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Anonymous No. 881583

Give me ONE good reason why sculpting won't just completely take over 3D character modeling

Anonymous No. 881584

Hello OP pls spend more than like a week doing 3d before making threads please.

Anonymous No. 881585

Because it's already been around for more than 20 years and we're still doing a lot of modeling for characters whenever we actually wanna use them for something.

Anonymous No. 881588

T-that hurt my feelings. Anon apologize.

Anonymous No. 881607

Cause it's one time use.
Yeah you sculpted some good thot, and then what?
Please change her pose?
Oh wait I cant.

Anonymous No. 881632

What if I want to work with sub 15k poly models? Retopology is hell.

Anonymous No. 881633

Be patient with OP, he probably thinks NVidia invented raytracing in the 2010s.

Anonymous No. 881640

>Please change her pose?
>Oh wait I cant.
this is where muscle simulations like ziva come in. Please tell me you are learning it.

Anonymous No. 881641

its far easier to work with low to medium meshes in zbrush, get them 90% how you want them to be and then retopo rather than having to mind both the topo and form since the very beginning

in the end it's all about saving effort and time, and doing it in zbrush and retopoing is just faster then box modeling correctly

Anonymous No. 881642

The problem with ziva muscle simulation is that it is useless shit so far

Anonymous No. 881644

It has been used for big big big money shots in hollywood productions as well as in real time as an upgraded spidey suit on spiderman on Playstation 5.

Anonymous No. 881645

>hollywood productions
So exactly what I said, useless

Anonymous No. 881646

you what now

Anonymous No. 881647

AAAA(AA) business model of hollywood and first party video games grows more unsustainable by day, to the point there is now a spree of purchasing by MS/Sony to acquire as many of big studios before they naturally go bankrupt in post-covid world. Meanwhile 99.99% of projects that use reasonable budgets use stylized assets. If you apply bone/muscle simulation to stylized assets you are not only doing 3 times the work now, you exacerbate uncanny valley effect as well.

Anonymous No. 881648

does no one in this thread know what the fuck a bake is?

Anonymous No. 881649

I care about realism. I care about photorealistic renders. Just because something is stylize doesnt mean it cant be simmed. We use muscle sims even on "stylized" pigs to give them realistic muscle sliding and jiggle and creatures like bears that have fur to give them realistic muscle sliding / fat jiggle underneath the fur. Just have a look at the ziva forum wip section dude.

The results from ziva are great. Yeah you have to spend money to get access to it, but its a legitimate solver that was recently purchased by a legitimate company (unity). You probably are just mad that unity owns them now and not epic

Anonymous No. 881650

>I care about realism
It's ok if you don't care about being employed
>muscle sims even on "stylized" pigs to give them realistic muscle sliding
Looks disgusting to be honest

Anonymous No. 881652

Amateur here, please do tell.

Anonymous No. 881654

You effectively have to remodel any sculpted model with hard surface modeling if you plan to use it for anything other than 3d printing in premade pose. Then you use original sculpt as data to generate normal map to make that remodeled mesh look less ugly.

Anonymous No. 881656

>Looks disgusting to be honest
newsflash : kids dont accept quake 1 graphics anymore. You have to have muscle sliding and accurate jiggle. Ziva gives you all this. A lot of studios have in house ziva like solvers that do the same thing. You sound like an old man who is living in the past



Anonymous No. 881657

>kids dont accept quake 1 graphics anymore
These are 2 highest grossing games right now. You are literally retarded if you try realism unless it's purely made from unity premade assets or there is clueless huge studio behind your back.

Anonymous No. 881658

Again, you are wrong. The highest grossing games are by tencent on mobile. Mobile is a real game platform



Anonymous No. 881659

>tencent on mobile
And this is how they look. Why you spergs are always dumb as shit?

Anonymous No. 881660

are you dense? Since when were we talking about games? You had to bring this up. The OP clearly states

>Give me ONE good reason why sculpting won't just completely take over 3D character modeling

not mentioning games or film. We are talking about high end games on the Ps5 and film you idiot

Anonymous No. 881676

It's all sculpting and wrapping the riggers preferred topo to that. Manual retopo is mostly a thing of the past.

Anonymous No. 881681

>Yeah you have to spend money to get access to it
post link to torrent or fuck off

Anonymous No. 881699

ofc. But what do you think happens before you bake something?

>modeling areas that are difficult to retopo, web between digits, creases and folds, hairline, eyelashes etc.
>UV mapping
>remodeling adjustments to fix problems with the rig
>more modeling adjustments
>more re-rigging
>remodeling to fix that UV stretch you didn't catch until after inspecting the baked UV map
>etc etc

You will model a shitton on any production character even if you retopo from a sculpt.
The sculpting is more like this geometric texture pass than the bulk of work that goes into making a finished character.

Anonymous No. 881700

Yeah, sculpting is essentially displacement map painting

Anonymous No. 881710

wish i had a gf who'd suck my cock and retopo my hot celebrities sculpts

Anonymous No. 881711

>built for the male gaze

Um, sexist much??

Anonymous No. 881712

The world is a lot more fun whenever people are in the habit of at least trying to be eyecandy for the opposite sex.

Art is a lot more fun when people try to mainly entertain the audience rather than beat them across the eyes with a message.

The war on beauty must end.

Anonymous No. 881715

based and renaissance-pilled

Anonymous No. 881730

The fact that you look at a sculpt of a sexy woman and immediately begin thinking about online culture wars and some imaginary person who would hate it means your brain is broken and probably cannot be fixed

Anonymous No. 881893

>sculpting won't just completely take over
Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 881903

You seem like one of those people who just jerks off to tech demos, but never actually done any 3D work. You probably thought all those auto-riggers will replace any need to actually learn rigging.

Do you even do any 3d? Do you know why the workflow is the way it is and why we can't just have a billion polygon model, add a muscle sim in and call it a day?

Anonymous No. 882085

>Projection: the post

Anonymous No. 882279

throw low poly and high poly into marmoset
everyone in this thread needs to get off their fat fucking arses and put the work in to learn how to do this shit, it doesnt take that long you retards

Anonymous No. 882282

low poly shit is retro now or something

Anonymous No. 882336

take the xnormal pill

Anonymous No. 882432

Did that hit a little too close to home?