

🧵 becoming blendlet in current year

Anonymous No. 885697

is there a point in becoming a blender user when any other professional package is easier than ever to pirate and gives better overall results?

Anonymous No. 885702

Turned to maya and never looked back to that pile of shit blender again.

Anonymous No. 885706

blender has the best modelling toolset in the industry with the hopscutter addons, even surpassing MODO back when MODO was good (2012-2013)

Anonymous No. 885711

this wasn't ment to be a blender cope thread, sorry

Anonymous No. 885716

3ds max mogs you

Anonymous No. 885718


Anon the average NPC does not know how to pirate said material. Have you looked all the 3d related reddit subs? Kek. I hope it stays that way.

Anonymous No. 885817

I only use Blender for Cycles because Redshift is impossible to crack

Anonymous No. 885824

3Ds max and Maya interface are straight from 1996.
They literally haven't changed

Ugly and obscure

Anonymous No. 885825

maya ui is already perfection. No need to mess with it.

Anonymous No. 885830

3dlets think learning a program is a big deal because they have only used one.

Here's a hint, you will be learning new programs every few years in your career until you die, they all only take 2 weeks to pick up

Anonymous No. 885831

it takes far longer than 2 weeks to learn houdini effectively, shitter

Anonymous No. 885836

nah I have been using motionbuilder for 20 years

Anonymous No. 885881

literally learnt substance painter in 3 days occasionally googling shit. modern 3d programs handhold you so you really only need good design skills

Anonymous No. 885904

You don't do 3D, so it doesn't make a difference. You won't become anything.

not to mention, back in the day you might have a manual in the cd box if you're lucky, today you get hundreds of manuals online, hundreds of videos on how to use them

Anonymous No. 885922

I don't want to pay, and I don't want to pirate, so I use Blender.

Anonymous No. 885932

No other DCC has the community ecosystem that Blender has.

Anonymous No. 885934

>hopscutter addons
u mean another +10000 shortkey combs ?
You know, not everyone has a brain like a 100 zettabyte drive

Anonymous No. 885978

Its kinda funny how every Blendlet is meming and hyping this addon up, but nobody ever uses it because its a brutal filter and most people can't handle its demands.

Anonymous No. 885979

you need to git gud



Anonymous No. 886007

Me and my 3D class used Maya, after a few years almost all of us use Blender now. Why?

Free and open source
Can be deployed from a pendrive without instalation
Every tool you need in one package
3D modeling tools superior to Maya
Sculpting superior to Maya
Viewport superior to Maya
Material nodes BSDF
Eevee allows for super fast renders in view port
Organized, easy to use interface
Massive amount of plugins avaiable to specialize in any job
Video compositioning
Better retopology tools with Retopoflow, free on Github
Way more tutorials avaiable
Direct export to Unreal
Avaiable on Steam
Not Auto desk

Just a couple of considerations. IMO there is no reason why everyone shouldn't know Blender in adition to whatever main software they use. Maya has become bloated and stagnated even when it costs 4K every 3 years.

If you plan to work for Pixar then sure go ahead but even then Maya is heavily modifiesd with their own in house tools. Everyone else living in reality can get everything dome in Blender.

Anonymous No. 886025

>Massive amount of plugins avaiable to specialize in any job
And you can edit them yourself without asking if you don't like how they work or where they put things

Anonymous No. 886029

>3ds max
It's not 2008 anymore anon, you gotta let go

Anonymous No. 886044

Blender makes me so fucking mad, like most open source garbage where you need to have half a decade of experience and an IQ of 300 to use it effectively without wanting to claw your eyes out. "It works on my machine."

Anonymous No. 886053

Haha more like 2003 xD

Anonymous No. 886055

Blender has probably one of the best interfaces in the bussiness right now with the exception of the retopology tools that are all over the place (Theres an excellent free plugin for this, Retopoflow) if you cant use Blender then Im sorry to say you may be retarded.

You need IQ of 300 for Zbrush and Houdini though

Anonymous No. 886086

Still does everything I want. I'm working in ArchViz.
Beats blender any day.



Anonymous No. 886087

>Blender has probably one of the best interfaces

Anonymous No. 886094

Blender is software for hobbyists.

Anonymous No. 886186

this is actually true but its dependant on what you're doing, working with large projects? awful.

Doing personal projects? amazing.

I use maya at work then blender for just rendering out my sculpts and models and stuff at home because it's easily the path of least resistance for small jobs (this is why concept artists are getting on that shit) but it falls apart at scale.



Anonymous No. 886195

>this is actually true

Anonymous No. 886226

Unless you're working in like the literal top animation studios (which you won't be since you're posting here instead of working), a lot of companies don't want to spend money on software that isn't Adobe or stock footage. Blender is widely used, something that you'll know if your ignorant ass even got to the interview stage for a job lol



Anonymous No. 886233

>Blender is widely used
By kids and coomers maybe

Anonymous No. 886237

You're either trolling or still in school, you have no idea how stingy companies are lol... Trust me, just learn to at least navigate modelling on it so you can put that software on your resume, then actually learn it later during the notice period that you give to your first job after lying during the interview that you know Blender :) The market is realistic, free shit always wins unless you're Adobe (and even then more and more companies are pivoting to shitware like Canva).

Anonymous No. 886239




Anonymous No. 886241

>free shit always wins
Jesus fucking Christ...

Anonymous No. 886242

Then the companies you work for must be either extremely rich or extremely ballsy... good for you lol

Anonymous No. 886243

What can artists do when the project manager doesn't give a shit, but suck the toes of the CEO? Profits and budgets first.

Anonymous No. 886244

It's one of the largest VFX houses in Germany atm, considering that it started with four people in a draughty loft.

Anonymous No. 886245

That's nice, I'm happy for you! But don't forget that not all companies are willing to spend, even if they have the money to. I work at an MNC, and despite content being our bread and butter, they are stingy as hell. For 90 percent of studios, they will use freeware if the production hits a "good enough" standard with it, just go on Jobstreet, Indeed, etc, and search Blender, Canva, Gravit... money is king.

Anonymous No. 886248

Cope! Press F12 to have fun. Yall left click menu tards think Woowoooo Blender is shit cause its free until you realize that cracking a heavy ass program that demands you the best fucking PC still crashes because of spaghetti code, sending your projects and autosaves to hell. Yall so retarded like Apple cult chumpanzees.



Anonymous No. 886249

Well if Maya can deal with larger projects why does it crash when you do subdivision surface to a cube on an I7 8K RTX 2070 PC? I wanted to learn industry compliant 3d software but knowing how much Maya and Studio Max crashes and how little schools teach Cinema 4D I took blender. Why can people handle large projects with Maya? I tried to retopo a cone head mantis in Maya after sculpting the 17 million faces on Blender, Maya crashed while opening the FBX while in Blender it handles just a bit lagging but stable

Anonymous No. 886251

>ITT coping shitskins & poorfags

Anonymous No. 886252

>Blender is shit cause its free
No, Blender was made free because it was shit.
>Yall so retarded
I am afraid you'll never become a true lady.
>Maya crashed while opening the FBX
Modo and C4d also crash when you open certain Blender fbx files....you realize there is a pattern here?
I use both Maya and Blender, yesterday Maya crashed once, Blender crashed 7 times.
Truly stable - none of them is.

Anonymous No. 886279

blender is so intuitive and light for my mere 8gb ram laptop

Anonymous No. 886305

Hello, chad who uses both here. That's probably just blender's shithouse FBX stuff, blender actually can't open skeletons made in maya right now as far as I can tell even if they work perfectly in every other program.

Also don't retopo on a high res mesh, decimate it down, there is no reason to retopo on the full res mesh.

Anonymous No. 886469

only if you're building a pipeline around grease pencil, otherwise go with maya (or even max)
it's too late for me, otherwise i'd dump this garbage immediately
t. blendlet since 2.43

Anonymous No. 886659

Yes, that's true... I think many 3D artists care a lot about learning how to use Maya in case they have to do some subcontract or direct contract work with companies like Pixar, Dreamworks and others... but when they they give you access to the version of MAYA that they use, basically it is a totally different software because they have a million custom plugins... even, in architecture companies, not even Sketshup is saved, because when they give you access to the software of them, it's basically new software with a bunch of add-ons that you won't be able to use when you stop working for those companies.
So if you are a self-employed user, it doesn't matter what software you use, only the results matter and if Blender is better for you, then you can use it without worrying about anything else.
In addition to the fact that ALL companies that are in the industry of Cinema, Video Games, Architecture, Toy Manufacturing (...) will always make you take a training course for the use of their custom software, so do not worry about knowing or not 100% using MAYA, 3DMax, Haudin (...) they will only ask you for a good portfolio... then, they will provide you with the Software knowledge. So if you like BLENDER and want to use it, then use it.

Anonymous No. 886663

>is there a point in becoming a [hammer brand X] user when any other [hammer brand] is easier than ever to [steal from home depot]?

Anonymous No. 886993

the most based reply in this entire thread

Anonymous No. 887162

>then you can use it without worrying about anything else.
I'd like to not worry about however, getting shit in and out of Blender is pain due to it's busted-ass FBX and DAE support. Hell DAE support was so bad at one point the Blender devs considered dropping it entirely.

Anonymous No. 887252

I vastly prefer blender for actual modeling/rigging/weight painting but oh my fucking lord Blender UV mapping makes me want to strangle someone after experiencing how easy it is with Maya.

Anonymous No. 887259

not a fan of modeling in Maya. I like the node-based aspect, but it feels archaic compared to blender. still looking to use Maya for animation though

Anonymous No. 887391


Imagine having to steal your software to make anything worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 887820

why does everyone shit on 3ds max?
like, genuine question. i frequently see things that imply 3ds max is better for modeling while maya is better for animation
seriously though i wanna learn one but i have no clue which one i should pick

Anonymous No. 887822

Please leave /3/ when you're new at this, everybody is shitposting and making people confused. Join EXP or Dinusty discord community and go from there.

Anonymous No. 887824

well i certainly am confused
also is there anything i should know about either of those discord communities (plus where i can find EXP, not sure if it's ExperiencePoints or something else)?



Anonymous No. 887825

>also is there anything i should know about either of those discord communities (plus where i can find EXP, not sure if it's ExperiencePoints or something else)?

if you fuck up once with racism or hatespeech you will be banned for life.

Anonymous No. 887826

uh oh...

Anonymous No. 887831

>EXP or Dinusty discord community
What if I'm not interested in environment art and getting into muh vidya or film industry as a 3D monkey?
Are there any good big communities focused on art fundamentals in 3DCG context in general? Or, say, motion graphics?

Anonymous No. 887832

cgpersia forums

Anonymous No. 887839


For hard surface modeling I have better and faster results with Blender. It's also much more pleasant to use for this task.

Anonymous No. 887840


This. I get that the Blender fanbase is fucking trash. But Blender itself is really good, especially for modeling. The workflow feels very modern and natural. In Max or Maya, I always feel like I fight against the software.

Anonymous No. 887847

3ds max modifiers beat blender modifiers. But blender's poly tools are really nice, except for target welding verts and getting a menu popup when you want to delete (fuckin annoying).

Anonymous No. 887868


I just wish they added an edit poly modifier and the ability to target modifiers to any kind of selection, not just vertex groups.

Anonymous No. 887878

Exp is experience points, and yes, those communities also have art discussion and learning resource channels.

Anonymous No. 887907

Yea, and fix the simple deform modifier. That thing is annoying.

Anonymous No. 887924

>5 extra fucking steps to change a pivot point
>stupidly convoluted MATH driver system vs ezpz braindead KEYING relationship editor
>modern and natural workflow
Please stop. I use Blender for work, it's very good for a free software, but please don't fucking kid yourself, its workflow is fucking horrendous compared to Maya.

Anonymous No. 887925

>use Blender for work
>5 extra fucking steps to change a pivot point

Jesus, just download one of multiple addons for that if you still have trouble with changing pivot points. It's a single click for me. I know, it's stupid, but it's even more stupid to use Blender professionally and still complain about shit like this instead of doing something about it.

Anonymous No. 887929

>just install 70 million fucking addons, bro
>free download there, $15 here, $70 there, monthly $25 sub to patreon over there...
>to end up with a jury-rigged piece of crap where addons may conflict for any reason and the conflicts never resolved
... all just to have basic QoL functions and functionality?

>total cost: 6 gorillion dollars

Stick with Maya, lol.

Blender has the same business model as modern games, release a piece of crap and let the community "fix" it for you for free.

Anonymous No. 887940

>just download 150 addons to fix blendlet and bloat it
blender is fucking zrash for anything but hard surface modelling, and even in there fusion360 beats it.

Anonymous No. 887950

How is hopscutter "brutal"?

Anonymous No. 887980

200+ shortcuts can be brutal for most monkey brains.



Anonymous No. 888009


Changing the pivot point doesn't require any plugins, it's simple as fuck. Just learn the software before using it.

Press N to open the right pannel, click on the tool tab and you'll see Transform > Affect only: and select Origin. You can right click the tickbox to assign this to a shortcut or add it to your quick favorites.

Anonymous No. 888010


Monkey brains are people like you who use these zoomer tools because they're too lazy to learn proper modeling techniques.

Anonymous No. 888017

How the fuck are you supposed to change the pivot of selected faces/verts then? Also it's still more retarded buttons stowed away in the UI rather just pressing D.

Anonymous No. 888021

I think most of /3/ posters wouldn’t survive a week on discord. There’s way too many pointless arguments, name calling and offensive language for the smallest reasons across the entire board.

Anonymous No. 888035


Gotta love it when Maya nukes your mesh after doing undos after the wrong operations.

Anonymous No. 888037

you really made an compelling argument why you have shit for brains.

Anonymous No. 888038


Oh and gotta love having a broken inset tool and a broken bevel tool. And no weighted normals in 2022 (none of the scripts work properly either).

Anonymous No. 888039


Nice non argument. Go back doing your shitty sci fi models with booleans, your meshes are probably just as dirty as your mother in bed.

Anonymous No. 888049

>non argument.
Kinda rich, coming from the retard that hasn't made a SINGLE fucking argument that is relevant.
Are you 12 years old?

Anonymous No. 888057

Do you know how you do it in Maya?



Kind of a shitty example to showcase muh shortcut-based blender.

Anonymous No. 888090

you know what...Blender actually didn't had a proper way of moving the origin before version 2.81 or 2.82. (fairly recently)
Before that you had to place the 3d cursor and then snap the origin to the position of the cursor.
Considering the fact that you can bind a new shortcut to it in under 3 seconds, this is a trivial thing to archive and an absolute stupid thing to complain about.
Maya lacks 15 other shortcuts I use daily and overall it is much slower because of that, despite the marking menu.
There are 50+ other things wrong with Blender and this isn't one of them.

Anonymous No. 888100

>still no answer for this >>888017
Just admit your free software is meant to be dogshit and move on dude
>Maya lacks 15 other shortcuts I use daily and overall it is much slower because of that, despite the marking menu
>he doesn't know that you can make custom shelves on maya
I really, really, really, fucking hate rookies

Anonymous No. 888101

>shelves and preferences corrupting every single day
no thanks. You can have your maya.

Anonymous No. 888102

Do you like, not see the irony in your statement or are blendlets all really this retarded

Anonymous No. 888109

>Just admit your free software is meant to be dogshit.
Ok, its dogshit, but still faster than Maya when it comes to modelling, and I can make great art with it.
I am just using it dude, I don't attach my ego to the tools I use, like the majority of retards here (((you))).
I am also using Maya and Houdini and on some days I think they are dogshit too.
Like when Maya eats my custom shelf or Houdini crashes my whole computer inclusive the OS and all running programs.
>>he doesn't know that you can make custom shelves on maya
Oh, interesting, now that we talk about Maya, clicky shit is suddenly as good as shortcuts? (it isn't you fucking retard).
>I really, really, really, fucking hate rookies
I've been using Maya since version 7, when it was still made by Alias, way before your time. That makes you the fucking Rookie.
Do you hate yourself?

Anonymous No. 888407


Anonymous No. 888408

Why would I use that shit when I regularly pirate Maya, 3ds, the substance suite and zbrush?

Anonymous No. 888422





Anonymous No. 888423


For poly modeling, I think it's one of the best tools. It's not as in depth as max but it's sure as hell better than Maya and the workflow is much better and faster than Max's.



Anonymous No. 888425


Anonymous No. 888426


And yet I'm right. But that's the kind of answer I'd expect from a clueless autist who think he's a pro because he's using a cracked copy of maya even though his portfolio is empty as his pockets. Plenty of pros are now using Blender, and saying it's a great tool. Even AAA game companies are increasingly allowing their artists to use blender (including Rockstar Games). Seethe all you want, you'll always be irrelevant as your opinions. Autodesk will never give a shit about you.

Anonymous No. 888440

another cris thread that baited many newshits

chad autodesk refuser

Anonymous No. 888466

>back when MODO was good (2012-2013)
Why is midi so shit?

Anonymous No. 888469

Based software agnostic

Anonymous No. 888485

Because Foundry treated it like the ugly retarded stepson and didn't invest in its future.
Modo had tons of potential, most of it didn't came to fruition because the "family" played it safe and invested all in Nuke and a little in Katana, Mari and Modo where getting only the scraps.
Modo isn't shit, but its confused and slightly retarded.

Anonymous No. 888508

MODO is still excellent for hard surface modelling

Anonymous No. 888510


Anonymous No. 888539


The funny thing is that I'm also a Maya user. But people shitting on blender because it's free is just pathetic.

Anonymous No. 888540

You sound like a poorfag. Glad we segregate from people like you in my country.

Anonymous No. 888561

>easier than ever to pirate
You're still using a pirated product. Blender is FREE AS FREEDOM and does an acceptable job, so there's no real reason for you to keep using a closed source product.
The only software that I still don't like at this moment is gimp and its fucking atrocious bloat, so a pirated photoshop still is a superior choice in 2022.



Anonymous No. 888579


Anonymous No. 888581

LMAO get blacked cuck



Anonymous No. 888582

>also rent-free
kys frog

Anonymous No. 888585

Based frog. Unemployed are seething

Anonymous No. 888586


How predictable. I speak french but I'm not french. There is such a thing as learning different languages.



Anonymous No. 888588

Why would you set your UI to the gayest language in existence? Are you a resident of the non-country called Belgium...or worse, are you a Swiss mountain jew?!

Anonymous No. 888589


Because French is awesome and complex. It's also the best language for toilet humor.

Anonymous No. 888590

Not him but there's an entire French language only CG community online that's actually better than the English one and like half of the good artists in gaming are from Quebec

We actually miss out on a lot by not speaking frog

Anonymous No. 888591

Men talking french just sound gay af

Piss off, I'd rather learn Hungarian

Anonymous No. 888595

New to Blender, why does symmetry keep breaking for no reason?

Anonymous No. 888596


What's the name of that community? I'd love to join. French Canadians are really good at this stuff.

Anonymous No. 888597

This. English all the way.



Anonymous No. 888803

>try to learn blender
>realize im fucking retard and can't learn or retain information I get from guides

Anonymous No. 888810

why do you use maya

Anonymous No. 888924

If you get a job doing 3d does it stop being fun as a hobby?

Anonymous No. 888935

Some people prefer having jobs and non retarded UIs

Anonymous No. 888952

Working on the job might be not as fun occasionally, but that comes from not having artistic control, a problem that does not arise from personal work.
Burn out can be a thing though, but IMHO it doesn't matter what burns you out if the end result is the same.



Anonymous No. 888955

Because the guides you're looking at or watching are shit and people who start by spending 5 hours explaining the UI before settling you into your first model need to be executed

Anonymous No. 888959

A child will fall down 100 times when learning how to walk
But they’ll never think "this isn’t for me".

Anonymous No. 888963

oh there is one faggot who wants to cut off their feet. I don't get it, but such monsters are real.

Anonymous No. 888978




Anonymous No. 889031

How does Blender compare to Messiah (for animation)?

Anonymous No. 889032

I miss Messiah. I had a license for an older license and it was a great supplement.

Anonymous No. 889055


I'm the guy who posting the pic. I'm actually using Blender for all of my modeling work, I'm only using Maya for scenes compatibility when I'm doing remote work for clients (I pipe in my models made on Blender). I just tried modeling in Maya after all this time and dear god it's absolute dogshit. It crashes if you undo too much, it messes up your mesh on the fly after some operations such as booleans, the bevel keeps breaking, it creates nonmanifold geometry on the fly. Then again, Maya is an animator's tool but there is no excuse for how buggy it is when it comes to this stuff. Which is a shame because I still like the workflow for direct modeling.

Anonymous No. 889058


who posted*

Anonymous No. 889066

Should I upgrade from my Vega 64? Is AMD still shit at rendering? I saw someone mention that their 6900XT can now render the BMW scene in 19 seconds. I can get a 6900XT for 1200 right now, while 3080s are all still out of stock, 3080ti's are 1300+, and 3090s are out of the range of what I would want to spend..

If I could get a 10 gb 3080 for msrp - I would. But is the 6900XT looking good?

totally not an echidna No. 889067

i mean, you can make shitty porn of anything and people will buy it

Anonymous No. 889112


AMD is still shit at rendering, they have HIP for Blender which is a CUDA translation layer, but OptiX is literally 2x faster than CUDA. Just buy 3060 Ti if you're a poorfag or 3090 otherwise.



Anonymous No. 889558

maybe blender is worse
but maya looks visually worse and im not willing to learn it
ill happily stay a vanilla blender user

Anonymous No. 889562

vanilla blender is actually useless, you need at least some UV addons and you have no reason not to have machin3tools

Maya's a bit weird because I definitely had all those problems when I had to start using it for work but then I just stopped having them? You can't model in it like you do in blender you have to work maya style but it's fine once you do.

There's actually a lot of stuff I think is way better for modeling like the way you edit pivot points (vs the 3d cursor which is slower) and the grouping system, multicut is awesome too and obviously the UV out of the box destroys blender.

Anonymous No. 889564

>you need at least some UV addons
i do suck at UVs
what are some good UV addons ? and what are they used for ?

Anonymous No. 889568

I use UV packmaster pro (actually decent packing), UV toolkit (fast pie menus, straightening, transform/align tools, you can just use the free UV squares addon if all you need is shell straightening) and texel density checker 3.3.1 (free).

Also if you're doing game enviro art the ultimate trim addon is handy too



J.C. Denton No. 889608

Know where I can get some enterprise level motor modeling and simulation software?
I'm just a poor hobbyist trying to learn the craft.

Anonymous No. 889729

Long time maya box modeler here. Absolutely hated Blender over the years. However, now it's a bit better, but only if you spend money on good plugins.

I don't really use it for much exept when I'm doing sketchup or simple cad stuff.

I use Maya-Config-Ani-Pro plugin for navigation and hotbox menus. Then, I have to go in and enable a few things like wireframe in the viewport. I also use an Addon/plugin called Construction Lines when I dabble in projects where I need CAD type stuff.

I can uv in Maya very quickly so I don't even bother doing that in Blender. And if I'm doing anything else like creating game assets or anything I just use maya. I'm not dealing with retarded ass Blender.

But yeah, it's a nice program if you can take the time to set it up for your specific use.

Anonymous No. 889759

bevel=Press b
weighted normals=just duplicate mesh, bevel, copy normals to original

now silence blendlet.



Anonymous No. 890007

It's the only one that's not a CAD that works natively in Linux. I plan to acquire zbrush when I get my windows partition set up, but I still plan to use blender just on principal. Participating in the blender scene is more than just using a 3d program to make some game assets or whatever, it's a collective learning experience and demystification of the whole world of digital sculpture with a uniquely democratic process of feature creation. It may be counterinuitive sometimes, but this is only due to the deeply ambitious nature of an open-source 3d modelling software. Not only that, but it is also perched to become an all-in-one video editor, image editor, and 2d animation software.

tl;dr blender's the new flash; it's a cultural phenomenon and there's nothing that can be done about that. Either you get with it or you shill some 3rd party 'equivalent' that will surely be lost to the annals of history

Anonymous No. 890009

>Most romantic language in the world
>Any woman who hears it within a 30 foot radius creams their pants
>gay af
You're gay for not learning French, get some bitches already

Anonymous No. 890012

Gimp seriously sucks ass. Is photoshop just that easy to pirate that no one even bothers to fix all of gimps byzantine code and ui disaster?
I mean, don't get me wrong, gimp can get the job done, but I have to prepare for at least 30 minutes of googling upon opening it up

Anonymous No. 890013

But anon, unwrapping your model like a delicate piece of origami is just part of the fun

Anonymous No. 890595

picked up a 3080ti

Anonymous No. 890668

>Because French is awesome and complex
I hate french fags so much.
shove your subjonctif up your ass you faggot
I'd unironically prefer to learn hindi and talk to pajeets than french people.

Anonymous No. 890674


You're just not used to it. With a couple of addons it's a breeze.

Anonymous No. 890676


Now let's talk about what Maya can't do modeling-wise compared to blender. :^) The list goes on and on. Reminder that most people who use Maya in studios hate it's guts. People who use Blender love it.

Anonymous No. 890678


C'est ton avis, va te faire enculer sous-merde.

Anonymous No. 890700

>t. google translate
I studied engineering in france
french sucks ass

Anonymous No. 890722

>Men talking french just sound gay af
Cope fag, when I talk normally women are telling me it's so romantic (thing you'll never hear) and cum their pants

Anonymous No. 890727

>caring what women think
I think we all know who the faggot is here.

Anonymous No. 890729

Yes we know it, it's you. The gay chemicals will consume you one day



Anonymous No. 890730

>t. french'man'


Screenshot 2021-0....png

Anonymous No. 890731

>when I talk normally women are telling me it's so romantic (thing you'll never hear) and cum their pants


picardia 3.png

Anonymous No. 890733

you spotted me, i'm a french man

Anonymous No. 890737

>hon hon hon baguette
You will never be Italian.
Anyway, to actually stay on topic, there is very little reason for a hobbyist to use a professional package. Blender will cover most of your needs.

Anonymous No. 890739

>You will never be Italian.
Why would I want to be a poorer French?
>Blender will cover most of your needs.
Yes, and especially if you start, paying a shitload of money for a software that is a little better here and there is absolutely not worth it

Anonymous No. 890824

This thread has been wonderful for finding out that most suites have a shit shelf and you should find out how to backup settings asap.



Anonymous No. 890841

Hello 3 :3

I'm a male nurse and am tired of my job - always wanted to earn money with some artistic stuff - I've been modeling in my childhood, but I'm wondering if that's possible to get into it on a professional level or it's just not possible - I mean maybe it's infested with some Indians?

Anonymous No. 890856

Hello, sir, it is not infested with some Indias.
It is infested with a ton of Indians.
But do not fret, sir, if you do the needful it is possible to surpass them.

Anonymous No. 890881

thank you good sir for the answer :3

im just wondering if its doable and if i should even try :/

Anonymous No. 890883

it's doable, assuming you don't have to go pro next week
don't quit your job until you're good enough and have enough clients or get a job at a studio

Anonymous No. 890957

Blender and unreal, many companies don't want to invest in 1 hour a frame renders and would rather just have unreal do it as long as its not suppose to seamlessly mesh with irl things.

Anonymous No. 890959

depending on what you are doing, gimp trades blows with photoshop, but photoshop is just that much easier/painless to use, granted I bought affinity so I don't have to pirate photoshop anymore.

Anonymous No. 890960

every single explanation about how to use blender should treat it as if it was digital legos, and have people learn from there, simple extruded shit, making vague shapes.

from there, it should teach you the most common fixes for what you just fucked up/want to accomplish

and everything passed there is just more and more niche applications/things you may want to do, each of these split into fundamental areas like box modeling, sculpting, animation, compositing

Anonymous No. 890965

programs like these only dont crash when you have VERY specific certified pc builds, if you don't have the specific builds with specific pro gpu drivers, they all tend to crash.

Anonymous No. 891064

can someone answer this already? I'm used to changing transform pivot constantly, now I tried to use Blender for the first time and this shit is driving me insane. Also what the fuck is that cursor thing?

Anonymous No. 891865

what's the best blender YouTube tutorial for beginners

Anonymous No. 891869

The official fundamentals series. After that you should have an idea of what you can do next

Anonymous No. 892261

I started off with maya (and a little 3dsmax) because of uni
But I had to learn blender because of my job. We wanted to switch to 3dsmax, even gor the licences, then blender 2.8 happened and now we only use 3dsmax for rendering in vray (and because external companys use it)
Fuck me I never want to go back modeling in maya. Also, the GoB-addon for Zbrush is comfy af

Yes I became just another blendlet but hell, it just makes life so much easier, especially once you know how to write python scripts
And Autodesk fucking sucks as a company, theyre leaving their programs to die, 3dsmax desperately needs an overhaul, but all they care about is their CAD investments

Anonymous No. 893233

The sane reply

Anonymous No. 893978

>and gives better overall results
>Doesn't give examples

Anonymous No. 893985

What's the best way to take animated scenes to an ILDA file for a lasershow? Silhoulettes might sometimes be OK but you might also want object outlines/edges with the eyes always drawn. I want to avoid doing a ton of hand-drawn work in an ILDA show editor. You gotta keep it simple somehow, even a 60K galvo system starts to flicker badly with not very complex images.

Anonymous No. 893989

example is literally everything you look at (architecture, design, VFX) VS shitty 3D porn on reddit



Anonymous No. 894276

Blender's UI hasn't changed much either when you think hard about it.

Anonymous No. 895747

doesnt uv toolkit already has all what you need? What about those others you mention..?

Anonymous No. 895787

whos that dude? Got memed to infinity, some game dev?

Anonymous No. 895805

it does not

Anonymous No. 895836

why the fuck would you assume its a game dev?

Anonymous No. 895862

because it looks weird, of course

Anonymous No. 895881

Should I switch to Blender if I have a student version of Maya that is still stuck in 2020 and won't upgrade anymore?
I'll have to learn the program from 0 but seems safer in the long run.

Anonymous No. 895980

How the fuck do people even pirate maya and 3ds these days? Biggest reason I use blender is the iron paywall

Anonymous No. 895994

It feels like Maya has become stagnated over the last 10 years while Blender's development has become supercharged since around 2.8, like it's made so much progress over the last three years it makes my head spin. It's like they took some magical elixir or something.

Anonymous No. 896001

>start using blender back a few days ago
>doesn't keep perspective because of a fucking option that you have to turn off yourself
>still cannot weight-paint back-faces
>still cannot hide vertices in object mode unless you spam mask modifiers
>shortcuts hell
Blender still is as fucking annoying as Gimp.
The reason why Maya and Photoshop are 1st world leaders is because users don't have to deal with garbage annoyances like this.

Anonymous No. 896015


Lol you don’t even use half of what it currently offers. There is nothing to innovate other than bug fixes and general performance improvements which is fine for a mature product. Everything works while blender will still be behind blender in the next 10 years with the likes of zbrush, Maya and houdini

Anonymous No. 896305

Asking again, what's the best tutorial channel for Blender for someone who has some experience in Maya and isn't a complete beginner.
There is a high amount of tutorials and most of them are kinda dogshit.

Anonymous No. 896363


Anonymous No. 896390

>Learns blender because everybody else is doing it too




Anonymous No. 897411

>doesn't keep perspective
Just put in a camera??? Numpad 0 to switch to camera view, or the little camera circle in the upper right corner of viewport
>still cannot weight-paint back-faces
Yes you can. Unless you mean to imply you can weight paint two sides of the same vertex, which literally no software does.
>still cannot hide vertices in object mode
Okay this one actually is KINDA valid, but I'd rather it be a modifier as it is now- only requiring one, mind you- than figure out why half my model is missing. Plus it means I can tab to see the effects of edit-mode tweaking are with a Tab press.
>shortcuts hell
There are literally zero shortcut keys for operations you can't also do from area menus or context menus.
>photoshop as your other example

Yall can't simp for Maya without giving concrete examples of how it's any better. >>886007 >>886659 these people get it.

>geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 897412

I don't doubt Maya, etc. are GOOD, and if you wanna use it then by all means keep using it, just don't shit on Blender when there's a plugin or a simple solution for your minor gripes.

Or literally just write your own plugin.

Anonymous No. 897416

>Never say anything. Just use them for information.

Anonymous No. 897551

bro thats from YEARS ago. Like stfu



Anonymous No. 897585

I was about to say "that's the point", but yeah that post was literally two months old when they responded to it.

I knew /3/ was slow, I didn't realize it was THAT slow that a thread could survive that long.

Anonymous No. 897829

Do what >>891869 says and after a few videos when you feel you know the interface better, I suggest doing the donut, then the chair then the anvil and then follow the advice the donut guy gives in this video:

Anonymous No. 897952


Anonymous No. 897953

Changing programs wont make you instantly better just pick one and learn.

Anonymous No. 897976

Why 'lol'?



Anonymous No. 898557

Absolute beginner here, just clicked onto the board, haven't downloaded any software yet, give me the rundown on the main ones. So far I'm leaning zbrush but I honestly don't know jack about anything.

Anonymous No. 898626

No, eat shit.

Anonymous No. 898653

ZBrush is the best for sculpting, and Houdini or Blender are good for everything else. You could use Maya and other Autodesk products, but they're expensive and their UIs look out-of-date.

Anonymous No. 898663

If you try aouodesk have at least 150gb free for MASSIVE bloat

Anonymous No. 898895

>give me the rundown on the main ones
read the fucking sticky

Anonymous No. 899084

>read le cringe sticky

Anonymous No. 899105

>still wondering why youre stuck in shit

Anonymous No. 899388

I'm a hobbyist chad so I use blender, simple as.