

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 871517

>Create shitty 3d with blender
>Render it as .png
>Sell it as NFT for $500000
>Be Millionare
>NFT image stolen ??
>Dont care, got my money for almost 0 effort

Why havent you take the NFT pill already, /3/ ?

Anonymous No. 871521

Because I can just right click and save it.



Anonymous No. 871523

Yes and ??
Some rich loser already got their digital receipt and i got my Millions

Anonymous No. 871524

you forgot the part where you have to pay a shitton of money in gas fees

Anonymous No. 871527

and you probably are not going to get any money if you are not already know



Anonymous No. 871536

Take this pill instead.

Anonymous No. 871541

NFTs has unironically paid for my 3080ti rig.
Now to actually stop gaming and start using it...

Anonymous No. 871559

fuck you im proud to be a huge poorfag. I refuse to use NFTs even if it might make me money.



Anonymous No. 871574

Found that on /gd/

Anonymous No. 871575


Hahahah, you are so fucking pathetic you're using different IPs to reply to your ow threads because no one gets baited anymore. Give up already you fucking frogposting faggot, fuck you and your awful models and your shitty Godot games

Anonymous No. 871635

nice image anon, i will be sure to save this and post it on every cris thread here on out

Anonymous No. 871889

this statement is the equivalent of people saying they own the mona lisa cause they bought a framed photo of it on aliexpress

i fucking hate monkeys and lions now

Anonymous No. 871890

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 871914

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 871924

Tfw ppl on /3/ are unironically clinically schizophrenics

Anonymous No. 872194

The name of the board refers to the number of its users.

Anonymous No. 872204

please teach me the ways of making and selling NFTs. i am good with blender and could easily whip out some shit /biz/ would buy.

i need to make it so i can buy my poor mother a nice house [spoiler]so she can enjoy the rest of her life after spending the last 25 years slaving to raise my crazy ass.[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 872206

You have to be a celebrity or NFT brah to sell to marks. Maybe contact the scammers selling them to see if they need one made.



Anonymous No. 873013

fuck off chris

Anonymous No. 873898

doesn't it have the possibility of the original artist of Pepe the Frog suing you in court and taking away all your profit since you drew a character that has been patented by him?

Anonymous No. 874160

fuck off chris
I'm not taking any chances of not improving.

Anonymous No. 874172

fuck off chris, as is the custom


kim pine drums.png

Anonymous No. 874728

Got a few friends who are making a shady NFT brand. They're looking for an artist around our campus, but they're tryna find someone to shaft. Probably not worth it though.



Anonymous No. 875257

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 876260

Because uploading an NFT costs hundreds of dollars and nobody will buy it unless it has a discord and a campaign behind it
NFTs are a scam, anon, they're not meant for the little guy to create and sell.

Anonymous No. 876261

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 876308

this, it's an MLM in disguise and only extremely popular artists and the platforms themselves make any money

don't end up like this guy, who has probably paid fucking thousands in gas fees but has zero sales: https://opensea.io/mynftcloset1?tab=created



Anonymous No. 876700

I hope none of you on here are retarded to fall for the NFT meme. You can't just make an NFT and have a bunch of retards bid thousands of dollars for it. You need connections and a stable brand that includes a website. Overall NFT's are just a bunch of rich Jewish kids trading money.

Pic related.

Anonymous No. 877718

>Why havent you take the NFT pill already, /3/ ?
Find me someone willing to buy my shit please. I would but man hours and gas fees isn’t worth it