

🧵 Bros

Anonymous No. 882344

instead of fighting over the use of blender, zbrush or furries we should share things that started our love for 3d

For me, it was Keloid, a vfx showcase, i saw this video in 2015 and it sparked my interest


What sparked your interest?

Anonymous No. 882346

>What sparked your interest?
3d porn, 3d games, 3d animation, some good ass models

Anonymous No. 882347

I got motivated by the original star wars on VHS

Anonymous No. 882351

>I got motivated by the original star wars on VHS
are you 50?

Anonymous No. 882353

I'm 35

Anonymous No. 882354

Anime, anime figurines, digital illustration, hentai. As you can see, I am not a disney fag or a filmfag muh toy story muh shrek so I have filtered myself from ever working in the industry at least in the west.

Anonymous No. 882355

op here, this thread was supposed to be full of images and videos... come on guys.



Anonymous No. 882362

This is what inspired me. At that time weird 3d animation on youtube was still new and exciting. The video is some sort of parody of ratboy genius, which was also very inspirational.


Anonymous No. 882363

I got into 3D because I couldn’t 2D. I was a big daydreamer in HS with original character concepts, weapon concepts, biology concepts, etc, and I couldn’t improve my drawings no matter how hard I tried. I did it on autocad for a while and then I switched to blender.


images - 2022-02-....jpg

Anonymous No. 882401

> was a big daydreamer in HS with original character concepts, weapon concepts, biology concepts, etc, and I couldn’t improve my drawings no matter how hard I tried.

my god, this hits unbelievably close to home. is it just some autistic trait to daydream about creating universes like that or something like "your dream videogame" only to fail miserably in the end once you attempt turning it into a real thing?

Anonymous No. 882402

>What sparked your interest?

Simple. A video game that had perfect level and environment design.



Anonymous No. 882507

Blue board so I cant post the dick girl porn that made me want to learn 3d.

Anonymous No. 882537

Seeing Tron on rental VHS in 1985.

Anonymous No. 882573


This is why /3/ is shit. If faggots really want the best censored experience, they should go be a tranny in a discord server.

Anonymous No. 882840

It would be fine as a red board. Just make a rule stating no nsfw image dumping like bant has.



Anonymous No. 882841

Yes, but wether you let it fail or not is up to you. You allready have the soul of your world. Now you just need to give it a body.

Anonymous No. 882843

I dont have images right now but as much as I hate doing 3d for probably 70% of it, whenever I see a beautiful render it still amaze me that it's something we can do with a computer, something that I could be able to do. Part of me think that, and another part of me now think 'fuck this guy is way better than me'
Sometime when i'm really high I pretend im cyberpunk tech genius while working in zbrush

Anonymous No. 882852

when you're baked and playing cyber god with straight face and say shit like 'right on the money' or 'infiltration' as you scrape away in zbrush

I do the same shit and trying to keep a straight face after introducing the language makes me lose it die laughing at myself

Anonymous No. 883064

You forgot to mention nomad sculpt



Anonymous No. 883067


the 3D mecha/robotic section from steambot's "Exodyssey: Visual Development of an Epic Adventure"



Anonymous No. 883440

>nomad sculpt

Anonymous No. 883591

as a kid i liked going on gmod and making my own worlds out of props. eventually i started making my own real maps, learning the hammer editor. a few years later during the coof virus i decided to try mapping again and wanted to make my own props so i tried blender.
i got more and more into it and completely forgot about level design. i still want to go back to making levels but i'm really autistic and only want it to be made up of my own assets for every little thing so i'm holding off