

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 871567

It's literally over, they even got Blender. Fuck.

Anonymous No. 871568

no one cares about your cringe identity politics you disgusting fat american freak and this isn’t 3D related sage in all fields + ratio

Anonymous No. 871569

Slippery slope everything woke goes to shit it's 3D related you'll never be a woman.

Anonymous No. 871570

shut up fat

Anonymous No. 871571

shut up tranny

Anonymous No. 871577

Gah this board is fucking dead. Why do people keep making absolutely shit threads like this and bury the good ones like /wip/ and /sqdot/

Anonymous No. 871579

>no one cares about your cringe identity politics

You're the kind of person who was saying "It's just tumblr" and "It's just college students" 10 years ago.

Anonymous No. 871581

One literal schizo did it as a temper tantrum then did it for long enough it stuck



Anonymous No. 871617

>no one cares about your cringe identity politics you disgusting fat american freak and this isn’t 3D related sage in all fields + ratio
You obviously do, look how much you are SEETHING right now. Kek.

Anonymous No. 871619

I'm retarded, can someone explain what this has to do with identity politics?

Anonymous No. 871621

I'm assuming it's because it's holidays and not le christmas
which is weird because to me holidays always meant christmas and new year so I don't see the problem with this

Anonymous No. 871625

i love the war on christmas shit
it's real fucking funny
chag sameach

Anonymous No. 871658

Blender is used by people around the globe, and Christianity is just one belief out of many. Learn to deal with it, because there is nothing else you can do.


Anonymous No. 871659

>Blender is used by people around the globe, and Christianity is just one belief out of many
the same faggot that says Happy Hanukkah/Diwali/Ramadan/Workers' Day etc...



Anonymous No. 871661

Anonymous No. 871669

It's more or less the fact that they went out of their way to censor the least offensive/divisive religious figure in history. He didn't kill anyone. The guy was so generous that he sacrificed himself for everyone, yet he's treated worse than a creepypasta lmao

You will never see this censorship or urge to be inclusive when it comes to labels like Yoga, they do not strip it of it's religious context by calling it "X Stretching".

Anonymous No. 871670

I'm very much out of the loop. What are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 871672

This is a reasonable way to think

Anonymous No. 871720

Corporations and institutions have made it policy to not use the word Christmas so they can get muslim bux. Supplanting the old religion with the new, as is tradition.



Anonymous No. 871724

WTF guys
why is Blender endorsing paganism now?? stop supporting this racist white supremacist software!
this is like a second holocaust!!!

Anonymous No. 871728

>Supplanting the old religion with the new, as is tradition.
Money has always been the first and foremost religion.

Anonymous No. 871741

EXCUSE ME, I do care, thank you very much!
Please OP, unironically, continue posting these so that we're aware of the mentally ill, evil and sell-outs.



Anonymous No. 871764
