
blender fail.png

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Anonymous No. 886068

why does blender do this? i subdivided a cube and keep encountering this problem where it wants to angle to one side and be asymmetrical.

Anonymous No. 886069

Ive been using Blender for years and Ive never seen this? Are those double faces? Are you extruding twice? I think this is not a software issue and there's something seriously fucked up with your 3D modeling process.

Literally millions of people use Blender every day so I'm going to say its you.

Anonymous No. 886071

a lot of good that does me, faggot.

Anonymous No. 886076

seriously, a whole lot of good that does me, asshole. why don't you tell me something i don't know ya fucking genius. go fuck yourself with a rusty pipe, stupid cunt.

i used edit mode, subdivide, dragging vertices. that's how i keep ending up with this problem. the faces on either side of the vertices end up misshapen.

Anonymous No. 886077

I would need to see the file to see whats going on but being an autistic asshole is not helping you either lol

Anonymous No. 886078

you're the one being an autistic asshole. the question was "why does blender do this?" your anally retentive answer was "no actually you did this." fuck off your retard, i don't want your help anyways.

Anonymous No. 886081

Try symmetrizing your mesh before subdividing it. Or use the mirror modifier. Or kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 886083

Alright then boss, let's do it your way

Q. Why does Blender do this?
A. Blender is doing this because you did something wrong in the modelling process


Anonymous No. 886097

He's right, dumbass, you did this. Subdivision on its own will never break symmetry.

Anonymous No. 886098

blender doesnt know what youre trying to do with that topology so the triangles that make up those quads are oriented the wrong way. You can manually orient them by converting them to triangles first and then rotating the triangle's edge.

That looks like really messy topology tho. You shouldnt rely on ngons too much. Blender will try to figure out what you're trying to do with Ngons but you'll run into issues like this a lot if you dont exlicity tell blender what you want to do with your topology by being more careful.

You're not paying enough attention if you havent noticed this behaviour yet.

Anonymous No. 886103

this whole board is full of retard who don't know how to use blender blaming their own poor modeling on blender.

Anonymous No. 886112

Don't even bother helping this retard, chances are he'll give up in 2 weeks anyway.

Anonymous No. 886176

alright, i think i understand. thank you!

Anonymous No. 886181

Exuse me for being a noob, but have you tried using the mirror modifier? You can also use g (xyz) to allign verticies if your running into trouble. Hopefully this helps.

Anonymous No. 886215

a mirror modifier that does not mirror tessellation xD

Anonymous No. 886220

Why don't you just use Bloom 3D instead? The CUtEsT 3D modeling app!


Anonymous No. 886686

I think it's because you are bending the quads in the edge and as the vertices of the quads aren't coplanar anymore, Blender turns then into tris by cutting them (by the shortest path)but not showing it in the viewport, you should be able to fix it by manually cutting the quad into tris the same.

Anonymous No. 886756

Who the fuck is this for? Blender already has an elegant hotkey system to allow for rapid hardsurface modeling. You can easily extrude, inset, scale, rotate, move, and cut geometry in an intuitive and rapid fashion just using the hotkeys.
This Bloom 3D makes me think of that kenshape nonsense, or using that Pico8 modeling program. Just learn the basics of blender, and you'll be on your way to easy modeling, with plenty of room to grow, instead of learning one of these stripped down toy packages.

Anonymous No. 886810

>Hey why does this software do weird thing
>Launches straight into full cope mode
>Abloobloobloobllilboblbolbofjsbwktbejwbwjr works fine on my machine literally millions of people are professional blender people bloobloobllilvkqajsjdkejf Ur fukken retarded hurr durrr
Have sex faggot.

Anonymous No. 888349

Yeah idk why this idiot was so offended that somebody was having trouble understanding something

Reading this through it's so hard to tell who's more retarded, op, or everyone else

Anonymous No. 888356

That reaction is not a Blender thing. I've used max for all my adult life and if I lead a class you can bet someone makes some weird thing occur that I've never seen before. Like everybody is different and what key's they fat-finger with what selected is a real snowflake fucking combo, that is my hypothesis how these things come about.

Anonymous No. 888493

Looks like a open vert
Could you post an image before apply the subd?

Anonymous No. 888789

Maybe you accidentally added a vertex on top of another, so you can't see they're two. Select all vertices and do a "merge by distance" and check if some are removed.



Anonymous No. 890031

Looks like some extra verts over here too.

Anonymous No. 890315


Looks like there's a face underneath that you just ripped off its vertices to outward

Anonymous No. 890327

What the fuck does this accomplish that SketchUp doesn't already?

BrownBriton !5KhQWCURRY No. 890438

>rapid hardsurface modelling
>after you spend a week learning all the hotkeys
>after you learn the interface
>after you learn what hardsurface modelling even means
that tool is clearly for people who just want it to 'just werk'.
Carpenters, or builders with limited 3d experience that don't even (need to) know what hardsurface modelling is.
>its all 3d graphics to me lmao
why would anyone need to learn blender to put together a bunch of blocks to vaguely look like a doll house?

this is coming from someone who loves blender and is in awe of its power given that its FOSS
but lets not pretend everyone needs to learn it to make a pretty picture you fucking autist

Anonymous No. 890442

What they like to talk to people ew

Anonymous No. 890576

Depending on the steps you took to arrive at geometry that 'looks' symmetrical or balanced, all the faces may not look the same to the code. I've had situation where inset and bevel do strange things at strange angles which is due to unresolved or incomplete scaling or transform steps. It can often be fixed by selecting all in object mode (press 'a') and then (Ctrl+a) to click on 'apply all transforms.'
Try that before subdividing and it might prevent faces deforming like that. Essentially applying all transforms (but especially scaling) makes Blender reset the scale to 1 for all the faces on selected objects.

It may do nothing to help your situation, but since someone made a note of this tip on a forum it has saved me hours of frustration.

Anonymous No. 890583

Oh jeez.

Anonymous No. 890594


I left my shitposting trip for /pol/ on
my bad