

๐Ÿงต /3/ biggest cope.

Anonymous No. 874898

Daily reminder that kenney has 59k twitter followers and rake in more cash than 99% by making his low poly 5 minutes untextured meshes free.

He basically makes just on patreon 6k per month, not counting reselling his meshes into asset forge and asset packs.

All while you cry about muh jobs, muh industry tools, muh software wars.

While in reality, you could be Kenney, but you decide to argue about tools.

Anonymous No. 874900

Agree, I could, but it would take forever to get the needed following so I can actually sell anything. And also I would feel like I sold my soul, not doing what I like nor improving as an artist. Don't know if all of that is worth more money.

Anonymous No. 874907

I don't understand how Kenney makes that money.
Who the hell buys it? For what purpose? I've never encountered the assets in anything, so I can only assume it all gets purchased by wannabe indies who never finish anything they start making.

I just don't how you get to the point he's at. If I start selling asset packs, do you know what will happen? Nobody will fucking buy them, that's what.

Anonymous No. 874918

I refuse to use twitter, and i refuse to use any site that collects money like communists.

Anonymous No. 874920

here's the redpill.

There's a niche market for everything.
He just own his own niche, free low poly assets to new indie guys.

Pretty much any youtube that talks about indie development talks about his assets because they're free.

He just found his own niche market he dominates.

Anonymous No. 874921

And that is exactly why you will always be a failure and a loser

Anonymous No. 874925

so what are you doing with your time OP?

Anonymous No. 874943


This is the part I can't do.

I cannot do this social network shit. I fucking hate it. I literally do not understand how anyone can tolerate it.



Anonymous No. 874961

>belittling other artists
>voxel art bullshit, shilling for FOSS software
>"cope" or "redpill" in title

cris alert
sage'em fellas