

๐Ÿงต Rigging in Blender

Anonymous No. 872829

Rigging in Blender - Why is it such an absolute pain in the ass?

All I want is to be able to connect the little ball of one joint reliably to the little ball of another joint.

95% of times ctrl+P however asks wether I want to separate bones. If for some reason I randomly manage to perform the 20-step-selection ritual correctly and the 'parent keep offset' option appears, it ALWAYS 100% of the time parents the wrong ball to the wrong ball, sometimes even the wrong ball to a ball on a joint I didn't even select.

God help me please

Anonymous No. 872830

Aren't there plugins add ons for this?



Anonymous No. 872831

select entire bones instead of the balls
it always connects the thick end of child bone to the thin end of parent bone
select child first and parent last
make sure your keyboard isn't crusty from layers of cum and cheeto dust because 'separate bones' is just p, not ctrl+p

methinks the problem is in what's between your chair and screen.

Anonymous No. 872832

you're getting "separate" because you can't press ctrl right.
you don't parent joints. you parent bones.
bones are a hierarchy. direction matters.
joints work as "vertices" for snapping purposes, so you can vertex-snap one joint to another, then parent or whatever.

Anonymous No. 872834

looks like wrath palette btw. you guys strugglin' without kp or what?

Anonymous No. 872852

>you don't parent joints. you parent bones.
This is why rigging in Blender SUCKS DICK.
>oh, your piece of geometry needs to pivot from a single point? Nah sorry, we don't do that here. Everything is built out of directional segments with a start and an end point.
Fucking retarded bullshit and the asshole who thought this was a good idea needs to die screaming.

Anonymous No. 872879

>oh, your piece of geometry needs to pivot from a single point? Nah sorry, we don't do that here. Everything is built out of directional segments with a start and an end point.
Which pivot from a single point you raging maniac lol

Anonymous No. 872880

>blaming blender for your cluelessness

Many such cases!

Anonymous No. 872909

oof lmao
Why is everybody here so afraid of asking their beginner questions in a normal fashion?
Why must everything be disguised as a hate post against Blender when it's just them not knowing the basics?
You'll only get insulted more that way.

Anonymous No. 873028

Why don't you just snap the tail of the first bone to the origin of the second one?

This doesn't even have anything to do with the parenting/hierarchy of the bones.

Anonymous No. 873247

Select the two bones, press F (fill with another bone), delete the new created bone, you're done



YHWH loves you !!S4wQh2TBt8f No. 873252

Do yourself a solid favor and get Maya with either Advanced Skeleton or mgear. All of your rigging issues will be solved for life. Advanced Skeleton in particular is easy to use and extremely versatile...humans, mechs, octopusses, you name it lol.
You haven't lived until you've created 8 spline arms complete with IK/FK switching in just a few clicks.

Anonymous No. 873255

>SOOOOO you want to reply to someone on /3/.

Anonymous No. 873259


Anonymous No. 873279

bro ur rarted