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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 885900

Why does 3D look so fucking uncanny and unnatural?

Anonymous No. 885901

there was a time that anime looked unreal and unnatural to the west. one day shitty 3d will be the norm, you'll have your day to shine.



Anonymous No. 885902

Not true as the Disney movies was was animated the same way, so the west always grew up on 2D before soulless corporations ran by jews realized how much money they could save producing abominations

Anonymous No. 885908

>Why does 3D look so fucking uncanny and unnatural?

Most anime style video games now are cel shaded, and look more like 2D than 3D. It's more the bizarre juxtaposition between something hyper realistic and cartoonish (like in OP's pic) that looks uncanny.

Anonymous No. 885944

Because it is made by nerds with no talents.

Anonymous No. 885959

I could have sworn we had this exact same thread, with the exact same text and op image just 2 months ago. What is going on in here?

Anonymous No. 885965

Absolutely. These people are technicians, not artists.

Anonymous No. 885974

I used to think old ppg was too simple and then the new animators rolled around and I learned that you could ruin something simple

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Anonymous No. 885975

Its because of lighting.

You cant use accurate lighting that is meant to represent real life objects on Anime characters. If you do you will see that theyre monstrosities that shouldnt exist in the real world with eyeballs the size of tennis balls.

This is why cell shading was created. One of the newest Anime techniques is not even making the eyeballs, instead the pupils and highlights rest on an empty socket with a white background.

If you use the correct techniques for making Anime in 3D they're almost indistinguishable from 2D. Look at Geishin Impact, Dragonball Fighter Z, Granblue Fantasy etc.

Anonymous No. 885981

good post

Anonymous No. 885984

These people aren't technicians or artists at all, they're not capable of separating their art from the medium. If the software won't supply them with certain effects they will never try and get around it in clever ways. For good 3D NPR rendering you have to be both a technician and an artist. If you miss the artist side your stuff will miss composition and other artist fundamentals which are even more important in NPR than elsewhere. If you're an artist but not a technician you will forever be stuck with what your software will offer you instead of what you can squeeze out of it, and your renderings will look samey and uninteresting.

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Anonymous No. 885987

I really there was more hyper realistic anime art like this. Might have something to do with the people using Blender instead of V-ray.

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Anonymous No. 885988

>You cant use accurate lighting that is meant to represent real life objects on Anime characters.
Then why do anime figures look good?

Anonymous No. 886000

Have you seen an anime figure moving? It would look uncanny. I mean if you're good enough you can make everything work but for 99% of the cases you will get an effect like OPs post.

Anonymous No. 886013

There’s this one Chinese anime with these figurine dudes moving and it doesn’t look good. It’s popular but I can’t remember the name

Anonymous No. 886061

I prefer that it looks odd rather than try to emulate 2D 1:1 like >>885944

Anonymous No. 886063

Youre using an example of 3d attempting to replicate someone's original vision that was only supposed to be in 2d. There is no guarantee that 3d will look good in these cases. Its the same thing thats wrong with lots of 1 to 1 remakes and reitterations. They only do it for money and nothing else. No vision.

Anonymous No. 886360

my assumption would be because the eyes, mouth and other finer details are painted on

Anonymous No. 886397

because 3d is 1000x harder to master then 2d

Anonymous No. 886430

The city scenes with lots of mechanical stuff look great but a huge thing missing in all of the examples he shows are human characters. The ones there are always facing away from the camera and pretty much not moving at all, the hardest part of matching 3D and 2D is stuff like OP's picture which unsurprisingly looks really shitty

Anonymous No. 886470

i need to master all of the anime techniques

Anonymous No. 886768

Next time try using cel-shading, makes direct 2D to 3D conversions look less abominable

Anonymous No. 886785

To be fair, I've not seen any figure move.

Anonymous No. 886820


Anonymous No. 886996

Because you;re fucking retarded. It's like saying
>Why does ic beg tier art, aka what I'll deem all 2D art that isn't made by Japanese people, look uncanny and unnatural
Professional 3D looks better than 2D, when a skillful creator puts his soul into it.

Anonymous No. 886997

That still has an uncanny look to it, but like >>886000 said (nice digits btw), it looks ayy lmao tier when they move. Anime is a dead medium for realistic 3D, and only disney looking western designs work in both 2D and 3D.

Anonymous No. 886999

Shading with black

Anonymous No. 887000

wtf is that ear.

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Anonymous No. 887087

>Why does 3D look so fucking uncanny and unnatural?
because the guy creating it doesn't know how to create ArcSystem Works level stuff. 3d can look even better than 2d.

Anonymous No. 887097

In stills the most common issue is shit lighting. In motion it's that 3d animation is usually bad.

Anonymous No. 887098

soulless : soul

Anonymous No. 887099

Arcsys is definitely one of the best but even here showcases one of the biggest issues of 3d which is adding detail is insanely expensive, hence Frieza and Goku are basically spotless unlike in the anime

Anonymous No. 887104

both have soul

>adding detail is insanely expensive
I wonder about that. They could have used models that have those details but it would have just been for that cutscene so not worth it. Good 2d animation isn't cheap and is very time consuming. There are probably positives and negatives for both.

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Anonymous No. 887140


Tobal had the same artist as Dragon Ball and the 3D looked pretty good:

Anonymous No. 887221

What is this image even supposed to show?

Anonymous No. 887222

Left loses some of the expression but considering it's a video game that's pretty good.

Anonymous No. 887353

trying to imitate 2d with 3d is always a bad idea. Just look at Ghibli's Earwig and the Witch. 3d has its own kinks and tricks that prohibit it from having the same feeling as 2d. That's why everytime a studio tries to make a 3d version of an old cel animation, it always looks uncanny and unpleasing to the eye.

Anonymous No. 887355

nta but yes i have seen

Anonymous No. 887519

Lighting is off in this pic. Better off with a nonblack shadow.

Anonymous No. 887520

Choke on a fat one

Anonymous No. 888573

BTAS is the only fair comparison since it's the one action show on the Western side, and it's minimalist look is compensated by having twice as many frames as most Shonen.

Anonymous No. 888577

>stop motion
what century is this lol

Anonymous No. 888593

The right one isn't natural either. We all know this image since childhood so this version/style is the original to your imagination + 3D looks shit when it doesn't have much detail.

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Anonymous No. 888807

I like Square Enix's approach to hybrid anime.

Anonymous No. 888809

Add CN's fusionfall models

Anonymous No. 888811

proof japenises can't be creative

Anonymous No. 888834

Needs the right shaders and positioning, retard.

Anonymous No. 888854

remakes in 3d always look bad compared to the original

Anonymous No. 889028

They still do ingame though, damage shows while fighting aa scratches and clothes ripping, not as excessive as the anime though, thats true

Anonymous No. 889029

Bad example, the issue is lighting, you need good lighting artists for 3d anime to look good, and complex 3d meshes too

Anonymous No. 889043

they don't use cans or other natural things to make it

Anonymous No. 889048

shading & lighting. it's a chief priority for illustrators, but a computer program for CG artists.

Anonymous No. 889180

guilty gear xrd had an amazing write up on what they had to do exactly.

Anonymous No. 889181

adding detail, especially what would need to be added to make that work, is cheap as fuck, but its all that little detail work would add up over time not only in cost but in filesize for next to no benefit to the consumer other than being show accurate for single scenes.

Anonymous No. 889206

he's right.

Anonymous No. 889583

Maybe something to do with the light source being wide and far away because they're small? How do they look lit with a small torch nearby?

Anonymous No. 889634

You certainly can use accurate lighting. Form is revealed through light and shadow, just as >>885988 points out. It's the old false dichotomy of realism vs style that so many artists fall into, when the real issue is form. Over rendered cartoon figures will always look uncanny, and this applies to form as much as light and shadow.

Anonymous No. 891257

yes but not good for the kid he was fine still so yes, good man doctor, no man try switching the channel he watch friends now. R0RA8

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Anonymous No. 891324

>How do they look lit with a small torch nearby?
Like shit. But everything would look like shit with shitty lighting.

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Anonymous No. 891366

because good anime doesn't work in 3d

Anonymous No. 891755

But Batman looks good?

Anonymous No. 891818

literally soulless x soul

Anonymous No. 891962

But you just showed that it works with the correct camera angles.

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Anonymous No. 892050

The stylization is cancer in that thing you're showing since they're relying on the 3D lighting stuff itself. If the textures of the model were making to act more as the ones in the 2D ones, take for example what they did with Guilty Gear and how the textures and shaders work together to give off that 2D look, despite being 3D, you'd understand. It's trying to emulate a certain style in the wrong way.

Anonymous No. 892070

Not bad considering these finishes are just easter eggs for post match finishes in specific situations.

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Anonymous No. 892112

Depends on how you intend to pull it off.

Anonymous No. 892246

Lighting's a big one. Smooth lighting really freaks your eye out for unnatural shapes, because the soft shadows and color gradients give more depth to what's you see. It gets even worse when you introduce things like subsurface scattering. In 2D animation often times for the actual cels there's no more than about thirty two colors. This makes it easier for your brain to accept and interpret the abstraction of the line art.

There's also the issue that in 3D, the "camera" tries its best to recreate what a real camera does. If you put the added detail into certain effects like volumetric lighting, depth of field, and radial motion blur, your brain notices those because they're the realistic parts in an unrealistic scene. That then makes things like faux cel shading and simplistic features stand out even more. 2D doesn't have this effect, and in some ways is superior for it because you can get away with more shortcuts.

The actual animation's a third big point. In 2D you can get away with skipping parts of an action. This is a major principle in anticipation frames, where eight to twelve frames are spent on a relatively small amount of motion, and then the actual action occurs in only one or two. Doing that in 3D makes it look choppy as fuck, and there's several reasons why. In 2D you're drawing the frames by hand, so the slight imperfections change the actual visual center mass location from frame to frame. These imperfections are why 2D animation interlaced to 60FPS look like shit, because it's sticking to one visual center mass and then snapping to another, giving it a jittery look that is augmented by frame blending. In 3D all motions are smoothed using math, so those slight imperfections don't happen. It looks unnatural, because in real life when anything moves it's not a perfect smooth ease in ease out motion. Adding perlin noise makes it worse, because then you have smooth easing with random pops and jitters like the model has tourette's or something.

Anonymous No. 892247


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Anonymous No. 892250

U wot m8?

Anonymous No. 892404

>Avatar the last Airbender not on the list

Anonymous No. 892441

A recent youtube suggestion brought me to a video where some guy made a breakdown/tutorial for imitating the Arcane look with photoshop and Blender. He showed clips from Arcane and points out that for many of the shots the light and shadows and details are just hand painted on from the perspective of the camera, when the characters are in motion that would cause the existing lights/shadows to look off, they just repainted the 'correct' or visually appealing lighting and blend between the two sets of textures as the shot progresses.

I think OP is looking for reasons why realtime 3D models/shading don't have the same visual appeal. And while Arcane looks really good, it's because in almost every shot the texture is reworked look it's best.

Anonymous No. 892479

Ugh the hideous red-blue fringing. Some producer with "a good eye" must have had an irresistible urge to piss mark the shot with their flair.

Anonymous No. 892485

So this is the highly praised Arcane.
Did they actually used chromatic aberration on a stylized render....What the fuck where they thinking?

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Anonymous No. 892509

>cherry picking

Anonymous No. 893782

they were thinking like artists, which you are not.

Anonymous No. 893784

you have a link for that?

Anonymous No. 893929

post it plz

Anonymous No. 894001


Anonymous No. 894012

No one really understands 3d or everything would look better like arcane or AAA games

Anonymous No. 894969

Mostly due to material and lighting. Anime figurines are made up of one material and use mostly matte shading for the eye's hair and clothing. The issue is when you try and take and anime style and use 'real life' textures. Using realistic eyes and flesh textures on something that was flat shaded often bumps it up into uncanny territory. I could see a 'fake stop motion' style working if you played with the theming correctly.

Anonymous No. 895919

Thought went into every outline and what area is in shade. These things have psychological meaning to humans. 3D characters are only ever going to look like rubber ducks by comparison.

Anonymous No. 895928

i assume they mean this video

Anonymous No. 895930

am i the only one that thought arcane looked ugly?

Anonymous No. 895953

Unfortunately no, but you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 895956

Yes, you're the only sapient lifeform in the entire universe that thought that arcane looked ugly.

Anonymous No. 896085

characters looked like they were made out of wood. bad style.

Anonymous No. 896286

>Why does 3D look so fucking uncanny and unnatural?
Dumb cherrypick, model creator here -> mostly this >>885975. Also, Anime models have shadows and darker areas drawn on the texture. In the pic >>885900, it comes clearly not from the texture, but from the light calculations of that program. This is the equivalent like you put an manikin in to a spotlight, it is expected to look like this.

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Anonymous No. 896323


Turns out the anatomy is impossible and looks uncanny.

PS: Notice how 2D ashes eyes curve upwards while 3D ashes are like some oversize balls.

Anonymous No. 896485

>Its because of lighting.
>You cant use accurate lighting that is meant to represent real life objects on Anime characters. If you do you will see that theyre monstrosities that shouldnt exist in the real world with eyeballs the size of tennis balls.
>This is why cell shading was created. One of the newest Anime techniques is not even making the eyeballs, instead the pupils and highlights rest on an empty socket with a white background.

You're right and it's a good explanation but I think it can be explained differently.

The reason the left pic looks weird as fuck is as you said because of that fucking eye. That fucking shaded eye. Why doesn't the pic on the right look wrong? Why don't the eyes in Pokemon look bizarre to us?

The reason is that our brains can fill in the gaps. It's not detailed enough and barely has ANY elements of realism.

The picture on the right literally causes cognitive dissonance, as hyperrealistic features such as shading, lighting, the curvature of the eye clash with the anatomically impossible aesthetic.

Ash on the left is an abomination.
Ash on the right is a normal looking kid.

And same goes for the rest of his face - no human face has the contour of an anime face, and no anime face has the smooth, computationally precise shading, with subsurface scattering and global illumination. I don't even want to talk about that fucking disfigured ear.

Anonymous No. 896487

>Its because of lighting.
>You cant use accurate lighting that is meant to represent real life objects on Anime characters. If you do you will see that theyre monstrosities that shouldnt exist in the real world with eyeballs the size of tennis balls.
>This is why cell shading was created. One of the newest Anime techniques is not even making the eyeballs, instead the pupils and highlights rest on an empty socket with a white background.

You're correct and it's a good explanation but I think it can be explained differently.

The reason the left pic looks weird as fuck is as you said because of that goddamn eye. That goddamn shaded tennis ball eye. Why doesn't the pic on the right look wrong? Why doesn't the way eyes are drawn in Pokemon look bizarre to us?

It's that our brains can fill in the gaps. It's not detailed enough and barely has ANY elements of realism.

The picture on the left literally causes cognitive dissonance, as hyperrealistic features such as shading, lighting, the curvature of the eye clash with the anatomically impossible aesthetic.

Ash on the left is an abomination.
Ash on the right is a normal looking kid.

And same goes for the rest of his face - no human face has the contour of an anime face, and no anime face has the smooth, computationally precise shading, with subsurface scattering and global illumination. I don't even want to talk about that fucking disfigured ear.

Anonymous No. 896544

To be fair even in the Pokémon anime the eyes look fucking horrible.

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Anonymous No. 896818

3d anime is plenty possible to make look right, its just that you cant follow the reference 1:1 when you're adapting it to a completely logical setting like 3d cgi, especially if you arent gonna go for stylized shading. taking the square enix approach and using semi-realistic faces seems like a way smarter approach

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Anonymous No. 896915

>o make look right, its just that you cant follow the reference 1:1 when you're adapting it to a completely logical setting like 3d cgi, especially if you arent gonna go for stylized shading. taking the square e

Is that supposed to be bad or good? It looks pretty good to me. Source?

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Anonymous No. 896921

I like the quasi anime look that Dragon Quest and Lupin pulled off. They work much better for 3D. It's shame both films are rancid dog piss though.

Anonymous No. 897076


Anonymous No. 897087

He's noticing

Anonymous No. 897202

What if you implement some kind of system that "warps" faces depending on the camera angle like >>891366

Anonymous No. 897205

3D models don't normally contort as they rotate, unlike 2D drawings, which tend to change shape as they animate. You often have to put in effort to make them look a bit less uncanny.

Anonymous No. 897246


Anonymous No. 899824

everyone keeps saying arksys goes anime good, and they are only halfway there, their movements are choppy, their models are pointy as hell, and most of all they break model all the time as a crutch, like okay its fine in cases where its expressive and bodies have to squash and stretch, but they just don't give a fuck and go to the extreme just to make a shot look slightly better, often times falling into mistakes cause they have to mimic a funky shot.

And its also their half-baked "refreshed" look, cant you just make it look how it should? No it has to be wrong in just enough ways, also they don't care for detail at all, 18 jumps her hair aint budging one bit, she does a special now it has to move, chins don't move when talking, sometimes fine but you have the tech to just move the jaw with no problem, that's the annoying thing, we fallow the anime sometimes when we feel like being lazy, but not other times when it requires more work.

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Anonymous No. 899929

Studio Orange has been using something like that for a while. Any sysem like that will probablt still need manual tweaks though.

Anonymous No. 900011

I remember there was also a type of anime character system that made the eyes float in front of the face and just changed their size and positioning depending on the angle, so it always looked like it was attached to the face.

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Anonymous No. 900904

i'm the sauce. i made it.

Anonymous No. 901026


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Anonymous No. 901034


Anonymous No. 901132

i mean for all its shortcomings rwby seems to look ok

Anonymous No. 901135

incredibly subjective

Anonymous No. 901151

Nothing about that picture looks uncanny.

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Fire Emblem Awake....webm

Anonymous No. 901246

I think the Fire Emblem games did 3D anime style the best imo

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Fire Emblem Awake....webm

Anonymous No. 901247

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Fire Emblem Awake....webm

Anonymous No. 901250

Anonymous No. 901277

Because the material makes it obvious that it's a toy figure.

Anonymous No. 901282

with 3D physics some into play. you have to put in extra work to stylise it.

>t. compsci student who did 0 3D modeling but wasted his 20's watching youtube videos

Anonymous No. 901299

Shading carries the show, but it's doable.

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Anonymous No. 901301

i love their work, but I actually think fire emblem is Anima's weakest production. The stuff they did for the SAO games is really really cool

Anonymous No. 901576

Its the uncanny valley effect.

Anonymous No. 901579

Nothing uncanny about it.

Anonymous No. 901978

You're thinking of robot chicken

Anonymous No. 901979

>Blender instead of V-ray.
Blender is a modeling application.
V-ray is a renderer.

Anonymous No. 902117


>And u are fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 902119

who are you quoting newfag?

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Anonymous No. 902170

It can absolutely work. Take a look at the Lupin III movie that came out no too long ago.

Anonymous No. 902264


>You're thinking of robot chicken

Isn't Robot Chicken stop motion animation??

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french whore.gif

Anonymous No. 902284

>Nailed the artstyle
>One of the worst fucking stories in all of Lupin

Anonymous No. 902695

These two get it.
Most 3D "arists" just make the model and let the dynamic lighting do the work. You should never be at the mercy of the softwares systems during any single frame. You need to set up your shading and design to give you complete control over every parameter which takes effort. Most companies do 3D because they dont want to put in effort.

Anonymous No. 902714

>why does 2D stylization not translate easily into a completely different dimensional space???

It took centuries before artists established the proper way to parse a 3D world into a 2D image.

Just the same, it takes a lot of study to take a 2D world and translate it into a 3D volume.

Anonymous No. 902716

Except no.

Anonymous No. 903018

>why does shitty 3D look like shit
Truly a mystery.

Anonymous No. 903387

I don't want animation to go away.

Anonymous No. 904526

Because people use shit shaders instead of UTS2 for unity or other flat lit normal edit shaders?
Phong does not look right on models designed to represent drawings.

Anonymous No. 904965

Are VRChat avatars creepy?

Anonymous No. 904968

Just cringe and low quality.

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Anonymous No. 905085

Only the western ones.

Anonymous No. 905087


Anonymous No. 905685

can you teach me?

Anonymous No. 906161

western animation studios already do this, its no secret knowledge

Anonymous No. 906163

it was a good call since you dont want a crisp uncanny result

🗑️ Amy Rose is my wife No. 906410

Looks choppy as hell, pretty what this anon said >>899824

Anonymous No. 906416

Source on this? Google couldn't find anything.

Anonymous No. 906835

Bad 3D is jarring.

Anonymous No. 906871


Pencil-drawn art is superior to 3D model animation.

Anonymous No. 906881

Assuming infinite funds and time, yea. 3D looks better for the same money and time, though

Anonymous No. 908546

3d really only works when hyper stylized or you have a big team going through trial and error in 5 years
>See the countless pixar documentaries for the latter

Anonymous No. 908680

japanese people should stop using motion capture since they seem to not understand that it requires more subtle acting
they should instead just hand animate their shit it'll look less jarring and actually match their retarded overexaggerated way of acting

Anonymous No. 911042

It seems to look fine in genshin.
Would be interesting
Nice. Will be nice to see how this progresses in the future.

Anonymous No. 911047

Surprised there isn't more porn of this series

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Anonymous No. 911287

godly post. gmi

Anonymous No. 911321


Anonymous No. 911322

Right looks so much better that it's depressing.

Anonymous No. 911918

the hair when she's falling... fucking disappointment.
they don't react to the air at all, just feels cheap.

Anonymous No. 911939

Into the Spider Verse

Anonymous No. 911941

2d animation will always be better than 3d animation, if you don't consider the massive time sink and only go by quality. And no, I'm not talking about your average shitty anime animation.

Anonymous No. 911942

I've been meaning to get into animation for a while now, but it's depressing how little output you're looking at if you want to do high quality hand drawn animation. Just think about it, your life time is probably worth about 50 good animations. I think there's maybe a case to be made for mixing 2d with 3d, but I don't know.

Anonymous No. 911953

>3d can look even better than 2d.
you chose a crap example then. The 3D animation doesn't even come close to the 2D counterpart.

Anonymous No. 911954

so what? get over it and keep trying, imbecile.

Anonymous No. 912171

>I don't like thing because X

Anonymous No. 912227

the eyes are convex like real eyes, but the anime is concave. No sir, I don't like it.

Anonymous No. 912246

Thunderbolt Fantasy?

Anonymous No. 912248

>miku with fat lips
I don't want to fap right now goddammit

Anonymous No. 912308

unironically yes. you are never going to find a profession, skill or career where you dont have to overcome some significantly poor aspect of becoming proficient in it - none that are rewarding or fufilling anyway

Anonymous No. 912333

I already have a profession, retard. Some downsides are too big, what kind of thought process is that.
>I like X in theory, but having to get kicked in the balls every time I do X is kind of a deal breaker
Pseud brainlets are the worst.

Anonymous No. 912346

then maybe its not for you as a profession, people continue to slug through the hellish nastys of animation and make a decent (reasonable) living, and those who utalize the innovations in animation can overcome some of its worst shortcomings, its no food off my plate if you choose not to do animation or not

Anonymous No. 912348

>Thinking I want to do art for a living
I'm an engineer, you clown. What the fuck are you on about.

Anonymous No. 912784

Looks like you have fully black shadows, somewhat linear gradient shading curve and shaders that don't match the style (I've seen people use shaders that use fixed colors at certain exposure values from a range of 2-5 color values, maybe try that?).

I'd try changing those first and see where that gets you. The lighting / materials makes it kind of look like clay as it is.

Anonymous No. 912859

Do you have something against people who do art for a living? If so, fuck off from this and any art board

Anonymous No. 912901

3D art is much more explicit than 2D.
You can't just draw the shape how you want, you've got to get specific bones/vertices and pull in a specific direction in 3D space. You can't just put shadows where they "should" be, you've got to construct the object's actual 3D shape and place the lights to get it right. The colors are from shaders that are indirectly controlled by various knobs, rather than chosen right in the moment.
So usually, a 3D model meant for reuse will look worse in any individual image than a competent 2D drawing.

For this picture specifically:
The lips are aren't sealed, making it look like a rubber mask being pulled from the inside.
The lips are too thin in the front and look pursed, and too thick on the corners looking gross.
The corners of the lip should come further back, which would look bad from the front, but we're not looking from the front, so it should be done anyway.
The eyes have a boring, static shape, and the flesh around them further sells the "thick rubber mask" look.
The shading under the brow makes it clear it's a stick glued to his flat forehead, with none of the sculpting implied in the drawing. The eyelashes have ugly placement.
The pupil is painted onto the eyeball and curves so much it doesn't feel like it's looking in a particular direction. It should be straight.
The formless ear and lack of any hard corners (even in the hair) triple down on the rubber look.
The abstract zigzag on Ash's cheek was just drawn on the texture, which makes it look like somebody drew a zigzag on his cheek with a marker, rather than whatever mysterious quality it has in the drawing. I don't know how I would implement it in 3D, but I know it doesn't look good here.
The colors are muddy and desaturated due to poor choice of lighting and materials. The red of Ash's drawn hat is vibrant, in 3D it's almost black. The subsurface scattering just makes it look like slightly translucent plastic.
I'll try to do a paintover for fun

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Anonymous No. 912916

I feel like this would be pretty manageable to bring to 3D. The only part I'm not 100% on is the lips, because I'm bad at rigging lips. Otherwise I think this would be pretty possible to translate to 3D without much issue.
It's just not a very appealing model.

Anonymous No. 912944

And bam, you've finally fixed what bothers me with this thread.

Anonymous No. 912952

Realistic lighting/shadows doesn't look good on anime avatars. Try changing the lighting to be more harsh or add in different shaders to either make a cell shading like Boarderlands or some sore of harsh lighting to try and recreate 2d lighting

Anonymous No. 913146

This looks really nice, how would I get this style?

Anonymous No. 913598
shin chan game does it correctly.

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Anonymous No. 913978

that's a shitty mask. Look at pic related instead

Anonymous No. 913986

It never looks perfect though idk maybe AI will be able to do it naturally closest thing is that one furry anime with the werewolf