

🧵 Questions - general thread

Anonymous No. 861577

Opening a new one, ask random questions here instead of opening a new thread.



Anonymous No. 861579

Anyone knows how can I do this in Zbrush? They somehow merged those bricks together and sculpted inbetween them to make the surface completly flat. Is dynamesh the only way? I'm getting shitty results so I just wonder if I need to git gud with it or is there a better way for this situation? What brushes would be good for it?



Anonymous No. 861619

Should I learn Maya or Blender first?

I'd like to make 3D animations. Originally I only wanted to learn one, however as sophisticated as Maya is I haven't been able to find as many resources for it. Even though I do not like using Blender on account of its UI, I'm willing to begrudgingly also learn it because I was able to find more resources for it.

And so it seems that I will need to learn both.

But which should I use to learn 3D properly? I'm very afraid of developing bad habits and have tried and failed many times already. I'm going to stick with it even though I don't understand it and the tutorials I try were clearly made by people who don't understand it either(and have reached their status by copying others and regurgitating information rather than learning it first hand.)

My issue with learning Blender is that the UI is inconsistent. I have three different versions of Blender installed because between tutorials there is always some part of the UI that was changed or missing. I try to match my Blender version to the tutorial but so far my impression of the program is that it's a perpetual work-in-progress.

Then in Maya's case its UI is logical and does feel like a professional product that has undergone usability testing. But as I understand it, because it is a specialized tool I'll also have to learn Zbrush because Maya doesn't have sculpting.

You all are wiser and more experienced than I am. Please tell me which you would focus on learning first.

Anonymous No. 861654

it doesn't matter, you need to learn the principles not the software, 90% of the functionality is the same in both programs
instead of writing novels, open your preferred software and start making stuff

Anonymous No. 861655

Blender is many many many years behind maya in terms of animation and just overall

Anonymous No. 861657

>I'll also have to learn Zbrush because Maya doesn't have sculpting
why not just sculpt in Blender and animate in Maya? You shouldn't really go too far down the sculpting rabbit hole anyway if your goal is to animate.

Anonymous No. 861658

Doesn't matter. If you are starting now you are 10 years away from having the skills you need to operate either at full capacity.
Just start learning in either and see if this is actually something you'll stick with.

If you know one content creation suite you can transition into using another one over the course of a few weeks.
I have 20 years of experience in max. Took me a few days to get around rigging in maya when I had to use it on a project few years back.

I've been learning blender on the side half-heatedly and after some initial headscratching at the UI laypit I've figured out how to do most things there as well.
I wouldn't have recommended blender to anyone 10 years ago but it has come a long way and at this rate with the funding it has now it might've become
a serious top contender by the time you're expert level at this. It's free so anyone into 3D might as well throw in an hour here and there
to be familiar with what it can do even if it's not ones daily driver.

Anonymous No. 861659

>Took me a few days to get around rigging in maya when I had to use it on a project few years back.
sounds like you were just doing stock bindskin and not anything actually useful in production which requires specific setups for bones, fascia, and fat and then clothing on top of that. What you did was useless.

Anonymous No. 861661

>Blender is many many many years behind maya in terms of animation and just overall

A lot of that has to do with the userbase of the software. Blender isn't operated by as expert a userbase as Maya so you
have to consider that artistry and knowledge external to the software itself plays a big role too.

That wont stay true forever tho as the old guard is getting increasingly long in the tooth and the information
available to train new artists are magnitudes more accessible today than when we grew up.

There could come a sudden schism when there's too much quality brainpower working on blender out of passion that Autodesk just can't keep up.
Remember that Autodesk is a publicly traded company and therefore hamstung by it's legal obligations to seek to maximize profits each quarter.

Anonymous No. 861662

>There could come a sudden schism when there's too much quality brainpower working on blender out of passion that Autodesk just can't keep up.
will never happen, just like linux wont ever be used on the desktop over windows and mac os

Anonymous No. 861663

>will never happen

I disagree anon, not only will it happen, at the current rate it might even be inevitable. Max and Maya are essentially the same software they where 10 years ago.
When Autodesk gobbled up Alias the evolution of max and maya took a rapid decline.

Meanwhile Blender has been making up the difference fast on a shoestring budget, and now they have serious financial backing.
Both the film industry and the AAA games industry is collapsing under it's own weight and bleeding tallent left and right.
We have an ecosystem with artist-centric indie upstarts by industry vets tired of the suits and lowest common denominator pleasing focus groups.
The window for Epic, Unity and Blender to rise up from these ashes as the goto tools is quite wide open.

The junior talent hired by the potential top studios of tomorrow might very well be fluent in Blender rather than Autodesk.
Free licenses isn't such a bad argument for adopting a 'capable enough' software when you're no longer being funded by corpos.

>just like linux wont ever be used on the desktop over windows and mac os

Not the same thing. A OS is critical infrastructure used en masse by the unskilled public.
Ours is a tiny field consisting of tech-fluent highly trained specialists in comparison to the wide userbase of operating systems.
The public will never move onto anything approaching the complexity of running unix but a small expert group might.

Anonymous No. 861667

>I disagree anon, not only will it happen, at the current rate it might even be inevitable. Max and Maya are essentially the same software they where 10 years ago.
The performance in maya is vastly improved, many plugins and workflows exist now for it that didnt then, editors have been created and improved. You say this because visually the UI looks similar but really the Qt UI is the pinnacle of UIs.

>We have an ecosystem with artist-centric indie upstarts by industry vets tired of the suits and lowest common denominator pleasing focus groups.
>The junior talent hired by the potential top studios of tomorrow might very well be fluent in Blender rather than Autodesk.
The thing is, tech and pipeline artists determine the fidelity of the result, not some junior blender modeler. For the most part, you do your character rigging and animation in maya with tools or workflows created by your pipeline TDs and then you hop over to Houdini to do your fx. Similarly, if you work a day job, you may be trained in X, but when you arrive at your job on the first day, you may be producing a different type of X.

>Ours is a tiny field consisting of tech-fluent highly trained specialists in comparison to the wide userbase of operating systems.
I think you both underestimate the amount of labor being done in third world countries now and overestimate the amount of training necessary to get into what you seem to be describing, which is a junior blender modeler.

Anonymous No. 861668

I'm attempting to make a Risk of Rain 2 skin as practice for 3D modelling, is there a way to combine all the UVs of this mesh? or would I just have to select every geo and then take a snapshot in the uv editor and use the snapshot as a way to texture?


Screenshot 2021-1....png

Anonymous No. 861669

damn messed up the caption and it removed my image

Anonymous No. 861670

>tech and pipeline artists determine the fidelity of the result

Sure but what when all the senior people who built and understand how to use those complicated pipelines retires?
And when artists who's in the game for the artistry 1st and the paycheck 2nd decides to fuck off to work on passion projects?
The lure of going into this field to be a nameless cog cranking out gorgeous visuals for another shit tier design-by-committee movie
isn't really something that's gonna hold and magical appeal for the great artisans of tomorrow.
They're not going to dreamland to live on the skywalker ranch anymore, they're going to some woke hell to work on bland bullshit that's expected to be broken on delivery.

Will the movie industry still be there strong on the other side of covid? Will the AAA games industry survive another few Cyberpunks?
Seems to me we're in a feedback loop where we will have less and less competent people working more and more complicated 'blackbox' systems.

What happened to Cyberpunk is a stellar example how having all the money and tech isn't gonna be worth jack shit for a studio if it can't inspire the right people to stay.

Anonymous No. 861671

Is it worth it upgrading to pro account on artstation ? I have my portfolio on it, and while I don't post often since i'm slow (like once every month and a half) it'd be nice to have a bit more views for some reason

Anonymous No. 861673

>every month and a half

Anonymous No. 861675


Anonymous No. 861676

Ah i wonder what /3 has to say about the blender vs maya (or any other 3d suite) comparison. This is a debate we totally need to have!

Anonymous No. 861679

Any good OSL resources? Preferably example-based, for total retards.

Anonymous No. 861681

Dont know about Maya but if you want the armor on the same uv set you have to make it everything one object.

Anonymous No. 861684

if you want to get good at OSL you should read books on RSL since they are 99% the same.

Anonymous No. 861686

There is a combine option in maya that I believe does that. Idk what that option might be in a program like 3DS Max but I believe combine is essentially the same as the join command in blender that groups the meshes. If that is what you are referring to anyways

Anonymous No. 861707

>you need to learn the principles not the software
How do you learn principles without learning the software?
>open your preferred software and start making stuff

>why not just sculpt in Blender and animate in Maya?
I think that's something I could try. What I have read from other users is that it's better to sculpt in Zbrush because it's more user friendly.
>You shouldn't really go too far down the sculpting rabbit hole anyway if your goal is to animate.
Why not?

Sound advice.
>It's free
It isn't. It's paid for with time. Time is far more valuable and I would gladly pay money to save time.

Anonymous No. 861708

Got my first job, got the first paycheck, now I must come up with a decision, whether to spend them on stuff I've always dreamt about or not.

While a second monitor is essential for my coding job, I'm not sure about a drawing tablet.
Has your workflow improved a lot when you've got one yourself?



Anonymous No. 861710

I mean for sculpting purposes

Anonymous No. 861712


Black Friday sales will be here soon. If you don't buy anything then all of last year's stock will be further reduced in price in two months.

Anonymous No. 861715

There's a pre new year tradition in my 3rd world shithole though: raise the price by 200% => put a 50% discount on it

But thanks, I'm too excited. Better follow price trends instead of emptying the pocket mindlessly.

Anonymous No. 861728

to be faire it's more like every 2 months min and at max 4 months. Seems to be slow when some people can put out stuff better than mines and faster

Anonymous No. 861786

I want to model a room in my house and use it to create a model of a custom desk I want to build.
This should include light sources to see how the shadows fall, and use preferrably free software.

Any tips? I'm not a modeler, purely doing this to create an idea of the desk I want. Already used sketchup web, but it lacks the light source part in the free edition, so optionally I'm cracking sketchup to continue in that

Anonymous No. 861787

I don't have experience with SketchUp, but, can you export in common formats -- OBJ, FBX? If so, you could import the model in Blender. I say Blender (even though I don't normally use it) because there are plenty of tutorials online for whatever you want, so using it with its Eevee engine for previewing lighting seems accessible enough.

Anonymous No. 861788

There's an online converter, but worst case I can recreate what I have since I only have the room itself and a simplistic desk atm.

I'll look into blender, thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 861792

is it hard getting a job as an environmental artist? I play games and don't see anything I couldn't replicate but then I see portfolios that destroy anything I could do. what do I do?

Anonymous No. 861799

>I play games and don't see anything I couldn't replicate but then I see portfolios that destroy anything I could do. what do I do?
You have to learn how to optimize your assets and then you have to work on your speed



Anonymous No. 862158

Alright, total newfag to modelling/rendering here. I NEED to learn how to render 3D Soccer balls for my work. I just want a pointer in which prorgam would be best suited for this type of work, see pic related for what I mean

Anonymous No. 862164

I don't have a question, but I have an answer

Ehentai is literally a treasure trove of anatomical references. They have dozens of anatomy books scanned. If you're looking for anatomy materials, go on e-hentai, go on advanced options search, search by tag, and type in "howto english". They won't show up immediatly, but there are a shit load of good books on there

Anonymous No. 862380

I am getting filtered by UDIMs. I put parts of the model on separate udim tiles, so that I can swap the texture on a tile for different underwear and stuff. My udim tiled image saved as Imagetexture.1001.png. It does let me texture paint it in blender but I want to create the texture in photoshop. If I open Imagetexture.1001.png, it only lets me edit the first tile. I can't seem to save the tiles individually, so I'm stumped.

Anonymous No. 862653

What's the hardest job in 3d?

Anonymous No. 862661

Designing and implementing high performance algorithms for real-time/massive problems.

Anonymous No. 862664

oh sorry i didnt want to mention it, thought it was obvious but no programming bullshit. What is the hardest role in traditional 3d - modelling, animation, texturing, rendering, etc?

Anonymous No. 862693

Grow up. I assume you want to know the answer so you can focus on that field and flex with it later, but nobody cares. Do whatever interests you the most. But the answer is probably in the technical art area of 3d. But if you don’t truly enjoy it, you will fail anyway.

Anonymous No. 862695

You would think that the generalist like that 14 yo Ian Hubert kid that did unbelievable work has a much harder and more influential role than tech artist #9172 suffering from NIH syndrome

Anonymous No. 862698

Substance stager.

Anonymous No. 862701

Creating shots using stock assets and off the shelf tools is tedious but not particularly hard. Finding solutions to open problems in computer graphics requires real creativity and inspiration in addition to the rigor to stay on top of the latest breakthroughs in the field. It doesn't get harder than that and companies pay top dollar to acquire these people.

Anonymous No. 862702

You could say that creating the end product like that kid did in fact the hardest and that he could start his own company. In fact, he already is making mega bucks from patreon.

Anonymous No. 862705

>mega bucks
4 figures per month is respectable especially for a young guy like him, but in the big picture it is still peasant money.

Anonymous No. 862707

I think you're talking about apples and oranges. If someone wants to as a solo person make short films and sell NFTs and do the patreon thing that could be equally as hard as being for example one of the hundreds of Activision programmers making sure their game of the month doesnt crash when millions of people log on and play at the same time. However, thats not really artwork nor what this board is about. Thats more /g/.



Anonymous No. 862723

Any Zbrush fag to help me swallow the Zbrush pill since it's quite the pill, please?
I'm coming from Blender and I have a few questions to make the transitions feel more comfortable:
- Is there a way to fix the rotation by making the view rotate around the center of the mesh instead of where your cursor is ? (Cool for zooming but I dislike it to move around my sculpt)
- I feel like the focal shift is supposed to be the equivalent of the fall off in Blender but is it really and can you tweak it like in Blender or is it represented by this unique value?
- What plugins/addons/brushes are must-haves in the Zbrush world? (I'm still in search of my style but it's very close to [spoiler]anime[/spoiler]
- Is ZBrush customizable enough to make it feel just like navigating in Blender and when I say navigating, I'm just talking about moving/rotating/zooming around your mesh?

I now understand why so many people were advising to switch to Zbrush. It doesn't compare with Blender for sculpting but especially with performances. But moving aroung is a pain in the ass. It definitely doesn't feel natural at all.



Anonymous No. 862799

you'll want to enable this plugin from zbrushcentral to get a more industry standard movement. Use 1_7_21


Anonymous No. 862840

>Is there a way to fix the rotation by making the view rotate around the center of the mesh instead of where your cursor is ? (Cool for zooming but I dislike it to move around my sculpt)

you think you want that but you don't, once you get the muscle memory to put the cursor down where you want you'll never want in another way.

You can do that by by pressing F to frame the object then rotating with your cursor on the background too btw.

>I feel like the focal shift is supposed to be the equivalent of the fall off in Blender but is it really and can you tweak it like in Blender or is it represented by this unique value?

use sharper/less sharp alphas for that, focal shift is for modifying the use OF alphas not for defining your brush shape. Try alpha 01 then alpha 06 and see what I mean.

>- Is ZBrush customizable enough to make it feel just like navigating in Blender and when I say navigating, I'm just talking about moving/rotating/zooming around your mesh?

again, you don't want that, just learn the controls and wait 2 weeks to get comfy with it and you will not desire that anymore.

As for plugins/addons, somuchNPR is a nice time saver for toon shading.

Anonymous No. 862890

>again, you don't want that, just learn the controls and wait 2 weeks to get comfy with it and you will not desire that anymore.
wrong. Use >>862799

Anonymous No. 862928

Binge watch the whole Pavlovich series
A-Z and you'll be proficient soon enough

Anonymous No. 862939

How do you still do work when your computer is simulating or rendering or whatever and using all your resources?



Anonymous No. 862949

Is it worth my time to learn blender first if i want to get into 3d sculpting? or should I jump straight into zbrush? I want to get into creature related work.
I have a drawing tablet and a cgp account if that's worth considerating.

Anonymous No. 862950

If you're already a Blender user, yeah totally go for sculpting in Blender and once you'll feel conformatble (especieally with the brushes) you can switch to Zbrush when you're comfortable.
It'll make thing easier but my personal advice would be to go straight to Zbrush



Anonymous No. 863013

I was looking for tutorials on youtube for cel shading and came across this.


Do people still use Pencil+? Or has it become obsolete? I could barely find any tutorials for it. I must be missing some info here because it looks like an older style plugin that was made around 2017 and I'm wondering if it just never caught on and if today's techniques eclipse it completely.

Anonymous No. 863016

I use the 3ds version and it still produces great results for anything NPR. That's all I want.

Anonymous No. 863037

how do game artists and modders make hair?
i know it's made of flat planes, but do they start with that, or do they sculpt something and retopo it...?

Anonymous No. 863038

Yes, hair cards.
I used block out the hair volume with solid objects and used curves as guides for the stripes.
Haven't done game art since 2010. All hair I do now is strands or particles.



Anonymous No. 863040

This is going to sound stupid
If i take a character model and just globally scale down its body mesh to make it shorter, would it be anatomically correct?
I know children have a bigger head than adults proportionally to their body, but is there a rule of thumb on this for adults of different sizes, for their head and their limbs?
Are tall people just scaled up!?



Anonymous No. 863060

learn blender or another DCC for more of the basic info of 3d, things like UV/normals/local vs world space etc. These will help you in zbrush too.

For sculpting go straight to zbrush, dicking around in blender will just fill your head up with useless muscle memory.

hopefully this answers your question

Anonymous No. 863064


worth noting some newer games are moving to groom hair (like guardians of the galaxy)

Anonymous No. 863071

You can scale their bones but it will look like an adult midget

Anonymous No. 863072

groom hair as in hair particles?

Anonymous No. 863074

yes, it has a high performance cost but it's fixed unlike hair cards which can vary with transparency overlapping.



Anonymous No. 863089

Here you go.

Anonymous No. 863102

ok thanks.

Anonymous No. 863103

As you grow larger in size your needed bone density and size of your bonestructure goes up much faster than the rest of your size
because your frame is experiencing the same 9.81 Newton of gravity regardless of how large you are.

Like the chins and ankles of a person weighting 50kg is carrying 490.5N at standstill but a person weighing 100 kg is carrying 981N.
Jump from a small platform and the force impact your bones must be able to absorb without breaking becomes quite a big number fast the more mass you carry.
The person that is twice as heavy is not twice as tall but need twice as strong bones as the smaller person.

This is the main reason why scaling a character up and down won't look right. There are also other features that remain largely the same regardless of body size.
The head famously stays similar size regardless of how tall you are why we tend to measure character as standing 6,7 or 8 heads tall.
And even on people with unusually big heads the eyeballs wont be significantly bigger or spaced apart than on someone else, so they'll seem to have smaller facial features.

Anonymous No. 863110

I have started to retopologize a slightly asymmetric organic model in a symmetric way. Should I continue and then adjust the asymmetry or start from scratch in an asymmetric way? This is my first attempt at retopologizing so I'm a bit lost.

Anonymous No. 863112

if the assymetry was unintentional, just symmetrize the highpoly first.
if it wasn't, do symmetrical parts symmetrically, and the rest separately. I mean, that's just common sense.

Anonymous No. 863117

Am I supposed to make shaders/post processing in both blender and eu4, or do I pick one?

Anonymous No. 863133

Interesting thanks.



Anonymous No. 863138

>The head famously stays similar size regardless of how tall you are why we tend to measure character as standing 6,7 or 8 heads tall.
you mean proportionally to the body right? because it seems to me that tall people have larger heads

pic rel i think if you shoop the guy and just scale him down to her size it would do the trick

Anonymous No. 863140

its the hair and camera distortion.



Anonymous No. 863243

How would you guys optimize thick hair strands (like the strands on the edges of a carpet) into a single blobby volume to be used as a low poly? I can't use cards, but an actual volume and high poly hairs should be baked onto it.

I'm trying to figure out if I can do it with fibermesh in Zbrush - I can get a good high poly, and then I tried using dynamesh but that's not gonna work I think. They all have to merge together without space in between them.

>pic related is the kind of a volume I want to get

I also thought about an opposite approach of modeling a volume and then somehow getting the strands from a displacement map, but idk about that... Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 863245

how decent is Marvelous designer over blender for low poly clothing assets?

Anonymous No. 863290

>I can't use cards

why not

Anonymous No. 863291

I think you're looking for an easy solution to your modeling inadequacy and need to just get back to work

Anonymous No. 863296

PLEASE dont listen to this idiot. You will never get good results without sewing and simulation just the same as you will never get good results doing for example rigid body physics by hand instead of using simulations

Anonymous No. 863300

1. nonsense, marv is a time saver and you need to sculpt on top of it for great results. If you can't make nice clothes without sewing and simulation you aren't a very good artist, period.

2. the person I'm replying to is specifying for low poly models, if you think that's a good idea then you are as hopeless as them.

Anonymous No. 863361

Because players can rotate it from a closeup and see from all angles. I just think cards will look like shit in that case, especially since it has to be as optimized as possible.

Anonymous No. 863608

Is there a tool that can make an unlit version of a photo you provide? Can that even be possible? It could be useful for a reference.

Anonymous No. 863609

look for delighting software, I think the Substance suite has a few options, plus there are tools from other vendors



Anonymous No. 863615

how do you guys get better at texturing without wanting to kill yourself for ruining your model?

any good resources or tutorials?

Anonymous No. 863625

Hm, I know about delighting, but is that the same? After all of the reflections, light bounces and differently colored light sources, wouldn't the unlit version have completely wrong albedos?

Anonymous No. 864258

is there a way to just update my zbrush install from 2019-2022 without having to install a whole new version and rebuild my UI and hotkeys and shit? last time i updated there really wasnt, wondering if they've made it easier since then or if its still a pain in the ass

Anonymous No. 864259

No. It's a whole new app not an upgrade. Save your interfaces, hotkeys etc and simply load them if it fucks up.

Anonymous No. 864282


Anonymous No. 864359

This is my question: >>84447089

Thanks in advance.



Anonymous No. 864360

How much should I charge for Architectural Visualization projects? A client company (I do IT and other stuff for them) liked a few examples I shared (I'm a newbie using SketchUp and D5 Render/Twinmotion) and they immediately asked for an estimated cost proposal.

I'm a southern euro-fren, btw.

Anonymous No. 864363

charge minimum wage



Anonymous No. 864375

I've never done any 3DCG work before. Basically I just wanna make some porn renders with a certain character, I have a blender model already. Can someone just give me a quick rundown of what stuff I need to learn before I could make something worth fapping to? Also, am I better off exporting the model to Daz or just staying in blender? Thanks.

Anonymous No. 864377

you'll need to learn to animate realistically

Anonymous No. 864380

For now I'm content to just make still images. Animation can come later as I assume that will more time to learn.

Anonymous No. 864390

you still have to rig and simulate muscles, fat, cloth, fluids

Anonymous No. 864401

Is there an equivalent of quick figure drawing but for sculpting?

Anonymous No. 864404

That's a quite something for an early project. Get comfortable with any major 3D application of your choice; blender, maya, 3ds, C4D. Get at least a basic grip on the concepts of modeling, UVing, texturing, rigging, lighting and so forth.
You can then decide how to construct your "character pipeline", what methods and what tools to use to achieve whatever you're after.
Have patience with yourself, nobody just blinks into existence being a master at this.

Regarding DAZ, a lot of NSFW artists use it to dial together their characters. You can then export it to blender (for example), do some additional sculpting or surfacing there, adjust rigging and weighting to your needs, create corrective blendshapes and so on.

>simulate muscles, fat
I'd like to hear how you approach that in blender. I'm just familiar with doing it in Maya and some of the stuff relies on 3rd party plugins for really convincing results.

Anonymous No. 864463

Alright thanks anon. I'm probably in over my head and lack the dedication to actually git gud but I'll give it a shot.

Anonymous No. 864518

What are some good alternatives to ZBrush?
[spoiler]alternatively where can you get zbrush for free[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 864521

blender sculpt tab will get you 80% of the way

Anonymous No. 864522

I swear it takes 10 minutes to do in Blender what takes 10 seconds to do in ZBrush. I ain't touching Blender sculpting anymore.

Anonymous No. 864523

sounds like your focusing on the 20% and ignoring the 80-20 rule like i said.

Anonymous No. 864533

Are there other stylized render engines like Eevee?



Anonymous No. 864585

How I do make the eyes and neck look in pixelated with the normal editor modifier



Anonymous No. 864654

Corrupt geometry?

I can't seem to unwrap this mesh, it always just goes completely bonkers. I've tried resetting vectors, applying transforms, recalculating outside and all cleanup operations.

Plz halp I want to texture this naked gurl

Anonymous No. 864655

unpin the uvs

Anonymous No. 864660

oh thank you!xwmpy

Anonymous No. 864695

>unpin the uvs
is that blendlet code for "I do anal" ?!

no, seriously. I'm a mayafag. enlighten me.

Anonymous No. 864705

Is 12gb of gpu memory on a 3060 enough?

Anonymous No. 864708


Anonymous No. 864709

For the average cuck porn producing blendfag...absolutely.

I render my blacked Overwatch stuff on a 12GB RTX 3080 Ti.

Anonymous No. 864714

etherium miners better utilize that hardware than you coomertards


Ben Shajewro.jpg

Anonymous No. 864720

Memecoin chink miners can off themselves. Fuck your fake pixel money. Buy gold and silver, poorfag.



Anonymous No. 864724

off & yikes

Anonymous No. 864725

>I render my blacked Overwatch stuff on a 12GB RTX 3080 Ti.

can you post a link?



Anonymous No. 864729

I mean both things are essential. 2nd monitor to use for reference and drawing tablet for sculpting. I'd recommend looking for both at cheaper prices online.



Anonymous No. 864730

Cuckposters begone



Anonymous No. 864736

I want to see what he could do with a 3080ti and 12gb before i take the plunge on it's cousin, the 3060. This is a blue board after all so he will of course censor it

Anonymous No. 864743

A 3060 with 12gb is more than enough for everyday work. Won't help you with rig / sculpting performance tho. Your CPU and blender's internal architecture is the bottleneck here.

Anonymous No. 864763

Seize this faggotry while you still can. Next you do sissy artwork, then you dress like one, then you cut your dick off and finally you kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 864773

Shame is not even the cpu can help with shit software.

Anonymous No. 864827

So is there a place like smutbase where people can share loli models? I just want to animate them headpatting each other, moralfags need not reply.

Anonymous No. 864951

How would you go about modelling tassets somewhat like pic related?



Anonymous No. 864952

I'm dumb, here's the pic



Anonymous No. 865088

make a basic shape to work off, just stretch out a sphere or something so you have something to stick the geometry to, then just retopologise on top of that basic shell until you have something like this where the horizontal loops line up with the individual panels of the tasset, you can then unweld these horizontal loops, move/angle the edges a little so they fold under the one below and add thickness to the individual pieces.

Anonymous No. 865109

what this anon said is the way to go about it but just to further you understanding:
dude, it's just a bunch of cylinders.

Anonymous No. 865176

I see, thanks a lot, I'll try this out. I was trying all kinds of crazy shit like making each individual plate, then trying to use a curve modifier (blender user) to try and put them all into place

Anonymous No. 865203

I keep trying to use the copy rotation bone constraint to rig a tail, but it always comes out lumpy and unappealing.
How do I fix this?

Anonymous No. 865223

Is Cinema 4D dying? It's like Maxon doesn't give a fuck anymore about it



Anonymous No. 865255

my bake in substance is pretty low res, any idea why ? my uv [seems] fine, could it be my export settings ? I do harden soften edge in maya before export, and 4k bake in substance. No high poly mesh



Anonymous No. 865263


If you don't value your time and strive for zero job prospects; blender

You can then always wear girls clothes, cut your dick off and and shill your hobbyist software on every board.

Anonymous No. 865275

>my uv [seems] fine
maybe to you, but it is actually absolute trash.
You object is quadratic, why the fuck is your UV distorted like hell? Do you know how to unwrap properly?
Rhetorical question, looking at your UV its clear that you don't.
You're wasting tons of UV space. The big shape with the sides attached to it - this is not how you unwrap properly, cut the sides off you idiot, you'll get tons of distortions on an model that should have none at all.
But that aside, a 4K texture should look better even if you waste tons of space.
Did you bake in 4K? Soften/harden edge as well as high or low poly has no real effect on the texture resolution - something else might be causing this. Hard to tell.

Anonymous No. 865277

>...and finally you kill yourself.
Why try to stop him?
Isn't this what we want?

Anonymous No. 865280

ok ill rework them. yea im not good at uv. My object topo is trash as soon as i try to add bevel. I think im able to fix it tho

Anonymous No. 865284

I am sperging a little out whenever I see so much wasted UV space. Do them again properly and then lets see if that shit still looks like a badly done 2K resolution, I think you might have messed up something else since 4K should look really crisp. It could be that the texture inside of the smart material has simply a too low resolution, so it gives you this diarrhea effect.
Learn how to do UV right, its no rocket science and you'll reap the benefits forever, You might not even have go so high with your texture resolution depending on the camera distance, saving VRAM is always a good idea.
You can always up the resolution later with Painter.

Anonymous No. 865424

I know /ic/ has a thread but I figured I’d ask here too
Looking for a tablet for drawing/modeling. Is there anything I should keep in mind while looking or any recs? Trying to keep it under $100 unless there’s a good reason to go over.
They recommended Huion hs611 or xp pen deco 01 v2

Anonymous No. 865429

Software is bad on those get Wacom intuos bluetooth medium.

Anonymous No. 865449

Substance Painter is on Steam sale for a decent price (I'd rather own it than pay for a subscription). I watched a few videos since people keep calling it industry standard but what the hell is even the point of using it? Couldn't you just use a mixture of inbuilt modelling paint mode and Photoshop? I'm struggling to see what all the praise is about

Anonymous No. 865454

does cyclesX need RTX for the perf gains?

Anonymous No. 865468

It's an easy Pbr and a mask painter tool. It would save time over Photoshop.

Anonymous No. 865470

photoshop creates the images. Painter applies them to 3d models. Its not an apples to apples comparison.

Anonymous No. 865473

I do this shit in Blender already.

Anonymous No. 865474

I'm using a XP Pen Deco Pro Medium right now and it works fine for both drawing digital art and doing 3d/sculpting stuff, that aside Wacom is still the definitive highest quality drawing tablet on the market right now so get those if you can. It's down to your decision anyway, drawing tablet with price range around 300 $ or more should be more than enough for you to do most design job.

Anonymous No. 865484

Is there anyway to streamline the unwrapping process? Putting in seams feels like a waste of time and auto-unwrapping almost always gets shit mixed up.

Anonymous No. 865490

guy who fucks with blender just because hes bored here.

What GPU will let me get the butteriest smoothest experience? I want to have a billion triangles on my meshes without worrying about skipping or freezing. Rendering and baking should take milliseconds.

Anonymous No. 865497

And you bring your node spaghetti out of Blender in a click?



Anonymous No. 865500

I want to make a VeggieTales style mouth like in this video in blender but without any shading being visible on the inside of the mouth.
How can I do this?

Anonymous No. 865501

Is there a version of blender 2.8 I can download that's as similar as possible to 2.7?

Anonymous No. 865503

The one with the most FLOPs.
But Blender is a pile of shit, it's like fitting a race car engine in a rickshaw.

Anonymous No. 865504

Thanks for the reposen anon, I’ll definitely go look into more Wacom tablets then.
This purchase instead for a bit so, if anyone else has any advice feel free to drop it

Anonymous No. 865508

What is the state of boolean based hard surface modeling in the industry? Is there anything like hardops for maya or max?

Anonymous No. 865510


speedcut for maya, available for free with maya bonus tools

Anonymous No. 865511

Get two 3090s



Anonymous No. 865532

>What is the state of boolean based hard surface modeling in the industry? Is there anything like hardops for maya or max?
Zbrush with bevelpro is interesting but it's a one way street.


Anonymous No. 865550

I'm looking for a laptop to do 3d modeling and dev on. I don't sculpt (yet), so I don't need a powerhouse I think. I use Blender and Unity. I'm wondering
>does the screen size make a big difference? say 14" vs 16"
>should I get one with a numpad or can I do without?
>anything else I should look into before buying?
I'm looking at this one https://www.asus.com/Laptops/For-Home/Vivobook/Vivobook-Pro-16X-OLED-N7600-11th-Gen-Intel/ and the 14" variant mainly.
My budget is around 1000€, but I can go over if it's really necessary.



Anonymous No. 865580

complete newfag here.
I'm trying to make a displacement map in photoshop but the 3D option where I can adjust/scale how much the mesh is displaced(?) makes my computer chug and die.
Is there anyway to check and edit my displacement map?
I don't know if this makes any sense. idk



Anonymous No. 865604

Can I get some recommendations on animation tutorials?
All I've done so far is using keyframes with no fine tuning and I'd like my animation to be more natural.



Anonymous No. 865612

So it's been a while since I last searched for this but what's currently the best automatic retopology tool (doesn't matter the software and it doesn't have to be perfect, just the best at it) ?

Anonymous No. 865623

>I'm trying to make a displacement map in photoshop
Use Substance



Anonymous No. 865631

sorry for retarded question.
Is substance painter same as substance 3d painter?

Anonymous No. 865633

no. following adobe's acquisition, substance hasn't been the same.

i miss the old substance.

Anonymous No. 865635

huh? so do I get substance 3d or is substance painter like a separate thing?

Anonymous No. 865638

you're wrong. We just got OCIO support which is huge a few days ago in the latest release and right before that we got advanced warping tools.

Anonymous No. 865639

it was a bittersweet joke. they're the same product, just rebranded.

Anonymous No. 865644

Does it make sense to buy a Rokoko suit to retarget your animations? Does it actually make you gain a significant amount of time comparing to making animation frame by frame and pose by pose?

Anonymous No. 865648

Apparently my adobe cloud doesn't cover substance.
Probably just going to get it separately


maxresdefault (8).jpg

Anonymous No. 865716

Why is Softimage still better than the newest version of Blender?

Anonymous No. 865747

unbelievable, this level of modeling....impossible in blender

Anonymous No. 865756

Is substance designer worth picking up on steam?

Anonymous No. 865758

if you have to ask, you wont use it

Anonymous No. 865763

It doesn't have the send to other programs option. No substance store. It probably runs better though because it doesn't phone home every minute. I'm wondering if the updates be at the same time though.

Anonymous No. 865838

yeah cause i bake high poly models in photoshop all the time
god you're retarded



Anonymous No. 865847

I’ve seen a lot of advice saying that if you want to be good at drawing, no matter what you draw, you should draw everyday.
Would same principle apply to 3D skills as well?

Anonymous No. 865877

Yes but actually practicing drawing everyday will also increase your 3D skills.



Anonymous No. 865880

Okay I learned all the basic stuff from Zbrush going from the basics (everything related to sculpting) to Booleans, Zspheres, Zremesher, Dynamesh, Shadowbox, etc.
I'm now searching for more advanced topics (but necessary, I don't want to master the software for no particular reason). Anything you can recommend me ?
I'd like to inform myself on clever ways to use booleans and shadowboxing for example. Use the automatic retopology tools to get a topo as close as a game ready topo (for characters and creatures). Some excellent custom brushes if you know some brush pack that should be used by everyone. Anything you feel an interdemediate should know/learn is welcome really.

TL;DR: What do you wish you knew about Zbrush right after you learned all the basics?



Anonymous No. 866147

Anyone can give me a comparison between Blender and Maya when its coming to managing your animations, poses and pose library?
I'm using Blender and I just ruined a shit ton of animations by playing with a specific animations angles and shit and was wondering if that kind of shit happens in Maya. Blender does great for riggin, weight painting and also animating but I feel like you can mess a lot of stuff with a few clicks and I hate that

Anonymous No. 866160

I am barely scratching the surface of Maya and I am doing it just for fun (I am just a hobbyist animator), but one thing is certain to me, almost everything related to animation and rigging is far, far superior in Maya compared to Blender. The distance between those two is so immense, its not even funny anymore, especially when taking into account how no Blender-user has an glimpse of how powerful Maya actually is, the memeing when seeing in context is hilarious.
This is probably because 95% of people do simplistic stuff, but even then, the amount of quality of life tools available in Maya can make or break your projects in terms of management and efficiency.
That doesn't mean its perfect, There is a lot of shitty stuff in Maya, but the possibility ceiling is so much higher.
Of course you have to be competent enough to be able to handle it...if you don't know what the fuck you are doing, you have a hard time in every program and its not particularly easy.
Referencing rigs actually works and makes handling rigs waterproof, animation layers exist and are a tremendous help. 10 times better performance, even with subdivided meshes.
I can't even list all the stuff I discovered....
In regards to poses and pose library, its all implemented, but there are also tons of (free) addons and extensions. BTW I absolutely disagree with you, weight painting is atrocious in Blender and animating is amateurish at best.

Anonymous No. 866174

Well said. Glad our film school had Maya as one of its primary tools back in 2006. Being thrown into the cold water was the best thing ever in the end. Got a job as animator right our of the door.

Anonymous No. 866175

Well said. Glad our film school had Maya as one of its primary tools back in 2006. Being thrown into the cold water was the best thing ever in the end. Got a job as animator right out of the door.

Anonymous No. 866205

then why are people switching to C4D?
Houdini is 2 releases away from obliterating maya for rigging and animation

Anonymous No. 866209

>then why are people switching to C4D?
[citation needed]

>Houdini is 2 releases away from obliterating maya for rigging and animation
>2 more weeks!!
No but seriously, I fucking wish but that doesn't seem realistic.
They need to drop the fucking bones shit like blender has.
Plus the plethora of 3rd-party animation and rigging tools maya has means it's here to stay. Stuff like animBot is preinstalled pretty much everywhere and every animator uses it.

Consider that the Maya rigging toolset is over 20 years old and you'll realize how little progress other software has made.

Anonymous No. 866210

lol no

Anonymous No. 866212

Still beats everything on the market. Out of the box. Add to that a number of 3rd party tools and the ability to shape Maya into absolutely everything in your pipeline....yeah sorry, you are a shithead.



Anonymous No. 866215

brehs, I converted this NURBS pot to polies and retopologized it.
the topology is kinda twisted like pic related.
why dey do this? what do?

Anonymous No. 866216

nigga, you high?
re-read the post.

Anonymous No. 866220

Still beats everything on the market. Out of the box. Add to that a number of 3rd party tools and the ability to shape Maya into absolutely everything in your pipeline....yeah sorry, you are a double shithead.

Anonymous No. 866223

who are you quoting

Anonymous No. 866225

Your mother, you annoying simpleton

Anonymous No. 866227

>imagine being so angry that someone agrees with you
only on 4chan I guess

Anonymous No. 866234

>why are people switching to C4D?
Because they are retards?

Anonymous No. 866236

>Houdini is 2 releases away from obliterating maya for rigging and animation
SideFX is great but they always need at least 2 releases until new tools become really solid and production ready.
Just look at Solaris and Karma, out since 2 versions, still not perfect. So even if the 20 release is the big animation release it will take until version 21 or 22 until it will be a true competition to Maya.
And even if it is out then, maybe Autodesk really feels the pain and puts some effort into Maya again - I for one would be grateful for competition. I am using both anyways....so win win for me.



Anonymous No. 866248

Do I really have to fucking spend an arm and a leg to use maya? I mean i am a poorfag so it might not seem much to other people on here. Can I pirate it if I plan to use it for non-profit purposes? I read the Terms & Conditions on Maya's website and all I learned is that there money grapping corporate fuckholes.

Anonymous No. 866252

So did you paint the texture on the mesh or did you make a highpoly version, and bake the texture onto a retology-fied lowpoly model?



Anonymous No. 866259

Thoughts on ZBrushCore? Zbrush is too expensive and I don't want to pirate, so ZBrushCore seems like my only option. Is it any good or should I just stick with Blender?

Anonymous No. 866267

Can someone give me a brief explanation of the difference between NURBS and a poly model? Which one's better? Im too low IQ so keep it simple.

Anonymous No. 866268

Pirate full ZBrush until you can afford to buy it outright

Anonymous No. 866269

Nurbs are shite.

Anonymous No. 866272

>Can I pirate it if I plan to use it for non-profit purposes?
who would stop you?

Anonymous No. 866273

not that anon, but if I pirated Maya, I'd be afraid to mention Maya on my portfolio

Anonymous No. 866291

If I was ok with pirating it, I wouldn't pay for it later on

Anonymous No. 866317

if 250 a year is an arm and a leg for you, perhaps consider getting literally any job


images (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 866321

I'll pretend i didn't hear that, zoomie

Anonymous No. 866355

Are there any good tutorials for making scarfs school uniforms etc

Anonymous No. 866357

If I'm making a hat with a flower in it should I unwrap them together?
Or should they have their own uv maps?

Anonymous No. 866372

that's what you think.

Anonymous No. 866382

retopo it twice



Anonymous No. 866407

thanks anon. But I found a better way.
If I click on Control Points when I convert, it makes the top nice and clean desu

Anonymous No. 866431

You probably shouldn't.
Do you live in one of these countries?
If yes, then putting Maya in your portfolio is like pretending you spent roughly 300$ once.
People regularly spend much more for their hobby.
You can always pretend you did it last year and your subscription ran out.
I just calculated the price back into $, it costs "only" half in India, so 150$. I guess that's a lot of money for many Indians? So you have to pretend you have rich parents too.
If you're young (student age) you can always pretend you had access to the edu-version.
Overall, nobody really except Autodesk (if at all) gives a shit, so don't let that stop you from putting it into your portfolio to have better job prospects. Just don't tell anybody you pirated it.
If the hat comes with the flower and you have space left on the UV combine them together. The only reason to separate them is if you plan to use them separately or you run out of UV space.

Anonymous No. 866559

if I wanted to get started with character design, anyone have recommended tutorials or courses to pursue?

I like NPR characters like the ones in DokeV. I don't want something realistic, just good looking. I wanna be able to make a character and use them in scenes or simple animations.

Anonymous No. 866560

DokeV isn't NPR, it's stylized PBR

Anonymous No. 866586

I have a possibility of getting a flashforge adventurer 3. Anyone know what they're like?

Ultimately, I'd like to print minis of my own design, spaceships and mecha, and maybe toys a la Transformers or SW/ST/DW, so while the reviews I'm reading seem ok, I'm not seeing examples of work.

Anonymous No. 866608

Sweet. Then I guess I like stylized PBR. Any sources to learn that sort of thing for characters? I enjoy the processes of rigging and weight painting but I can't make a decent looking character to save my life.

Anonymous No. 866631

Probably not the greatest place to ask but I'm looking for someone to port some models from Source Film Maker to Source 2 Film Maker, for cash of course - I tried my hand at it but at what appears to be the last step everything goes to shit on me.

I know its a niche request but I cannot find anyone with a fiver page/commission sheet/ etc that even mentions the work, I thought that I would be able to find someone in the sfmlab discord but they have a hard no on any commission talk from both buyers and sellers.
If you or someone you know does this please feel free to reply, I'd love to get in touch.



Anonymous No. 867106

noob substance painter question:
Is there a way to access the UI options that are hidden because of the other boxes?
Like there are som options in pic related that are hidden from me.
Better yet, it there a way to scale down the UI? the whole thing is gigantic

Anonymous No. 867751

It seems like something about Pavlovich is off. Is his knowledge of anatomy poor or is he obsessed with sheer huge APM and nothing else as evidenced by his streams?

Anonymous No. 867758

He talks about being perhaps overly process driven in his streams often and suggests he wants to do more stuff that's more demonstrating creative processes as a way to get his own practice in there more.

Anonymous No. 867760

he seems like he's got impostor syndrome tbqh

Anonymous No. 867785

Can anyone help me with a general idea of how I should approach modeling a weed nug?

Anonymous No. 867788

Round blob + displacement & color in Substance Designer

Anonymous No. 867790

I'll try it out thanks

Anonymous No. 867793

Try getting the mold 3d academy zbrush tutorials. Specifically on the on about creating appealing characters.
It's in Zbrush, but it applies universally. Focus on having a model that forms a nice silloute while using ref

Anonymous No. 867795

I've been looking into stylized modelling lately and, of course, the main key to it is that texturing does 99% of the work. I've looked through a bunch of game art related stuff and yeah, the texturing does almost all the heavy lifting. Since this is the case, wouldn't it be best to do a loose model around a reference image before projection mapping said reference image directly onto the model? Would that not look good?

Anonymous No. 867797

Were you trolling me? I'm new and this didn't help me

Anonymous No. 867798

Awesome, thanks. I appreciate the link!

Anonymous No. 867805

So much for help

Anonymous No. 867814

here's a hand base mesh for the second lesson
It's best to do a highpoly and a low poly so that you can bake the high poly details on to the low poly.

Anonymous No. 867831

nah when you're an experienced artist you are intimately aware of what you're good at and what you're not, I have a great self esteem with relation to my art but I know my bad habits.



Anonymous No. 867876

How did older studios (7th gen) build maps and that sort of thing? Did they build out a basic environment and then throw props over it? how to get these skyboxes? what kind of magic is going on here? I'm not worried about achieving the look, that's simple pre-baked lighting and shadows. I just don't get what they did for workflow. In house software?

Anonymous No. 867887

Yes and yes.


giphy (2).gif

Anonymous No. 867893

Newfag here. I'm trying to animate a vase pouring liquid into a glass. How do I go on to model liquid being poured?

For reference I am using Softimage but also have Blender.

Anonymous No. 867897

Just signed up for a year long animation course as a /beg/inner at a scool in my city, primarilly wanna do 2D tho of course 3D is the main focus these days. They'll teach both modelling, texturing and animation I think mostly in Maya
Question is how were any other anons experiences with stuff like this? I have no idea what to expect
Also how does Maya work for students? I thought it would be Adobe tier pricing but holy fuck that upfront price seems in no way worth it right now

Anonymous No. 867909

They give it to you for free for six months.

Anonymous No. 867938

fluid simulation
see manual

Anonymous No. 867948

What is a cavity map and why do I need it

Anonymous No. 867994

it is an ambient occlusion map but sharpened to only have black in highly occluded cavities and white everywhere that isn't a cavity
you use it for masking out scratches and small cavities, either for when you're texturing the lowpoly later or so you don't accidentally remove those details while you're sculpting

Anonymous No. 867995

>it is an ambient occlusion map but sharpened
i heard that Ao maps are all fake and not needed when you pathtrace?

Anonymous No. 867996

depends on what programs you're using, what result you're going for, and what your workflow is like.
for many PBR usecases, you can completely avoid AO maps

Anonymous No. 867997

cycles x

Anonymous No. 867998

if you're using cycles and want a photorealistic result, then you don't need it.
some people still choose to multiply the base color by the AO map to make cavities "pop" more, it's a personal choice.



Anonymous No. 868015

How do I get rid of these square shapes that appear in the shadows? The squares are quads in the mesh, but the mesh shading is smooth and even when subdivided they still appear. There seems to be nothing wrong with the normal map. Thanks in advance.



Anonymous No. 868024

What's wrong with my .hdr in blender?
Looks like the skybox is right but the lighting from it is flipped?



Anonymous No. 868055

when rendering with cycles, you can increase the geometry offset in your object properties. this will get rid of the jaggies, but official documentation also suggests adding a subsurface modifier.

Anonymous No. 868058

If you pirate marvelous designer its like you have Zbrush 2021



Anonymous No. 868082




Anonymous No. 868085

What kind of maps use these colors?
Is it possible to convert a map to geometry?

Anonymous No. 868087

Could be camera tangent space XYZ (surface normals relative to camera)

Anonymous No. 868088

Can anyone give me a general rundown of the best times to use loop cuts? I know its generally to add more detail to an area but if you dont know what you’re doing you can fuck shit up.

Anonymous No. 868090

>Is it possible to convert a map to geometry?
yes with some calculus, the problem is a poisson equation.

Anonymous No. 868130

Do Houdini Artist make 100k a year or not?

Anonymous No. 868132

Is it possible to render two consecutive shots of animation and combine them in such a way to produce motion blur? In Photoshop or Blender compositor?

Anonymous No. 868168

What am I doing wrong here bros?

>Have object
>Need to scale it down
>Apply scale first
>Looks alright
>Check dimensions
>Says X and Y are both larger than Z
>Even though it's clearly taller than it is wide or deep
>Maybe it's because the model is made up of multiple objects and I applied the scale after I'd joined them all
>Apply scale to each of them
>Then join them
>Scale it down
>Still says X and Y dimensions are larger than Z

Am I being a brainlet and thinking the axis are all linked when you scale and they all stay uniform? I can't put the individual dimensions in for each axis because I only know the one for the Z.

Anonymous No. 868221

What to do if I need to increase max frontal and rear distance in SP for proper bake on one part of the mesh, but it still needs to be low for another part of the mesh?

Is cage the (only) solution?

Anonymous No. 868230

I'd probably just adjust the low poly but this is why people love marmoset btw

Anonymous No. 868247

lol if you're a TD, maybe then. if not; good luck.



Anonymous No. 868252

Generally new to unity and trying to export this model as a .vrm (with univrm)

Any chance anyone knows how to fix this error?

Anonymous No. 868259

What modeling program are you using? If it's blender object--->apply --> location, scale, rotation

Anonymous No. 868263

They are for hair I think.



Anonymous No. 868267

I am thinking of creating a character mod for Risk of Rain 2. If I were to commission somebody, what's a reasonable price to pay for a character model (from scratch) of about this level of quality? How much would you charge? I know absolutely nothing about this line of work so I don't really have a better way to ask this.

Anonymous No. 868302

same price as vrchat avatars $500-$2k

Anonymous No. 868304

There's litttle to no texturing, so I'm thinking he can probaby get similar quality cheaper than 500.

Depending on the complexity of the model, what's required to get it into a format the game will accept, I'm thinking this model is probably 2 days of work, with a substantial amount of that time being simply waiting for feedback.

Anonymous No. 868315

i can get 500$ for making ror2 like characters?

Anonymous No. 868318

Thanks, I'll consider it seriously then.



Anonymous No. 868319

>$500 for some half-assed neon furry puke

Anonymous No. 868370

is zbrushcore mini a good way to learn the basics of sculpting and zbrush?

Anonymous No. 868373

pirate full zbrush

Anonymous No. 868374

to add onto my reasoning, zbrushcoremini is so devoid of core zbrush features that are important to your every day workflow that it is not doing a good job in effectively teaching you the program, pirate zbrush full.

It has no fucking dynamesh lmao

Anonymous No. 868380

You're joking, but it's underpaid if anything. They do the modeling, rigging, texturing, weightpainting, animations, exporting, and overall fixes to get the model correct.

Anonymous No. 868384

sculptris is better but it crashes constantly

Anonymous No. 868387

W...where wluld one acquire such things
I might look into that too thanx

Anonymous No. 868410

In what world was that a joke? Any amount of money is too much for furshit.



Anonymous No. 868416


Anonymous No. 868448

>They do the modelling
which is hideous 99% of the time
and no, not because it's furry, because they can't into art so it's just shit.

lol ok

literally MS-paint tier 99% of the time
shitty oversaturated and/or unappealing colors because they can't into art.
oh, your character has countershading? here's a HARD separation between two flat, boring color tones.

the fact that you separate this from rigging tells me you're dumb as bricks.

no idea what kinds of animations go into stuff like vrchat but I assume walkcycles? Ooooh, better call pixar and let them know they're missing out on a great animator!!!

you finna have someone else click "save" for you or something? god damn.

>overall fixes
I mean, no one does anything first try, and it's kind of expected for you to own responsibility for the fucking work you produce (and get paid for).

Yeah, no.
It would be underpaid if the artist doing it was pro.
Furries generally ain't pros at jack shit.
If anything, it's overpaid.
You don't pay a shitty plumber three fiddy to "fix" your pipes with chewing gum.
You pay a proper one a proper fee to properly fix your goddamn pipes and that's it.

Anonymous No. 868453

>you finna have someone else click "save" for you or something? god damn.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
It's actually hours and hours of manually configuring things things in Unity. Oh, and everything will fucking break on a whim, so I hope you backed up the unity project recently!

He's right, $500 for such a thing literally less than minimum wage.

Anonymous No. 868459

>It's actually hours and hours of manually configuring things things in Unity
lol, maybe the first time you do it?
I mean, supposedly you won't take literal "hours and hours" after a few times you do it.

>everything will fucking break on a whim
Duh? It's 3DCG after all. Solving problems is what most of the job is about despite what people think. The artsy part is just the result.

>literally less than minimum wage
What part of "you literally don't deserve money because you suck at this job" wasn't clear?

Anonymous No. 868462

Stay away from dogs.

Anonymous No. 868466

doesn't matter if you don't like subject matter or not lol, there's a lot of labor behind it

now be a good boy play with WH40k toys while listening to Sabaton

Anonymous No. 868469

>lol, maybe the first time you do it?
these are furries, not humans lmao. You have to do multiple limbs, fur, and tails
>Duh? It's 3DCG after all. Solving problems is what most of the job is about despite what people think. The artsy part is just the result.
Missing the point, they're expensive because it's labor intensive.
>What part of "you literally don't deserve money because you suck at this job" wasn't clear?
Apples and oranges. AAA jobs are in specialized roles whereas furries have to do everything

Anonymous No. 868471

what is your definition of a "furry"?

Anonymous No. 868473

>these are furries, not humans lmao. You have to do multiple limbs, fur, and tails
you mean in unity?
sounds fishy, but let's say I buy it

>they're expensive because it's labor intensive.
>furries have to do everything
yeah but they can't do it.

you don't get a pass to make something that looks like shit just because you "have to do everything yourself", lmao what the fuck
>oh no I have underestimated the amount of knowledge, experience and effort required to undertake this task and produce a quality end result because of my own ignorance and stupidity and delusions of grandeur!
>bawww pwoowr fwuwwy wowrks wewy hawrd

kek, literally middle-school-tier mentality where you'd baww at the teachers when they'd give you shit grades for shit homework because you spent "a lot of time doing it", of which 90% spent loafing about

Anonymous No. 868476

Do you need to know the definition to know that they're more fantastical than humans?
You sound like a midwit and you don't get it lol

People in the industry get paid for doing a single role, whereas many get paid less for doing multiple ones.

Anonymous No. 868487

No, I get it perfectly.
It's you who doesn't seem to understand that you aren't owed shit just because you deliberately take on more work than you can handle and then fail at delivering it.
They get paid less to do multiple things because they can't do a single one of them right, and can only muster up enough to impress a few useless idiots by adding up all of their underachievements together. And in my opinion, they shouldn't get a dime. Even better, they shouldn't do anything at all.
People in the industry get paid to do a single role to perfection. No one is demanding perfection in multiple disciplines from a single person, but between perfection and "I suck hard at this" there is an abyss of decency.

Anonymous No. 868498

you sound like you can't get the money

Anonymous No. 868499

its a locking feature, blocks any modification.

Anonymous No. 868543

I do lol
>midwit effortpost
instead of writing a lame dissertation, go stick to playing with Wh40k toys

Anonymous No. 868545

>spess muhrines
No thanks, I like furries more :^)
Too bad furries fucking suck at making furries, oh well.

Anonymous No. 868633

so should I try to be adept at hard surface modeling first before organic?

Anonymous No. 868634

do hard surface in zbrush 2022 with bevel pro and zmodeler like michael pavlovich reccommends.

Anonymous No. 868639

y zbrush?
I was thinking of just sticking to Maya for hard

Anonymous No. 868640

zbrush is so much more efficient for hard surface now that 2022 is out

Anonymous No. 868642

Show your work, else fuck off shitter

Anonymous No. 868644

fuck off back to maya then, you absolute idiot

Anonymous No. 868646

Idk. I'm pretty beginner as it gets
Don't really know what to stick to

Anonymous No. 868648

Where all the jobs are kek
thx for the insight, sperglord

Anonymous No. 868653

there are no jobs in hard surface modelling in maya you retard.

Anonymous No. 868656

lol maybe not in your shit country poorfag

Anonymous No. 868657

I live in a major city in the USA, cris

Anonymous No. 868658

also, harkening back to my initial question, I was asking whether I should work on hard surface before I jump into organic, or should I just work on them the same time or.. what

Anonymous No. 868659

3rd world county by our standards, Brazil 2.0 kek

Anonymous No. 868661

the us is a first world country and also is the center of the 3dcg industry

Anonymous No. 868665

You aren't. We don't think about you at all.



Anonymous No. 868668


Anonymous No. 868674

>the us is a first world country
says who? the US? lmao

Anonymous No. 868677

the US is a first world country according to all metrics, cris.

Anonymous No. 868682

*a total shithole

Anonymous No. 868746

If you want to work in an industry I would recomend maya,
if you want just to be a hobbyst do whatever the fuck you whant

Anonymous No. 868748

>I'm attempting to make a Risk of Rain
combine them and do a layout If you whant them in 1 island, or if you select them all you can snap shot them

Anonymous No. 868753

most positions abailable are for enviroment artists and props, so its not a bad idea

Anonymous No. 868755

I dont

Anonymous No. 868760

When I use normal and albedo pass with accurate prefiltering on blender 3.0 there's absolutely no difference in any of my images over using none on both selections. Is there something wrong?

Anonymous No. 868764

working, ovservation, tutorials, and good references
get gud references

Anonymous No. 868768

I start in maya cos Im an old faggot, but you can just du it in z like >>865088
told you, then you work from there

Anonymous No. 868769

even if the uv is like that it shouldnt pixelate that much, sure one of your setings isnt at a lower res?

Anonymous No. 868771

its really really good and fast to work on, the old methods are slower, plus its super compatible with everithing,

Anonymous No. 868774

and I train all combat sports
so I must be better than Kabib and not a fat retard

Anonymous No. 868776

they are used alot in zbrush to, and are quite good

Anonymous No. 868778

start with a low poly density and work your way up from there

Anonymous No. 868779

I use the zbrush one but its just to project on top of, its far from perfect but its usable

Anonymous No. 868780

if you learn atleast a little thing every day, I think so yes

Anonymous No. 868781

wtf are you even talking about!

Anonymous No. 868782

one is bendy the other is straight

Anonymous No. 868783

dont be afraid

Anonymous No. 868787

oh ok then the price is fine, but even if its underpaid, its good for me here in the turd world

Anonymous No. 868811

no difference in the viewport or render?

Anonymous No. 868814

The final render. I'm also using OID denoising not sure if that makes a difference

Anonymous No. 868880

Thanks once again! Glad I came back to check on this.



Anonymous No. 868981

I keep getting this black area in my AO after bake in SP and I can't figure out why.

Faces aren't overlapping, I even modeled the whole thing again. Face orientation is correct. High poly is correct. I have a bunch of similar HP and LP pieces and they all bake correctly, but this one keeps getting messed up for some reason.

Anonymous No. 869002

an uv is to close to the border, grab the uvs that are to close to the edges and move them a pixel inward

Anonymous No. 869003

there was a video comparing sp and marmoset and it found out that marmoset could bake better. Try it. Its free for 30 days.


2021-12-11 21_27_....png

Anonymous No. 869066

is there a simple way to copy sketches and resize them in fusion, or any other simple way to make the spars for the ship (they're supposed to become narrower towards the front and back



Anonymous No. 869199

I am a beginner artist. I don't know anything about 3d or game development. But what do you think it would cost to pay a person to make a bushido blade game or demo for me with my characters in low poly.? Featuring my artwork.

Anonymous No. 869221

>what do you think it would cost to pay a person to make a bushido blade game or demo for me with my characters in low poly.?
>11.) "How do I make my own game? How do I program shaders or a video game?"
>This is a 3D board, not a programming board! Do you want to make 3D game assets or do you want to be a programmer?
>12.) "Uhhhh...."

Depends on what needs to be made. Even one character can cost a few hundred dollars, and past that, take weeks to be made depending on what's necessary of the model and the experience level of the artist. Programming an engine for a video game is an entirely different skillset. Animating the models is another.

If you're serious then create a design document that lists all of the art assets needed and an outline of what's necessary of the game's engine. You would have to pay people enough money to make your game worth working on rather than use their skills on other projects. You can find people with the skillsets you need on upwork.com and similar sites and at a glance a 3D modeler would run you around $20 an hour and up.


Anonymous No. 869267

Thanks. And ah shit. It's gonna cost me a lot of money

Anonymous No. 869323

Is there such a place where I can find a list of ongoing 3D challenges?

Anonymous No. 869329

Not sure if this is the kind of thing you're looking for, but Blender52 is a community with weekly 3d challenges https://twitter.com/blenderfiftytwo



Anonymous No. 869331

Using Maya--why are the area lights outside the windows not showing as bright white rectangles in the render? Is it because I have it set so small?



Anonymous No. 869336

It's a little better when I increase the exposure, but then the light is reflected too brightly onto the wall


Dassault Systemes....png

Anonymous No. 869339

when I try to draw a sketch or add a dimension it does this why???/

Anonymous No. 869342

So I've been sitting on ZbrushCore license for awhile without really using since their are like two courses for the thing, so do any of you know any zbrush courses that you're able to follow along in zbrush core fully?

Anonymous No. 869343

NTA but is their a maya equivalent?

Anonymous No. 869345

Idk, sorry. I had just heard of the Blender one from a friend

Anonymous No. 869347

That's alright anon, in anycase it's still good for practicing so thanks

Anonymous No. 869348

2D artist here, going to start learning Zbrush and Maya, etc in 2022, for character and environment (prop) design.. Do I need to upgrade my PC? Would I be okay with my current spec? I'm hoping especially that it's okay to stick with my GPU.

Vega 64
32GB Ram

Anonymous No. 869398

How do you Remove Poses from the Pose library IN 3.0?



Anonymous No. 869416

about how long to go from 0 to this animated 3d box, just the box + anim
not an artist but a programmer


light falloff.png

Anonymous No. 869495

Which of these is the correct formula for light falloff? Because it seems really unintuitive to me that a light source would have undefined brightness at 0 distance.

Anonymous No. 869519

is it worth buying a mac m1 2020 to do concept art in blender?

Anonymous No. 869788

light intensity is defined as power divided by the surface area that receives the light
it would make no sense to me to take the surface area of the point it originates from

Anonymous No. 870415

How do you download videos from Artstation?
just right now realize that they were free only this year, want to download a few before the year ends.

Anonymous No. 870432

they're free forever, announced a few days ago