a new one for that shit.

Anonymous No. 852271

the textures
simple as

Anonymous No. 852286

the grain of the wood is 90° to what it should be.
a lotof your wear marks on the metal are illogical.
metal wears on the corners first.

Anonymous No. 852366

Did you study where the woodgrain's direction is for the best appeal?




Anonymous No. 852384

Thanks for all the advice bros

Anonymous No. 852389

Dude. Just get substance painter.
>b-b-but its p-paid
Pirate it. Pretty sure you can find a crack easily from an indian guy on youtube. Lol

Anonymous No. 852441

im gonna tell you right now you are not gonna make a whole game of that graphical quality all by yourself. look into buying assets

Anonymous No. 852468

dont listen to that nigger above me, keep going, everyones first attempts were shit

Anonymous No. 852577

I do have it, its just I am shit at using it :D

Anonymous No. 852578

I easily can. Won't even break a sweat.

Anonymous No. 852820

Then why does it look like an asset from any number of one man unity games?

Anonymous No. 852827

don't be afraid of polygons, it's 2021 dude. some games use 20k+ polys for guns

Anonymous No. 852980

yeah, UV texturing is so fucking ancient. just learn bump-mapping your materials or use a free material painter to paint textures to give it a more naturalistic look.

Anonymous No. 852983

btw your gun is very low-poly too. take the time of day to watch other people model guns and you can see how much more detail you can actually add there in a way that it makes sense. you want to use some bevels everywhere where there's hard edges & smooth them out.

Anonymous No. 852985

Just because you can't doesn't mean nobody can. So long as their scope is reasonable.

Anonymous No. 853744


any updates OP?

Anonymous No. 854012

Fix the textures please

Anonymous No. 854027

not really, I didnt feel like working on the model again. I am thinking about doing another gun and see how that turns out. I will post it here once I finish it.

Anonymous No. 854087

What gun is it?

Anonymous No. 854176

I dont know, havent started yet, any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 854177

I've never been on this board and I quit video games about 5 years ago, but I can tell you anon that with enough persistence you can become great at just about anything.

Anonymous No. 856072


A nice easy one could be a MAC-10. Super easy to do low-poly, and a great chance to practice detail work (beveling, etc.)

Anonymous No. 856086

I think it looks decent but the thing allot of games use now a days is lighting in the past that meant shading and texture images Now, with better lighting sources that means textured surfaces made by high res images or hand detailed patterns with dots

Anonymous No. 856087

The model is shaped as a texture itself in some games but it takes up allot of space