

๐Ÿงต is this bitch hard to learn?

Anonymous No. 855701

be real with me. What's the pipeline
Also, I wanna use it solely to render out cinematics

Anonymous No. 855702

*!* schizo alert *!*

Anonymous No. 855781

Can you program in C++?

If the answer is no, skip it. This is not something you can master.

Anonymous No. 855791

Not OP but what's the deal with C++ anyway? Everyone says it's a pain in the ass, what's so terrible about it

Anonymous No. 855797

It's like English. Once upon a time, people came up with a language for a completely different world that no longer exists, and we just kept tacking on random shit ever since in an attempt to try and modernize it. The result is a mess where nothing makes any sense and there are a thousand exceptions to every rule. Why do we do X? Because computers in the 70s couldn't do Y. Why does A and B exist if everyone says I should always use C? Because C only got added in the last five years.

That said, things have gradually improved over time, and C++30 might even finally introduce some features that most languages have had since 2003.

Anonymous No. 855803

C# is better for game development

Anonymous No. 855825

C# is the better designed language (per my subjective opinion and the general consensus) and you can be way more productive in it, but C/C++ still win simply by virtue of being lower level languages where you can hand-optimize shit. Which is why most performance critical applications tend to be written in them, and why neckbeard game dev purists scoff at the notion of anything that uses a garbage collector.

Of course, none of this really matters if the hello world example you write will be running on top of a billion lines of Epic's engine code and fifteen different third party libraries for deep spatial RTX neural AI deep machine subsampled physical ray tracing protected by Denuvo.

Anonymous No. 855891

You don't need to know any coding for cinematics. I used Unreal for my college projects to also render cinematics and I even need very few blueprints. Depends on what you want to render of course.

Anonymous No. 855919

It is because it followed JAVA's example. Java may be a shitty, bloated platform, but the language itself is nice to work with.

Nowadays people complain that C# has too many features. You just can't make people happy.

Anonymous No. 855968

Once upon a time there was a perfect language called C. Then somebody made it object orientated and ruined everything. Everyone lived miserably ever after.

Anonymous No. 856062

>I wanna use it solely to render out cinematics

Take some of the free beginner courses on the Unreal Engine website.

Anonymous No. 856068

No it isn't you goddamn retard. You don't know shit about programming.
Being used as the scripting language for Unity does not make it better for game development.

Anonymous No. 856088

Unless your doing the cinematic in real time and have to account for models you don't need to code anything major

Anonymous No. 856089

You might get a screen in between larger companies just lock the model into a set course of the cinematic in some cases and remove player control until the section is over Unless you can make it seemless in terms of where the model appears and the video ends Think old rts black screens or Assasins creed button press that doesn't match the cinematic

Anonymous No. 856090

Old assasins creed white screen before you appear in a loading area is pretty old fashioned with new hardware

Anonymous No. 856091

Plain loading screen with advice and objects or a still and or an immediate gameplay transition

Anonymous No. 856103

>what's so terrible about it
Non-meme answers:

1) it has A LOT of features; this is somewhat irrelevant because if you're writing software for yourself (as opposed to as part of a team and using their software) you only need to use the features that you need.
i.e. you don't NEED to use Templates (as a an example), but running into them and not understanding them while learning the language can be very disheartening.

2) Some of the features related to OOP (Object Oriented Programming) can, when you've made a typo somewhere, create incredibly obtuse error messages or no error message from the compiler.
This is because with OOP you've got a lot of stuff happening under the hood that really doesn't mesh with what the hardware "wants" or was designed to do, so a lot of juggling and nonsense has to go on so that all those virtual function calls and what not get resolved.