

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 863235

Post knowledge everyone in 3d should know but doesn't know

Anonymous No. 863238

In Substance Painter, use baked AO and curvature maps to add some depth and edge highlights to the model. It will get your texturing to another level. Use in moderation, ofc. Sometimes it won't work and will look too stylized, especially the curvature map, but a bit of AO in albedo can look great.

Learn about stencils and use them. Also projection painting.

In blender, when working with FWN:
>in bevel modifier: face strength: affected
>in weighted normal modifier: face influence checked
Makes flat faces shade even better.

Anonymous No. 863334

I combine normal maps by setting the blending mode to overlay and disabling the blue channel in advanced blending settings. Some people only set it to overlay and get fucked up normal maps as a result.

Anonymous No. 863337

always split uvs on hard edges 4 better bake

Anonymous No. 863342

By splitting you mean making them discontinuous?



Anonymous No. 863356


Eyeball 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 863357

Anonymous No. 863362

>Post knowledge everyone in 3d should know but doesn't know
You DO need to learn to draw.

Anonymous No. 863368


Anonymous No. 863371

Because the basic principles are the same, even if you're not good at drawing you should still learn what makes something look good.

Anonymous No. 863375

This. Drawing and photography. Do something other than just 3D. Go outside and look at the world you're trying to recreate.

Anonymous No. 863389

The most important post in /3/ and the most important piece of advice that LITERALLY NO ONE follows.

breaking down complex shapes into simple shapes, sketching your ideas, rapid prototyping, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, all this is 100000x faster to do on paper than in a DCC, no matter how you spin it.
But people are AVERSE at even the idea of picking up a real pencil.

A computer isn't a substitute for your lack of art skills. It's just a fucking tool that can shit out a lot of pictures in little time. You as a 3D artist are the middleman who can speak both the language of art and computers so that you can translate the former in a way the latter can understand.
Neglecting one of them is akin to trying to be a language translator while being illiterate.

Anonymous No. 863395

You can’t do any kind of translating jobs if you’re an illiterate language translator, but you sure can find plenty of work even on AAA projects as a 3d artist who doesn’t know how to draw.

Anonymous No. 863400

how many layers of irony is this clownfest
why the fuck do you need to draw if you are a 3d artist
holy shit lol

Anonymous No. 863402

And you'll basically be a button pushing monkey that doesn't know nor understand what they're doing and get laid off at the end of the project.

r/3/ddit moment

keep staying in donut county, artlets lmao



Anonymous No. 863417


Anonymous No. 863420

Yeah, doubt it. There are infinite pools of prop artists in AAA and 3d artists in small indie studios which I'm sure can't really draw, and they are doing just fine. I agree it's kind of a button pushing monkey job and I can clearly tell when some prop artist doesn't really understand art fundamentals, but they still are good enough to push out filler props.

Anonymous No. 863429


Anonymous No. 863438

good way to hate your job, lmao.

Anonymous No. 863454

I honestly don't understand how there could possibly be an artist who can't draw their ideas on paper with fairly good accuracy. It's great if a 3D artist can get by without any drawing skill, but it seems like such a basic skill for a visual artist.

Anonymous No. 863460

Idk, I think I’m pretty good based on my achievements in this field so far, but I don’t feel confident with my drawing skills. I drew before and when I actually tryhard it I can get good results, but I generally just blockout and experiment in 3d. Sometimes I could definitely benefit from it and now that I have a tablet, I can practice, I just don’t have much time for it these days. I’d rather work on one of the dozen 3d personal projects whenever I can…

But I also don’t know where to start, I did some lessons from drawabox, but then realized I might benefit more from other kinds of workflows for enviroments instead of sketches, and then I got lost in a tutorial hell and stopped completely.

I want to get better at sketching scenes from different camera perspectives, environments, textures, lighting and things like that. No prop or character design. Anyone knows a good learning source for that?

Robotron No. 863522

Honestly i've been getting further ahead drawing out frameworks (for the programming aspect) on pen and paper than in Visual Studio or Unreal Engine editor. Pen and paper is based af

Anonymous No. 863528

it tricks people- it feels like a pull, or a distraction, away from the digital TOOL. a tool is just a tool- Human being can use many tools- the best tool for getting the brain to the road is pen and paper. Then you reach for the right tool for the job once the idea is fleshed

People that search for ideas in the tools are redditors

To know a tool's purpose, to wield the tool confidently- But to know where the mind is able to breathe deeper- on paper we have seamless thought and brainstorm. drawing skill strengthens that connection

Anonymous No. 863529

You should learn woodworking and stonemasonry before using Substance Designer
You should learn professional makeup before using Substance Painter
You should learn sewing and fashion design before touching UVs or using Marvelous
You should get a medical degree before dealing with anatomy

Anonymous No. 863539

You need to have had sex before making 3D lewds, ha.

Anonymous No. 863542

Something that probably should be obvious, but wasn't to me is when you're making a glass material, don't make the color 100% white.
So when you're making glass, drop the color down a bit to get it more believable, as well as let the reflections look better.
I'm guessing it's because glass isn't perfect, and so it gets refracted more when light passes through it, so it appears slightly darker. Either that or the fact that light slows down inside it makes it darker.
But yeah, don't go full #FFFFFF when making glass.

Another little thing that I picked up on was that instead of using a ground plane that goes into the horizon, use a circle instead. That way the horizon is a bit cleaner, and you don't have to worry about square edges. Obviously it's less of an issue if you have the plane bigger than your clipping distance, but using a circle works really well for things like oceans and plains.

Anonymous No. 863544

This right here.
You don't even have to be able to draw WELL.
If you're just sketching things down for yourself, it's only important that you know what it is.
Seriously, people really underestimate how powerful making a quick sketch can be when doing something creative in 3d. It helps refresh your mind on exactly what you envisioned at the inception of the idea, and keeps it from getting distorted and warped as you work on the project. I find that projects I do that I have a clear sketch beforehand always seem to be more focused when working on them, and also come out more concrete and thought out than something I just noodled around with a general idea of "that might be cool" in my head.

Anonymous No. 863553

You're being disingenuous but it is important to at least have a surface level understanding of those concepts to get better results

Anonymous No. 863554

>Post knowledge everyone in 3d should know but doesn't know
The truth is, people should know that boards like ours are totally obsolete. Everyone is on discord now. If you're not on discord, you actually have a problem.

Anonymous No. 863555

To add to this - no racism, no bigotry, no hate on discord. Real industry pros posting actual questions and knowledge. Discord is so fucking good bros...

Anonymous No. 863556

there's value in all communities. Here, I leave my stress at the door- I don't come here for insights or to get chummy with people. But sometimes, something does make me laugh or smile and it is more real than most online places. I have no stake here- There are no expectations of me. It is a temporary escape to hangout on my 3dcg image board of choice for 30 minutes each day

Anonymous No. 863557

you're hanging out with some dude who types "retard" every over word, cris, and some other dudes who have no industry experience. I go onto discord and can instantly read posts by top industry pros without any b.s.

Anonymous No. 863558

Yeah Cris is a tryhard, but discord heaven has plenty of those too. I don't need anything from industry pros. I see your argument, and I agree there is value- But this place, like many of the boards on 4chan, provide something unique compared to the rest of the web

Anonymous No. 863564

im too shy ane socially awkward to use stuff like discord or twitter so i guess i really have a problem

Anonymous No. 863565

honestly i dont even have a bone to pick with cris, he's annoying but he's not a bad guy... he's just... lost
i think he has some sort of a metal problem. probably autism or something but still, i don't hate him at all

i do dislike the people who make repetitive threads about throwing shade at some specific software, but i don't interact with any of those because they're just meaningless since i only post on the wip thread sometimes, i like seeing what people are currently doing

Anonymous No. 863573

I hate the proliferation of modern social media and associated slangs, attitudes, and "communities", so I'm just fine being a random nameless bit of text on a 3d basketweaving forum.
I'll engage with social media on my own profiles to get ahead, but I'm not going to actually interact with people voluntarily. In real life, sure, I'd be happy to, but fuck the internet.

Anonymous No. 863587

Dial those requirements a few notches and it's accurate - you do need to understand some basic things out of all those.

Anonymous No. 863590

You can be a translator and have great understanding of linguistic nuances without being a poet. I and hate fucking poetry.

Anonymous No. 863592

>no racism, no bigotry, no hate on discord
Sounds cringe. I don’t wanna perma walk on eggshells to accidentally say something someone will consider inappropriate and ban me. Freedom of speech>safe spaces for troons

Anonymous No. 863596

Give up now, bigots are incapable of becoming good artists

Anonymous No. 863597

Careful with that hatespeech. You may fond yourself incapable of becoming a good artist



Anonymous No. 863669

look at ye, postin' cringe

Anonymous No. 863989

what is this image trying to show?
blue bone weighted to the nipple, and red bone is the upper part? which bone is the parent?

Anonymous No. 863990

blue bone is the parent, it's set up this way so that the red part "bounces" up and sloshes more.

Anonymous No. 864049

wouldnt it cave into itself? i guess it depends on your jiggle solver
do you know any practical examples of this



Anonymous No. 864292


Anonymous No. 864317

Post your work.

Anonymous No. 864395

shut the fuck up. faggots like you should be perma-range banned.

Anonymous No. 864398

never worry about topology/edgeflow/high polycount and just use instaLOD Studio XL to achieve the result you want.

Anonymous No. 864820

Holy shit dude thank you

Anonymous No. 864829

>You should learn sewing and fashion design before touching UVs or using Marvelous

Honestly this one is almost true.

Anonymous No. 864848

>Texturing in Photoshop
I will be sure to send this post back to myself in 2002 where I'll find use for it

Anonymous No. 864849


Anonymous No. 864850

You don't, there are industry major artists who've been around 25+ years and can't draw past stickmen tier. It's just a drawfag cope

Anonymous No. 864864


Anonymous No. 864872

All are true. The best teachers were those who started out on traditional mediums.

Anonymous No. 864907

I'm still doing that for anything that gets published in the Star Trek: Ships of the Line books and calendars



Anonymous No. 864912


Anonymous No. 864956

Guess i'll resume to the usual SFW then...

Anonymous No. 864982

I'm glad I stubborny learned old school photoshop texturing before moving on to ez mode substance painter. Makes me feel good.

Anonymous No. 868028

Translation: The Discord is full of trannies and furries that only have grooming and zoophilia as deep skillsets

Anonymous No. 868034

you lied to me
drawing didn't increase my modeling gains

Anonymous No. 868047

>drawing didn't increase my modeling gains
Try with sculpting

Anonymous No. 868078

Always blame others, never seek fault in yourself, huh?
Maybe you just suck as an artist, hm?!

Anonymous No. 868104

Drawing feels so tedious and boring
it literally takes me way less time to create a scene in 3d and render it than it takes to draw it.
>and the shading and lighting will be 100x better LOL

Anonymous No. 868148

>If you're not on discord, you aren't a zoomer, non-white, don't take HRT, and still have your balls

Feels good to be a chad desu.

Anonymous No. 868164

Do you know they're still teaching this with aligning to UVs at my school for the 3D Modeling kids?

Anonymous No. 868165

It hit me like a fucking brick last year when I was trying to learn MD lol. Had entire days looking into sewing vidyas and pinterest cutting patterns. Some fucking bring that "Look what they're doing to get paid a fraction of a salary" because this is fucking it lol.

Anonymous No. 868171

Same here, what school?

Dudd No. 869502

Watch this video on YT, "Change your understanding of Topology in 6 minutes" by DECODED

Anonymous No. 869506

Wouldnt it just be better to make the whole eyeball reflective? I don't get the purpose of adding an additional semi-sphere

Anonymous No. 869514

real eyes have a clear coat layer, so this is to emulate that

Anonymous No. 869691

Because you want to be an artist? Do you not want to prototype on paper and make a 3d model out of them? I mean it only helps you become a better artist.

Anonymous No. 869717

this is my gut reaction too, I'm fine with learning to draw if it's optional but if it's mandatory.... I fucking hate it and just don't want to do it

Anonymous No. 869756

No thanks, I'd rather not take 3D advice from trannies with Dunning Kruger whose only industry experience is haphazardly throwing other's pre-made assets together in UE4 and claiming to be a 3d artist.
Spoiler for you discord faggots: Your 8 years of drawing shitty fanart on tumblr and getting a 3d degree via diversity really shows when you pass me models with trash tier geo, auto-generated uvs that make zero sense and a clear lack of ability to bevel edges. I unironically see better work from the tech-illiterate gooks that companies keep outsourcing to and they are the definition of button-pressing monkeys that can't into geometry.



Anonymous No. 870397

>bigots are incapable of becoming good artists
oh boy, are you in for a surprise...

Anonymous No. 870399

i do this but i export my high poly from zbrush to 3dcoat, create ao and curv then export it back to zbrush and keep polypainting... i probably should do it in sp

Anonymous No. 870980

Modelling is only 1/4th of the of picture. You need to learn shader dev, vfx, and how to draw/ stylize if want even a chance at replicating the greats. Most ignore the 3/4ths and that's why none of you have produced anything that gets as much acclaim as 2D.

Anonymous No. 870983

she did love black cock,not even kidding.

Anonymous No. 871023

Same reason why you should exercise, meditate, sleep and eat well and regularly take walks in nature.
It might not be as effective on the body, but it does wonder for the brain.
Increases hand eye coordination, neural plasticity, memory and imagination, ability for abstraction and recognition, it changes perception and subsequently understanding of the world and creates an easy accessible flow state / trance.
Through drawing you can learn and experiment with all aspects and fundamentals of visual art in the fastest and most comprehensible way. It creates immediate feedback loops that gives people the ability to create almost as fast as they can think. And all of that can be used everywhere else = Interdisciplinary cross-fertilization.
I started drawing with 4, by the time I got into school I was able to write whole pages, while the other kids had problems writing simple words or letters even.
Networks in the brain get stronger if they connect with other networks that are slightly outside of their specialty but if there is a crossover, all of them get stronger.
Being able to draw and sculpt with clay on top of doing 3D is like grabbing a woman's ass, while sucking on her feet, poking her vagina with a massive dick and stimulating her nipples. People who can't do that only have their tiny limb dick and wonder why all woman leave them (if they get any in the first place).
The fact that people don't understand this or refuse to accept it is a sure sign of their stupidity. It literally is a manifestation of the survival of the fittest meme and this understanding has been around for 100k years of human evolution, starting with our "primitive" ancestors when they discovered mind altering plants and jump-started societies and culture.

Anonymous No. 871120


Anonymous No. 871187

having a separate clear coat helps whenever the eyes are viewed from the sides/at an angle

Anonymous No. 871279

Wouldn't it be simpler by mixing two shaders instead of riscing z-fighting with tiny meshes?

Anonymous No. 871304

I just tried it in blender with its shitty wiggle bones addon and don't see any caving on the model, mo matter how i move it. Works fine after setting rotation amplitude and stretching to 0 and gravity to 1
Can't provide a video but >>863990 is right - the breast looks softer and has some faloff at the end instead of being one solid chunk parented to a bone.

Anonymous No. 871321

could you maybe post a viewport animation?

Anonymous No. 872735

Why would you want to combine normal maps?

Anonymous No. 872736

To apply a generic normal map texture over high-low poly baked normal map.

Anonymous No. 872752

Why not just use a bump map for the texture?

Anonymous No. 872762


Anonymous No. 872773

Be sure to experiment to find out why, bump maps can't render corner or edge detail.

Anonymous No. 872924

i add some AO to my diffuse textures all the time. especially if your doing stylised, it can bring you a very good base to work with.

Anonymous No. 874313

FUUUUCK thanks man!!!!



Anonymous No. 874518

i think this is the idea

Anonymous No. 874549

It's an oldschool texturing thing. Nowadays you rarely need to do it aside from some specific rare situations, unless you still use Photoshop as a major part of your texturing workflow.
Most people might already know this, but if you do this and your UV islands are all in random angles, the generic normal map overlaid on your actual hi poly normal bake will produce incorrect shading.
E.g. if you overlay a generic normal map with scratches on it, some of the scratches will appear to be sticking upwards like a ridge instead of a valley like they're supposed to.
I've seen game developers in the 2000-2010 era use this method and they usually had the UV islands rotated in the same angle as they are on the model (eg an armor chest piece in an upright position, as it is on the model) thus minimizing the chance of errors like that. It's a bad way of doing it.
The way to get around the issue is by using a bump map and baking it into a normal map. Even Blender can do this - just bake the bump map into a normal map while it's attached to the model and then you can take the resulting normal map and overlay it on your actual normal map in PS. That way the details you wanted to overlay on your main hi poly baked normal map will look correct.
Obviously Substance Painter does this same thing more effectively, but this is one way of accomplishing the result.



Anonymous No. 874579

Nah, rabbi. She only dated White German men. She was also probably into Asian women, which by modern right-winger standards is unequivocally and irrevocably *based*.

Anonymous No. 875170

Put a programmer sock in it.

Anonymous No. 876258

Anons aren't understanding the difference between knowing *how* to draw and being good at drawing.
Can you draw an anatomically correct stick figure doing various poses? Congrats you know how to draw.
Can you turn that stick figure into a concept sketch? Congrats, you're good at drawing.

Anonymous No. 876993


Anonymous No. 876999

The eyeball model surface appears to be caved in in the center making it geometrically distinct from the surface reflection

Anonymous No. 877180

When you bake an UV map, be sure to overlay/combine AO texture to Diffuse texture. That way you can see the texture with depth