

🧵 CGMatter

Anonymous No. 858497

Let's just agree to the fact that he is the BEST blender youtuber ever.

Anonymous No. 858499

He is the most annoying Blendtuber

Anonymous No. 858500

He's the best blender youtuber for people who don't actually finish anything and spend more time watching youtube

Anonymous No. 858502

I find him funny but not useful.

Anonymous No. 858510

all blender channels are useless since 2.8 they've become clickbait for non artists, if you want to learn something watch maya or 3dsmax videos.

Anonymous No. 858515

3 blender generals, 9 blender questions threads, 4 blender beginner donut threads and now a thread dies so we can discuss the best blender youtuber.
Remember this the next time anyone asks why people hate blender and its lobotomized userbase

Anonymous No. 858524

his geometry nodes and procedual tuts are pretty useful

Anonymous No. 858526

>>wHy peOpLe hAte bLeNDeR
gtfo, fag

Anonymous No. 858530


Ian Hubert

Anonymous No. 858535

Arrimus is the best

Anonymous No. 858574

>watching videos of speedrun-babbling while pretending they're teaching their audience something
The truth is, he's afraid of anyone learning Blender

Anonymous No. 858579

I hate this dudes style can't teach for shit.

Anonymous No. 858585

The more I gitted gudder in this field, the more sorry I felt for these tutorial youtubers. At first all they did looked cool and complicated, but then you realize these are just eternal beginners who are only good enough to earn some money from 3d through yt videos, otherwise they probably wouldn’t even make it in the industry. Ofc I’m only talking about these ones that don’t seem to have actual career in this field. There are people like arrimus who actually have pro experience and know what they are talking about.

Anonymous No. 858612


Anonymous No. 858741

He can be entertaining, but his tutorials suck

Anonymous No. 858760

No. Arrimus3D is the best, he's just chill, no other bullshit, gets to the point straight away, and has real industry experience.

Anonymous No. 858768

Dude can't pronounce his L's, but besides that he's ok

Anonymous No. 858799

only good blender youtuber is tom platz of /3.
he even shows how you can group opbjects in blender

Anonymous No. 858800

I prefer Default Cube

Anonymous No. 858840


...this guy is a great teacher and very funny, learned the shadernodes from his vids.