

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 885872

What was his secret?

Anonymous No. 885876

Hard work and dedication

Anonymous No. 885877

non meme answer please

Anonymous No. 885883

He wanted to do that stuff really bad. I'm sure the content he consumed had a lot to do with the stuff he was able to make.

Anonymous No. 885886

Who is he for a start.

Anonymous No. 885888

who is this?

Anonymous No. 885891

Hard work and dedication

Anonymous No. 885892

You know who he is lol it’s montyoum.

Anonymous No. 885914

That name does not ring any bells. I'm very sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 885919

He the greatest fight scene animator of autodesk maya

Anonymous No. 885923

His work had passion. He died from allergies. Dont watch RWBY tho. He did that in collab with rooster teeth. The fight scenes seemed fine but it has a lot of amateur stuff that rooster teeth added on.

Anonymous No. 885958

Deep-throating Jew cock and balls

Anonymous No. 885973

I'm not sorry you think there is an easy button for this.

Anonymous No. 886011

RWBY was amazing but only the first 2 seasons that he worked on. RWBY was his personal project he was only allowed to work on it after years of doing stupid shit like Red vs Blue. RWBY is also the reason I got into 3D but you can see how it immediately turns to shit when hes gone after Season 2.

Anonymous No. 886012

He also died of malpractice. He was allergic to aspirin but I guess nobody bothered to tell the doctor.

Anonymous No. 886014

What did he use to make rwby?

Anonymous No. 886015

Volume 3 was honestly the best rwby season that had been put out, but holy shit I've never seen a more drastic drop in quality from 3 > 5. Genuinely embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 886017

He used Poser, not Maya. RWBY started using maya after his death

Anonymous No. 886031

Looked better in Poser

Anonymous No. 886079

Agreed. I really liked the simple style of the first 3 sessons. Apparently poser was very limiting, which imo added to its charm, and RT wanted to use maya but monty refused when he was alive.

Anonymous No. 886080

Also to respond to OP, his fight choreography came from not just his knowledge of martial arts but most importantly dance choreography which he combined. Id say that was his secret.

Anonymous No. 886138

Selling absolute ungodly bad weebshit to dumb 14 yo retards

Anonymous No. 886673

can someone at least post some reel of this guy? how am I supposed to know who this asshole is?

Anonymous No. 886681

he said in one of his interviews that his life revolves around work. he basically gets up, gets prepared and work the whole day, takes a shower and goes to bed. the determination is something he was good at. i did 3d shit for a long time and i'd be working on a scene then just lose interest when i can't figure out how to light, texture or render properly. i didn't even want to touch animation, that shit is hard.

Anonymous No. 886682

>damn, what the fuck is google

Anonymous No. 886709

Being asian.

Anonymous No. 886771

hydrogen peroxide

Anonymous No. 886842

more soul than technical skill. soul will always be the most important factor.

Anonymous No. 887319

He's that guy that ruined Red vs Blue with his cringe bullshit Halo anime storylines.
You know, where instead of the show being about the Reds killing those dirty blues, it devolved into a stupid pre-rendered anime show about literal whos that look like they were made in DAZ, and the main RvB characters never show up.

That guy, Monty.

Anonymous No. 887325

That's pretty fucking awful.

Anonymous No. 887383

The camera work is not the best but if you dont see what's good about this you're dillusional.

Anonymous No. 887395

disillusional isn't a word

>if you dont see what's good about this
I don't.
What's so good about this?
The creator evidently consumed industrial quantities of anime and thought to put together string of anime fight scenes where a bunch of anime characters with PS2 era visuals beat each others' asses. To me it looks like a generic weaboo's wet dream which could only have been made through to the power of sheer autism.
I mean, props to the guy, but to call it "good" in any way is delusional. Conceptually, it's the equivalent of a capeshit crossover mega-fight (coughEndgamecough), it's only "good" to the fans of the source material because they're having a fangasm over it, everyone else is just left wondering what's so special about it and who the fuck the characters even are. Technically, the animations are floaty, unpolished and lack weight, which is pretty bad for fight choreographies, and it's typical when subpar skills are stretched too thin over a project that's far too wide in scope.

Anonymous No. 888412

autism + asian

Anonymous No. 888770

he never topped haloid

DKKKV No. 888988

the nice hair

Anonymous No. 889046

The animations aren't even his. He ripped shit from games and threw them together.

Anonymous No. 889074

Of course it looks like it has PS2 Era visuals. It was made during the late ps2 period.