
Cyka Blyat Maxon.png

๐Ÿงต Cyka Blyat BTFO

Anonymous No. 886457

No more 3D for Russians. Goodbye soviets.

Anonymous No. 886458

>Maxon is not that retarded (right?)
Well, I guess they are that retarded.
Though I guess there's also an intense external pressure from the US and EU on all the prominent companies.



Anonymous No. 886459

lmao get fucked putinlets



Anonymous No. 886460

lmao get fucked putincels

Anonymous No. 886461

>Implying that russians or literally anyone with a functioning brain actually buys a license to use zBruh

Anonymous No. 886462

Nah, this is the virtue signaling in full force. They did this to because sanctioning russia is the new hip trend

Anonymous No. 886463

This kind of bullshit is why I choose to suffer with Blender and Godot. But Foss has its own cancel culture/subversion problems. See Mozilla...

Anonymous No. 886465

Imagine the telemetry in your industry standard software. Absolute DEVESTATION

Anonymous No. 886468

It seems to be actually related to ESG, a corporate (for now) global social credit system implemented by financial firms. From what I understand, some firm decided to give the government of russia the lowest score possible and just like the chinese system, having a relation with an low score entity is detrimental to your own score. Therefore, companies are strongly encouraged to stop doing business with Russia or it will lower their score and thus, lower their chance to receive investments.
This is woke totalitarianism.

Anonymous No. 886475

ik this ain't /pol/ but wtf does the west gain by sanctioning russia, ukraine is just as corrupt and completely useless to us



Anonymous No. 886476

>this ain't /pol/
everywhere is pol

Anonymous No. 886478

Oh no looks like the Russians are going to have to pirate all of their 3D software. What a tragedy.

Anonymous No. 886479

huh, this is actually new to me, guess its not surprising theres an internation corporate credit scheme like Swift, in retrospect

Anonymous No. 886487

Russians? Pirating software?

That'll be the fucking day

Anonymous No. 886492

some of the things the ukraine shit is meant to accomplish
damage relation between germany and russia
get europe dependent on Israeli gas exports
devalue the usd
damage america
make the public afraid

>wtf does the west gain
zog globo homo governments want to destroy western countries, especially the US.
anon the government is not on your side.

The people running the show in the US are betting against it.

Anonymous No. 886493

If not even YOU, but your COUNTRY does something "they" dont like, they will just take and deny you software for the rest of time. Can you believe this shit? The citizens did nothing wrong! Unreal!

Anonymous No. 886494

Just pirate it.
Maxon's German headquarter itself is just a 10-15 min walk away from where I live.

Anonymous No. 886495

Pirating isnt the issue. The issue is that they will deny software to literally hundreds of millions of people for things they had no control over. Absolutely sickening

Anonymous No. 886496

Take this what happens atm as a cautionary example. If they can collectively cut off a country from trade, banking and resources then imagine what they can do to you and your family if they don't like what you say or do.

"With the first link, the chain is forged."

Anonymous No. 886498

>imagine what they can do to you and your family if they don't like what you say or do.

>mistakenly makes character that the looks 17 instead of 18
>imprisoned in the gulag, all software licenses revoked, permanently forced out of the industry

Anonymous No. 886499

cry more russian cucks. maybe you should have taken care of your dictator - you've had two decades to do it.

Anonymous No. 886500

As a lifelong DotA player the suffering of the russian people fills me with glee.

Anonymous No. 886501

Mind your own business

Anonymous No. 886505

and your work looks like shit by consequence lol

Anonymous No. 886506

Suffering Russkies
And also these shills being wiped off the face of the earth >>886492 >>886476

Just the fact that many Russkies will starve and die is a great development.

Anonymous No. 886508

stop invading people and we can all go back to ignoring you

Anonymous No. 886509


Anonymous No. 886510

ok schizo

Anonymous No. 886511

I'm not Russian. Even if I were, I would have no saying in those events. Same with any other country.

Anonymous No. 886512

you heard me, vlad

mind your own business then, switzerland

Anonymous No. 886514

will you just stfu, Maxon.

Removing zbrush from russia is punishing civilians for things they had absolutely no control over and further more fucking over real artists indefinetely and this sets an extremely dangerous precedent for software going forward. If you dont have any response to this just go back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 886517

womp womp, like i said, 'innocent' civilians have had two decades to deal with this problem and they've completely failed. it's time for outside intervention.

Anonymous No. 886520

jump off a bridge

Anonymous No. 886521

nah, that might interrupt someone's business and i wouldn't want to be inconsiderate.

Anonymous No. 886527

>it's time for outside intervention.
The ironing

Anonymous No. 886528

It's not maxon doing this. It's the bankers.

Anonymous No. 886531

That's still better than not being able to make any work at all. This Russia scenario isn't the only time big companies have pulled the rug on content creators for wrongthink or guilt by association.

Anonymous No. 886532

Could a jannie or mod please remove this? This doesn't belong on /3/.

Keep the trolling and vitriol to either /b/ or /pol/. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 886536

Clown fucking world.