


Anonymous No. 876420

itt post the WORST And BADDEST 3d models you have ever seen in you're life

Anonymous No. 876421

There are enough cris threads already

Anonymous No. 876457

fuck off sourcefag

Anonymous No. 876460

Don't post crap, post good stuff.
Life is too short to be looking at or making fun of someone's crap.

Anonymous No. 876473

So basically what you're suggesting is to leave this board and never come back.

Anonymous No. 876477

yes, yes, yes.
This site will kill you mentally and spiritually.

Anonymous No. 876478


Anonymous No. 876483

it's an obvious WiP, what's wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 876520

in general, making shapes like this in hammer is dumb. you would be much better off using models or something. also huge non-planar brushes being used

Anonymous No. 876534

i unironically model in hammer sometimes. its also super easy to make rooms.

Anonymous No. 876552

>i'm a huge faggot who's enslaved to the grid so if anyone else goes any finer than 64x64 i get triggered
literally what's wrong with it as long as it compiles and has good visleafing?

Anonymous No. 876556

because doing every little thing in hammer is a pain in the ass and often leads to worse results that doing it in a 3d program. even if you set everything as func_detail the compiler still needs to join everything together. valve realised this years ago which is why 99% of maps are made up of simple brushes with displacements and models ontop for detailing

Anonymous No. 876559

>a pain in the ass
thank you for getting teh crux of the matter out of the way early. you are triggered by source because you're just shit at using hammer and have no patience

>even if you set everything as func_detail the compiler still needs to join everything together.
oh no you have to compile it!! compiling is so much work!!! you have to..... hit one button. damn

>99% of maps are made up of simple brushes with displacements and models ontop
there are props in that op image

congrats on being triggered by any of the fruits of a 15 year old program because you don't know how to use it. when your steam friends play gmod or tf2 do you seethe super hard because it reminds you you're too retarded to seal your map or use logic_auto?

Anonymous No. 876563

>pain in the ass
you often spend 5 hours making something in hammer only to get a worse result than something made in any other software
the problem is inherent to the program. try and make something with more than 1000 polygons and you're fucked.

>compile times
i've had compile times that can reach the 4-6 hour mark. this is with areaportals, func_detail, func_visclusters etc. it's often recommended to have a second machine to compile on its that bad. it's not an issue with the map either, valve's own compile times were like this before source 2

yes but not enough. i'm talking about completely replacing large parts of the geometry with them. official valve maps do this all the time (as well as community ones). it's simply more efficient and can actually lead to shorter compile times since you can make the brushwork simpler. propper makes this easy but it just converts func_details to props which are usually lowpoly crap anyway.

p.s. never had issues with map leaks either. i've cut maps in half (straight up deleted it) and compiled with no leaks within an hour. it really isn't hard.



Anonymous No. 876568

>not only is he dogshit at using hammer, but also unironically uses propper as a substitute for func_detail
>does not even know what leaks are, presumably has never used a static light
wew lad

Anonymous No. 876573

>you WILL increase compile times and brush count for no benefit


carve the loss.jpg

Anonymous No. 876574


Anonymous No. 876581

oh good lord, is the source engine weirdo from /agdg/ leaking into this board now? please go back to that thread and, we already have Cris, animation schizo, and the yet uncaught retard that make the software shitting threads. dont beat the dead horse...

Anonymous No. 876582

oh good lord, is the source engine schizo from /agdg/ leaking into this board now? please go back to that thread, we already have Cris, animation schizo, and the yet uncaught retard that make the software shitting threads. dont beat the dead horse... and also stop putting source in a bad light with your terrible content

Anonymous No. 876589

>loss: source
oh my god

Anonymous No. 876596

where is your game

Anonymous No. 876626

kill yourself, how much money have you earned by making your shitty low effort games

Anonymous No. 877051

honestly he's right. any of these boards are drained of any enjoyment these days. i literally just come here for a chuckle and the odd cool tip or whatever interesting thing on occasion. this place is just fucking terrible, and you're better off just using art station, deviant art or even twitter at this point. literally fucking ANYTHING is better than this shit hole if you're looking for an actual place for criticism or community. everyone who still chooses to use /3/ as a main source for it all is either just new, a cynical cunt, someone looking to validate their own shit via tearing others down, or all the above. do what you want at the end of the day, but just know what you're doing and where you are, anon.

Anonymous No. 877068

im just in this website because im afraid to post on normal social media. i'm 80% sure i have some sort of autism, so yes this place is just for the rejects of society who are interested in 3d art

Anonymous No. 877084

I recommend discord, you can still be anonymous (with a nickname), but the communities are insanely helpful in comparison to this shithole. You won’t improve much here these days, there are practically 0 pros left. When I got into this, I started by posting here as well, but there were actually good artists in wips and you could get a good crit while at the same time being inspired by other people’s work. But those days are no more.