

🧵 is this the new industry standard now?

Anonymous No. 884590

Claims to have made this

>no previous work or experience
>only done 3d for less than 2 years
>learned maya, zbrush, unreal, substance, xgen
>modelling, sculpting, rigging, texturing, clothsim, hairsim, rendering

I don't know maybe I'm just a jelly noob, but this just doesn't seem believable


Anonymous No. 884591

it's not that crazy, anyone could learn the skills to make something like this. they likely spent 100s of hours on this one project, iterating, re-doing things, painting in details etc etc. it's not like they bashed this out in a few hours or something. the impressive apart about this is the dedication

Anonymous No. 884592

I just dont know anyone who became this good this fast, knowing how to do literally all facets of production at this level

Anonymous No. 884595

some peoples brains are perfect for 3D. (mine included)

Anonymous No. 884596

my only realistic guess it that she is in an established environment with all kinds of plugins and pre-made assets that streamlines the entire workflow and getting helped from literally all sides meaning she doesn't fundamentally understand how she did any of those things.

Anonymous No. 884597

It looks good. Now i would like to see him do something without a helmet/mask

Anonymous No. 884599

2-3 years is plenty of time to get good

Anonymous No. 884600

Environment. Go to school, fight tooth and nail for a quality internship and have professionals who guide you. The number one murderer of progress is having to rely forums as guidance instead of industry veterans. The variability in quality and speed of interaction is atrocious and only retards think the internet is just as good as an education. Still, in two years that doesn't seem unreasonable. She had the armor pieces available in real life, definitely didn't sculpt that body, a biped rigged for a simple walk cycle takes like three days to learn, existing design, the elements are all extremely simple. I went more tech focused but I don't consider myself less capable than her in my field after a little over 3 years. Description also reads like my portfolio i.e. lots of words to focus on things I did do while hoping the read doesn't notice what I DIDNT do.

Anonymous No. 884602

> The number one murderer of progress is having to rely forums as guidance instead of industry veterans.
But anon, all the industry pros have abandoned forums and are now on discord, which isnt a forum

Anonymous No. 884605

the point is to have a competitive environment that keeps you in check while also being guided by pros who made it

Anonymous No. 884608

this isnt a competiton. You work _with_ other people to move the industry forward, not against them. I've learned this as I've contributed to open source over the past decade (and continue to do so). You use discord so you have a hate-free place where you can communicate with top pros at major studios. This isn't a competition.

Anonymous No. 884612

By "competitive", I mean "comparing yourself with others and using it as an incentive to challenge yourself"

Anonymous No. 884620

Looking at this and her other works, the amount of likes and followers she got based on these 3 works is definitely ridiculous. That's the only thing that triggers ME personally. The quality of that work isn't that high and I agree with everyone else here it's definitely at a level that can be achieved in a few years. Materials look very procedural without unique details, and that photogrammetry environment isn't anything special. Flat lighting with plenty of uninteresting shots with blurry vegetation which isn't even handmade.

I'll turn on my asshole opinion now and say it again - those likes and follows are a result of a combination of 2 factors - a pretty female 3D artist that is creating fan art of some insanely popular franchise / well-known concept art. I see it all the time on ArtStation and it bothers me more than it should for some reason. Especially when I read the comments like "omg this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life!!!".

There are just more deserving people posting their ORIGINAL works, that don't achieve a fraction of this amount of internet points.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter, so whatever.

Anonymous No. 884623

>Ultimately, it doesn't matter, so whatever.
It matters a lot. Uploading fanart is a violation of copyright that some companies enforce (nintendo). Its really looked down upon in the industry and a sign of laziness and low skill ceiling.

Anonymous No. 884625

Okay, I agree about that, but I didn't mean it in that context. It's just that it doesn't ultimately matter she got a bajillion likes, because at the end of the day, everyone is still working in a random studio, getting (mostly) underpaid considering the amount of work we put into this craft.

Anyway, I've been writing a comment in the thread about Discord channels that just got deleted for SOME fucking reason. This isn't the first time I noticed an actually useful thread being removed almost instantly, while animation schizo spams 10 threads a day and gets ignored. Seems like some mod is trying to ruin this place on purpose at this point.

I'll just post my comment here then:

Yes, listen to this advice, kids. Discord is THE way to get gud in 3D these days, you just need to join good ones. I'd add ExperiencePoints in there as the community is even more active and there are also plenty of industry people.

I never joined 3DFT, but I heard a lot about it. Never knew that's how it works, now I read a bit about it by their founder. Seems good, but I already surpassed that level. It would probably be nice to be handheld by mentors when you start this out, but I feel like I would get burnt out. I just did 3D as a hobby in my free time doing whatever I wanted. It seems to me most of them are focused on getting a job as a prop artist as soon as possible, which honestly sound depressing to me, even though I am technically mainly a prop artist currently as well. But I happened to end up here atm and like it because my quality is improving significantly on an atomic level, even though I'm more of an environment artist. But good props make good environments, so... Unfortunately I still have to grind my lighting skills by myself.

Anonymous No. 884626

>uuuuhh... shes just just not that good ok!

You guys are so fucking pathetic. I swear this place used to be better and more ambitious.

Anonymous No. 884628

How does stating an opinion that someone's work isn't THAT good mean someone is lacking an amibition. Do we all just have to praise random people's work for no reason instead? This isn't discord, we don't have to be all friendly and refrain from saying a single critical word about something to not hurt someone's feelings.

Now, trying to bring down someone just because you yourself aren't good enough is something else, but I truly don't think this is what is happening here. These threads get posted often. Whenever somebody tries to explain to the (beginner) OP that in fact, the work they posted ISN'T actually godlike, other anons start pouring in with "post YOU'RE werk" or similar attitude.

Anonymous No. 884629

crab thread



Anonymous No. 884636

You get it anon.


2022-02-26 18_29_03.jpg

Anonymous No. 884637

good on her for living her dream
from doing nails to doing 3d characters

Anonymous No. 884639


Anon, woman hands made this. You know women have the advantage these days in any industry right? Might as well be a woman if you want to gitgud and have millions of followers.

Anonymous No. 884643

>this doesnt even get you a fulltime job, it gets you an internship


Anonymous No. 884644

She went to a 3d school and her boyfriend is a character artist on a big company, I can't remember which one.

Anonymous No. 884648

Whoa, it's almost as if networking is part of getting ahead anywhere with everything...

Anonymous No. 884649

she got a full time junior position, she obviously did stuff in her free time before
a lot of is hidden under the rust texture and blocky armor parts, but her anatomy and detailing needs lot of work
the biggest advantage of working with decent people in a studio is that they will introduce you to a proper pipeline, show how to do pbr materials, how to skin to a existing rig and how to present your work

Anonymous No. 884650

Becuase you guys go out of your way to create this thread yet when I look at the quality of stuff you are posting, you're not even close to this quality. Its clear that you guys feel insecure to need to post these kinds of threads over and over again. Stop focusing on tearing people down and focus on improving your trash work.

Anonymous No. 884651

Kek anon why are you so bad at falling for bait. You are probably a woman.

Anonymous No. 884652

>I don't know maybe I'm just a jelly noob, but this just doesn't seem believable
If you study as if it were a full time job (6-8hours a day every day) yes it is 100% possible.

Anonymous No. 884654

I didn't try to tear her down, I was just questioning whether she actually learned to do all of that within 2 years or if she's being carried

Anonymous No. 884672

Stop generalizing, anon. I don't even post my work here anymore nor do I open these kinds of threads. It's always the same argument, just like I said. It's impossible to criticize anything without being namecalled and spammed with "PYW PYW PYW". I just wonder, who are you defending, and why. What's the alternative, I have to agree with OP that yes, that girl in fact IS a genius 3D artist that created 3 objective masterpieces in 2 years? Ok then, whatever.

Anonymous No. 884673

i dont think shes a genuis either. it just reeks of seethe, especially when its a hot chick who has a job you dont think she 'deserves'. shes just some rando at the end of the day

you get raped by blizzard staff tho

Anonymous No. 884675

Speaking of fan arts:


Serves him right lol, imagine being a """fan artists""". Disney even didn't do anything illegal in this case. I'll never understand what's it about people who prefer recreating their "childhood dream movie/game" characters instead of coming up with original work. It's so much more fulfilling when you design something by yourself instead of being indirectly handholded by the original artist you're """reinterpreting their work""" from.

Anonymous No. 884682

cause if they weren't infringing upon disney/marvel's IPs nobody would give a shit about their art, all the soicucks only care about DC/marvel/disney/whatever other popart icon crap there is

Anonymous No. 884683

the power of good IPs

Anonymous No. 884684

and it blows my mind how many people on patreon and etsy etc. get away with blatant copyright infringement too and nobody bats an eye but they go haywire about how pirates destroy the industry

Anonymous No. 884688

Photofaggotry, substance, xgen, and unreal have cut the time to get a decent result in half. Back in the day you had to make your own model, manage a multi material setup in a fucking photohshop file and setup your own materials lighting etc. It's all drag and drop for the most part now. Like someone else said her boyfriend probably said do this then do that etc.

Anonymous No. 884690

you sound old

Anonymous No. 884691

The idea that reaching this level in 2 years is insane or they have to be cheating just shows how unmotivated you losers are, 2 years is a long time when you practice every day

Anonymous No. 884693

The advice and ideas are going to fall on deaf ears. These people are fucking losers. All they ever do is bitch and never show any of their work when called out. It's easy to hide behind a keyboard and bitch and complain. I'm willing to bet these guys haven't even achieved a little bit of recognition on any social media, which is why it's clear as day that almost everyone in this thread is jealous as fuck and it just comes off as really cringy and pathetic.

Anonymous No. 884696

>These people are fucking losers. All they ever do is bitch and never show any of their work when called out.
speak for yourself. I have a nice porn hustle going.

Anonymous No. 884697

How fucking dumb and retarded do you have to be to not understand that you are part of the group that is doing well/okay instead of the losers in this thread bitching about some woman?

Anonymous No. 884698

Even though tech made a lot of things easier, standards increased and it still takes forever to create true quality art. It is also often obvious if it is still handcrafted instead of being drag&dropped from some library.

I'm mostly a prop artist professionally atm and it is insane how much I think I can still learn and improve on now, while like a couple of years ago I thought I'm perfectly capable of making realistic AAA props. There is always something you can improve on, from sculpting better looking wood, improving the rust layer of old props, or things like literally making a better roughness layer to just getting better at colors and values to craft a more visually pleasing end result. A lot of these things you're not even aware of when you're a beginner.

But that is for high quality hero stuff, I think that in reality, sure, at this point if you just need fairly realistic filler props, you really can just texture something in an hour by tweaking good smart materials, painting in a few unique details by hand and using a good combination of imperfection maps for the roughness layer.

Anonymous No. 884700

I'm also doing well, even though I was critical of her work in this thread. Which group do I belong to?

Anonymous No. 884701

Dumb, retarded, and doing well.

Anonymous No. 884702

You can belong to all three, it's not mutually exclusive

Anonymous No. 884703

Don't think that's possible... Stop ignoring the question - what is wrong about writing a respectful critique of someone's work here? Isn't that how we all grow?

Anonymous No. 884704

which comment was yours?

Anonymous No. 884728

I could do this too after 2 years.
You're way too generous with your analysis:
- it has zero cloth simulation
- zero hair simulation
- hair is basic af, no grooming whatsoever with the character having a helmet and all
- she didn't design the character
- the rigging on the armor is more low-tier than Daz, it acts like a second skin
- the skin is super easy to do, just paste some ready-made material from Substance; it's an orc, it's not as if somebody is going to say otherwise
- the armor material is literally the same all over aside from the belts
- no hand animation (maybe even no rigging)
- no face rigging (same expression in T-pose as when walking)
- helmet hides stuff like eyes, eyelids, sclera etc... stuff that require more in depth anatomy and texturing knowledge

All in all she's got a good eye for composition. I can see why someone would be impressed at first glance but from an artistic standpoint this model wouldn't pass mustard in a modern game.

Look at her other work: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dLmJB

She used the exact same hair as with the orc. It looks ok on the orc because it's a monster, but on a human it just looks like twigs. You can also see my point with the skin material. Looks worse than wax. She needs to learn about SSS and how different areas of the face have different colors.

Anonymous No. 884729

>but from an artistic standpoint this model wouldn't pass mustard in a modern game.
anon, have you seen "modern" games? This is S tier.



Anonymous No. 884732

t. irony poisioned /v/ user who doesn't actually do 3d

Anonymous No. 884734

i do over 30 hours a week of 3d.

In game, ghosts of tsushima looks worse than this interns model. Look up gameplay to confirm. Stop wasting my time.

Anonymous No. 884736

Let's see your work Mr 30 hours a week!

Anonymous No. 884737

already posted it a few days ago and got good replies.

Anonymous No. 884739

Sweet, link it here so we can all see what you're referring to.

Anonymous No. 884743

i wont and i dont have to answer to anyone

Anonymous No. 884744


Anonymous No. 884750

you people repeatedly parrot "pyw pyw" and i do and people stfu. Then when you ask again and again i say no, im not going to go through this again and again. You are probably still mad that i pointed out that this "intern" makes better looking models than triple A games in ghosts of tsushima and now you're just trying to deflect. Pathetic.

Anonymous No. 884751

What a fucking pussy ass bitch

Anonymous No. 884752

Sounds like an excuse a coward would make instead of posting your work and shutting me the fuck up and everyone in this thread.

Anonymous No. 884753

Who gives a fuck about some gay ass chink game. Just post your work

Anonymous No. 884756


You think this intricate detailed character looks worse than op? Tell us why.

Anonymous No. 884757

its not in game. Game looks last gen fr fr. OP is RT in ue 4, not even the latest version of ue (5, for you newbies). This is embarrassing having to point this out...

Anonymous No. 884758

whats wrong with this? It looks good


some niggas never....jpg

Anonymous No. 884759

you'll be surprised what you can achieve when you're not wasting time shitposting your life away

Anonymous No. 884776

You don't actually work 30 hours a week.

Anonymous No. 884826

I work a regular brick and mortar job 32 hours a week and do my porn 3d job 30 hours a week. I outwork you.

Anonymous No. 884833

>>no previous work or experience
It shows. Why are the plates deforming? What amateur did this rig?

Anonymous No. 884835

You're dumb. You're equivocating a game-ready model with the high-rez final model. Furthermore the design of the orc is terrible: weird body type, DBZ level of muscle detailing, paper-thin metal armor, unnoticeable fine detail, ultra-thick diaper leather, ultra thin belt leather, tiny buckles, tiny straps, tiny rivets. None of these issues are present in the actual uruk-hai character she used as reference. Plus this uruk-hai had chainmail underneath. This means she has difficulty following references which is more trouble than it's worth in a pipeline.

Anonymous No. 884837

>Game looks last gen

Everything I need to know that you're full of shit. There's no such thing as "last gen" or "current gen" in 3D. That's an issue with console hardware, not 3D asset creation.

Anonymous No. 884840

>wasting your life on digital pixel shit
if you can't do wood/iron working, welding or electrics then you're useless and you should off yourself ASAP

Anonymous No. 884844

What's so special about it? Art/animation/film school students do that all the time.

Anonymous No. 884853


No shit, 3d industry fags forget 3d enthusiasts who don't work in the industry exists that make better work than them.

Anonymous No. 884855

Proof or gtfo

Anonymous No. 884857

what about the seven years gap?

Anonymous No. 884860


Fucking pathetic. "Realistic Guess".

Anonymous No. 884862

"2 years" doesn't mean shit. Is that putting in 2 hours a week or 20 hours a week?
I'm a relative beginner sculpting at least 10 hours a week, and I think I'll probably be well within this range in a year or two, given my speed of improvement (and accounting for diminishing results).

Anonymous No. 884873

Disgusting thread, so much cope and seethe in a single place, from both sides

Anonymous No. 884947

This is the biggest nitpick ive ever seen. It looks better than the reference, is in realtime UE4, and looks better than ghosts of tsushima realtime. It reeks of power and uruk-hai. If I were peter jackson i would hire this woman asap.

Anonymous No. 884950

What's this realtime UE4 thing you keep banging on about. Anyone can put any model into any engine.

Anonymous No. 884953

it runs and is shaded in realtime, something that >>884732 does not. There is a difference between in game models and what you have in your DCC and bake off of...this girls work is sublime.

Anonymous No. 884958

Just because you need to have those things and use the lack of them as an excuse as to why you're trash, doesn't mean that anyone else with a few braincells to rub together can't do something like this in 2-3 years.
Even practicing for 3 hours a day (even less than most people play vidya a day), she could get over 2,000 hours of practice in 2 years.
If she's a quick learner and picks things up easily, 2000 is more than enough to reach this level. Especially if this was her main focus, and she had experience in other skills beforehand.

Don't blame her gender on your own ineptitude.

Anonymous No. 885091

Stop being a white knight

Anonymous No. 885093

What's this about? It doesn't matter how it looks in engine because that can depend on a million factors. You can clearly see in this tsushima render the amount of details and quality of the both models and textures. It's objectively much better than the one in the OP. That orc's armor looks generated and flat. Just a brown gray rust across everything. Zoom in on >>884732 again and compare it for yourself. You're either lying or you're blind. I don't mean to shit on OP image, but let's be real for a moment here.

Anonymous No. 885169

>learn how to use smart materials
>everyone thinks your work is amazing suddenly

Anonymous No. 885173

you're an idiot. In the description in the OP link it says that she used photogrammetry, not smart materials.

Anonymous No. 885202

>If I were peter jackson i would hire this woman asap

You clearly don't understand pipelines. It takes longer to fix something because your employee decided to do things their own way than it is to remake it from the ground-up.

Anonymous No. 885203

peter jackson hires literally thousands of people to work on his movies. This one "intern" from the nail salon does a better and more valuable job than literally hundreds of other people, plus she is a woman, inspiring other women to join the industry. Grow up, little kid.

Anonymous No. 885232

Pathetic post.

Anonymous No. 885233

this "jenny from the block" is breaking up your boys club and you hate her for it. You are sexist

Anonymous No. 885255

You just praise her work because she is a woman. That's much worse.

Anonymous No. 885258

no, i praise her work because she is a woman and i have seen all 6 of peters films as well as read all the books and her output reeks of the essence of uruk-hai. She is inspirational

Anonymous No. 885260

Take your meds

Anonymous No. 885267

Have you seen the other stuff on ArtStation?

Anonymous No. 885270

yup. Its good. Looks like she's really into photogrammetry

Anonymous No. 885271


Anonymous No. 885278

Yes, it's good. And that's it. It's good, not so amazing that you feel necessary to undermine entire teams of talented artists who worked on your manchild movies by saying she beats all of them combined. Stop being a simp white knight and grow up. I bet a lot of people that upvoted her works to heavens have the same mindset. As good as those works on her ArtStation profile are, number of upboats is still a bit ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 885298


Anonymous No. 885299

Sounds like you're mad a women is getting more attention than you and your hobby

Anonymous No. 885300

>he keeps doing it



Anonymous No. 885303


Anonymous No. 885327

So that school futuregames, anyone heard of it? Is it good?

Anonymous No. 885443

It's another troon. Many such cases in 3D.

Anonymous No. 885482

what makes you think that that is the case?

Anonymous No. 885489

Experience. This is a male dominated domain, just like coding. Too many mentally ill guys around.

Anonymous No. 885494

>too many mentally ill guys around
including you

Anonymous No. 885542

I have family and no desire to cut my dick off, than you.

Anonymous No. 885703

Post work chud



Anonymous No. 886285


Anonymous No. 886296

disqualified for further communication

Anonymous No. 886380

Speaking of the industry, what's it about people I encounter every day in 3D communities, who are talking about their interviews "In mY DrEaM StuDiO"? Am I the only one who never thought about it like that? I don't have a dream studio, whatever that may be. Or dream projects. Some of them might be nice to work on based on the theme I like, but I would never "die" to work in any one of them like a lot of people in this industry.

Those dream studios are usually always the big boys where you'd most likely work like a maniac all day long, and for what? Your name in credits nobody reads? I got into this industry by accident when being approached by a studio while a hobbyist. I worked on various projects as an outsourcer and have seen my name in credits. Couldn't give less fucks about it, even the first time it happened. I care more about my personal work than being a part of a team of 300 people working on the next Ubisoft blockbuster or something.

If anything, that kind of attitude will make it harder for all of us because studios can be nitpicky and pay low salaries when there is always a tsunami wave of young passionate people wanting to work on their superhero flick. I don't why am I so repulsed by it, but something about seeing people grinding their portfolio over the months and then bragging about getting an interview in their dream megacorporation while others are cheering for them, only to disappear from the internet when they get a job, gives me bad vibes. But if they're happy, good for them I guess. I'm probably the crazy one that appreciated freedom as an independent freelancer.

Anonymous No. 886382

I just want to work in porn

Anonymous No. 886566

/3/ chud's work sucks and he's too shy to show it. Post work now.

Anonymous No. 886571

How about you tonguing my anus instead

Anonymous No. 886579

If you were an engineer, wouldn't it be neat to say you work for NASA?
If you were an architect, wouldn't it be neat to say "I designed this building"?
If you were a graphic designer, wouldn't it be neat to say you designed that company's logo?

If you were a 3d artist, wouldn't it be neat to say you work for Weta/Pixar/ILM, or any of the other studios everyone and their grandma knows about? It's about recognition, and making yourself higher on the social ladder than the guy you're talking to. Working there would probably be hell and you'd only have a shitty junior position, but to the other guy you're now an established and respectable professional.
Where they can go, "Oh yeah, I got a guy that works for -insert big name studio here-" or, "My buddy works at -studio name-" to show off to their friends and increase their social standing.

I guess to boil it down, those big-gigs with "dream studios" are all about being better than the other guy. Even if the person won't admit it, or doesn't even know themselves.
I guess there's also the allure of working with other professionals with ties to the industry and advanced skills, and making friends with people with a similar profession to share ideas and work together on things outside of your job.

Anonymous No. 886581

I just want to fuck in porn.

Anonymous No. 886586

I've worked as a game artist for a long time and I WISH the average artist was this good and able to learn things by themselves. A ton of professional artists are shitters, you'd be baffled by what incompetent/senile management will hire.

Anonymous No. 886605

>I guess to boil it down, those big-gigs with "dream studios" are all about being better than the other guy.
This is true to a certain extent
It all depends who the "other guy" is.
If the other guy is your past self, then it's as valid as any other specific and measurable goal and a healthy way to keep track of your progress.
I mean, it's not like you'd be the only one in the studio, regardless. You'd be in a 300-man studio of "better-than-the-other-guy" guys who are equal to you just by virtue of being there. What then?

>If you were a 3d artist, wouldn't it be neat to say you work for Weta/Pixar/ILM, or any of the other studios everyone and their grandma knows about? It's about recognition, and making yourself higher on the social ladder than the guy you're talking to.
As a matter of fact, very few people know what the fuck a "Weta" or an "ILM" are. You are biased obviously just because you're here so you know what those are in this context.
The only studios that employ 3D artists that you can safely assume literally everyone and their grandma knows about, off the top of my head are: Pixar, DreamWorks and Disney. As in just generic "Disney", since the close association with the century-long, multi-billion dollar empire that spanned and influenced several generations of children and adults alike is really the real reason why anyone knows about those. Disney->Disney Pixar->DreamWorks, the "rival" of Disney Pixar.
And even then, if you're not an "animator" there, then people will be dumbfounded as to what you really do there.

Most people think capeshit vfx is made at Marvel Studios.
It's as retarded as saying New Line Cinema made LOTR.
They're just the production company, they do the shooting, but the heavy hauling in pre/post-production is done by studios most people never even heard about. Maybe the production company deserved more relevance when every single fucking shot wasn't a CGI fest.

This is also true

Anonymous No. 886631

Don't mean to hijack but is it easy to get a job at an advertising firm as a 3d artist? Easier than a game company? I think I'm pretty good and it's soon time for me to search internship but I like to have a backup plan, anyone have any experience?

Anonymous No. 886635

Yeah, I agree with all of you, I think a large part of it is about ego. And I totally understand that it might be nice to say I worked in this famous studio, I sometimes get that feeling as well, but ultimately I don’t really care when I sum it all up with negative sides. The only worry I have is that the guys with these big names in their CV might be in a significant advantage in their careers later on, no matter their skill level. I’ve seen plenty of people working for ubisoft, rockstar etc. and their portfolios and personal projects were suprisingly lacking in quality even after all those years of experience. But they can say they worked on the biggest titles and productions at the end of the day. Their experience might be more appreciated than mine.

I’m working for some respected and well known small studios as a contractor as well, but nothing like ILM. But to be fully honest, even if I don’t want to work there, I can’t say I wasn’t feeling jealous when I’ve seen some of people I know got hired there. It’s like they’ve automatically risen multiple levels above me even though yesterday we were at the same level, and still are, skills/quality wise. That’s that egoistical part, if I ever end up there, it will probably be more because of the “status” than anything else. I just hate those mixed feelings I get.

Anonymous No. 886684

Post the work right now. You know it's shit

Anonymous No. 886695


Anonymous No. 886708

agitated zoomie

Anonymous No. 886927

>realistic art
>artist is a normal girl

>stylized art
>artist is a rainbow colored hair SWJ Tw*tter blogger girl

Why it do be like it?

Anonymous No. 886935

The mental state

Anonymous No. 887019

Yes , at least here where I live, it’s full of work

Anonymous No. 887021

I think you need to work in a smaller studio and a more personal project bra, you have to share but that’s the only way to make a complete medium project

Anonymous No. 887619

>every semi-decent 3D artist is working at some AAA studio
What did game industry mean by this?

A huge portion of a AAA game art is made by kids in their 20s and the talent pool of at least passable artists is smaller than I thought. What's that about when artists always talk about this being a tough industry to get in because of the competition?

Anonymous No. 887622


20s kids who are too dumb to code end up as 3d artists kek.

Anonymous No. 887629


Let's see your how big is your "talent pool" then.

Anonymous No. 887643

That is a legit reason for some people, yes. Many times I've seen people talk about how they failed their programming classes and transitioned into game art. But not all of them, come on. Some just like 3D more, including me. I do miss problem solving aspect with coding, I kinda stopped doing it completely. There's no such thing in 3D it seems like, at least outside of tech art.

You don't seem to understand what that term means.

Anonymous No. 887660

its been covid dude, its not that unbelievable for someone with a drive to achieve this in 2 years.

Its possible her previous job was somewhat related to 3d, so a lot of concepts were not totally foreign to her too.

Anonymous No. 887729


Anonymous No. 887971

true, fuck this thread

Anonymous No. 888031

What's the point of all of this if you're not the best in your area of expertise?

Anonymous No. 888034

best is subjective

Anonymous No. 888036

I'd say the best are the ones that keep getting mentioned across the entire industry. I see the same handful of props by certain people getting used as an example of a high quality texturing all the time. Those props are made by people younger than me AND made a few years ago. How can I even compete??

Anonymous No. 888050

Please post an example.
I want to judge my own abilities and see how I can compete.

Anonymous No. 888052

Here's one example:


Anonymous No. 888054

It is a competitive environment.

Anonymous No. 888056

no, no no. It's collaborative. I work with other developers, writing and implementing in various languages to bring the entire industry forward.

Anonymous No. 888729

Attaching onto this but should I buy zbrush perpetual license now?

Anonymous No. 888743

i'd lean towards yes, but you won't get new versions for free anymore. but the program itself is excellent and you might not need to buy newer versions.

Anonymous No. 888744

I was reading online and it sounds like they just cut free updates for old customers too. But you are right, if Zbrush is good now it might get better later but it's not suddenly going to get an update that will make everyone retroactively look back and wonder how they ever used it before.



Anonymous No. 888747

>Imagine making westoid shit for souless woke AAA studios you have no passion for with shit pay in a cutthroat industry

>didn't take the STEM route and could be making moola while making coom anime figurines.

Anonymous No. 888798

No. Maxon is a terrible company and will literally pull the rug out from under you at the drop of a hat, like they did to millions of russian artists. On top of that, they are charging for updates. Your best bet is blender sculpting tools.

Anonymous No. 888881

If they violate contracts like that piracy becomes acceptable anyway

Anonymous No. 888882

What the fuck is this term and why do I keep hearing of it

Anonymous No. 888883

tranny poon

Anonymous No. 888884

Alternate spelling of tranny, and sadly he's right

Anonymous No. 888885

another word for tranny

Anonymous No. 888886

Isn't supposed to be tranny goon?

Anonymous No. 888888




Anonymous No. 888890

Anonymous No. 888891


Anonymous No. 888893

>anon saves a soijak raid

Anonymous No. 888895

Holy based


1355 - 96ce619421....png

Anonymous No. 888896

>>anon saves a soijak raid

Anonymous No. 888897

>/3/ get wasn't claimed by soijak.party
Sad! Many such cases.



Anonymous No. 888898




Anonymous No. 888899


Anonymous No. 888901

Nice job accidentally preventing basedjakparty from claiming the GET



Anonymous No. 888902

>>Nice job accidentally preventing basedjakparty from claiming the GET



Anonymous No. 888903


Anonymous No. 888904


Anonymous No. 888906




Anonymous No. 888907

>soijak.party tries getting /his/ at 999999
>soijak.party tries getting /3/ at 888888
>both interrupted by "no"



Anonymous No. 888909


Anonymous No. 888912

What have you done to BB...

Anonymous No. 888913

This is the first post that made this believable to me. More because of the mentoring than networking.

Anonymous No. 888917

soijakified bro

Anonymous No. 888918

Not cute..



Anonymous No. 888922


Anonymous No. 888925

What's with the fucking soijaks all of a sudden? What the fuck is a basedjak party?

Anonymous No. 888947

When in doubt blame cris

Anonymous No. 888970


Anonymous No. 888983

No one cares about the stupid 888888 get on here, /3/ is a shitty board. These are all one guy. Notice how the IP count doesn't even go up.

Anonymous No. 888986

I am from the sharty and I didn't even know there was a raid

Anonymous No. 888990

how are there so many paki indians in 3d? sure they are just ants that will do anything for cheap, but how do they have any kind of decent computers and internet in their third world homes to even open any /3/ software?



Anonymous No. 889047

>I am from the sharty

Anonymous No. 889050

3d is pretty viable with any pc from 2015 onwards.

Anonymous No. 889051

>learned maya, zbrush, unreal, substance, xgen
>modelling, sculpting, rigging, texturing, clothsim, hairsim, rendering

He could have done all of it in Blender and it would have looked better,

Anonymous No. 889156

3d in 2022 is about 4k graphics that has GSYNC and true HDR rendering on 4k TVs meaning you will need a video card capable of doing all these things as well as a recent HDR compatible OLED tv such as a C1 to display and develop on, all of which were not available in 2015. Don't take this as criticism, I am just trying to tell you what the standards are, despite you probably being too poor to afford all this.

As an industry we have absolutely taken the 4k/HDR route over passing gimmicks like 3d glasses / VR. Your 2015 VR setup wouldn't be very viable, either, if you defend that position.

Anonymous No. 889157

Maybe for making movie effects.

Anonymous No. 889158

No, not just for movies. My Playstation 5 is a 4k / HDR / surround sound machine. Every single new game works with 4k/HDR/surround. Same with the Xbox.

Anonymous No. 889162

You think the paki sweatshops that work for all the game companies you are talking about have all that. The vast majority of games are still using 2k textures.

Anonymous No. 889163

I am telling you that every new game for PS5 has these features. I'm not counting the sea of pointless unity shovelware that comes out on steam. I am talking about console - where it really matters.

Anonymous No. 889164

Have you seen the cross gen games like Gran Turismo. A lot of the games coming our now would have started development years ago. It's you who don't seem to know how the industry works.

Anonymous No. 889165

im not talking about cross gen, im talking about ps5 games

Anonymous No. 889166

you may not like it, but this is what peak 3dcg artist performance looks like

Anonymous No. 889201

Those call centers need 24/7 flawless service anon.

Anonymous No. 889235

who made that sculpt?

Anonymous No. 889682

no it will regress as a standar

Anonymous No. 889704

>You work _with_ other people
You're a fucking queer.

Anonymous No. 889724

and at least 50% of this industry is transsexual. What's your point?

Anonymous No. 889736

hand holded and personally guided by men the whole time. seen it a million times in the industry.

Anonymous No. 890024

there’s a a currynigger on yt that posted his 1 year Blender progress which I thought was pretty impressive

Anonymous No. 890061

Man, people really love to spam that type of videos

Anonymous No. 891265

it was the mother fucker killed the aragorn!
nice movie I watch too, you enjoy? i won link send mesasge now! we'll have the breakfast later G2NRS


tips 1.png

Anonymous No. 892307

Protip, artists can lie too. I saw similar claims from a relatively popular twitter artist about their painting skills. They said two years is what it took them to reach that level, and when I searched for their older works, lo and behold they had rendered pieces older than two years.
But it's not about malicious lies. You have to understand artists, even talented and skilled ones, find ways to cope with their insecurities all the time. One of these ways could be thinking "well before those two years, I wasn't REALLY painting..." Or similar.

Anonymous No. 892455

youre literally one of those schizos posting hilarious sculpts here, fuck off

Anonymous No. 892457

>wymin are stronk and brave, ackchually if you dont accept it ur a bigot racist chud, BLM!!!!
women can git gud for sure, but if you just can see the red flags of those untalented whore ones youre worthless

Anonymous No. 892458

based, thanks for the video

Anonymous No. 892461

this IS a leftist tranny that posted one of those abysmal sculpts and got roasted hard, go back to the mental asylum retard

Anonymous No. 892463

Chop ur dick and kys tranny lmao

Anonymous No. 892497

Got any proof? You don’t just come here with a dumbass single sentence and think you won the argument. Pathetic.

Anonymous No. 892500

you got roasted hard as fuck and you said "pathetic" in every reply, youre not talented.
This tranny is the delusional schizo that posts those "rate my progress"
I unironically hope you seek help, it stoped being funny, its fucking depressing desu