

🧵 /DAZ/ 3D General

Anonymous No. 882322

Yoga Edition

Looking to monetize your renders?
See how the pros do it!
DAZ renders used for indie games on Steam:
Official NFT blogpost:

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
travis davids (Marvelous designer)
CgBytes (Dead, but was the best of his time)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara
MB-Lab for blender: https://github.com/animate1978/MB-Lab
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Metahuman creator: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/digital-humans

Hair Creation: https://mega.nz/#F!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

Previous thread: >>875696

Anonymous No. 882325

>dubs edition

how do I make my renders look that good? I'm using 3Delight right now and my renders always look like PS2 graphics

Anonymous No. 882326

>another random shitty VN render
Step it up, render some OC. It's not hard.


muscle girl aerob....jpg

Anonymous No. 882328

>Yoga Edition
Works for me.

Maybe try using Iray instead of 3Delight if you want your renders to look great like the OP.

Anonymous No. 882332




Anonymous No. 882360

>I'm using 3Delight right now and my renders always look like PS2 graphics
well 3Delight is basically PS2 era render engine. Why dont you just switch to something newer?

Anonymous No. 882372

Isn't the latest 3delight pretty good? I think the one used in daz studio in super old

Anonymous No. 882373

sure but since this is a DAZ thread I am talking about the old jank you get in DAZ. Nothing wrong with 3delight in other applications.



Anonymous No. 882388

smug Hermione ready to take on the goblin hordes all by herself

Anonymous No. 882400

Maybe you can look into blender cloud rendering with google colab?

Anonymous No. 882431

Goblin train go CHOOO CHOOOOO

Anonymous No. 882519

Can you use skin builder with some...external anatomiPENISDICK or it's only limited to chest/arms/legs/face?

Anonymous No. 882536

3 dicks per hole minimum

Anonymous No. 882575

Her poor nostrils



Anonymous No. 882751




Anonymous No. 882756


Anonymous No. 882757

the denoiser is basically witchcraft. especially in viewport for indoor scenes.

Anonymous No. 882761

sangriarts promos still look better. just stop coping and an hero

learn to light a scene neck yourself

Anonymous No. 882778


Anonymous No. 882781

now everyone is releasing characters for g8.1, not g8

this is the first time I've had to shift. it's painful. maybe not as painful as it would have been from g3 to g8, but still

Anonymous No. 882782

I get a noisefree image of a shittily lit indoor scene that has some light from a streetlamp coming through WINDOWS rendered on a 2016 potato at 4 samples in like 2 seconds. It looks a bit like painted in a drawing application but if its for your own enjoyment, it's fucking great.
try to render a scene like this at 4 samples without the neural meme denoiser. you pretty much can't make out anything through all the noise even after minutes of 100% load rendering.

Anonymous No. 882822

>sangriarts promos still look better
> just stop coping and an hero
coping? I am just a random dazlet. Unlike sangriart this isnt something that I earn money on or spend a lot of time with.
>learn to light a scene neck yourself
nah I like more muted realistic lighting



Anonymous No. 882920

What do you think of my custom Nicki Minaj? After V3D's publishes his character I decided to rework on one I already had made before and keep improving it, this are the results.

Anonymous No. 882931

I'm quite repulsed so I consider that very accurate.

Anonymous No. 882938

Thank you, you should see her behind

Anonymous No. 882960


Daz threads are full of trolls. Also yours looks 10 times better, can't wait to see what you do with her

Anonymous No. 882963

And do TO her!

Anonymous No. 882964

>it's painful.
Why? pretty much everything works like before.

Anonymous No. 882965

Daz is popular because of its asset library. It doesn't matter how good your software is unless you can match the asset store.

Anonymous No. 882974

I'm new to Daz3d. What is this thing for? Mainly porn? I want to make 3d lewd animations so looking at this and blender. Where do I get porn animations and stuff for my work? Can daz 3d provide it?

Anonymous No. 882986

>I want to make
>Where do I get
If you want premade, you're better off sticking with any of those random 3d porn games. Otherwise learn a 3D program like Maya/Max/Blender etc.

Anonymous No. 882987

how much money can I make on average? And where can I sell my work? Is patreon alright? Or is it only for making games?

Anonymous No. 882990

Focus on core abilities before worrying about that.



Anonymous No. 882991

Dear sirs, Sanjay 8 pro bundle is now having reduced price of 72% please redeem

Anonymous No. 883005

where da' metamixer assets at?

Anonymous No. 883030

I will do the needful and pirate it



Anonymous No. 883031

she got a little too smug and confident it seems... cant really post "what happens next" in this thread.

Anonymous No. 883034


Anonymous No. 883051

I suspect your display is too bright.

Anonymous No. 883118

wanted to make it a night scene but it turned out way too dark now that I am looking at it again

Anonymous No. 883130

Good god, check your gamma anon

Anonymous No. 883149

The original usage for poser was premade assets for your workflow. Either in 3d or 2d anatomy

Anonymous No. 883150

The original usage for poser was premade assets for your workflow. Either in 3d or 2d anatomy

How would I go about doing this?



Anonymous No. 883197

is there a way to AUTOMATICALLY save these little icon previews with exactly what's shown on the viewport (aka an iray preview) instead of the dull default "texture render"?

sometimes the default icon doesn't even show what the item really looks like rendered.

I save things and the previews look so ugly, I always have to screenshot and manually replace them one by one..

Anonymous No. 883199

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some paid script somewhere. Otherwise you just need to save the render as the product name in the same directory as the duf file. iirc it has to be png



Anonymous No. 883250

What are your favourite Back Yard pool assets? this was what I had in mind, but I don't know if the textures are outdated or if there is a better version released

Anonymous No. 883252

The above ground pool and a bunch of trashy characters having a BBQ.



Anonymous No. 883281

Living out my brown muscle girl fantasies


peggy untidy hair....png

Anonymous No. 883284

I set the render to be square turn on iray on in the aux viewport, and then save last draw on it.


Claw Arm.jpg

Anonymous No. 883287

I don't know what I'm doing and I tried to make this claw grogaft and after I tried rigging it separate I learn that you have to fit it to the character which blew my rigging away. Anyhow, it's too big so chalk it up to learning I guess.

Anonymous No. 883313

the average /ic/ user

Anonymous No. 883324

There are tricks to make daylight shots look like they are at night. Makes mostly sense when you don't have many light sources.


Anonymous No. 883340

what's ic?

Anonymous No. 883410

4.20 is out

Anonymous No. 883411

Yup an no fucking trace of 5.0
We've been duped by imposters again.

Anonymous No. 883416

>well 3Delight is basically PS2 era render engine
my renders always look like PS2 graphics

Show me ONE PS2 game that looks like a DAZ render. (in-game graphics, not cutscenes)

Anonymous No. 883417

5.0 this spring!!!!

Anonymous No. 883431

Seems like they have added volumetrics ? Phoenix et al are notoriusly slow if you don't have a 12Core NASA machine so what's the point here?

Anonymous No. 883552

>update to 4.20
>all scripts in the scripts menu are missing
cool new feature



Anonymous No. 883701

Hi guys. Don't laugh at me but I like to re-create anime waifus in daz. I'm looking for Yotsuba's hair prop if anyone has the skill and time to make it for G8F. Would be willing to pay as well.

Anonymous No. 883712

I can excuse near photoreal pornography featuring characters of dubious age, but I draw the line at lewding Yotsuba.

Anonymous No. 883717

That's a fair assessment. I don't make pornography though. Just wallpapers.

Anonymous No. 883824

Any good neural/AI/app for PC to replace the faces?

Anonymous No. 883825

Why would you want to replace the faces? Shit makes it even uncanny'er valley'er.

Anonymous No. 883946




Anonymous No. 884069

Thanks anon. Tried some of the technique from the thread and I got a better result.
Still needs a lot of practice but I really want to be able do to dull / dark / night lighting right.
Here is my last attempt:

Anonymous No. 884071


Anonymous No. 884093

way too dark

Anonymous No. 884095

its supposed to be night. Hard to do night scenes without it being always too dark it seems.

Anonymous No. 884097

Looks fine to me but my displays sRGB profile does seem a bit too bright for some images fairly often. Big brightness problems in games too.



Anonymous No. 884100

Release it already



Anonymous No. 884102

yeah I am using an old LCD screen from work. Maybe its time I bought myself something nice.
release what? The clothes, model or the next image set?

Anonymous No. 884103


Anonymous No. 884112

Thanks. Still too much iso. Iso 7.75 should do the job. Please, in the name of giving good arts for each of us.

Anonymous No. 884116

Why do I see online people are saying DAZ isn't professional grade software? It seems like with a few morph packs DAZ could make any sort of humanoid character you could imagine. Why do people say it's limited?

Also, can I animate in DAZ? I rarely see it used for anything other than stills and when I import meshes from DAZ into blender I don't see any geometry inside the mouth or behind the eyelids for face rigging

Anonymous No. 884120

>Why do people say it's limited?
It becomes very easy to tell something is made in daz by common proportions or morphs overused by coomers. The stuff these users put out usually checks various fetish boxes. Bimbo, Futa, Giantess, Loli, etc.
Yes but you can achieve far better results by using another software as long as you are exporting everything you'll need correctly.

Anonymous No. 884121

yes I honestly havent played around with the tone map settings much. Major mistake. Again thanks for the advice.
because its not a full 3D suite. As for animation in DAZ its does not have the best tools and its rather "slow" in performance.

Anonymous No. 884124

>It becomes very easy to tell something is made in daz by common proportions or morphs overused by coomers.
But it's possible to be original, right? there's a ton of morphs after all. I'm thinking of buying some morphs and getting "Marvelous Designer" to do some dramatic 3D stills

Anonymous No. 884127

Yeah, make sure you put real effort into learning lighting fundamentals, scene composition and post effects to clean everything up.



Anonymous No. 884128

sure you can. Its just that a lot of people who use DAZ just want to play around with the premades. And there is nothing wrong with that.
but ofc there isnt any limits to what you can create and use in DAZ.
I made this outfit and character for instance. Sure it aint "professional" or even good but if you just like to tinker with things it can be fun.

Anonymous No. 884131

How do you do things like this without buying morphs?

Anonymous No. 884132

export to software of your choice, sculpt without adding or removing geometry, import back to Daz as a morph.

Anonymous No. 884134

interesting, thanks for the info

Anonymous No. 884135

How the hell do you think morphs are made in the first palce? Magic?

Anonymous No. 884137

I don't know how morphs are made or what software they can be made in, that's why I'm asking a question. Isn't that obvious?

Anonymous No. 884139

take a genesis 8 figure or whatever you want. Import into blender, Max or Maya. Have fun "sculpting" low resolution as you cannot do high resolution import on genesis (without some special software that only DAZ store creators got).
But you can get pretty far with low resolution poly modeling. Then just put the detail into the textures instead.



Anonymous No. 884152

looks like the goblins underestimated Hermione....

Anonymous No. 884159

>bling rings of binding
inb4 painful cockring torture for the poor guy

Anonymous No. 884160

well I think he is just in a for a spanking being naughty gobbo scum



Anonymous No. 884218

Summer vibes!

Anonymous No. 884285

>Isn't that obvious?
If you don't know something you do a quick 5 seconds search on YT and then watch a comprehensive 2 min video on the topic. That's the obvious part.

The non-obvious part would be you deciding to go to /3/, search through the threads, find the Daz thread, post a comment, then wait for over half an hour for a response.

Anonymous No. 884296

No summer for you tranny.



Anonymous No. 884437

OK mods ive learned my lesson. Ill keep it strictly SFW for now.

Anonymous No. 884449

Any good assets of babies in a blanket? I'm just doing a render of a woman holding her baby, and so hard to find any asset of a baby prop

Anonymous No. 884549




Anonymous No. 884560

this one should still be OK

Anonymous No. 884561

ahh yes I forgot the nipples were exposed :S

Anonymous No. 884706

What has your warped mind come up with?

Anonymous No. 884719

just stopped your stuff on r34, gonna make a narrative of her anytime soon? maybe venturing through a forest/cave and has an 'encounter' with trolls, goblins or a centaur?

Anonymous No. 884805

>gonna make a narrative of her anytime soon?
working on one right now.



Anonymous No. 884820


Anonymous No. 884843

Can I use this shit to recreate my gf and cuck myself with digital darkies?

Anonymous No. 884845

no, that would require skill

Anonymous No. 884992

Moralfag blyke

Anonymous No. 885065

Quite easily yes, specially if you dont mind crude results.

Anonymous No. 885085

I don't think my gf would agree to do a full photometrical body scan



Anonymous No. 885166

Is this considered NSFW?
Any feedback appreciated!

Anonymous No. 885168

I will give daz one thing, it's great for making patreon exit scams and really shitty mods for games

Anonymous No. 885222

well then


main (1).png

Anonymous No. 885245

Anonymous No. 885288

does 4.20 break ghost lights?



Anonymous No. 885291

In a way, yes but there is an easy fix.
Daz users crying hard on the forums, it's delicious.

Anonymous No. 885293

Yeah, I'm not going to do that every time I put I ghost light. I'm going to wait for kindred arts to Update his ghost light kit, or I'm not updating.

Anonymous No. 885295

based typical daz user. You know they'll just be sold as new versions.

Anonymous No. 885438

Is sharecg’s registration turned off?

Anonymous No. 885500

Doing yoga with Lisa and Jill was fun, good times

This VN is the only "video game" experience out there that puts you in a college movie, American Pie type of experience, it's what Rockstar's Bully was supposed to be



Anonymous No. 885732

>shameless plug but fuck it

Pharah from Overwatch for G8F

• body options (tanlines, spanked buttocks)
• face options (runny makeup & more)
• tattoos
• fiber eyebrows
• update checker

all wrapped into a nice presentation website:

Anonymous No. 885775

wait did you actually make that model from scratch scratch? or did you mean it's a port

if the former, any chance you'd do commissions?

Anonymous No. 885776



Anonymous No. 885794

The face morph and its textures are from scratch.
The body and its textures are mixes of other models.
You could say it's somewhat of a port of the in-game model since the head is a 1:1 recreation of that mesh.



Anonymous No. 885801

Is there a way to export models from Daz with the bones and rigging? I have a character model based on the Genesis 8 female, now in a blender file with rigging and bones, I downloaded off of smutba.se and some shoes from Daz that are supposed to be compatible with the Genesis 8 female. I want to edit the model and then attach it to the character in Blender, but I have no idea how the shoe model really deforms when "worn". Pic related is the shoe I exported both in its original state and after it has been "posed" in blender. There are no bones or rigging in blender view.

Anonymous No. 885819

Anyone know if there is a Y'Shtola morph for G8F but the model is from XIV rather than dissidia model? I tied using wrap and good lord is it just a mess



Anonymous No. 885894

Trying out doing portraits instead of coomer stuff for once

Anonymous No. 886026

>Wants to make lewd shit
>Dicktator textures looks like shit is character isn't black or white.

There is any way to make the colors of my characters' gens match easily?

Anonymous No. 886067

any premade dog sex poses for GF3?

Anonymous No. 886154

Just use the surface tab or change the textures with photoshop etc.

Anonymous No. 886177

How do you guys do smiles that don't look retarded?


Gamer word.png

Anonymous No. 886183

If using a premade character, use morphs made for that character. Anything else, mix and match morphs without using 100% of the morph. Or use faceapp in post.



Anonymous No. 886221

That'll be Fifty Sicks burgers. PLUS TIP!

Anonymous No. 886223

Are there any addons for GF8 that fix the butt/thigh clip when posing extreme penetrations of golden palace? I have gen gap but the results aren't very pleasing.

Anonymous No. 886238

Create your own corrective morphs.

Anonymous No. 886303

Model and skin? OC?

Anonymous No. 886307

Skin/Character is Abigail (by Cherubit)
Head is 50% Abigail, 25% Biljana (by iSourceTextures) and 25% Graciana (by Sangriart)

Anonymous No. 886321

Thank you.



Anonymous No. 886331

>tfw horrendous looking texture stretching when using more extreme morphs

Anonymous No. 886336

Is there any way to fix that? Or would it require shenanigans with the original texture files that only the creator has

Anonymous No. 886338

For booba: Breast Utilities 2 for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
I imagine you can mimic similar for other areas with a geoshell and materials.

Anonymous No. 886400

does it also do nipple textures?

Anonymous No. 886401


Anonymous No. 886545

Why are my nostrils always illuminated? Looks like tiny little gnomes are spelunking in there.

Anonymous No. 886546

I lol'd
Post pics


Image 2022 03 11 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 886551

It happens in the texture shaded viewport, but is also present when I export it to Unreal Engine via the bridge.

Anonymous No. 886554

Yes with the diffeo plugin, pose the model with the shoes in daz then export it to blender

Anonymous No. 886555

I'm guessing this is shader related right? I'm a scrub at 3d.

Anonymous No. 886561

I have absolutely no idea



Anonymous No. 886562

"Texture shaded" view in Daz studio is not an accurate representation of the materials or lighting. Check iray instead.
For blender, are you using eevee or Cycles renderer?
Depending on the script or method you are using to move from Daz to Blender, you generally need to fix various material settings. Usually transparencies. Screenshot of the issue in blender?
For pic related, I just used the official daz to blender without adjusting materials in blender. As you can see, there are a few problems that need tweaking.

Anonymous No. 886583

It's the auto headlamp

Anonymous No. 886619

I was just going straight into Unreal via the Daz to Unreal bridge. Would it be better to go Daz>Blender>Unreal instead? Or just fix the materials in Unreal?

Auto headlamp is set to never.

Anonymous No. 886651

What's new in 4.2 then

Anonymous No. 886652

Yes for renders and creating things with the large asset library but regarding animation it's quite subpar and tedious not work with.

Anonymous No. 886653

- Version number updated to 4.20
- The quit command now exits the application even faster

Anonymous No. 886691

Don't download it. It fucks up Ghostlights.

Anonymous No. 886696

Just fix in unreal. Look up some youtube guides there are usually common problems with sclera and things.
Ghostlights have a workaround but most vendors will probably sell "new" products instead of updating their old ones.

Anonymous No. 886783

Where can I learn about texturing characters in Daz to semi realism with substance painter?
I'm a hard surface fag (arch background) but want to try making my own skins

Anonymous No. 886784

>tfw ever since the Daz store rejected my first armor creation I have since taken 3 projects of clothing's to 90% completion just to choke it came time to pack and upload them

What is wrong with me

Anonymous No. 886849

Fear of failure. Learn to fail early and fail often.

Anonymous No. 886865

pics of said armor?

Anonymous No. 886866

I see some 8.1 characters are starting to come with a PBR set of materials as well as UBER. What's the difference?

Anonymous No. 886870

Per the daz forums:
>PBR is the new skin iRay shader introduced with G8.1. The one with microdetails tiling added.
>UBER is the older iRay skin shader.
>Technically, both are PBR materials. It's just naming.

Anonymous No. 886988

The Daz asset store is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because of it we have so many games. It's a curse because they all largely look the same, difference being the story, and even then not always. I have an almost terabyte of daz renpy games, and I struggle to spot an original character design that doesnt use the same basemesh 10 times with different variations.

Anonymous No. 886989

also forgot to add, daz is a scene builder, character creator is, well, what the name says. Daz isn't used to create anything new, you're dependent on the asset store.

Anonymous No. 886990

>we have so many games
The only games I recognized DAZ assets in where some weird coomer games.

Anonymous No. 886992

I mean that's all western visual novels then, cuz almost all use renpy, and almost all renpy games are made with Daz assets.



Anonymous No. 887027

Rate my render? Any tweaks I could do in Post?

Anonymous No. 887034

Belt buckle obscures view of penis.

Anonymous No. 887074

I would work post on those candles as they look very lifeless right now.
Else I would say its a pretty cool render.

Anonymous No. 887076

cute grill. Hair looks too perfect, could use various loose hairs. There's a bit of the typical clothing deformation between the breasts.

Anonymous No. 887103


Seconding about the hair
Idk if it's too perfect but it looks out of place, really stands out not in a good way when you look at her face.

Anonymous No. 887185


Free item today from link related using the coupon code: POT-O-GOLD

Anonymous No. 887186

I'm surprised there is stuff as new as G3 on there.



Anonymous No. 887187

Yeah, there is some actually decent stuff in the selection. I picked up the Scott Hair (pic related).



Anonymous No. 887323

I buy Daz assets

Anonymous No. 887339

I've spent like $500 over a year and a half just to make content for my own personal use.

Anonymous No. 887346

same but lots more.

Anonymous No. 887384

The hardest part about being a Dazlet is explaining to law enforcement that your futa muscle loli fetish is ironic.

Anonymous No. 887389

You forgot the bimbo giantess vore inflation

Anonymous No. 887413

What's a good sculpting/modeling tutorial for stylized/toon sculpting? I can sorta do the bodies alright, but I can't wrap my head around the eyes. I don't mind if it's paid and I have bledner, zbrush, and hexagon if that matters.

Anonymous No. 887425

Why the fuck did Janny delete my post? I just said I buy Daz assets.

Anonymous No. 887432

there is no light casting direct shadow on the nose. on blender add alight that casts shadows and move it around close to the nose to check. or an alternative is to paint the face texture itself with a darker color inside the nostrills.

Anonymous No. 887596

For real how the fuck do people create new textures for VAM with genesis 2
I have substance painter and I'm not wholly unfamiliar with it, It does udims now but I'm pulling my ass out with the way gen2 textures are set up.
I just want to use a base then do my own edits in subp to generate different shit.

Anonymous No. 887632

>explaining to law enforcement
like they give a fuck

Anonymous No. 887633

No way man, my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate got busted for 3d stuff.


sophy angel 1.png

Anonymous No. 887669

Anonymous No. 887675

Oh no! Human anatomy exposed!!!

Anonymous No. 887678

What characters were used? I like the face.

Anonymous No. 887690

Where do I go to get fuck animations

Anonymous No. 887704

fuck off, coomer. Cant you see this is a wholesome thread.

Anonymous No. 887706

no, this is daz general

Anonymous No. 887707


Anonymous No. 887708

I don't need nudity, I need animations

Anonymous No. 887709

Sex is NSFW

Anonymous No. 887710

ok fair enough. I didn't need them for a sex game though.



Anonymous No. 887852

Any other recommendations for enviroments besides Stonemason?

Anonymous No. 887853

Subjective. What are you going for? Preferred styles?
There are plenty of HDRI you can use in place of actual geometry too.

Anonymous No. 887910

Why are the NSFW gallery sites so fractured? There's so many different hosts with a the majority of their content being poor quality even for coomers.


Capture 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 887911

How do I add face morphs to DAZ model? As sliders. Like moving brows and mouth. I did something and they appeared, but then I ported to Blender and it all crashed. Now I started a new project and I don't know how to add them. I have some expressions in library but they don't do anything.

Anonymous No. 887912

Some expressions for GF8 don't work on GF8.1 without a workaround. Judging from your description, I suggest the low level intro youtube tutorials on the Daz channel.

Anonymous No. 887914

Aren't basic expressions like mouth open and brow up and down supposed to be free and hidden somewhere?



Anonymous No. 887917

Depends on which generation character. Most/all will need the basic body/head morph addons. For 8.1 there is also the Face Control addon that comes with starter essentials.

Anonymous No. 887921

Yes it was hidden in Face Control thing. But with it attached it always bugs out when ported. Why is it so hard.

Anonymous No. 887934

Anyone else can't login to ZG?

Anonymous No. 887935

Feds took it down.

Anonymous No. 888046

how do you add pirated stuff to daz?
it's so convoluted

Anonymous No. 888055

Dump it in the main library if you're a pleb. Make a separate one is the cleanest option

Anonymous No. 888142

I don't use any other than slushe and twitter these days.

pixiv is for weebs and pedos and im neither.
R34 is basically just reposted slushe stuff

Anonymous No. 888260

What are your guys go to slider settings for a full figured gobbo with ample bosom and somewhat believable proportions? Z morphs? Stabdard Daz morphs? Screenshots appreciated



Anonymous No. 888268

I don't much care for the full body venus de willendorf sliders but rather using portions of various sliders together. 25% of this 55% of that. Go-to for breasts are Guhzcoituz morphs and breastacular. Anagard has some good breast, hip and glute morphs too. I'm very picky about areola size though.

Anonymous No. 888270

Maybe some very minor bimbofication morphs too.

Anonymous No. 888292

You're great PBG.



Anonymous No. 888293

Okay I managed to port it via Diffeomorphic instead of DaztoBlender. It has a rig and expressions and materials on clothes looks more correct I think.

However there are veins all over her body. Is there an easy fix?

Anonymous No. 888294

Actually figured it out.

The only thing I need to figure out now is why hair doesn't have morphs or rig.

Anonymous No. 888310

Stonemason are pretty goo-

>besides Stonemason
Urgh. I guess Roguey. I made one or two, or maybe one or two hundreds, rape pictures inside her fantasy bedroom/fantasy inn, which is the best inn ever released, and was released just before FG's tavern. Sorry dude, you just can't compete.

The light setup used by Roguey is very special, and will sometimes get you weird shots, but it's all in the name of the "atmosphere". Also, do use scene optimizer.

Beside that Polish is an unoptimized mess, but does alright works. Tesla3D does the job, too. Nothing fancy. FG is a retard, but you can always take some of his stuff. If you want more medieval props, Faveral got you covered, friendo.

Anonymous No. 888313

The Fall of Tumblr.

Most 2d artists went to twitter, which is also why twitter is allowing porn nowadays, they don't want to be the next Fall of Tumblr. Which means the corporation will defend porn to the fullest extent they can.

Most 3d artists, and especially 3d futa artists, went to slush.

There's always the good old pixiv and hentai foundry, the Japanese grandma and American grandfather of it all, if you want to get an old-school following. In doubt, post in hentai foundry, pixiv, slush, and twitter.

Anonymous No. 888314

>why twitter is allowing porn nowadays
twitter always allowed porn

Anonymous No. 888315

*Why twitter is sticking to porn even through intense scrutiny and everyone asking for them to disavow it.
You got the gist. Don't be a tard.

Anonymous No. 888317

>*Why twitter is sticking to porn even through intense scrutiny and everyone asking for them to disavow it.
never seen anyone do it.
you're basing your views on a topic from a very tiny sample size

Anonymous No. 888318

Nah, I'm basing my views from quite a lot of experience in the community. Decade of it.

There is a decent number of people, some of them senators of the united states, that ask why Twitter is allowing porn while banning political dissidents. This is a good question. And the answer is (parsed correctly): we don't want to be the next tumblr. Which is a safety net, at least, for artists.

Is that a good thing? Dunno. Should twitter ban U.S politic dissidents? Probably not. But that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Anonymous No. 888319

>This is a good question.
no it's not. they're banning what they're saying is hatespeech. nonpedo and nonrape porn doesn't hurt anybody and it's hidden behind an age lock.
tumblr only banned porn, because it had an image problem and they were desperate to get more advertisers. twitter, while having a different image problem, has no problems with advertisers and porn there is just a drop in a bucket that nobody cares about

Anonymous No. 888324

You have a strange, strange, strange view of the world, anon. A very, very strange view of the world. Which doesn't connect with reality, or everyone, really.

Do your stuff, don't let me get you down. Anyway, Twitter is mostly being lenient to porn because the Fall of Tumblr, and that's basically the point I wanted to make, and made.

Anonymous No. 888325

>Twitter is mostly being lenient to porn because the Fall of Tumblr
no, twitter is ok with porn, because they always were (even before tumblr was a thing). your point is incorrect



Anonymous No. 888594

thoughts on my render

Anonymous No. 888640

Mat needs deformations where her hands meet it.

Anonymous No. 888666

Is it normal for characters to take such a long time to load into a scene?
is this a daz thing
gen 8.1 basic female just took like 1m 45s

Anonymous No. 888667

ad some motion blur, or if shes meant to be holding it there should be way more pressure on the mat



Anonymous No. 888672

Just messing around with Daz, its a crazy good app when you pirate tons of content lol. Didnt know this kind of thing was available until recently.

Anonymous No. 888674

If its SFW content, I should always try to get it on the daz store as opposed to anywhere else right?



Anonymous No. 888679

So this is the power of Daz3d?

Anonymous No. 888684

>Is it normal for characters to take such a long time to load into a scene?
is this a daz thing
Yes it is normal to take that long to load. But i think it depends on the amount of morphs you have for you charater (even the ones you are not using).

Anonymous No. 888699

It's like with every other tool. The results reflect the time and effort you've invested.

Anonymous No. 888704

Cute, more? Crossover with that other fitness girl anon when??

Anonymous No. 888721

Chars in Daz must load their own morphs. That's easily 60%-70% of the time. Delete the morphs you aren't using, there are scripts that do that. Also they must subdv themselves, depending on your viewing window option. That's easily another 20% in CPU footprint (and also a 4000%+ in memory footprint).




Anonymous No. 888750

Is there a way to make this program render directly to file BUT automatically renaming it if a file with the same name already exists? I can't believe Studio doesn't seem to support this basic shit.

Anonymous No. 888751

That's why more and more Daz """""""""""artists""""""""" simple run it through Faceapp and call it a day

Anonymous No. 888772

Why is doing animations in DAZ so dogshit? I even have a hard time copying keyframes from frames 1 to 30 to make a loop.

Anonymous No. 888773

Animation in DAZ is an afterthought. I wouldn't bother with it.

Anonymous No. 888777

sorry but she looks like a 40 year old womanlet with no wrinkles

Anonymous No. 888793

I'm looking for this

Anonymous No. 888794

It's right here, add to cart.

Anonymous No. 888797

My computer died a while ago and I'm installing fresh, where can I pirate everything these days?
buyfags need not reply

Anonymous No. 888800

buy, fag.

Anonymous No. 888804

>buy, fag.
moral digits.

Anonymous No. 888815

simply google the exact name of some popular assets from the daz store and you will find sites

Anonymous No. 888817


Anonymous No. 888824

There's also aero3dx that appears to use chidlrens faces on even more musclebound titmonsters.

Anonymous No. 888826


some of them look weird but some of them look quite cool



Anonymous No. 888829

muscle posting.

Anonymous No. 888830

god I wish that were me
(god I wish that would fuck me)


demon faceapp.jpg

Anonymous No. 888846

to be fair, faceapp results are surprisingly good.



Anonymous No. 888848

Can Daz3D make this 1:1?

Anonymous No. 888928

anyone got a link for https://www.renderhub.com/bigmadbruh112/subverse-demi-g8-female ?

Anonymous No. 888931

do you have the before for comparison, looks awesome



Anonymous No. 888942




Anonymous No. 888953

Alright anons. It's been far too long since we had a challenge. Given that a forklift was the most recent PC+ freebie, lets make some industrial accident or workplace accident renders. SFW of course! Chinamen encouraged.

Anonymous No. 888960

I love this character, anon. Post full recipe/preset? Any website yet?

Anonymous No. 889161


Anonymous No. 889176

Can Daz handle big environments? I've only ever seen Daz used for posing a couple characters in front of an environment only big enough to fill the camera. But let's say I wanted to make an animated video which requires a large environment. Can it be done? My PC is pretty powerful if that matters.

Anonymous No. 889177

Depends entirely on your system. You're at the mercy of GPU memory with iray.



Anonymous No. 889187

how to give more muscle definition on models?
some characters dont show muscle even if have body tone, bodybuilder detail and fitness detail to max setting

Anonymous No. 889188

i bake normal maps from a maxed out muscle morph. my girl is set to 30 muscle, with the normal maps at 20, so it's like she's at 50.

Anonymous No. 889190




Anonymous No. 889193

normal maps at 0% and 70%.

Anonymous No. 889196

More please, love that chick! Also seconding >>888960

Anonymous No. 889200

thanks for the info gonna need to read up on this while playing with lighting



Anonymous No. 889203

Yeah, as long as you optimize it well and have a lot of VRAM on your GPU it should be fine. I made some very complex indoor scenes with very detailed characters, and even my 2080ti with 12gigs of vram ran out until I optimized the scene by deleting unnecessary objects outside of the camera view.

New to this sub so IDK who other fitness girl anon is lol. Here's a couple more of her though.



Anonymous No. 889204

Yeah, as long as you optimize it well and have a lot of VRAM on your GPU it should be fine. I made some very complex indoor scenes with very detailed characters, and even my 2080ti with 12gigs of vram ran out until I optimized the scene by deleting unnecessary objects outside of the camera view.

New to this board so IDK who other fitness girl anon is lol. Here's a couple more of her though.



Anonymous No. 889205


Anonymous No. 889208

>other fitness girl anon

Anonymous No. 889209

I've been having slow renders lately is it the fact that I didn't update to 4.20 and I have the latest Nvidia drivers? renders that usually took me 15 mins even with spot renders are now taking me 30 mins. I thought I was rendering in 4K but it's only 1080p

Anonymous No. 889212

Seems like a lot of variables

Anonymous No. 889214

Yeah, I've done some crazy shit. And some environments sold are genuinely crazy out-of-the-box.

Protip: in almost all environments, you can do a scene optimizer sweep on it. Use the "smooth" setting to have an alright look. This will bring down 4 GBs+ environments down to 0.8+, unless the environment was made by a retard that is actually using a bug in Daz to make it use all the ram retarded (*koff koff Orc village*).

In fact, you can do a scene optimizer sweep on almost everything, putting aside very close surfaces. This usually divides by 4x your memory render usage. Even with a lot of objects, props, and unoptimized environment.

Then, you can play with the "mesh resolution" parameter of your figures. This eats up RAM like nothing else, for some reason. A render mesh resolution of 2 is "HD", 4 will bring your computer to a halt, 1 is enough for many uses.

Using all that, and not even creating instances or anything complicated, you can get absurdly crazy scenes under, say, 8 GBs.

Anonymous No. 889217

i used to render characters at subdivision 3... which put it to 4 during render. caveman iq.

Anonymous No. 889219

high subdivision for characters is needed for hd morphs, though baking normal maps out is more resource friendly, it's a lot of extra work, especially since daz characters have 27 quintillion maps.

Anonymous No. 889220

>disable CPU under render settings
>Instead of my CPU working at 99% while doing something high stress, it's now working at around 20%
>GPU also seems to be working less hard as well
>real-time rendering times seem to be the same
what's the catch?

Anonymous No. 889221

>high subdivision for characters is needed for hd morphs
Which, in all honesty, are used by how many Daz users? I mean, real HD morphs? That adds a little bit of detail on the joint between the leg and the foot, that you can only see if the lighting is right?

Moreover, HD morphs still work with subdiv 1. They're only less defined. In fact, for some of them, they're definitely better in subdiv 1, unless you're really trying to be absolutely perfect. Turns out, a little bit of sharpness never harmed anyone, and some HD morphs looks weird, when they're in HD. Uncanny valley, that kind of stuff.

For background characters, and especially if you tried to do some quite fun "extremely expensive high overview of 25 chars doing stuff", subdiv 2 is the very highest height of what you should be doing. Unless you're doing a closeup of a calf for some reasons, but then you're probably not rendering 25 chars doing stuff.

Anonymous No. 889222

Fall back to CPU, I'd say.

You can't disable CPU rendering. You only disable "full" CPU rendering. At least, until some options introduced in 4.11?

Your scene is too big for your GPU, it falls back to your CPU. You told Daz to not touch the CPU. So it falls back to one CPU core, not your others.

I used to have this issue something like four years ago.

Anonymous No. 889223

specifically the muscle morphs i use are useless under subdiv 3, but i already baked out normals at max muscle volume, and just lower the opacity until i get what i need.



Anonymous No. 889224

what are you trying to say? are these settings good, or not?

Anonymous No. 889225

CPUs have multiples cores. Iray has always fallen back to CPUs when you can't fit your scene into the GPU GRAM.

You are falling back to CPU. How do I know this? Your GPU is untouched. Also when you render, you should have a line about "falling back to cpu" somewhere. Listen to that line. That line tells you the truth. It tells you so much of the world, and you're not listening.

Anyway. Daz, until recently, even when you asked it to render on GPU, didn't want to fail. So when you ask it to render on GPU, and it can't, and Iray falls back to CPU, instead of aborting, Daz will allow a CPU core for your render. Which means your CPU is minimally inconvenienced, you still got your render, and all's right in the world.

Uncheck the "Allow CPU Fallback". Then Daz will most likely refuses to render your scene.

Again, old issue, mostly well known.

Anonymous No. 889261

I can't remember the last time I used anything higher than subd3 for renders, only for super closeups i think

Anonymous No. 889296

What the name of that new face mixing thing that copied MetaHuman?

Anonymous No. 889297



murrica bikini.png

Anonymous No. 889299

Anonymous No. 889318

I’m assuming you use blender or painter to bake the maps?

Anonymous No. 889325

hawt, more please

Anonymous No. 889459

Any tips for doing animations?

Anonymous No. 889463

In Daz?
Strongly recommend you learn how to get your models into another program

Anonymous No. 889471


Anonymous No. 889474

Akeytsu plays nice with daz I heard.

Anonymous No. 889477

>Akeytsu plays nice with daz I heard.
getting an ik rig to work on daz in akeytsu made me want to kill myself.

Anonymous No. 889482

This is the best Daz to X plugin I've used. Even better than the official ones. Still not perfect but it should get you started with a Rig and unfucked materials if you go with Blender.

Anonymous No. 889484

Yes, it's been fun with the Blender 3.1 VR preview

Anonymous No. 889509

I already have a starting pose I want to do. Can export to Blender and have the starting pose then reimport that animation into Daz so that I can render it in Iray?

Anonymous No. 889521

I was going to say you're SOL but apparently, yes.

And here's the best resource for animation in Blender I've found.
His paid course is really thorough although I wouldn't start with it, find some babys first animation video to go through to familiarise yourself with blender and take your time. Refencing his workflow when you get lost or stuck.

Anonymous No. 889565

newbie here. I drag hair onto someone and it insists on attaching to a different person. what do?

Anonymous No. 889566

Of course I figure it out immediately after asking.

Anonymous No. 889625

I can't dude... I spent 2 hours trying to animate in blender. The daz model is so buggy. I'm trying to delete the keyframe the keyframe is still staying its selecting all over the place. I dunno how those fucking overwatch porn SFM guys do it. my fingers hurt from pressing G so much I'm just used to actipose in Daz I just want a simple blowjob animation


test 1.png

Anonymous No. 889630

Can anybody help me with Diffeomorphic?

I managed to port a character, it works quite well. However it didn't port every body morph (like fitness morphs are all missing). I tried to add more expressions too, but it always ports basic 6 expressions or some and FACS units. Any help?

Anonymous No. 889666

Did you Import expressions with the tool?



Anonymous No. 889670

The character in Daz has a lot of expressions. Only a tiny bunch of them get ported (those that are included in genesis 8 female I think).

In Blender I tried adding them via custom morphs but they nothing happens.



Anonymous No. 889672

It seems that Custom Morphs import tool can read dsf files. But my expressions come in duf file. Some of them got randomly extracted in C:\Daz3d library (only 2 expressions). I don't understand how it happened. They work if I import them.

Anonymous No. 889709

looking for https://www.renderhub.com/fadeam/gcc-doa-lobelia-for-g8f and https://www.renderhub.com/fadeam/gcc-doa-nagisa-for-g8f . pls share a link if you've got one

Anonymous No. 889732


Anonymous No. 889746

why is futalicious so fucking long by default

Anonymous No. 889770

is there some addon that will apply GOOD nipple textures to any skin? Breastacular geoshell textures look like crap. Breast Utilities 2 only change the look of the skin not the texture. Every other addon looks like crap. Do people just use photoshop and make custom textures to fit skin without good nipples?

Anonymous No. 889775

Well, ye
If you don't like the nipples on a skin tex you'll have to look elsewhere

Anonymous No. 889802

Yet still not large enough for most people.
There's headlights but thats mostly fir gigantic dicknipples



Anonymous No. 889826

>tfw got into this hobby because breast expansion fetish
Now, if I could only find some high quality items to satisfy the tentacle pit and parasite fetishes.

Anonymous No. 889881

>people zip up all the default g8f morphs and uv sets and shit for their custom characters
how fucking clown tier do you have to be to do this

Anonymous No. 889918

Why genesis facial expressions look so…off? It feels like I am fighting the rig so a simple smile won’t look like a goblina one, sculpting on top helps a bit.

Anonymous No. 889951

they are made with the base character in mind. They dont work so well with whatever bimbo monstrosity you've made.



Anonymous No. 889967

Why does XY have such low rating compared to Dicktator?

Anonymous No. 889974

What are your favorite "teen" characters? Raven need not apply as she is obviously like 30+ and walled

Anonymous No. 889977

Using diffeomorphic, what settings do I use to import a mesh directly from daz and to get all the shapekeys/morphs working right away? I cannot figure it out. I'm convinced it's broken but I know it's just me being a retard

Anonymous No. 889984

i make my own "teen" porn models.

Anonymous No. 889987

I like it more than Dicktator. Dicktator is comically unrealistic


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 890008

LAMO grifters late to the game

Anonymous No. 890010

5.0 around the corner lads!!!1

Anonymous No. 890011

hitler SEETHING that everyone is supporting these nazis, but not his nazis.

Anonymous No. 890033

Do any of the big 3d porn artists on stuff like slushe do their animations inside daz, or is it all done in alternate software? I'm not gnna link stuff here, but some of the top artists clearly are using daz for single shots but i just cant imagine they actually animate inside daz when its so slow

Anonymous No. 890053

They're supporting themselves. They think morons will see them being so nice and charitable then spend money later.

Anonymous No. 890054

is there any simple way to copy lighting and world settings through diffeomorphic or are the engines so different i have to manually replicate every part every time? the lighting is usually very off when i import a scene

Anonymous No. 890063

Any new major features?

Anonymous No. 890065


can someone explain to me the point of this
like, why did he make a character out of geografts instead of just making a new char
i just dont get it, what does his kitten model do?

Anonymous No. 890066

It looks good out of the box. Less things to click to get a sexy naked woman.

Anonymous No. 890067

the grafts must have different geometry to the base model so he can't use a morph though why you'd need to do that for anything but genitals/nips i have no idea

Anonymous No. 890068

yes but theres plenty of character downloads that come with morph pack + skin textures
theres nothing that makes this "easier"
i legit dont understand what im missing here

ty for validating me


4ulidodp1k451 (1).png

Anonymous No. 890075

Is ZoneGFX legit? How come Daz hasn't shut it down?

Anonymous No. 890076

Delete this

Also, it may be popular but there's literally hundreds of sites that mirror the same shit. Simply google search the exact name of any Daz product and you'll get results of 10+ Russian sites with the same shit.



Anonymous No. 890100

have my ban been lifted?

Anonymous No. 890102


Anonymous No. 890106

do some daz hairs just not work with diffeomorphic? none of the three conversion types work and I even tried setting "preview PR hairs" like it says on the diffeo page but that didn't work either

Anonymous No. 890107

Maybe just the dforce ones?

Anonymous No. 890108

it is dforce so that's probably what it is. ty

Anonymous No. 890110

>no emma posting
>don't post my muscle girl
>no shitters in the thread
>no bans
still convinced the jannies are the shitters. there's more evidence than not.

Anonymous No. 890111




Anonymous No. 890113

>still convinced the jannies are the shitters

Anonymous No. 890114

>it's another episode of a Herschel Hoffmeyer asset having 16 uvs, and 60 textures at 8k

Anonymous No. 890117

>Dicktator is comically unrealistic
It is if you never touch any of the morphs...

Anonymous No. 890124

How does your scene workflow go? If you vastly change poses or interacting figures and cameras do you save the scene as a different file? Example: RapeRoom01, RapeRoom02, RapeRoomPOV, etc

Anonymous No. 890126

DAZ or US has no power over ruski sites, dumbfuck. Now less than ever.

Anonymous No. 890161

Yes, I do a new save for different poses as once everythings set up (character, lighting, env,clothing) its usually way faster to pose, save a file, pose again, save, pose again, save, pose again, save, then render all those at once while I go do something.

Anonymous No. 890166

been not using daz for a bit
so got this chick

Except she doesn't work on genesis 8.1 bodies.
And her "character" folder is under genesis 8.

Did I get ripped off

Anonymous No. 890169

any good daz discords that are sfw?
just people asking questions, techniques, posting sfw stuff?

Anonymous No. 890170

She loads up fine for me as Ergou Yayo 8.1
The SFW community is fractured across various forums and discords due to infighting. 3DXart is decent enough if you can get past the dickgirls and bimbos constantly posted.

Anonymous No. 890171

>3DXart is decent enough if you can get past the dickgirls and bimbos constantly posted.
yeah im on it, i was looking for a sfw one though

Anonymous No. 890182

renderosity or renderotica for stuff that is too lewd for daz store, but not totally explicit?

Anonymous No. 890184

Depends on lewd levels, example?

Anonymous No. 890185

tattoos that go too close to gens or breasts to allow underwear

Anonymous No. 890209

If I have MD and I wanna sim something, is there any advantage to using dforce over just a quick export then load the sim as a morph?

Anonymous No. 890251

use preview images on clothed yet skimpy. Maybe swimsuits and full preview on greyscale base characters. Seems reasonable for renderosity.



Anonymous No. 890312


Anonymous No. 890334

we really need a red board for tasteful nudes.

Anonymous No. 890335

they should make one called "/aco/" where people can post western erotic art



Anonymous No. 890336


Anonymous No. 890337


Anonymous No. 890340

how come when i geometry edit a gen 3 model, another gen 3 model in my scene gets the same edits?

Anonymous No. 890357

I haven't encountered this before
Have you tried in a fresh scene, brining in two gen3 females and seeing if the problem persists? You might have linked them somehow.

Anonymous No. 890358

it happens with 2 completely fresh loaded in characters.

Anonymous No. 890366

Why isn't /3/ a red board like /i/? it seems like there are way more coomers on this board anyway

Anonymous No. 890370

The quality of posts will drop dramatically. Yes, somehow worse.



Anonymous No. 890490

non-coomer image



Anonymous No. 890496

still no coomer image



Anonymous No. 890504

still no coomer image

Anonymous No. 890506

>those typical daz heels

Anonymous No. 890511

The only difference between 8 and 8.1 is that 8.1 has a new face rig added. Everything else is the same.

Some assets just have to problem that they look for a G8 figure as a target but you can still use them manually.

Anonymous No. 890512


Anonymous No. 890569

UVs are diff too

Anonymous No. 890600

SO I wanna add some shine to my chicky
Just pumping up the diff roughness isnt good though, as the face texture is more dense than the rest so the values are really hard to match to make it look even across face + rest of the body
(if you know what im talking about you know what im talking about)

whats some solutions to this



Anonymous No. 890601

This is literally what peak performance looks like

Anonymous No. 890605

Whats a female podcast i can listen to that will keep me horny and not make me feel weird while i edge with one hand while spending hours setting up scenes?
Doing this while listening to male comedians has me feeling weird.

Anonymous No. 890621

Is it possible to use multiple geoshells at once and if so, what's the process?
For example, getting wet and sweaty geoshells to work with golden palace?



Anonymous No. 890636



Anonymous No. 890641

Emma with curves.. Yes I wish she was at least a c-cup..

Anonymous No. 890651

Not always ideal, keep the shells on different offsets
Put a collection together on e-hentai? I LOVE your gal.

Anonymous No. 890669

Yes but you can just change the UV maps back to G8 in the surface settings. That way you can still use G3/8 textures on G8.1 figures.



Anonymous No. 890692

imagine making a render of a girl and she's not 90% naked.

Anonymous No. 890693




Anonymous No. 890750

Anonymous No. 890766

listen to erotica audiobooks read by a female narrator.

Anonymous No. 890771

Any suggestions?



Anonymous No. 890839

Marisa Tomei?

Anonymous No. 890864

there are so many creators that create the ugliest models

genuinely bizarre to me


spider queen.jpg

Anonymous No. 890868

there's some neat V4 content that's probably not worth the effort to adapt to gen 3 and 8.

Anonymous No. 890869

YUO TEASE! Please upload your stuff somewhere!

Anonymous No. 890874

Imagine not knowing how to fix hair. Oof low IQ Daz user INDAHOOOOUSE

Anonymous No. 890875

The answer: pedophiles discovered babbys first 3d tool

Anonymous No. 890877

Big virgin energy



Anonymous No. 890879


Anonymous No. 890891

If im making tight daz clothes, is it better to make the meshes thin or thick

Anonymous No. 890893

Is there a good community daz discord
the fuckin official one is just full of nft shit

Anonymous No. 890989

Hey bros what is the meme beginner resource? like loomis is for /ic/

Anonymous No. 890995

MOAR or recipe please

Anonymous No. 891035

diffeomorphic is great and i'm amazed it isn't a paid addon

Anonymous No. 891043

Are there licensing issues if I use the daz base mesh to make skintight clothes, obviously with changes but you could still a significant amount of the original topology?

Anonymous No. 891052

This is one of the most retarded "current thing" I have ever seen. And I have seen some shit. I am right now, in my real life, going to the store next door to buy a bottle of whiskey, bombarded by Ukraine charity foundations. I have no words for this kind of stupidity, it's in the DAZ store, it's in vidya, it's in the store next door, it's in flyers on stuff.

What the fucking fuck hell is fucking what the fuck.

At least, it gets me a moral incentive to pirate all DAZ shit.

Anonymous No. 891053

Buy a licensing license. Then you won't have a problem of licensing. Daz's system is, as long as you buy the license (which costs $50 iirc), you can do whatever the fuck you want, and sell it.

Anonymous No. 891086

>What the fucking fuck hell is fucking what the fuck.
ukraine implicates america in potentially making and spreading covid, as the government owns something like 30+ biolabs in ukraine. the reason you saw the propaganda hit so fast against russia is because of this.

Anonymous No. 891100

Oh, I will then. Wasn't aware it was that simple.

Anonymous No. 891131

I'm having a go at making clothes and not unfamiliar with blender and marvelous designer
But I am not sure about rules i should follow when it comes to trying to fit stuff to Daz models
Right now I'm working on some clothing that has conforming skintight bits, non conforming hard surface bits then I also want to have some dangly bits off some areas (like tassles) that I hope can be simmed with dforce
Is that doable and are there any videos that cover fitting more complex clothing peices?

Anonymous No. 891228

nice but here the yoga very reglamentary, try every morning no pain doctor will say good man no problem say nice, TSXKR

Anonymous No. 891235

not again get the captcha man KHDX8

Anonymous No. 891267

i will the bump now sir!!!!! deploy

Anonymous No. 891269

yes now but try again why not he says!?

Anonymous No. 891270

you will do it again sir, if not the chinese will attack again he say fight now xi ping