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Anonymous No. 876855

I'm trying to download this photogrammetry software "Meshroom" and i have problems getting it on debian. It says I need to get the alicevision framework first but I have no idea how to install it or whatever i need to do... ("Meshroom relies on the AliceVision framework. AliceVision's binaries must be in the path while running Meshroom. To build AliceVision, follow this guide.") This is the guide: https://github.com/alicevision/AliceVision/blob/develop/INSTALL.md

I have no idea what any of these specific tools are and how to use them, the terminal is not alien to me but I can only do basic stuff that's explained to me. This however, I can't understand. If anyone understands this guide, please consider providing instructions so I can do this myself. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 876860

Build one?
Its at least about 150 dll and exe files on Windows



Anonymous No. 876870


Anonymous No. 876875

it's literally on the github page.

Anonymous No. 877188

how does this compare against Realitycapture?

Anonymous No. 877217

It's much slower but it's free.
Also you can set it up to use other nodes on the network to speed up computing but it's pretty tedious.
Or some people use it in Google Colab which gives you some free GPU time.

Anonymous No. 877239

I couldn't get the windows version of that software to work for me. I built this PC before I ever got into 3DCG, fucked up and bought an AMD GPU. I can get most things done but the standard release of Meshroom needs an NVIDIA card. You have to use MeshroomCL with an AMD card.

I could never get it to function. Always with errors about file formats and my RAW images with incorrect EXIF data, their camera database needed to be edited to match my camera, I finally just batch converted all of them to jpegs, and after all that the process finally made it past the first node to error out and fail on the second. So I decided "fuck Meshroom"

If you ever get this running I will be amazed.


Anonymous No. 877243

i have nvidia not amd, ill keep you posted of you want. what photogrammetry program do you use now? if you haven't given up completely

Anonymous No. 877427

I tried Agisoft Metashape, I got it to run but the results were awful. I'd be willing to admit that is more likely because I don't know what I'm doing rather than the software being the issue, which is what I suspect with MeshroomCL. But even then I could be wrong.

I ended up just modeling the thing my self. This is all hobby/spare time stuff for me, I'll give the 3d scanning road another drive down at some point I'm sure, but I'm not actively using anything because it was just like a weekend experiment for fun.