

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 856948


>Spend an entire year learning anatomy and sculpting and rigging in blender to make proper realistic 3D females
>mfw there are people who grew up masturbating to minecraft unironically



Anonymous No. 856951

Built for big black enderman

Anonymous No. 856952

>there are people who grew up masturbating to minecraft unironically

Yeah but you're not making art for those people. If you wanna get rich, Rich, sell your soul and aim to please the lowest common denominator.
But if you want a fulfilling mental life thru doing art aim to appeal to whoever your true peers are.

personally I'll rather strive to reach marginal success doing something I love than attempting to gain stacks of money doing something I deplore.

>Spend an entire year.

Wow, you've put so much effort into this anon. I wonder if anyone who ever got good at art did as much as you to get there?
A whole lap around the sun spent trying to create realistic depictions of a super difficult subject matter?
Damn, that is some next level dedication right there anon.

Anonymous No. 856964

>that is some next level dedication
haha! goteeem

Anonymous No. 856971

Smoking is bad for you.

Anonymous No. 857126

It's because you've failed to understand the basics of eroticism, Rich Evans. That it why you will never make it.