

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 880761

how do u fix this walkcycle

Anonymous No. 880775

I'd fix it by not being autistic and apply them '12 principles of animation' during the development phase, question is how do you fix it?

We know you've rejected studying your basics til you understand them and want another answer, the path forward for you is therefore blocked and it's hopeless til you decide to backtrack.

Anonymous No. 880776

thats very abstract. and you still cant seem to describe whatever is needed to fix this work except uh... ctrl+z all the way? Yeah, maybe fuck off since you make animation sounds like it's for monkeys who cant describe anything like pixels or centimetres.

Or maybe it actually is a school of idiots.

Anonymous No. 880777

How is this /3/d ?

Anonymous No. 880783

it's /C/omputer /G/raphics

also if you dont notice, the character MOVES in 3D space that is XYZ

Anonymous No. 880785


Anonymous No. 880788

this is what autism looks like.



Anonymous No. 880818


Anonymous No. 880911

yes, thank you for explaining yourself. we all can tell you misses your meds.



Anonymous No. 880933


>Daily reminder that this thread will probably stay up for two months because this board has no jannies.

Anonymous No. 880934

who cares a blendlet thread died for this anyway.



Anonymous No. 881950

everything move linearly, apply ease-in and ease-out in your movement curves like in pic related. His head literally pings and pongs back and forth with no time to rest left and right.

You have no clear movement outlined for the hair on his head, the tail behind him. It just kinda moves arounds with no purpose. If you don't want to bother animate the hair on his head, at least keep it still on his head.

Your volume also keeps changing along the animation. his ass keeps bopping up and down along his spine, and the volume of it all jitters in such a way it's hard to tell the character is supposed to have that "double-bop" typical of that walking cycle you just made.

I have to agree with >>880775 , it's better to start over and get the animation of simple geometrical shapes right. Also this isn't /3/ lmao