

๐Ÿงต how fast can i learn this?

Anonymous No. 856960

realistically, is something like this hard to achieve? is it possible to learn in a couple of months?


Anonymous No. 856963

9:00 open unreal engine
9:05 import entire megascans library
9:10 build scene
9:20 pick a neat HDRI
9:22 add some point lights
9:23 learn how to keyframe a camera
9:40 export video
9:45 pick a song
10:00 take a break
11:30 edit video
11:45 upload to socials


Anonymous No. 856983

>is it possible to learn in a couple of months?
that shit looks like it was done over one afternoon
>free Quixel megascans library
>Mixamo run cycle
>few shitty slow-mo shots in UE5 sequencer

Anonymous No. 858762

He made this in THREE months?

Literally 90% of the assets in the video are from megascans

This would take like 2 afternoons from someone actually competent, this is worthless

So the answer is yes, if you're not retarded like this dude

Anonymous No. 858839

Don't forget to turn the bloom up to maximum.