

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 886391

>upload to a legitimate site (artstation)

How do I recover?

Anonymous No. 886399

participate in contests or competitions

Anonymous No. 886406

Just join discord communities, pretend you’re normie and talk with people. Share your wips and let yourself be seen. They all upvote each other’s content, much of the content on trending is from discord communities. Gotta play that algorithm. I made a huge gap inbetween my works and wasn’t participating anywhere and when I posted probably my favorite work, it hit a wall fast. After that I spammed wips again and when it came time to post, my next work hit the top trending row in minutes.

P.S. This doesn’t work if you suck btw.

Anonymous No. 886409

I've been getting views and git clones but no comments or likes or follows. I guess the fact that they take the time to watch the result and then actively git clone means im doing something decent.

Anonymous No. 886417

>git clones
Wait what. What kind of project is it?

Anonymous No. 886418

tech art

Anonymous No. 886435

I guess it's expected normies won't care about stuff like that to upvote it to heavens. You might have better luck by creating cute stylized medieval houses (preferably based on already existing concepts). That kind of thing earns you ALL the features and followers apparently.

Anonymous No. 886542

>make art for myself
>upload nowhere because fuck you, that's why
>0 fucks given
>send reel to ILM
>get hired


Anonymous No. 886591

>working for somebody else



Anonymous No. 886598

>make cool shit
>get paid for it
>learn advanced techniques from peers
>make even better art for myself thanks to it
>feel good about my own self-improvement
>still not posting jack shit anywhere
>make r/3/tards seethe

cope + seethe + picrel

Anonymous No. 886600

git gud you fucking shitter.

Anonymous No. 886601


Anonymous No. 886602

Post in the /wip/ thread, I'll give you the merciless feedback you need.

Assuming that your technical skills are good (in other words there isn't something wrong with your model from a purely objective perspective like bad topology or poor texel density or stretched UVs or something), it's probably a problem of visual interest (the thing you made is boring, OR presented in a boring way i.e. bad lighting, no composition, etc )

If people are downloading your stuff take that as appreciation. I've seen artists on DA complain about not getting thanked, and then I've seen ones that complain because their inbox is inundated with thank yous, kek



Anonymous No. 886621


>1 like
>15 unique clones

Anonymous No. 886638

>why am I not immediately successful
Keep at it idiot, maybe someday you'll attain success. Maybe. Most people, even talented, don't. If you make art, you have to make it for yourself first.

Anonymous No. 886639

too based for this board

Anonymous No. 886640

>Submit a collection of my work to my state's visual arts grant program
>Grandma with a hi8 wins

Yep, and that's when I started jerking off outside the ILM building phoneposting on /3/

Anonymous No. 886641

2 things:
1) your art might just be shit, sorry. When I used to be more active with drawing and uploading to [spoiler]FurAffinity, shut up[/spoiler] I couldn't figure out why nobody gave a shit about my artwork, I came up with all possible explanations as to why that was, then it struck me: my art just fucking sucked. Also all those faggots cared about was porn, which I didn't make, which brings me to...
2) know your platform. ArtStation is more of a "professional" platform, ain't none of that social media clout chasing bullshit there, you post shit there so that some firm hires you, that's the true purpose of ArtStation. If popularity is what you're looking for you're unironically better off posting on Tw*tter

Baste. My art has improved volumes when I stopped posting online, focused solely on the craft. I recommend this to everyone who's in a rut. At the end of the day, popularity is fleeting but skills are eternal. At least until you un-live

Anonymous No. 886643

tech art typically has few likes
it is booba that rises to the top
do tech booba to see success

Anonymous No. 886644

In my experience, tech art people would rather clone you and not follow, star, fork, or otherwise comment so they can attempt to take credit and steal your work.



Anonymous No. 886656

why did you think uploading one piece would yield an outpouring of admiration and prizes?

Anonymous No. 886775

Getting some kind of recognition for your work that you can check every day across socials and see if its going up is addictive. I wish it weren't, and like Andrew Price said, its not a good metric, but lots of people fall into the trap.

Anonymous No. 886777

>I wish it weren't, and like Andrew Price said, its not a good metric
Why do you think it's not a good metric? I genuinely think being on artstation trending regularly is one of the best things that can happen to you. Just watch DMs with various opportunities pouring in. Happened every time for me so far. And it stops when I stop posting work. Ok, not always, I actually got into industry after getting an offer from nowhere like 2 years after posting anything on artstation. But usually it reduces quite a bit after some time passes.

Even when I'm scouting for new people for my studio, most of the time I browse through trending. It's a pretty good first filter.



Anonymous No. 886779

most of the time on artstation you get trending with picrelated - a celebrity face or fanart. You almost never get anything original in trending.

Anonymous No. 886850

Yes, but that's a different topic. Studios are usually looking for skills first for most of the job roles. And as I said, it's a good filter to easily find people who are good enough. I'm in environment art area though, I think the situation is much better here.

Anonymous No. 886859

what's the deal with the cheek marks, lmao

Anonymous No. 886871

If you're working in game art, apparently having an UE4 (or *nity) logo on a thumbnail makes people click faster on your work. Any thoughts about that? I never do it because I think it's disgusting, but it made me think I could actually game the algorithm more with it. I can just put it when I upload and while my work is fresh, then I just remove it later on to have a clear profile page lol. Never changed thumbnails, but I know it's always possible to edit them later.

Anonymous No. 886874

Ngmi, you are a prisoner in your own mind



Anonymous No. 886875

>and like Andrew Price said

Anonymous No. 886877

LOL nice projection my man

Anonymous No. 886883

aren't people commenting the ones that really like your work or that you've previously interacted with?

Anonymous No. 886884

they dont comment but i can track who "follows" the activity of the repo on github. I got one follow from a pretty established guy who has some influence but again, no comments.

Anonymous No. 886886

>look up trending
>like 200 views in 10 hours
Have you tried not using a dead platform lmao

Anonymous No. 886930

What else to use though? I'm looking for people and nowhere else can I browse as easily and find artists with good enough skills. I'm actually surprised now how hard is it to find available people who even have just passable skills in Unreal. Starting to wonder what kind of portfolios big studios are getting, after all they might not even be that nitpicky, 95% of people really are bad at this.

Anonymous No. 886933

if someone is a good artist they will have released their own stuff on steam or various app stores on mobile with either unity or unreal, more often than not unity. Stop limiting yourself to searching for unreal. Its simply not a good metric for skill in this medium.

Anonymous No. 886938

>they dont comment
yes because of what I said before

Anonymous No. 886939

forgot to tag >>886884

Anonymous No. 886940

why would a man with many years in software development and has a name in the industry follow my repo but not comment, according to "what you said before". Just lay it all out man.

Anonymous No. 886941

Idk what you're talking about but I need artists for an Unreal project. I disagree about steam and app store releases, that would require other skills like programming, game design, audio etc. and 99% of them don't have them, nor do they need them. Releasing interactive projects on stores has nothing to do with being a good artist.

Anonymous No. 886945

> disagree about steam and app store releases, that would require other skills like programming, game design, audio etc. and 99% of them don't have them, nor do they need them

These are all art skills that you need to have when releasing a 3d product. The more boxes you can check, the more valuable you are. In the end, its an assembly line. If you can do the entire thing and release a product, you are head and shoulders above the rest.

Anonymous No. 886946

I mean I agree with that, but as a studio you usually don't need those extra skills from a candidate. If anything, that can also often show a lack of focus and being average at best at all of them.

One focused artist with godlike material creation skills can be more valuable to an environment art team than some dude experienced with an entire gamedev pipeline, that released multiple solo game projects on itch, but is horrible at lighting, average in modeling and doesn't even know how to use substance.

And I'm speaking from experience, I can do all of that as well to a certain degree, but I'm focused on one thing right now that can provide value to any AAA studio and can make me money. I want to branch out again at some point, but it's important to focus on one thing first and get good at that.

Anonymous No. 886947

>One focused artist with godlike material creation skills can be more valuable to an environment art team than some dude experienced with an entire gamedev pipeline, that released multiple solo game projects on itch, but is horrible at lighting, average in modeling and doesn't even know how to use substance.
I've played a bunch of new videogames recently, even ones costing half a billion dollars (halo infinite). I think you are overinflating the value of environment artists to the overall game / industry.

Anonymous No. 886952

You’re just picking bad examples now, but my point still stands. There are a million reasons why those huge games fucked up, but that doesn’t mean good environment artists aren’t important. Jack of all trades gamedev dude probably still won’t be able to produce work at a quality of an expert in one field.

Anonymous No. 886954


Anonymous No. 886955

What you see in games is 99% of the time outsourced to dudes in the third world, same with VFX. If you have someone doing modelling, animation and texturing, instead of just texturing and or modelling, you have a winner. Even that 14 year old kid could do it.

Anonymous No. 886963

I see there's no point talking with you, sorry. Just like you say I'm overestimating, I think you're underestimating skills of a lot of those people in outsource studios. Yes, the quality can definitely vary, but there are GOOD people there as well. I won't comment the 14 year old kid part, it's either a bait or dunning kruger. I'm speaking from an experience in the industry after all, and you keep talking about things based on you playing games, come on now. You won't be both animating and creating assets in a studio, except in a small indie one.

Anonymous No. 886965

I can say the same exact thing to you - communicating to you is like communicating with a brick wall. A studio really isnt the place where you would be working if you had any of your own ideas that you want to see realized. You will be working on Frozen 129 for the pre-teen girl audience.

Anonymous No. 886971

Nice projection. Does really every single discussion have to devolve like this? It all started with question about finding good artists that would fit the studio environment and you went offtopic right from the start. Yes, working in a studio environment is the point, we're not scouting for generalist ideaguys here.

Anonymous No. 886972

How was that the point when i was the one who started this thread and made no mention of wanting to work for a studio, but instead just wanting to farm likes.

Anonymous No. 886974

I don't know man, I wasn't talking about OP question and you (or whoever else) replied to this >>886930

Anonymous No. 887009

Not that anon but shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 887546

What's up with so many artists only partially updating their job title? They change the title under the name and the about section, but not the work section at the bottom. Looking through their profile they're working for like 3 different AAA studios at the same time. It happens way too often for some reason. Do industry artists not have enough free time to fully update their artstation page because they have to chase deadlines that hard?

Anonymous No. 887617

Yeah, how to not feel inferior if you don't get as many likes as other people? Does that automatically mean your work is worse in quality? Only thing keeping me sane is the fact I know there are 3D artists working in AAA studios leading those teams and they don't even have any following on social media. There's some guy working on God of War series that only gets mentioned here and there in artwork descriptions by other artists and described as some mastermind in that studio, while he doesn't even have an artstation profile himself.

So I guess there are people like that who possess real skills but are relatively unknown, meanwhile there are students with thousands of followers doing their little concept art recreations and getting featured in every imaginable 3D media whenever they post something.

Anonymous No. 887748

Let me explain your mistakes:

>you're not a girl
>your hair color is natural
>you're not actively posting in Experience Points Discord community and known by everyone there
>you're not creating a stylized work that is actually hiding your lack of skills behind the "cuteness"

NGMI with that attitude /s

Anonymous No. 887765

I guess i made a nice icon

Yeah, i noticed this, why are the trending views so low?
seen works with 50k views like a year ago, mow stuff in trending has 2-5k, maybe stuff gets dropped out of trending faster?

Anonymous No. 887782

But trending depends on how much likes you get in a short time, the more likes you get in the narrow period right after uploading, higher up you're gonna shoot up on trending. So there are a lot of artworks from people with much smaller follower counts who still managed to be in first rows for a while, but they fall down quicker as well. I always shoot up on trending 1-3 top rows when I post with my 500-ish followers, but remain there for a couple of days at best, than start gliding down slowly because I can't keep up the like train going. But yeah, 2000-ish views on average for recent works. One time I got featured in the media more and got 7k+ views, which is still kinda small, but oh well.

Anonymous No. 887803

It's the same thing with resumes -- you only bother to do them if 1) you're unemployed, or 2) you're looking to quit your current position. I'm in the latter rn. Also, less browsing, more doing, and pay attention in your classes, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 887805

Lol, I’m browsing because I’m hiring people, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 887806

LOL no you aren't, if you're a hiring manager you would've already known why, or you would be the least competent HR person I've ever met. Seriously, stay in class.

Anonymous No. 887812


Anonymous No. 887817

You destroyed me, good job. I’m still hiring and you’re still looking for a better job.

Anonymous No. 887818

do you offer full medical, vision, and dental insurance as well as standing desks? If not, gtfo

Anonymous No. 887819

Unnecessarily offensive from the first reply to me. Good luck with that attitude.

Anonymous No. 887823

you are esl

Anonymous No. 887829


Anonymous No. 888098

Make porn.

Anonymous No. 888145

How do u think 3d models sell? most of the time it stays there forgotten.