

๐Ÿงต Game Characters

Anonymous No. 867902

When creating game characters do people create each one from scratch or do they have some base model which they modify and put clothes on to? Which one yields better results? What option should I choose as a solo dev? I want to create characters with similar art style as pic related.



Anonymous No. 867903



Anonymous No. 867904

art style i want to achieve

Anonymous No. 867917

You have to pick a time efficient method as a solo dev. If you're thinking about it, then it's best for you to lower your scope and do a base mesh.

You can theoretically do realistic models, but you will probably make a mistake with them if it's your first time. You want to spend time adding content to your game as opposed to fighting assets. Don't listen to /v/ when they complain about "pixel/low poly shit", they buy those games anyway and most people don't care about it.

Anonymous No. 867933

I always build a nude/skintight jumpsuit kind of version of my character first that I set up to rig well,
any outfit variations I make then use the same key loops for deformation areas and are
rapidly weighted and tested via skinwrapping to the base variant.

You'll need one base version of each bodytype character that is gonna be in your game.
Like say you gonna have normal/skinny/fat male/female you then need 6 base characters to work from.
You can cut corners and have everybody use the same skeleton but then you gotta strike a good tradeoff
and have modestly sized males and very athletic females, see the GTA Online protagonist for an example of that.

>Which one yields better results?

The above is how you get the highest quality results and ensure good deformations for anything you create.

Anonymous No. 867979

>He's delusional, take him to the infirmary

Anonymous No. 868023


Anonymous No. 868524

use shit like makehuman and daz
you can steal as much as you want if you transform it a bit (it's called inspiration or homage)
if you have a large variety of characters build a character creator.