

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 853057

>BTFOs Max, Maya and C4D.
>Next victims: Houdini and Zbrush.
>Nothing personnel kid.



Anonymous No. 853059

Anonymous No. 853060

2/10 made me reply

Anonymous No. 853077

Blender is the best, I don't get the hate it gets on /3/ I bet they're just jealous

Anonymous No. 853079


Anonymous No. 853083

when you have nothing going for you as an artist, you post software-war-bait instead of your work.
when you have ABSOLUTELY nothing going for you, you delude yourself into thinking blender will ever be more than hobbyist software.



Anonymous No. 853262

I want to understand the inner workings of a blendlet. Like what exactly goes in that bottomless pit I have no clue.

Anonymous No. 853268

ITT: Seething paypigs

Anonymous No. 854411

>you delude yourself into thinking blender will ever be more than hobbyist software
You clearly don't work in the 3D industry, most small and middle enterprises are moving to Blender. And those that don't, are the ones still using their 10 year old copy of Max/Maya/C4D because they're too cheap to upgrade to a new version, so those enterprises are no example.
Only large companies still use Max/Maya/C4D/etc, and even some of those have adopted Blender.

Anonymous No. 854454


nice try.

Anonymous No. 854455

you got some creativity there, it's a pity you didn't use it to make art.

Anonymous No. 854456

nooooo i learned all about slerping between quaternions and now it's all useless aaaaaaah



Anonymous No. 854466

It would never BTFO Zbrush, cause it's CPU based, and Blendcuck is GPU. You can work with Billion polygons in Zbrush, and the same model would crash Blender instantly. And Zbrush has so much borderline schizoid tools and functions, that you would never even fit inside Blender.
It would never BTFO the Mayas animation tools, cause Blender ones are literal suicide fuel to use in actual production. It might BTFO Houdini though. The new node system in Blender is pretty similar, they just need to work on fire and water sims.
And it kinda BTFO'd C4D

Anonymous No. 854471

Nodes for modeling suck and no one use blender for VFX.

Anonymous No. 855555

yeah in your dreams pal



Anonymous No. 855556


Anonymous No. 855557

Thank you for wasting a perfectly good set of quints on bumping last week's scheduled low effort Blender slide thread. Your service is invaluable.

Anonymous No. 856258

>>Next victims: Houdini
call me in 10 years when you actually learn basics of houdini

Anonymous No. 856260

Have you actually even tried to do anything with Blender outside hard surface concepting? It's the laggiest pos with the least number of functional features.

Anonymous No. 856300

lol what the fuck happneedddd?? I tried it maybe a year ago it was fine tried it now and laggy AFF



Anonymous No. 856313

It's the best as a first step into 3DCG because that's what it is - a first step into 3DCG. Most people on this board never went further than that.

Anonymous No. 856423

>10 years
Sounds about right for the time it takes to teach someone Houdini

Anonymous No. 856447

/biz/ worships shitcoins
/fit/ worships femboys
/pol/ worships blumpf

Don't be surprised about 4channers being dumb