

๐Ÿงต How do you properly make buildings in blender?

Anonymous No. 869425

It's my first time constructing a building, but I think I fucked up bad with it. I had trouble with the grid snapping in Blender, it's random for me and most of the time doesn't snap to correct length. Pivot on objects start to go off aswell, they're not central. I only managed to make decent windows, bevel it and that.
Picrel is supposed to be Shibuyas Starbucks building in Tokyo, with the planes being glass and some digital ad screens.
How do you activate local transform so I can work with different rotations other than 0, 90 and 180?

Anonymous No. 869427

I'm impressed you managed to get this far while skipping the basics.

Anonymous No. 869446

Op use the question therad or the blender thread or the wip thread...

>A thread died to answer ur question.

Use google.

Anonymous No. 869449

Sorry lad, will do next time

Anonymous No. 869455

> I had trouble with the grid snapping in Blender, it's random for me and most of the time....

change the gridspaces to your desired length, check viewport overlay, icon next to viewport shading -> https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/127504/change-grid-size-in-blender-2-80-beta

>How do you activate local transform so I can work with different rotations other than 0, 90 and 180?

...you can place the cursor to to any selected object, vertex, edge or face -> shift s
with this you can rotate any object in any way with any precision you want -> press r, then axis, x or y or z, and then controll, you can snap rotate with 5deg (can be lowered too)

Anonymous No. 869457

I make buildings using Array modifiers. You model a segment of a building and just repeat it around a square curve. But man, it's crazy how fucking fast the geometry ramps up and. You absolutely must keep that base template simplified within reason or by 20 stories of you'll quickly ramp up into the hundreds of thousands of vertices and Blender just become a slow piece of shit.

I really want to see some kind of better multi-core optimization for million+ vertex scenes.

Anonymous No. 869528

Try using geometry nodes without realizing instances. It should handle millions of vertices without problem.



Anonymous No. 869841

every artist have their own technique
my: I start off from top down 2D and then extrude it into basic shape after that details
those 2D shape I made in pic are for verticies snapping