
le default cosmon....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 869684

Maxon bought Pixologic

Anonymous No. 869685

Now you'll never be able to pirate it because of Maxon's much better security.

Good thing I bought a legit license while I still could, but free updates are likely over.



Anonymous No. 869686

Goodbye to fucking ZBrush perpetual and free updates, we subscriptions now, just like Reshift.


Anonymous No. 869687

Time to focus on Blender then. I'm not paying to subscribe.

Anonymous No. 869688

Good. This will filter out the poorfags and third worlders even more, literally the only """people""" mad about this. Artists with jobs that can afford to pay for things are unaffected.

Anonymous No. 869689

It sucks. Not so much for me because I buy a monthly sub when I need it but still.

I unironically wish for Epic to buy everything. It’s probably a bad idea, but it has been great for us creators so far.

Anonymous No. 869690


>filtered even more

Haha stay poor Cris.


mutt kneeler.jpg

Anonymous No. 869692

> t.

Anonymous No. 869693

should've been blender desu



Anonymous No. 869695

>1 year free upgrades


Anonymous No. 869696

They are going to clean house of their evangelists like Pavlovich.

Anonymous No. 869697

Seems like the vast majority of artists I follow share your feelings.

VDMs and layers soon(tm) fellow blendlet.

Anonymous No. 869698

it has always been like this.
they've always GUARANTEED a 1 year free upgrade, but i know people who bought in 2006 that never spent a penny after that.
probably gonna change now tho.

Anonymous No. 869699

It's always said this you gay retard. Check webarchive.

Anonymous No. 869700



Anonymous No. 869701

And so innovation in digital sculpting dies, this marks the beginning of a dark age.


Anonymous No. 869703

ITS REAL. Well that's fucking it, it's over.

Anonymous No. 869704

Or a couple of angry devs will jump ship and fund their own company with blackjack, hookers and new tech they weren't allowed to work on, like an actual UI.

Anonymous No. 869705

They could have been charging you for upgrades already. They're not leveraging anything, you bought a license knowing full well they could have at any time.



Anonymous No. 869706

I feel nauseous



Anonymous No. 869708

Anonymous No. 869709

(((THEY))) are going to leverage it now. That clear enough?

Anonymous No. 869710

Zbrush's core "pixol" technology must be wrapped in a straitjacket of software patents, I doubt we'll see anything as powerful for a decade or even more.

Anonymous No. 869711

Subscription model in 3.. 2.. 1..



Anonymous No. 869712

Okay dude. Whatever floats your boat.



Anonymous No. 869713

>This is Joseph Drust, and welcome back to zClassroom. In this video we'll be going over how to utilize your credit card and social security number to access a new save feature located within Zbrush 2022.1

Anonymous No. 869714

>With the new zCoin you can use zBrush completely free of charge! You only pay based on the number of polygons in your model you want to save on disk. 1 zCoin = 100k polygons. Easy, right?

Anonymous No. 869718

I love industry standard fags cuck mentality, they talk like people with economical sense yet their rhetoric revolves around the concept of "spending more is good!" which tells me they have actually 0 sense of economics, if you're able to produce good results with a freeware you're maximizing your income you fuckin dumbfucks, it doesn't matter if "you can afford it or u poorfag lol", what's important is to maximize income and minimize outcomes, idiots

Anonymous No. 869720

>maximize income
>minimize outcomes
wrong word but still fits the state of the world is in now
fucking depressing.

Anonymous No. 869721

Maximizing income would mean going as fast as possible, which means buying software more suitable for your workflow. Freeware doesn't allow you any degree of speed compared to specialized software, as much as you'd like to project that it does. It's quite hysterical watching these freecucks wade through a river of shit while I'm in the fast lane.

Anonymous No. 869723

Didn't pixologic say they would never sell out?

Anonymous No. 869725

Maxon could afford to buy Pixologic? If they got investment (((funding))) to buy them then they will want that money back asap.

Anonymous No. 869728

truly awful.
maxon is worse than adesk.

Anonymous No. 869729

Everybody says that. At the very least they aren't doing the "we'll always stay true to who we are" song and dance that Substance Painter tried to pull mere days before going full Adobe buttfuck.
But who knows. Announcement is still early. Still some time to play for sympathy.



Anonymous No. 869731

My mistake. They actually did pull an Allegorithmic.

>Will ZBrush continue?
>Yes, we are looking forward to new ZBrush innovations for decades to come.

>Will subscriptions continue?
>Yes, we are anticipating that subscriptions will continue.

>Will perpetual licenses continue?
>Yes, we are anticipating that perpetual licenses will continue.

[spoiler]>Yes, we are anticipating[/spoiler]

I'll give them about a week after the deal closes before the above statements are accompanied by asterisks.

Anonymous No. 869732

>open cgpeers
>download the latest version of Zbrush TM
haha this new license sure does suck right bros haha



Anonymous No. 869733

Screencapped for posterity.


Kaiji_400 (1).gif

Anonymous No. 869734

>bought zBrush last year hoping to learn and then this happens.

RIP my money. I should had just started learning blender.

Anonymous No. 869735

when companies say perpetual license, they mean you can keep using the old version forever
updates beyond that specific version number not included

Anonymous No. 869737

of course, they answer to their shareholders above everybody else

Anonymous No. 869739

>because of Maxon's much better security.
You sure it's that good? C4D appears to be easily pirated. And Redshift is already pirated, although not in the open. It's just a matter of time for ZBrush.



Anonymous No. 869740

>the memecheck company

Anonymous No. 869745

>And Redshift is already pirated, although not in the open.
lol, how long have i been hearing that? Haha.

Anonymous No. 869747

It has not, trust me.
But it will be, soon.

Anonymous No. 869748

No, you made the right choice. Maybe you could have just pirated it instead while you’re still learning though, but oh well.

Anonymous No. 869749

z-brush is now in German hands while everything else is owned by (((them))). Ironic if you ask me, but good news for the market.

Anonymous No. 869752

And as I said this, I just found out ArtStation Learning platform will REMAIN FREE for everyone. Idk, Epic has been the only one doing good stuff while other big guys who buy other companies just make them worse or the same.


Literally a merch....jpg

Anonymous No. 869753

Anon ....

Anonymous No. 869754

Maxon is German? kek. I only knew that the CEO of Pixologic is one of (them).
Doesn't really change anything for the better though. Where the perpetual license was a one time deal with free updates in the past, I fear it might not be a year from now.

Anonymous No. 869757

Say what you want about Epic and Fortnite, but they know that they caught lightning in a bottle with their zoomer game and one day it will crash hard as soon as another fad grabs their attention, so they're getting their hands into every cookie jar and sharing them with everyone.
Shit-tier, low-maintenance money printer game and they reinvest everything they make into their other venues and just barely keep the game afloat. Unreal made leaps forward compared to Unity in just a few years, Megascans essentially free for everyone, Arstation learning free for everyone. Fucking based company. Based zoomers, keep buying fortnite skins, lol.

Anonymous No. 869758

really? We know that the keyshot bridge has to go meaning there has to be a replacement, probably with industury standard opencolor io support. Along with that support will probably be other industry standard shit like alembic and usd.

Anonymous No. 869762

I meant in terms of licensing.
As for features, it already has everything I need, unless they add texture painting on par with Mari.

Anonymous No. 869767

>As for features, it already has everything I need,
i guess you dont even uv because it has absolute shit uv tools

Anonymous No. 869768

I can do them elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 869770

thats no excuse and it wont fly under maxon leadership

Anonymous No. 869771

Unironically pretty cool of them. Tim has a dumbass public persona but it's an extremely small price to pay for the amount of freebies they're slinging out there.

Anonymous No. 869772

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it's a Maxon fanboy

Anonymous No. 869780

Look, I fucking hate Maxon and this acquisition really sucks, but the ZBrush page has said one year of upgrades forever and you fucking faggot asses who have obviously never touched the software raging over nothing are making people who hate this deal look bad.

Anonymous No. 869781

>I fucking hate Maxon and this acquisition really sucks,

Anonymous No. 869785

gee you're like the 6 millionth dude who says it's been there forever
you must look at the fucking buy page more than the sotfware itself since I honestly just didn't rememeber it had always been there, lol.



Anonymous No. 869794


Anonymous No. 869796

discord "people"?

Anonymous No. 869800

Cinema4D will include Z-Brush functionality in one package now. It's like shipping an Operating System with a default browser, but with people actually using it. This might shift some things. For the better I don't know.



Anonymous No. 869802


Anonymous No. 869803

So it's not a crack, it's a shitty trial reset.
Only on one PC and when reinstalling the Windows (as an example), everything will have to be reinstalled, the same stupid procedures with the instructions from nobody knows who.
That's when someone crack for real, then come.

Anonymous No. 869804

>Good. This will filter out the poorfags and third worlders even more, literally the only """people""" mad about this. Artists with jobs that can afford to pay for things are unaffected.
Fuck off cuck, you are probably from poland and think you're from the first world

Anonymous No. 869816

who cares? all of you fucks have pirated it, yet almost none of you use it

Anonymous No. 869820

search for "franz" in gfxdomain forum

Anonymous No. 869823

I'd rather castrate myself than go to gaydomain



Anonymous No. 869826

I can't believe I'm fucking saying this, but can you fags please point me to some good Blender sculpting tutorials. I'm on the verge of killing myself right now.

Anonymous No. 869828

>not 3DCoat
>not Mudbox
>not (Eyepatch®) ZBrush

Anonymous No. 869833

What are the alternatives?
If there are any, please share.

Anonymous No. 869834

post in the cgp req thread


zatchbell tamers1....png

Anonymous No. 869842


Anonymous No. 869866

>corpos and billionaires do literally anything to not affect their bottom line by paying taxes and other repeatable expenses
>kek look at these poorfags not wanting to sub to software
If billionaires refuse to pay for shit that affects their bottom lines, neither should anyone else. Whether or not you can afford it isn't relevant. No one should WANT to pay for something that they don't have to.

Anonymous No. 869870

you dont have to pay if you embrace open source. Otherwise, you have to obey the law.



Anonymous No. 869913

>>(((fuck they)))
we are surrounded

Anonymous No. 869929

you can patent algorithms?

Anonymous No. 869930

Not /3/ but I remember Carmack's Reverse, which was the algorithm used for dynamic shadows in Doom 3 was patented.

Anonymous No. 869933

>Tim has a dumbass public persona
He's a bit of a cheeky cunt but the guy is a 100% certified TRUNERD, and he knows what he's talking about when it comes to programming or graphics or the industry in general.

Yes and it's pretty retarded. Also very often abused by patent trolls who want to make a quick buck by patenting or buying patents for extremely generic shit.
For an example in 3D graphics look at simplex noise.



Anonymous No. 869963


Anonymous No. 869966

>simplex noise
Legal status
Uses of implementations in 3D and higher for textured image synthesis are covered by U.S. Patent 6,867,776, if the algorithm is implemented using the specific techniques described in any of the patent claims. The patent is expected to expire on January 8, 2022.

Anonymous No. 869969

Patented but not by Carmack. He was actually infringing on another patent when he "invented" it



Anonymous No. 869978

>Now you'll never be able to pirate it because of Maxon's much better security.
lmao, you realize that a new hacked c4d version appears on cgpeers a day or two after they release?



Anonymous No. 869982

i've been looking into getting into sculpting as a hobby because i put it off for years, is zbrush no longer the instant choice for someone that wants to sculpt and has too much money lying around

Anonymous No. 869985

Come to think about it, whats so anal about Redshift protection that C4D is cracked immediately and Redshift it's a nightmare.

Anonymous No. 869987

Redshift is their flagship, just like Zbrush will be. It's over!

Anonymous No. 869988

..what, no it's not.

Anonymous No. 869989


Anonymous No. 869997

They're still using the old Redshift licensing system AFAIK, and it's much more secure than any of Maxon's.

Anonymous No. 869998

*Redshift's protection system
the licensing system is changing, obviously, with Maxon's shitty launcher app

Anonymous No. 870001

This tells me they reached a point where they dont know what to do with the software. The no uv update for 3 years is tellling. They probably need external help to implement new features / improve performance.

Anonymous No. 870003

anon, the performance is already best in the world for sculpting and runs on a toaster

Anonymous No. 870005

Depends what you mean. It barely scales with cpu performance increases.

Anonymous No. 870006

i mean its the best in the world. Did I stutter?

Anonymous No. 870009

Did I fucking stutter, it doesn't matter if I have a threadripper, I barely get any performane increase. Tired of you retards sucking zbrushes clock when it still has the same single core brush system it has had since zbrush fucking 2.

Anonymous No. 870010

ZBrush uses every thread when you draw, it's been very multithreaded for years

Anonymous No. 870011

update your memory



Anonymous No. 870042

Anonymous No. 870046

I didn't say thread though I said cores.

Anonymous No. 870052

I have my wallet out already. I'm glad Pixologic is finally going Industry Standard with their pricing schemes. I always felt a bit iffy about using Zbrush because the lack of a subscription fee made it seem kind of low quality, if that makes sense. Now I can start using Zbrush with confidence knowing that it's a true pro software like the rest of them.



Anonymous No. 870062


Anonymous No. 870068

Zuck-Brush may even get a non-shitty UI now. Perhaps.

Anonymous No. 870077

Quixel just released Megascans trees.

And I’ll say it again, god bless Ebin, saviours of 3d industry. They just keep winning. Let me know how this aquisition will benefit consumers in any way in comparison.

Anonymous No. 870083

>Wanted to buy perpetual at some point because was having mixed feelings about pirating the software
Guess this solves my dillema thanks Maxon.

Anonymous No. 870093

Bought a month ago. But really Zbrush updates never feel substantial so unless that changes I don't really mind sticking to 2022.



Anonymous No. 870096

Pixologic is censoring comments against the purchase. This is what I got from Facebook when I made a comment on their Season's Greetings post.

Anonymous No. 870113

They are afraid...



Anonymous No. 870114

Always a good sign.



Anonymous No. 870141

Anonymous No. 870162

Their intern who minds the facebook page has instructions, of course.
The response to this was overwhelming negative in their facebook page, and Pixologic´s owner just want to grab´s Maxon´s money and run for it while Zbrush has some value. A negative backlash can -and it just might- ruin the entire deal. So let´s see those bashing comments coming.

Anonymous No. 870213

>A negative backlash can -and it just might- ruin the entire deal.
No, the deal is already done.

Anonymous No. 870221

you're a complete idiot



Anonymous No. 870224

I've been using Zbrush since 2015, it was my first 3D app and I dont think there is anything better around for sculpting. That being said, Blender has come leaps and bounds recently with their updates just recently released 3.0 and while their sculpting tools are still not on the level of Zbrush I've seen professional Zbrushers stick to Blender for sculpting anything that is not hyper realistic because of the convenience of having all the 3Dmodeling and animation tools right there.

Now, dont expect pixol performance out of Blender because Zbrush is not really 3D its more like a 2.5D simulation. Compared to that Blender is true 3D sculpting and this has some disadvantages such as speed when dealing with millions of polygons. This can be solved some what by building your models in parts (like subtools).

My advice is going with Blender with an open mind is the way to go. They keep improving and are quickly becoming the industry standard. As graphics technology improves the performance will catch up with Pixols. Plus Blender is completely free and avaiable on Steam.

Give it a try.



Anonymous No. 870227

>thread about zbrush

I can't tell if this is a serious blendlet take or a sophisticated shitpost.



Anonymous No. 870245

Guess I better get on that doughnut tutorial finally...

Anonymous No. 870250

>I've seen professional Zbrushers stick to Blender for sculpting anything that is not hyper realistic because of the convenience of having all the 3Dmodeling and animation tools right there.
I legitimately can't believe this when the GoZ addon exists. You are either a shill or fucking retarded
t. Chad that uses Zbrush to sculpt then tweak in Blender, retopo and texture in 3Dcoat and animate in Blender/Maya
Be grateful I gave you a (you), faggot. Only retards use one app for 3D



Anonymous No. 870258

"Only retards use one app for 3D"

I know you're a tranny pretending to be a 3D artist but I'll bite because you're so retarded that you answered your own question. Why would a Zbrush sculptor NOT use Blender when Zbrush has no good options for Retopo, Uv, Rigging etc etc.? You would NEED a 3D app and guess what? Blender is free and also the best alternative to Zbrush right now.

So, why would a Zbrush artist NOT use Blender? And what does GoZ has to do with anything? You do know there is GoB in Blender and also exporting an fbx or obj is not hard you faggot tranny.

Anonymous No. 870259

Also heres what people in the industry are saying.

Anonymous No. 870260


calm your pussy

Anonymous No. 870262

>Tranny posts a mini textwall projecting his retardations
>Proves me right between all his seething without realizing
Good going kek
I told you to be grateful, not gonna give anymore (you)s, retard

Anonymous No. 870264

blender is a waste of time. Use maya always and sometimes, slowdini. You have to pay to play, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 870265

>They keep improving and are quickly becoming the industry standard.
blendlet spotted

Anonymous No. 870266

Imagine paying almost 5k every 3 years for Maya who has been trying to catch up to Blender for the last couple of years. I dont blame you though I fell for the Maya hype too, then you figure out that big studios only use it as an operating system for their in house tools.

Anonymous No. 870268

My bet (screencap this), is that Maxon buys CLO next.

Anonymous No. 870269


larper troon presence detected
anti faggium serum administered

Anonymous No. 870271


Anonymous No. 870273

Weak bait. Nobody uses a single program to make everything, even if its from Autojew.

Anonymous No. 870276

cgmatter has and does

Anonymous No. 870277


Anonymous No. 870280

You may know him as "Default Cube"

Anonymous No. 870281

haha, who?

Anonymous No. 870282

Stop giving attention to this retarded tranny shill

Anonymous No. 870289

excuse me? The question was "who uses one tool exclusively?" and the answer was cgmatter/default cube

you sound so soo angry

Anonymous No. 870291

you know, for it to make sense, there has to be some sort of credibility to your answer.
the equivalent of "my uncle does it" doesn't cut it, i'm afraid.
my dad works at nintendo and says your uncle is wrong.

Anonymous No. 870292

cgmatter has 200k+ youtube subs for 3d cg content and provides high quality tutorial video, kid



Anonymous No. 870295

nope, doesn't ring a bell. must not be as good as you claim he is.


Anonymous No. 870296

>ad hominem

Anonymous No. 870300

>this kills the blendlet

Anonymous No. 870301

still don't know who he is, lol

Anonymous No. 870302

type y in chrome searchbar and it should autocomplete then press tab then type defaultcube then you should be on a good start to find his channel kiddo ;)

Anonymous No. 870306

>please give my favorite youtuber attention
hell nah, I'm good, thanks.
if he ever becomes relevant, I'm sure I'll hear about him either way ;^)

Anonymous No. 870308

you're backpedaling and projecting really hard for like 20 posts since i answered the question of who uses one program

Anonymous No. 870310

>when Zbrush has no good options for Retopo, Uv,
Retopology and UV are automatic and perfect in Zbrush - IF you know hoe to use the software.

Anonymous No. 870314

aight, someone on youtube uses one program. duly noted.

Anonymous No. 870315

>gets called out with an example of someone with a quarter million sub backing
>starts patronizing immediately, even has to photoshop fake badges and screencap
absolutely pathetic and your personality is insufferable

Anonymous No. 870316


Anonymous No. 870317

you seem to be the one not coping very well at all>>870295

Anonymous No. 870320

This is dark shit and I don't even like zBrush. Maxon acquiring Redshift did less than nothing for users. Epic buying Megascans made for an immediate price drop, won't see that here.
>quickly becoming the industry standard
I like Blender but this just isn't true.
>people in the industry
Seriously a dude who makes the same plasticine characters time and again and doesn't even texture properly is "the industry"? Leave your parasocial crushes at the door dude, adults are talking.

Anonymous No. 870325

Fuck off, retard. We don't like blendlet groupies over here. Don't you have a donut tutorial to watch?

Anonymous No. 870343

you're dangerously stupid

Anonymous No. 870347

You mean Zremesher? I honestly didn't know how to use it very well. Any tips?

Anonymous No. 870351

lol paypigs will never learn

Anonymous No. 870353

*learn to embrace open source



Anonymous No. 870627

>want to do sculpting in zbrush.
>literally too retarded to focus for more than 5 seconds.
>even have some cracked version of zbrush or some shit.
I want to do it but I swear I suffer from some physically debilitating form of laziness. Probably doesn't help that I make a blob and then get pissed because other people put in the time and make really cool stuff. Would this merger really effect people who pirate the software though? The only reason I didn't buy zbrush was because I was put off by the idea of it being outdated like a year later.

Anonymous No. 870631

Just because he can, doesn't mean he should. DaVinci Resolve is also free, why would I use Blender's shitty nle, when I can use DaVinci for free?

Anonymous No. 870651

Drust left the company months ago, obvious reasons now

Anonymous No. 870652

it's because of the way Pixols work, there is no way for them to do normal texture painting like Substance/Mari, same reason their real-time render engine is such garbage. Hell Nomad has a better render engine.

Anonymous No. 870653

>because of the way Pixols work, there is no way for them to do normal texture painting like Substance/Mari,
Easy, just write a converter. Maxon has got this.

Anonymous No. 870656

would buying Zbrush now be a mistake?
what are alternatives?

Anonymous No. 870657

Why the fuck are there actual Blender autists who shill in every fucking thread

I guarantee this faggot doesn't even know how to delete the default cube, jesus christ

Anonymous No. 870661

Blenderism is a cult.

Anonymous No. 870664

what are alternatives?
There are no REAL alternatives, Mudbox is trash, 3DCoat isn't good either, then there is Blender and that's about it.
>would buying Zbrush now be a mistake?
Do you have the money? It IS worth it. If you can afford it, you get a legal permanent license and 1 year of upgrades, maybe you even get the version next year (for free), so there is some argument to be made that it isn't really a mistake if you want/need a legal license (want to earn money with it?).
I would advice to get a pirated copy now, learn the program and than make an informed decision.
Maxon probably wont throw out permanent licenses soon, there probably will be a period where things slowly change, so I guess you have at least until the next version comes out next year to make that decision.
The other thing is that ZBrush is basically feature complete, there is not much to add to it and you could do AAA+ Hollywood style work with an ancient ZBrush 7 version, so even if you get a permanent license now and never upgrade you'll probably be fine for years to come.

Anonymous No. 870667

I'll probably buy it later.
Right now I'm thinking getting familiar with Maya and basic modeling stuff first before I go into sculpting.
Idk if that's a good strategy

Anonymous No. 871972

And here I was saving pennies to buy my legal version. Guess I'll keep pirating it.

People saying they'll use Blender have no fucking idea what they're talking about. I used Blender for most of my career and while you can make fairly complex and detailed models using the sculpt-dev branch, the amount of diversity on how one can approach different models in Zbrush is just unparalleled. Not even 5 cunny sculptors (future 3d metatranny) like Pablo could match it in features even after years of development.

Anonymous No. 874158

>Duplicate ztool.
>Hit Zremesher just use default settings, if anything enable keep polygroups if they are good (manual tinkering gives diminishing results).
>Subdivide copy model and use the project all from the subtool menu to extract all the fine detail. Keep subdividing and project all until you catch all your detail. (Zremesher will give you a symmetry mesh if have symmetry turn on, so if you don't know this you could run into problems when using project all, manually move your geometry if you want to keep a center seam which has its uses in animation).
>You will need polygroups to create automatically UVs (UDIMS) with UV Master plugin. look how to use it, is easy.
>Use the Multi-map exporter if you know your stuff otherwise just bake your polypaint into a texture map with create from polypaint in the texture menu (inside of the tool menu) and also the create a normal map (allso inside the tool menu).
As finishing step learn GoZ and maya and you be golden in the meanwhile.

Anonymous No. 874159

>try Zbrush 5 seconds
>(you): why my polysphere doesn't look as good as this dudes that has spend YEARS mastering his craft and learning anatomy!
>Be mad
Just practice, learn what you lack and the seek to improve it.
98% of us start with shit art, don't give up if you really want to do it.



Anonymous No. 874168


Thread theme for people like me who don't have the money to spend 80,000,000 dollars annually on this software


Argument from Aut....jpg

Anonymous No. 874390

Check out this Boot Licking Cuck lol So basically if you're learning, or a Hobbiest or whatever, you should just take whatever they're allowing you to have and say thank you? Bro your Work makes Yansculpts look like a Pro. and he's using fucking Blender.

Anonymous No. 874399

Blunder sculpting is a side addon for modelling, it doesn't stand on it's own and multires is still broken. Somewhere in a blogpost dev team was thinking about abandoning it altogether to go for other solution, one that will most likely work only inside of blender aka fucking useless. I wish Blender had just basic sculpting features, nothing too fancy but the ones that work.

Anonymous No. 874402

I'm gonna.. I-I'm gonna... SOOOOBSCRIBEEEE

Anonymous No. 874404

Oh yeah, Soobscribe all over my Dirty Maxon Tiddies, you Hobbiest!

Anonymous No. 874425

No more free updates for perpetual licenses confirmed. Thanks Maxon!

Anonymous No. 874449


Blender is freeware and I gets me there twice as fast as max or maya ever did, and I use those for years.



Anonymous No. 874450


Anonymous No. 874451


Maya is dogshit for anything else than unwrapping and rigging.

Anonymous No. 874452

>I want to do it but I swear I suffer from some physically debilitating form of laziness.

That's called being an artist.

Anonymous No. 874453


Blender's workflow is fast as fuck for modeling and the tools are amazing. It's a great tool for poly modeling. Maya breaks your meshes, lacks many basic modeling tools... Max's unwrap workflow

Anonymous No. 874455

If that were true, you blendlets wouldn't need to spend your days reminding the rest of us how good Blender is.

Anonymous No. 874461

Literally me at this point. What a shit move on their part, at least for getting money from non-industry modelers lmao

Anonymous No. 874496

>poor people especially third worlders would never steal

Anonymous No. 874501

Blender and indie artists are coming for you and your stupid duopoly industries regardless of how much your rat mafia extends copyright terms.

Anonymous No. 874506

How much do you get from autodesk to advertise for their company online?

Anonymous No. 874509

rent free

Anonymous No. 874573

literally told you to try a pirated copy to get familiar before acting like an animal


brickonator EvCfA....jpg

Anonymous No. 874577

Not surprised, but still disappointed all the same. Zbursh joins the version of adobe creative suite CS6 that I never update.

Anonymous No. 874578

Dude, just Pirate it for fucks sake. its not hard. its literally downloading an altered .exe file and putting it where the old one was lol. i could literally give you my old pirate version of 2021, but if you own it atm, that'd be redundant. The Hackers are our friends, just give em 2 or 3 days after each update and you've got your update. just scan it first (Zbrush doesn't need a Keygen or any of that shit, so you don't even gotta worry about the Virus shit)

Anonymous No. 874581

>just scan it first (Zbrush doesn't need a Keygen or any of that shit, so you don't even gotta worry about the Virus shit)
jesus the amount of ignorance in this post

Anonymous No. 874593

Ok, so on the Torrent sites ive used it always says "Comes with Keygen" or shit like that, all i was saying is the Torrents for Zbrush normally come with a PRE-CRACKED .exe how is that so "Ignorant"? not that i expect you to respond explaining anything, because people like you always say shit like that and act like you know more than you actually do. ive had 10 different people say "I just Crack Zbrush myself with Hex editor" you ask them wtf they're talking about and Silence. stop trying to act like Mr Big Dick Know it all, it only makes YOU look stupid as shit.

Anonymous No. 874594

Surprisingly Adobe has a perpetual license for substance painter with 1 year of updates and its only 150. Zbrush should have a similar price point if they're going to end free updates like that.

Anonymous No. 874595

you use torrent sites and download "pre-cracked" shit yet are saying not to worry about viruses. LMAO. Good lord

Anonymous No. 874606

>substance fucked
>now zbrush
unironically thinking about dipping into 3dcoat now
made by fucking heretics and terrorist supporters but AT LEAST THESE FUCKS WONT SELL OUT

Anonymous No. 874617

that eula shit doesn't actually matter, they rescinded that shit and never really enforced it in the first place
3dcoat is great, though, unfortunately development is on the slower side
check out the demo, its pretty generous compared to other dcc

Anonymous No. 876486

>and terrorist supporters

Anonymous No. 876505

Technically anyone who disagrees with the government. From having pro-White views to being a parent against CRT in schools

Anonymous No. 876973

I just want to say Zbrush really is an actual insanity how good it is. I've been learning it more and more these days because I have a lot of tasks that require Zbrush and I'm amazed by how much things I still don't know about it.

Just discovered how to make ropes with IMM curves, you can literally draw the curve and then drag the edge around to create a knot, it will just simulate it and move like a snake naturally. This was terribly painful with bezier curves and having to move every point by hand.

Cloth sim tools are crazy as well, can't beat this shit.

Anonymous No. 877041

Bro, just pirate everything. If it's not hobby, integrate the cost of license into your pricing.

Anonymous No. 877046

Let's not forget that USUALLY freeeware means I have to rely on heavy research and possibly user-made external scripts to do something that I can do faster on a software with even more support. I know blendercucks, I know, you just search it on youtube and you find it right? RIGHT?!



Anonymous No. 877047

Oh, you mean like, every software on your Windows anyway?

This statement makes no sense anon, please stop

Anonymous No. 877049

>I have to rely on heavy research
Meanwhile you don't have to research in paypig software, there is always a button which does exactly what you want in a single press.


Screenshot .png

Anonymous No. 877050

STOP paying for software. You paid for Zbrush, and what did it give to you? They just took your money, laughed, and ran away.
Pirate fucking everything you need and you don't need. Only pay for something if there is no realistic way of selling the finished product without using payversion.

Anonymous No. 878338

I also bought it last year anon, but current version of ZBrush is good enough for me as a hobbyist and probably you as well.
Will just be using basic tools while beginner and even intermediate anyway, so I won't lament not getting more updates until I am actually past beginner/intermediate.

Anonymous No. 878339

If you're just beginning ZBrush will last you a long time anyway. Personally I find it more enjoyable than Blender sculpting by miles.

Anonymous No. 878347

Paid for Zbrush 2 years ago. This will end up like Photoshop CS6. I don't even use half what Zbrush currently has or what it will have to offer. Fucking bevel pro lol I'd rather do that in Maya fucking keks.

Anonymous No. 878359

Yeah exactly. I doubt many of the people who complain even use the new features, you really just need a few brushes for most sculpts until you're past intermediate. I am content with my 2022 ZBrush perpetual license since it will probably won't be until 2030 that I am good enough to really want the newest brushes and features for a project.

I tried out Blender but ZBrush feels sooo much nicer to sculpt with, just the flow and how easy it is to understand what each button does. Also very optimized of course.

ZBrush updates have been slow so hopefully more subscribers means more updates for industry people who don't mind paying $$$.

Anonymous No. 879078

years on and abode doomsayers still haven't stopped the perpetual going away. This is the same shit.

As long as blender is competitive zbrush can't do what maya tries to do.

Anonymous No. 879202

Their EULA was actually based, it just needed a bit tweaking like allowing art of demons/monsters who were supposed to villains while disallowing any LGBT characters.

Anonymous No. 880853

Nanite workflow now made me consider moving to Zbrush even for polymodeling. Have any of you done that already? It even has great history, unlike Maya and Blender. Edit poly in Max is cool, but this is great as well.

The thing is that final Nanite assets come from Zbrush anyway and a majority of the process is inside of it. Even hardsurface should be great with booleans and a new pro bevel feature.

I didn't see the point of moving the modeling to Zbrush since I still had to optimize and deal with topology later on, but Nanite workflow is different. I'm considering all the possible uses of Zbrush tools now when I don't need to consider how will I retopo it later on and my mind is blown away.

Idk if this workflow will be the thing outside of UE5, but if it will, it will be more of a game changerTM than I expected it to be.



Anonymous No. 880869

Because nobody gives a fuck ablut Redshift. Zbrush will be pirated within the hour.

Anonymous No. 880870

Mudbox? Kill yourself

Blender is the best modeling package right now with competent sculpting tools. Its the best place for reteopo with Retopoflow free from Github. The best place for hard surface with Mesh Machine Boxcutter and Hard Ops, the best viewport and its decent at everything else.

I still use Zbrush but you would have to be a moron not to use Blender when its free and has everything in one tool that you can carry around and execute from an usb drive.

Anonymous No. 880871

retopoflow is janky as fuck

Anonymous No. 880872

"Outside UE5" assuming there will be anything used for AAA after Nanite and Lumen. Ngmi

Anonymous No. 880876

Retards claiming that unreal's nanite means devs will be able to bring undecimated 200 million poly models for everything are clueless
nobody is going to play a game where a single prop is 300 MB without counting the textures, especially knowing that you need an SSD for nanite. People are already complaining about games being bloated, a fully nanite AAA game would be in the terabytes.
nanite has a lot of really good advantages in general regardless of the resolution of the model, i'm not trash talking nanite but the models will not be used straight out of zbrush, no way. maybe one hero asset that's always seen and takes up a large portion of the screen, sure, but to think you'll be using film res assets for everything is dumb

Anonymous No. 880877

>a fully nanite AAA game would be in the terabytes
And this is were STADIA could shine, if it weren´t managed by morons.

Anonymous No. 880882

Who knows at the rate storage is increasing and technology is moving maybe in 10 years every game will use nanites. Kids dont seem to mind 100 gigs for fucking call of duty. Also in VR were theres demand for realistic environments it would shine. How else are "they" gonna plug us into their Meta Matrix by 2030?

Anonymous No. 880884

No no no, clearly you haven’t worked on Nanite projects. It’s not undecimated 200M tris per prop. It can be just 10-20k tris, or a million or so, depends on the amount of details. You would still use decimated mesh as a low poly and try to retain a majority of surface details, but for tiny ones you can still use normal maps baked from a higher poly version. It’s less than 10mb per fbx.

The difference is that there is NO visible faceting and you have a chance to use actual geo in places where alpha cards are usually used. Results are thus much better visually.

And ofc, because of this, workflow has changed a lot because you can just decimate the mesh in zbrush, unwrap it and drop it into ue5. No clean retopo required (obviously, for props that won’t animate). But this means that you might as well just sculpt the entire thing from scratch and don’t even need to bother with subd topology at all.

Anonymous No. 880887

Hey can you add me on Discord? I'm trying to find people who know UE5 to chip in and buy expensive tutorials. Let me know if youre interested. Zeriel#3844

Anonymous No. 880892

that's literally what the current workflow is
if you're going to use a normal map then you'll have to do a retopo by hand unless it's something irregular like a rock, because of the way smoothing by UV shells is done to get a good bake

alpha cards are usually used for vegetation and nanite doesn't work for vegetation at all

and faceting depends on the polycount, nanite isn't magic if your polycount is low you will see faceting
in order to truly have no noticeable faceting you'll have to use very high polycounts which will bloat up the space to hell

This is a reasonable answer, seeing full nanite as a next-next gen tech. Until then, most 90% of props will go through the usual normal maps pipeline, just like I said. Only a few hero assets will be allowed to be super high res.
And kids may not mind because they're kids but older teenagers and adults who play games do find it ridiculous how big games are.

Anonymous No. 880897

>if you're going to use a normal map then you'll have to do a retopo by hand

>because of the way smoothing by UV shells is done to get a good bake
wut, just have all smooth edges

>alpha cards are usually used for vegetation
yes, and for plenty other stuff like any kind of a net pattern or details on large objects in the distance

>in order to truly have no noticeable faceting
we're talking about reasonable distances from where the camera will go, not from 1mm away or something like that. You don't need THAT much tris. Currently faceting is still fairly obvious in games so everything is an improvement

Idk if I understand the issue with a normal map, I've been working on Nanite projects and have no clue what's that about, I still used normal maps like always

Anonymous No. 880899

Oh also, and obviously besides alpha cards that replace tiny details, let's not forget all details that are still baked down to a normal map, while now all of it can be in the mesh itself and catch the light properly. Normal map can now be just for the tiny surface imperfections that practically don't affect the silhouette.

Anonymous No. 880905

>>because of the way smoothing by UV shells is done to get a good bake
>wut, just have all smooth edges
you've obviously never baked a production quality prop before
literally stopped reading right there, waste of time

Anonymous No. 880909

We're talking about Nanite workflow here, retard. Have you even worked on actual professional projects with this tech yet or are you trolling?

Anonymous No. 881542

Anyone tried bas relief feature? I don't think I fully understand the difference between this and a regular grabdoc alpha.

I can see the difference, but when I paint with a regular alpha I get the result that looks exactly the same as the mesh I grabbed it from, while I get something else with a basrelief alpha. It's... more flat? But also more detailed? Idk where does it get that detail from though, because it doesn't exist in the original mesh. It's like it is scaled and compressed on one axis.

Anonymous No. 881546

It's a "We're out of ideas." feature.

Anonymous No. 881548

You just dont understand it.

Anonymous No. 882471

Fucking jews, what else is there to say.