

๐Ÿงต UV software

Anonymous No. 871841

I'm planning to switch my UV workflow.
Currently I'm using pirated Headus UVLayout with a Blender bridge. It does everything I want, but can be kind of a pain sometimes, and the dongle thing is retarded. I also expect it to just stop working with some random windows update one day.
I'm thinking of switching to RizomUV, but I want to first make sure it can do what I want, and that simpler native plugins can't do the job equally well. Specifically:
- I *need* to be able to straighten arbitrary islands based on multiple edges (webm related)
- I want some form of UV transfer (from unwrapped parts to those that aren't yet).
- I want to be able to extend UVs to an adjacent face in textured 3D preview (MagicUV does this already, but does Rizom?).
- It would be nice to have grouping by material, island locks for packing and texel density matching.
I've looked at TexTools, ZenUV and UVToolkit, and it doesn't seem like any of them can fulfill the first of my requirements. Are there any other plugins that can do the job? Can Rizom even do it? Any other programs for the task?

Anonymous No. 871877

Doesn't making edges straight introduce distortion.

Anonymous No. 871878

It does, but sometimes tight layout is more important

Anonymous No. 871880

it's an extreme example, usually you'd just use it on a couple edges along the general curvature. makes it easier to paint, helps packing and is just overall cleaner.
but straightening every edge like this could be necessary for low-res pixelated stuff, or for when you need to make absolutely sure there are no seams on the normal map.

Anonymous No. 872139


rizom user here

>- I *need* to be able to straighten arbitrary islands based on multiple edges (webm related)

rizom has godlike uv straigthen capabilities.

>- I want some form of UV transfer (from unwrapped parts to those that aren't yet).

not sure about that just google it

>- I want to be able to extend UVs to an adjacent face in textured 3D preview (MagicUV does this already, but does Rizom?).

not sure exactly what you mean but rizom had a 3d window that updates in real time your changes to the uv.

>- It would be nice to have grouping by material, island locks for packing and texel density matching.

pretty sure it has all of these



Anonymous No. 872228

thanks. tried the demo for a bit: yeah, the constrain tools work fine. though U doesn't seem to respect constraints and holding O is much slower than the equivalent in UVL, any way to speed it up?
TopoCopy is what I meant for UV transfer, though there seems to be no way to choose priority if both/all parts already have some seams. kinda weird, but I'll probably manage.
extending to adjacent is to make UVs without seams, webm related. mostly for architecture. anything similar in Rizom? the Blender plugin I use breaks on non-quads (probably gonna have to fix it myself)



Anonymous No. 872229

for completeness: how copying UVs works in UVL

Anonymous No. 872233

Wouldn't just duplicating the object do the same thing.

Anonymous No. 872236

sure - if you're willing to jump into UVs for every nut and bolt every time you make the first instance, and then you never plan on changing them afterwards. for complex objects this often isn't practical.