

🧵 first job

Anonymous No. 865057

bros, videos like this are getting me demoralized
is it really that hard to get into the industry, have I already missed the boat? is everything already getting outsourced?

Anonymous No. 865063

Why did you learn something that won't make you rich?

Anonymous No. 865087

>is everything already getting outsourced?

Everything that can be outsourced WILL be outsourced.

Everyone thinks work from home boom of the pandemic is a good thing, but all it actually means is that employers are going to see just how little need there is for them to be paying first world salaries to anyone whose job can be done over the internet.

You should get an explosives license, because we'll all be working in mines soon.

Anonymous No. 865089

Become plumber. No outsource plumber yet

Anonymous No. 865100

Meanwhile there is Youtube anime reactors getting paid $20,000 a month just watching anime.

Anonymous No. 865108

idk about industry if you are talking about hollywood but I'm doing highvprofile jobs freelancing and I just sort of ended up their by chance. I don't even wanna do it but it pays pretty well. Like shit like advertising and stuff is so easy to come by you just got to keep going. But i guess that also depends on where you are living and what kind of person you are. I don't have a portfolio, no website, it's all word of mouth and I usually get asked to do a job over dinner. For my friends it's the same and we started shuffling jobs back and forth playing warzone during the pandemic so basically starting a really retarded way of doing business.

Anonymous No. 865114

You can't get really "rich" if you're not born wealthy or as part of the upper 1%. Everything else is self delusion.

Anonymous No. 865116

>is it really that hard to get into the industry, have I already missed the boat? is everything already getting outsourced?
I got a paying job in a couple days just by applying to random shit on the polycount job board.

Anonymous No. 865118

This is false, i know a guy who's parents are low to middle class, and he is on his way to becoming a millionaire. He did it by studying things like programming and cloud database, then investigating his money in stocks and crypto. He managed to get a 120k remote job when his dad would make 55k on a good year.

Anonymous No. 865119

Stop watching youtubers
Stop looking at social media
Stop looking at TikTok
Stop making these shitty threads on 4chan
Stop wanting to do 3d for bragging rights
Stop wanting to do 3d to coom

Start doing 3d because you want to do 3d.

If you don't, you'll ngmi. And you shouldn't.

Anonymous No. 865120

It's not the normal. Also there are countless income "millionaires", but that's puny compared to the people with real wealth. You are not getting truly rich by working a honest job. All billionaires and moguls here in Germany for example are from old & rich families. No one legitimately worked their way to the top here.

Anonymous No. 865121

1st: what the fuck does this have to do with anything
2nd: no one here ever believed they'd become quintigillionaires by grinding a 9-5 job you fucking sperg, nor wanted to.

But there's a difference between working a shitty dead-end minimum wage job and be permanently strapped for cash and doing a fulfilling job for upper middle-class wages and live comfy.

Anonymous No. 865122

dont reply to cris....jesus man

Anonymous No. 865123

don't worry they'll get the mexicans to do it for like 2 bucks a job

Anonymous No. 865127

I'm not working a 9-5 job (8-16 here), I'm part of the dwindling German workforce that is self-employed. I run a small IT & mobile phone store.

Anonymous No. 865143

>doing a fulfilling job for upper middle-class wages
being middle-class and working for wages don't go together, bud

Anonymous No. 866262

nigga just jump on the nft fad while you can before it dies out and scam some people for a quick buck.

Anonymous No. 866276

In an industry where a person with a year of experience can produce artwork that gets featured across the entire social media, and there are plenty of people like that popping up all the time, it’s hard not to feel depressed. Newer generations of 3d artists seem to become better and better and they evolve fast.

Anonymous No. 867593

>doing a fulfilling job for upper middle-class wages
>being middle-class and working for wages don't go together, bud
employed wagecucks

Anonymous No. 869882

>is everything already getting outsourced?
Yes. Render farms are in the cloud now, and 3D designers and artists are working out of India and Korea for much cheaper.

Anonymous No. 870226

>I usually get asked to do a job over dinner.
Nobody here is a fucking socialite. Good reminder that it's all about who you know.

Anonymous No. 870229

>can produce artwork that gets featured across the entire social media
which means fuckall and I can guarantee their work isn't as impressive as you think it is.

Anonymous No. 870233

Maybe not at a level of senior pros, but if it captures attention of a lot of them and big companies feature them on their social media, it must mean something. Not a lot of people ever achieve something like that.

Anonymous No. 870236

>it must mean something
unless it's an original concept/design it literally means fuck all, and your 15 minutes of fame are just that: 15 minutes. you can't ride them forever.
nailing the timing for the twitter algorithm with the 69th million rehash of a "realisic pokemon" to impress millennial NEETs doesn't mean you'll actually be of any use to a company that deals in 3dcg.

friendly reminder that both vfx and video game companies existed before social media had ever been thought as a concept and they still hired artists from all over the world.
that hasn't changed, no one hires you because you're "famous" on social media.

Anonymous No. 870389

I mean if you actually watch the video he gives some pretty great advice at the end on getting a job in 3D.