

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 884969

What is this aesthetic called?

Anonymous No. 884972

pixel art.



Anonymous No. 884975

even though its 3d?

Anonymous No. 884978

The artstyle is pixel art even tho it is in a model because it is inspired by it and the result is supposed to imitate it, even if it is in 3d, if is a shader or if it is traced, the idea remains.
A bigger queustion is, does this really deserve it's own thread?

Anonymous No. 884982

Kinda reminds me of how sprites change depending on the perspective in doom

Anonymous No. 885038


Anonymous No. 885071

why the fuck is not pixel art simply because It was made with a 3D app?


not today fucko.jpg

Anonymous No. 885079

The 'adapting your art to technical limitations but in reality you're just LARPing because you're a hipster who wasn't even alive when artists worked against said technical limitations' style

Anonymous No. 885081

Extremely based post.

Anonymous No. 885090

Is it art? Are visible pixels part of the aesthetic? Then it's "pixel art".

Anonymous No. 885092

But what's actually wrong with that? You phrase it like it's a bad thing, but never actually explain what the problem is.
Why is it a bad thing to emulate a style that's based on limitations? Why is it a bad thing to be a young artist? In what way is this a "LARP"?
Being snide, sarcastic, and ambiguously judgemental without substance is all the rage on the internet these days, but it's not a substitute for an actual argument.



Anonymous No. 885094

Pre-rendered Sprites

Anonymous No. 885098

Getting your jimmies rustled by the rumblings of some oldfag(me)? People are snarky for the sake of being snarky. Just do your thing, who gives a damn.

Anonymous No. 885100

Not him but a lot of the sentiment against the people emulating the look of retro videogame art stems from how it's a sanctuary
for a lot of failures who are afraid of contemporary production levels and use the word 'soul' a lot to describe lowfi art.

We have tools today that offers us the ability to create pretty much any sort of imagery we desire, which is liberating for an artist.
But no, not for these lot. Instead of openly admitting they lack the skills to engage with that sort of unrestricted art
because it's too hard they make this grand appeal to nostalgia and set out to downright mystify the shittyness of the early computer graphics.

The keep making threads and posts glorifying the jankiness of improperly rendered polygons and texture glitches on the PSX etc
and engage in 12 different types of masturbation sucking eachothers cock whenever somebody manages to make a hobo Chocobo out of ~100 polygons.

After many years of behavior alluded to above these hipsters started becoming notorious as a type of retro fanbois now hating on real artists art.
For most people who made art for games back then evolved with the times and plenty of them are still active as senior artist in current day studios.

Anonymous No. 885103

What's the point of that? Seems like a waste of time that just instantly breaks down what could be good conversation into inane shit-flinging.

That makes some sense, but artists have also been intentionally limiting themselves for a long time, because it can help breed creativity. That's a huge part of the motivation behind impressionism and pointillism. Writers will often write using specific restrictions and criteria for a fun challenge (famously Gadsby, a 50k novel written without the letter E). Programmers work in esolangs for fun.

I understand your point, but the fact that people idolize a nostalgic era because they can't appreciate the point doesn't detract from the unique aesthetics bred from the limitations, or the pure joy of working within interesting limitations. Hating art made with outdated limitations because it's idolized by idiots is like hating a single-player video game just because of the fanbase.

There is beauty in simplicity, and there is joy in creating something that pushes the boundaries of limitations. There's no point being hateful and cynical over something when you don't have to. There's no point being pissed off and negative over somebody else liking something.



Pablo Escobar No. 885106

striving for realism and recreating nature is utterly pointless, boring and it erodes the soul of both the artist and the onlooker

Anonymous No. 885110


Anonymous No. 885111

Thanks bro, not sure why everyone is raging so hard.

Anonymous No. 885119

Wrong. These are realtime.

Don't listen to him. He's retarded.

Anonymous No. 885122


Anonymous No. 885126

>Hating art made with outdated limitations because it's idolized by idiots is like hating a single-player video game just because of the fanbase.

I agree. I do not hate retro art, I too grew up with them games and appreciate them very much.
My grievances are directed at large swats of these retro movement fanbois, not retro art itself.

>There's no point being pissed off and negative over somebody else liking something.

Intellectual dishonesty and corrupt behavior of all sorts always bothers me when I observe it in others.
With a lot of these retro movement people that decide to just gush and worship early compromised art styles they also exhibit
a rejection of whatever is too advanced for them to engage with. It started out with them wanting to learn CG like everyone else but then it went.
"I wanna do PS2.... N64.. PSX... maybe genesis... ok 8-bit it is.. scratch that C64 is the real shit!"

These people arrive at retro art as they keep failing with modern tools. And then they fall into a pattern of attributing the difficulties
they experience to that it must've been easier to make the shitty graphics with old and shitty tools.
So they set out to uncover 90's installations of software and weird shit like that, ask what was used 'back then'
Not recognizing that art in them old games was peak artistry with the tools available at the time and not something that is 'easy and accessible'.

Anonymous No. 885261

>peak artistry with the tools available at the time
there's a heck of difference between contra and your average ljn shovelware

it was easier, standards were lower

Anonymous No. 885287

>These people arrive at retro art as they keep failing with modern tools. And then they fall into a pattern of attributing the difficulties
they experience to that it must've been easier to make the shitty graphics with old and shitty tools.
Very well said


3 coins_Nueva ani....gif

Anonymous No. 885373

Literally just use pixelover and kenshape for this.


Anonymous No. 885398

the first one isnt you massive faggot

Anonymous No. 885638

NES dev here (I'm a hipster that actually uses 6502ASM to fabricate carts) OP's original pic is GBC pixel art.
These are 3d models with a pixel filter.
This is a pre-rendered sprite, which has the ability to (with enough compression) give the illusion that 'high def' 3d models are running on older systems.

>There is beauty in simplicity, and there is joy in creating something that pushes the boundaries of limitations.
Kinda why I do what I do. I never grew up with the NES, I have no nostalga for it, yet im addicted to its simplicity because it cuts out the extra fat most modern developers cope with. By not spending hours trying to fix shader bugs and lighting glitches, I can actually focus on what makes games good in the firstplace. The gameplay.

I get the hate for retro fakers. Fuck I hate the retards who steal assets then post their game on GoFundMe only to get 10,000 out of it. But there are good devs communities out there, and even today people are pushing the hardware.

Anonymous No. 885647

>OP's original pic is GBC pixel art.
It's actually not. You probably didn't realize that it's an animated gif.



Anonymous No. 885670

Know of any tutorials to recreate the effect? Would love to try it out.



Anonymous No. 885685

Yes, pixel art is pixel are, the technique doesn't matter, it's just a tool.

Anonymous No. 885687

>Why is it a bad thing to emulate a style that's based on limitations?
It could be argued the only reason anyone would care to do so or like it is due to nostalgia
Do you see people emulating the look of cave drawings just because of the limitations cave men were under to make said art? No?
No. Most want new, recent thing. Only when you become bitter, old and jaded do you prefer old thing. All generations of humans end up like this. New is what you want as kids, old is what you want when you realize you yourself is outdated with the times.

Incidentally, it's kinda annoying the only time ever Pokemonfags ever try to imitate "old Pokemon" it's always Gen 2. Not Gen 1, not Gen 3, it's always Gen 2. Almost like most of the nostalgia for oldGen Pokemon are by the millennials that all turned 12 around the time Gen 2 happened.

Anonymous No. 885714

>Do you see people emulating the look of cave drawings just because of the limitations cave men were under to make said art? No?
Actually yes.
This was one of the first things we did in Art class. Our teacher showed us how to create paint from pigments using egg yolk and soap water as glue to bind the color pigments. We also build simple brushes ourselves and then painted in the style of cave drawings.
Starting with nothing and creating all yourself is a good learning experience.
This also applies to 3D, it might be a good idea for an beginner to start with PS1 graphics and then work your way up until current gen as a learning path.
>Only when you become bitter, old and jaded do you prefer old thing.
That's an cliche and often true, but also sometimes old things ARE better than new things.
I have an 25 year old HiFi amplifier which I bought for a couple hundred bucks.
My friend bought 5 new ones over the last 2 decades - he spent more then 1500+ bucks and all of them broke after several years.
Mine is still running.
Neither is old or new stuff inherently good or bad and neither is nostalgia or an desire for bleeding edge stuff inherently good or bad,
sometimes nostalgia is just applied wisdom and experience and the bleeding edge is so edgy you cut yourself and suffer early adopter syndrome.
Like always a healthy balance is key.

Anonymous No. 885728

Eh, I think it's foolish and reductive to try to turn things into a simple black-and-white. It's not about good and bad, or old and new, but looking at each individual style for its own merit.
Many old things are outdated, but many hold up for their own reasons. Anti-nostalgia for its own sake is just as nonsensical as nostalgia for its own sake.

The fact that young artists are emulating these styles when they have no nostalgia for them is proof enough that it's not as simple as nostalgia goggles.

> Do you see people emulating the look of cave drawings just because of the limitations cave men were under to make said art? No?
Have you taken art classes? Going to very basic fundamentals is part of learning art. Often, even just feeling the limitations helps you understand what the point is in techniques that overcome those limitations (like learning the difficulties in modelling complex organic objects directly before learning sculpting workflows, so you understand the point).

Either way, there's really no point or gain in being reductive or absolutist. Everything needs to be considered on its own merit, both with and without its surrounding context.

Anonymous No. 887665


Anonymous No. 887746

what is this from?

Anonymous No. 887833

This thread is why 3D fags should study drawing.

Anonymous No. 887946

Low Res maybe?

Anonymous No. 887965

pokemon gold and silver

Anonymous No. 888305

I don't know what it's called but I think you can achieve it with contours/posterization. It's cell shading with two colors aside from the outline.

Anonymous No. 888350

Holy fuck, everyone in this thread sucks.

like if you cant say, oh its backlit pixle animation or its cell shaded - dont fucking talk.

i dont know shit, but i know i know more than you.

Anonymous No. 888790

this is flawed because natural thing are predominantly beautiful- even the ugly stuff! textures, lighting fx, structural details are the pursuits of many artists that don't necessarily want to recreate the world they live in, but want to create a world that is fantastical yet somehow compatible enough for you to see yourself step into it and enjoy it! but many art forms have derided from technological limit and ability limits that portray things in a simpler consolidated way that have appeal due to rapid readability of shape in context and enhancement of features that play on conceptual sense of beauty, fear, and disgust e.g "eyes are beautiful"- make them bigger, "predatory features and broken forms are scary"-give it lots of teeth and misshapen limbs, "rot, disease, perversity is gross"-most adult 4chan posts... there is beauty in simplicity but it derives from first understanding what it represents in the first place and being able to portray that understanding via detailed realistic art is an act of prowess and deserves praise even in a dull subjects just as a weak art ability can be praised for its story and concept. plus we have soap dramas and people watch those while also watching explosion movies.

Anonymous No. 888791

what evil is this?- a sexy re-work kof sprit yet ruinined by cropping?

Anonymous No. 890005

From the creator of the animator, it's 3d model with a pixelation filter and clean up the model's pixels.

Anonymous No. 890006




Anonymous No. 890014

Also here the tutorial on how he did it



Anonymous No. 890135

I propose the name voxel art, after the imagined 3 dimensional equivalent of the pixel. It's a pretty easy effect to achieve using only blender and gimp

Anonymous No. 890139

I believe there is a common philosophy underpinning those who create pixel art and digital music (chiptune, dnb, etc.); regardless of technique or 'soul' or whatever, it is a sort of embracing of the quantum nature of the universe. The fact that so much art history is comprised of art that touts a monolithic, perfect and analog universe, while reality is actually made up of indivisible parts which do emerge to form larger structures but ultimately retain their digital nature. It only makes sense that a reactionary movement to this would spawn to hail this sort of universal state of multiplicity

Anonymous No. 890140

I dont know why people hate on pixel art. It's a form of abstraction and subconsciously the viewers mind adds detail that isn't really there to make up the difference. I think the general noisy-ness of pixel art also helps to that end. Maybe it's "cheating" artistically but it's also very effective. But yeah, I personally don't think it's just pure nostalgia as to why people like it.

Anonymous No. 890320

Waste of talent. Should just make their own pixelmon clone and make profit
>Inb4 it won't work unless it's the Pokemon IP
I know, but that's exactly why I say it's a waste, because Pokecucks will never move on from a babby IP.

Anonymous No. 890321

I regret to inform you that voxel art already exists

Anonymous No. 890364

>voxel art
That's fair, that looks more like a minecraftesque aesthetic. This is more like 2.5 dimensions, but the opposite of isometric art, as one is 2D imitating 3D and the other is 3D masquerading as 2D



Anonymous No. 890460

idk but I like it too

Anonymous No. 890500


Anonymous No. 890738

I was going to say it was voxel style but whatever.
Chunky pixels on vertices, pretty straight forward.