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Anonymous No. 879127

Why is Cinema 4D so intuitive to use compared to other CG software? (eg Blender)

Anonymous No. 879201

Because it is aimed at artists who value their time, not autistic tech fags who code shit to place a plane in the world.

Anonymous No. 879214

The correct question if why blender is non-intuitive compared to every CG software. Answer: because nerds want to make money on tutorials and courses instead of software sales.

Anonymous No. 879220

Arrrgh my mateys where do we find the booty?

Anonymous No. 879223

Not gonna lie, It wasn't until blender that I realized how much I really do like keyboard shortcuts. And don't get me wrong, every program has shortcuts but blender, at least for me, felt very intuitive and now it's kind of hard to work with other programs with shitty shortcuts. C4D is one of them.

Anonymous No. 879227

houdini b-bros...

Anonymous No. 879353


Fuckin right bro. Hotkeys one-hundo%. I'm all about them hotkeys too bro, cuz I'm a blender bro, just like you. I know you didnt like hotkeys until blender. You know how I know bro? Cuz you ever had an option NOT to use hotkeys bro. That's what us blender bros do, we hotkey fuck each other into submission. Fuck knowing how shit works, I'm all about the hottest of the keys. I like my chicks like I like my keys bro, hot AF. So hot they burn my asshole when I'm ctrl+v'n em up my bro butt.

Anonymous No. 879363

Retopoing manually makes me
want to kill myself.

Anonymous No. 879366

as someone who used both maya and c4d before i can assure blender feels like ms paint in terms of simplicity compared to other software

Anonymous No. 879473

blender isn't unitutative at all once you spend a few months with it. if anything shit like the pie-menu makes me work quicker

you are right on the bullshit tutorial thing, they are literally designed to keep you reliant on them

Anonymous No. 879481

The world will be a crazy place when Blender Fetishists realize you can customize hotkeys in every program.

Anonymous No. 879521

But shortcuts in other program merely change the tool, in blender it automatically activates saving an extra click.

Anonymous No. 879749

Is it true C4D has a native Linux version but Maxon won't release it to the public?

Anonymous No. 879805

allegedly they have - only certain customers might get it.



Anonymous No. 879832

Cinema4D's CAD importer is pretty good. I use Cinema4D just to import CAD files, export them as FBX and then work on them in Blender/Maya.

Anonymous No. 879836

>A few months

Anonymous No. 880463

you use CAD and enjoy it. i instantly assume the picture with your post is actually a 1 to 1 representation of how you actually look

Anonymous No. 880504

I too like moving around my character in video games using the arrow keys, it makes playing easy and I value my time!

Anonymous No. 880547

I know Maya, Blender, Zbrush, Substance etc. IMO Blender has the best interface by far after 2.8. So I dont know what people are talking about maybe they used it years ago and still think its bad. If you want to see bad learn Zbrush and try to find anything in their space shuttle menus.

Anonymous No. 881767

Can you still buy a perpetual license or is it subscription-only now?

Anonymous No. 881778

it better be, or else it'll disappear from the market
Blender, however, can afford to be shit

Anonymous No. 881792

>blender isn't unitutative at all once you spend a few months with it.
What do you think unintuitive means?

Anonymous No. 882485
