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Anonymous No. 878424

Can any rendering TDs clarify the Bump Roughness workflow within prman 24? As I understand it, you input a single normal or displacement map and it automagikally creates the bump roughness node, meaning you actually lose any chance of having painted roughness since its generated only from normal / displacement. Anyone using this bump roughness node? They say that disney uses it extremely heavily. QRD?

Anonymous No. 879349




Anonymous No. 879375

I don't use RenderMan but from what I see here: https://rmanwiki.pixar.com/display/REN24/PxrBumpRoughness you should be able to layer the result of the BumpRough node with whatever painted map you want. just be mindful of using the appropriate blending operation for each type of map

Anonymous No. 879381

thats not what im asking. Im saying that since the input to generate the bump roughness node in the first place is only bump as opposed to a combo of bump and roughness, arent you losing information and control ?

Anonymous No. 880696

What is even the point of using Renderman, besides loyalty to Pixar? It used to be the fastest, but now it's just as slow as any other rendering engine.

Anonymous No. 880697

not up but a few VFX companies use it, Dexter Spin FX. it could be useful for trying to get a job at a company that uses it

Anonymous No. 880721

Heres the thing about renderman that you dont hear a lot but is true: Disney's prman is years ahead of commercial prman. The movies that are unreleased now but are in postproduction or planning stages are using new features that we wont even get a sniff of for years. This happens time and time again.

Anonymous No. 880771

Disney use Hyperion and have done for years.

Anonymous No. 880773

on the renderman official youtube channel they discuss what they use in disney movies and its all prman dude. Why are you lying?

Anonymous No. 880834

Disney uses Hyperion and prman, and most likely a whole set of other renderers since Disney is fuckhuge.
Pixar uses prman exclusively, I haven't heard of them using Hyperion at all. I do think the guy saying their internal renderers have more advanced features is probably right. At the very least I think they have a fully featured XPU renderer solution
However I also think some other things, we get them at the same time as they do. For example the LAMA materials, which is a huge reason to use prman, I love that workflow.

I understand that prman is a pain in the ass to use if you can't program and if you don't know much about color spaces. It relies too much on automatic texture processing, like Clarisse and even Arnold outside of maya/Houdini

Anonymous No. 880987

You think I made up Hyperion? Renderer wars are so dumb anyway, they're all basically the same and there's no secret special tech being hidden from you, other than the basic restraints of any commercially available vs in house software tool

Anonymous No. 880991

>you input a single normal or displacement map and it automagikally creates the bump roughness node
no, you use multiple maps.
bump2roughness is a special texture map that you have to create beforehand by supplying roughness map(s), bump map(s), normal map(s) and displacement map(s).
So basically your input for the b2r node is a layer stack influencing the shader parameters based on z depth.

Anonymous No. 880992

t. https://rmanwiki.pixar.com/display/REN24/txmake#txmake-txmake-BumpToRoughness

Anonymous No. 881002

>You think I made up Hyperion?
anon, this is the first ive ever even heard of hyperion. I'm not a huge fan of Big Hero 6 really. I'm probably far too old.

I go to rendermans website and see advertising stills of it being used in the biggest movies like Star Wars and Godzilla so i assumed renderman was still king but maybe I am wrong