

๐Ÿงต Biggest low IQ filter on /3/

Anonymous No. 857085

Are node workflow the biggest retarded and normalfag filter of /3/ software?

Imagine struggling with node workflow (houdini, blender shaders, geometry nodes, nuke, etc).

Anonymous No. 857123

No, most people given enough time will figure out how to use any node system, the biggest IQ filter shown in this board is just the lack of time some people put into their work.

Anonymous No. 857125

Nodes are just babby tier programming.

Anonymous No. 857127

This >>857125. It's not a filter to keep retards out, it's a simplification to allow retards in and encourage them to engage with what otherwise would be inaccessible to them.

Anonymous No. 857135

It really depends on what you want to use it for, features like making.
I wouldn't blame it on a lack of time, just a lack of reference. You can spend as much time as you'd like trying to go somewhere, but it means nothing if you have no direction. If anything, it's beneficial to save time as you have more time to make more models.

It's hard to make good things if you have no direction or guide. There should be a reference thread where people share their pureref files. There should also be a basemesh thread so that people wouldn't waste time with retopo

Anonymous No. 857455

>not setting normalmap texture to noncolor data in blender

Anonymous No. 857465

Bad design if it's not feeding the normal map as linear either way. Expecting the average user of a free software to understand colorspace is a tall order.

Anonymous No. 857537


All the time wasted learning blenders overly complex texture nodes system and it's only useful in blender and not really transferable skill wise.
Just learn substance designer, nodes are 100% better and will help you understand the whole texturing process and even help you understand things like painter and even Houdini better.
Does anyone even use blender nodes for texturing. I'm not talking about setting up a basic node tree for PBR but from scratch raw materials creation.

Anonymous No. 857538

0% brain post, SD is very raster based it doesn't help you learn real shader shit it's something completely different, I don't even know how you'd come to this conclusion I think you've been doing 3d for like 1 month and now you think you're an expert.

If you want to know proper shader stuff look into HLSL or learn a node system based on it like UE4 or shadergraph in unity.

Anonymous No. 857567

What I hate is how there is still no "standard" material node system to be able to replicate what I accomplish from Blender to some game engines, hell, even Armor Paint which is based in Blender can't fully replicate materials the way I set them up, several nodes or controllers are missing.

Anonymous No. 857568

individual studios do this, for example the shader system in horizon zero dawn is all controlled by hypershade with some mods.

Anonymous No. 857569

Standardizing it would be a nightmare I imagine. And then it would take years to add the smallest changes into it.

Anonymous No. 857588

It would. But imagine how glorious it would be if for example straight HLSL was the standard in everything and
just creating a .fx file would be enough to run your shader in anything direct-x?

There's certainly too many standards about and you're wasting lot of time writing one shader for the game engine
and another one for the app viewport, then a third one for presentation in marmoset etc.

I feel everything they do to make it more accessible for noobs is making it less accessible for anyone who actually care to deepdive.

Anonymous No. 857591

>I feel everything they do to make it more accessible for noobs is making it less accessible for anyone who actually care to deepdive.
You just summed up why UE is shit
dozens of setups and starter projects for babby's first anything but the second you want to go beyond you have to rewrite half the engine. Exhibit A: vehicle controls that aren't "the Scorpion from UT3".

Anonymous No. 857592

Imagine gate keeping this hard. You're probably worried about noobs overtaking you

Anonymous No. 857598

There's no gatekeeping anon. Anyone who sticks with this and moves past being a noob will run into the same problems
and wish things was setup for usability rather than accessibility.



Anonymous No. 857607

I think MaterialX is supposed to address this. One shading system that works across DCCs and renderers.